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Stage 3:

Research question:
How does the element of art in the novel, Frankenstein, and the contemporary text,
Never Let Me Go, develop but inevitably fail to give “non-human” characters humanity?

Research question brainstorm

- Appreciation of art makes us human
- How does art make us human?
- What is the author saying about art and humanity?
- Although one is a 20th century and the other is a current novel they come to the same
conclusion that art makes us human
- Different times
- Different types of art (pursues art through literature)
- Understanding and appreciation of art
Ways to explore the 2 texts:
Different but really the same
Same but really different

Different types of art, different “non-humans”, and different time contexts, but both texts come to
the same conclusion that the elements of art give the non-humans humanity.

- In both texts even though art develops the non-human characters into humans, in the
end for both humanity rejects them as being human

Key/important chapters for quotes

Annotations for Frankenstein

Chapter Summary/details Analysis

Chapter 1 Overview of Victor's family ● Sense of family

- Mom: Caroline ● Happy shiny start of
- Dad: Alphonse the tragic story
Victor's mom adopts Elizabeth as a child and
decides that she and Victor will marry in the

Chapter 2 - Victor has a childhood friend, Henry

- Victor becomes interested in
- Specifically natural philosophy
- Studies: Agrippa, Paracelus and
- Lightning destroys a tree near his house
- Demonstrates the power of
nature and makes Victor
interested in electricity

Chapter 3 - At 17 victor goes to the university of ● Victor believes that

Ingolstadt to further scientific studies science is the “one
- His mom dies of scarlet fever true knowledge”
○ “In other
- Mom’s dying wish is that Elizabeth +
studies, you go
Victor get married
as far as others
- At uni, Victor is ridiculed by professor
have gone
Krempe for taking interest in natural
before you,
and there is
- This motivates Victor to do
nothing more
to know; but in
Chapter 4 - Victor becomes introverted and solely a scientific
focused on studies pursuit, there
- He studies anatomy + decaying bodies is continual
- He becomes obsessed with discovering food for
the “secret of life” discovery and
- He decides to create a “creature” wonder.”

Chapter 5 - Victor completes creation

- Victor is horrified with the creation
- The creature seems kind but Victor is
scared and acts in a violent way
- Victor goes on a walk and runs into
childhood friend Henry
- Victor suddenly becomes ill from
fatigue and fear of the monster
- Henry nurses him back to health

Chapter 6 - Elizabeth is concerned about Victor and

his illness
- Victor begins to decide to return home

Chapter 7 - Victor gets a letter from his father

saying his youngest brother, William,
has been murdered
- Victor Makes the trip home
- Victor sees the monster at his house
- Victor knows the monster killed
- Justine, Victors moms friend is accused
of the murder
- Victor knows she’s innocent but doesn’t
say anything because he’s scared people
will think he's insane

Chapter 8 - Although Justine is innocent she falsely

confesses to the murder so that she can
be “saved by god”
- Justine is executed
- Victor is even more guilty

Chapter 9 - Victor is sad after the execution ● The monster is now

- He contemplates suicide but doesn’t much more human
want to hurt his dad or Elizabeth ● He is at first depicted
as a monster but now
Chapter 10 - Victor goes on a hike alone to enjoy he has human qualities
nature such as the ability to
- During this walk, he feels better talk, and feel
- Victor sees the monster ● The monster talks
- The monster can now speak about their position in
the world and their
sadness at being
abandoned by their
○ Victor now
realizes his
created a real
organism with
and not just
● Victor is scared and
curses the monster
○ The monster
can answer
with emotional

● Monster alludes to
book: ”John Milton’s,
Paradise Lost”
○ “Remember,
that I am thy
creature: I
ought to be thy
Adam, but I
am rather the
fallen angel.

Chapter 11 - Monster + Victor continue their convo

in a cave with a fire ● Monster thinks
- Monster describes how at first he was knowledge is
dangerous and it can
confused and disoriented in the wild
have severe
- At first, fire was something he ○ “Of what a
feared but now is something that strange nature
he understands as a tool is a
- Monster entered a blind man’s hut and knowledge! It
receives help clings to the
mind when it
- Monster enjoys the blind man and his
has once
family and moves into a hovel near seized on it,
their cottage like a lichen on
the rock.”
Chapter 12 - Monster notices that the family is
unhappy and learns that the sadness
stems from poverty
- Felix
- Agatha
- Old blind man
- Monster decides to not steal food from
the family and instead to help them
gather wood
- He imitates the sounds the family
makes to learn the language
- Starts to love family

Chapter 13 - Safie joins the family as the ● Texts are important

son(Felix’s) love interest and shape the
- The monster and safie learn to read monster’s identity and
give him a place in the
through (Constantin-Francois de
Volney’s: Ruins of Empire)
- The monster feels alone as he watches ● The use of language is
the loving family extremely important
for the Monster’s
Chapter 14 - Develops story of the family humanity
- They once were all prominent in Paris ○ The way his
but now they are poor dialogue is
written is v
different from

Chapter 15 - The monster is put foraging and finds a ● Books: Johann

satchel of books Wolfgang von
- The monster + the old man are friends Goethe’s Sorrows of
and communicate as they share
Werter, a volume of
intelligence and the old man can’t see
the monster’s appearance Plutarch’s Lives, and
- The monster tries to introduce himself John Milton’s
to the rest of the family but he is chased Paradise Lost,
away ● Monster also reads
about his own
Chapter 16 - Monster saves a girl from drowning but creation/Victor’s
a hunter thinks he is trying to drown her opinion of him
and shoots him ● The monster compares
- The monster sees William, victors himself to Adam Or
brother, and precedes to murder him Satan
○ “Like Adam,”
- The monster vows revenge against
he says, “I was
Chapter 17 - The monster wants a female monster to united by no
feel complete link to any
- Victor at first refuses but then agrees other being in
existence,” but
“many times I
Satan as the
fitter emblem
of my
condition; for
often, like him,
when I viewed
the bliss of my
protectors, the
bitter gall of
envy rose
within me.”

Chapter 18 - Victor decides to make a female

- He gets engaged to Elizabeth so that his
Father will accept his travels
- Victor goes to England+Scotland to
create a new monster

Chapter 19 - Begins to create a new creature

Chapter 20 - Monster checks on Victors progress

- Monster threatens that he will kill
someone on Victor's wedding night if
the female monster isn’t created
- Victor destroys the female monster

Chapter 21 - Henry is killed by the monster but

Victor is suspected of murder
- Murder falls ill again and gets put in jail

Chapter 22 - Victor's dad bailed him out and helps

him return home
- Wedding planning begins

Chapter 23 - The monster ends up killing Elizabeth

on their wedding night
- Victor's dad dies of grief a few days
- Victor’s entire family is dead and vows
to destroy the monster

Chapter 24 - Victor+ Monster end up chasing each

other forever until Victor dies and the
Monster feels regret and returns to the

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