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The second day of our OR duty was done today at 10:00am, Thursday on September 23,
2021. The first thing we did was of course an opening prayer to guide us al-throughout
the session and we did tackle the events that are to happen in the Operating Room. First,
we discussed about Operating Room Safety checklist which is a must thing to do prior to
surgery. We then proceeded to the Nursing responsibilities in the OR and discussed the
different roles of the Circulating Nurse, the Scrub Nurse, the Surgeon, and the
Anesthesiologist. More so, we then started presenting our Pathophysiology output and
did some critiquing and question and answer portion. Then we ended with a closing


It felt good that I have so many inquiries in mind that I was able to ask Ma’am Gabule
about the certain things that happens in the Operating Room. There was also a
harmonious communication between us students and our clinical instructor. Overall, the
2nd day of virtual duty was indeed productive and memorable. The exchange of
information was processed thoroughly and we all are able learn new things.


I am so thrilled to be in the OR soon if the face-to-face classes will resume. I can only
imagine the shared experiences of Ma’am Gabule back to when she was still in the
hospital as well as her previous experience with the upper-level nursing students in the
hospital. I am so much eager to be exposed someday, I hope all this time I would be
prepared enough to be fielded.


The things I needed to do as of this day is to be able to complete the requirements that
are to be submitted and coordinate with my RLE colleagues about creating our group
works such as the General Assessment, Nursing Care Plans, Drug Study and the Journal
reading which is an individual assignment.



This day has empowered me so much that I am able to boost my confidence and
competence along this journey. Despite some personal hindrances, house
responsibilities, and other family problems that occurred, I will still push myself to do better
and accomplish the things that must be done accordingly.


My RLE groupmates are very active in terms of asking inquiries, sharing their ideas
and answers, and they are also very attentive. I am blessed that I belong to a group with
very high competence which inspires me to be as competent as them.

Clinical Instructor

Ma’am Gabule made this 2nd day productive once again. All the lessons she shared
and taught us have retained in our brain. She’s very patient and open when teaching us.
I hope she’d still be the one to guide us on face-to-face journey.

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