The 50 Minute Business Breakthrough

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The 50 Minute Business Breakthrough

The Simple 3 Step Strategy You Can Immediately Use to Set up

an Automated Marketing Funnel and Generate 2-10X More Leads
with Zero Tech Overwhelm

Good morning, good afternoon, one and all, welcome to the business breakthrough.
While we are waiting for the other folks to get online here, just do me a favor and
type in where you are logging in from, so I can get a feel for you guys. And also, if you
can hear me, and if you are not typing in, that means you can hear me.

I want to welcome you to this, and I want to start out by saying something a little bit
contrarian, that this is not a webinar. I know that sounds weird but not the webinar
you are used to, that are full of boring, long, confusing sales pitches and slides with
bullet points that make you want to fall asleep. This is different in the sense that, it's
the same high-value coaching session that I'm going to provide for you right now that I
give to my high-end coaching clients that pay up to $6000 a month.

It's the same content, the same frameworks, the exact same three-step strategy I'm
going to cover, and my goal is to change the way you look at marketing. So not to
show you a bunch of screenshots and stuff you see everywhere else but I want to
change the way you actually look at marketing and look at your business.

This is a moment, so for many of you this will be a pivotal moment, an upward change
in your business and your life. That is my goal, to provide you the 50-minute business
breakthrough. And chances are, you are going to learn more about online marketing in
this next hour than most entrepreneurs will ever know.

We are going to cover the one critical mindset shift that you can immediately use to
remove distraction and frustrations in your business. I'm going to go through a step-
by-step, three-part marketing model. So showing you how to look at marketing
differently and what to do to launch an automated lead-gen machine. And then lastly,
the secret to multiplying your momentum, so how to get unstuck and how to just get
results more quickly.
So none of this is theory, it's all proven results from myself and my coaching clients,
so you are in for a real treat. But just so you know if it's for you, now this is where
you might want me to or expect me to rattle off types of businesses like, "Are you a
coach, consultant, marketer, contractor?" It's for all types of business because it's the
core three-step strategy that virtually every successful business owner uses for

But the bottom line is, if you've ever asked yourself, "Why does marketing have to be
so hard?" this is for you. If you've ever found yourself confused, frustrated or fed up by
all the experts, gurus, and information that's just floating on the web, it doesn't seem
to fit together, this is for you. And most importantly, if you don't have in place right
now an automated system that could generate qualified leads on demand, so if you
can't go spend a dollar on Facebook and get $3 to $10 back, then this is for you. Does
that sound good? Just type in, "Got you! Sounds good."


So, I'm also a best-selling author of the book Stand Out, and the founder of the
Fletcher Method, which is a business-coaching firm with over 200 clients just since
last September. So I'm literally going to show you the examples of the funnel I use and
how I acquire customers, and you can put it to use in your business. But I'll tell you
that three years ago, my life was not that easy. I was literally working a day job that I
had to drive one or two hours each way, sit in a cubicle.

A lot of you have been there if you are still trying to quit your job, or you have a
corporate job and you are trying to learn more about marketing. I was driving one or
two hours each way, then I would come back home at night and do five or six hours of
work every night. Taking courses on things like WordPress, Marketing, SEO, content,
social media, you name it. And I finally learned enough, or at least I thought I learned
enough to take the leap. I went and got a handful of clients and I said, "All right, woo
hoo! I'm quitting my job."

But then I failed.

The more courses, podcasts, gurus I followed, seminars I went to, the more frustrated
and overwhelmed and further behind I got. I basically started blogging, didn't get any
traffic, I thought I was in a sea of information and I would never stand out. And
actually, what I had to do is I had to go back to work, go back in another job for
another two or three years. So I went back, had another job as a VP of another online
company and worked, this time driving three hours a day, because I was in the
Peninsula if you know the bay area, I had to drive to Silicon Valley, and I literally
reached a breaking point.
Now this was only a few years ago. I was at a wedding in Charlestown, South Carolina,
and I totally snapped. I just realized, you know what, I can't go back. So we had all
these expenses, we had these bills. I only had a few clients, but I took a big leap and
everything was different. I did the unthinkable, I exited that job, and I found out
something that made all the difference in the world. And that is very simple that less
is more. See, over the last few months, I discovered what was going to be a game
changer for me. A game changer, the less I did the less I consumed. The less courses I
bought, the less stuff I tried to do at once, the more results I got. So the less I
consumed the more results I got.

So if that sounds like something good for you, if you are finding yourself overwhelmed
and frustrated, this is going to help you. It's going to be your big shift as it was for
me. I really realized when I looked at all the successful people that are doing online
marketing, there were three things that they did well. There were three key things
that successful entrepreneurs knew that the rest didn't. And as long as I started
implementing this, as soon as I started implementing this, I got better results. To
quote Steve Jobs, "Simplicity can move mountains.” Simple is hard though, simple is
not easy. Simple is a measure of complexity, easy is a measure of effort. So I'm going
to tell you that marketing isn't easy, but I can make it very simple.

So here is how this all happened, how it rolled out. The bottom line is, when I used
this three-step strategy, I generated over 20,000 leads in about nine and a half
months for about a dollar each. I built a seven-figure coaching business, I have a
membership site with a couple hundred members again in the last few months, and
most importantly, everything was set on autopilot. And remember by the way, that's
why you are on this webinar, that's how I got you on the webinar and educating you
with my content, and frameworks and instructions. So it's about educating and that's
what I'm going to show you.



So before we dig right in, I want you just to tell me in the chat box, what's the
hardest part about online marketing? I want to make sure that what I'm going to cover
is directly calibrated to you to help you with your biggest struggles. I'm going to read
a couple of these and I'm going to keep going. Just tell me, what is your biggest
struggle right now? If you could wave a magic wand and absolutely not have this
friction in your life and your business, what would it be? What's the biggest struggle?
"Not nailing down the right system, knowing how to get started, getting clients to find
my stuff, consistency, learning how to do advertising, time management, knowing
what to do," exactly, there's so much out there. "List building, getting a list of
qualified people," some are awesome. "How to work with CPA campaigns, getting
leads, focusing on generating quality leads, time to create content, creating calls to
action." So we see tons of the same stuff right here. "Focusing, too many different
strategies," ok, the list goes on.

So there are these big buckets as I said, you’re either frustrated or you have tech
overwhelm, and you have no clear strategy. So we are going to move really quickly, I
have a lot to cover. And I only want to ask one thing, is that you are interactive. What
I mean by that is, just as you are doing now, you are doing a wonderful job, to get the
most of this, I'm going to ask you a question so I can steer the workshop to meet your

1.   The minimalist mindset. The first essential step in massive business growth is
having the right mindset. You need to have a mindset that can help you
immediately remove the mental obstacles and frustrations so you can work on
taking action. The reason why this matters is pretty obvious, we already
touched on it. Most people have information overload, you are drinking from a
fire hose, consuming blogs, podcasts, courses, eBooks, tools, software. Time to
take a breath. And this causes overload, you are only taking a bunch of pieces
from different jigsaw puzzles and dumping them in front of you on a table and
trying to make a strategy. It doesn't work. There's also tech overwhelm, tech
confusion. What tools do you use? What software should I use? What should I do
first? Who to listen to? There's so much misinformation, bad information, too
much information on the web that we feel like we are drifting in our business.
Drifting in the open ocean aboard a radarless vessel. You are looking for the
next client, when you are in reactive mode. A lot of you said time is an issue,
so that's why we are fully frustrated when it comes to online marketing.

Here's the first analogy I want to give you in terms of mindset. It's called the
climb. What I mean by this is, the first thing you need to do if you are trying to
climb somewhere, go somewhere, drive somewhere, achieve a new level of
success, you have to empty your pack, meaning the last thing you should do, if
you are going to climb, is fill your pack with courses and books and all this stuff
that we collect and put into a Dropbox folder. There's actually a three-key
mental attitude for success. I'm going to cover them right now and give you a
tool so you can put them to use.

You have to get calm, you have to go on an information diet, which means you
have to adopt what I call learning on demand. You need to be focusing on the
one thing you should be doing right now to grow your business, which I'm going
to leave you with, you are going to have clarity on that today, and kill
everything else. Dropbox, podcast. Drive your car with the radio off and think
about what you are doing and be in the moment, don't consume information. I
want you to go on a 90-day information diet and totally get calm.

2.   Get clear. If you don't know where you are going, you are never going to reach
your destination. You have to define point A, where are you right now in your
business? You have to know exactly what are your current monthly sales, where
do you want to be in 90 days, what does success even look like? Do you want to
just get a whole bunch of more clients and get more busy or do you want to
leverage yourself and automate your business?

What does the future look like? And the way we help people define point A is a
tool I have called the 7-Figure Revenue Roadmap. Now, right now it might look
a little bit confusing but it's very simple. There're four levels of business growth
for a small business owner to get up to seven figures, and we measure it by
lead flow. So there are symptoms on the left and one key to success on the
right. What I want you to do is look at this and say, "In terms of lead flow,
where are you right now? Do you have a drought in your business, a trickle of
leads where you have unpredictable leads coming in? Do you have a flow of
leads, which is starting to look promising, right?"

You know that there's a steady of leads, you know what you are paying for
them, you know how many you convert, you have stability in your automation,
or a flood. Are you at the top of the pyramid right now where you can just hit a
button, all you have to do is focusing on building a world class team and scaling
your business. Tell me where you are? Are you struggling, surviving, thriving, or
driving, or you can tell me what lead flow is, drought, trickle, flow, or flood?
Just give me one word so that I know again that I can calibrate getting to you
to the next level.

Looks like all of you are in the bottom two steps. I'm going to show you the
strategy today to get you to step three. That is my promise to you, is you are
going to know exactly what to do to get at least to step three. Sounds good? To
go to flow, so you have a flow of leads, that is my only goal, that is why we are
here, to totally flood that drought. Okay? Sounds good, everyone says, "Cool,
let's keep going." So your turn, you told me where you are, now the last step is
to get confident. Here's what I mean, so we say we have to get calm, get clear,
now we have to get confident.

3.   Get confident. Now let me ask you this, how confident would you be right now
if I asked you to perform open-heart surgery? If you are not a doctor, that is.
How confident would you be if I said, "Hey, I need you to fly a 747 during a
hailstorm," right? Or as I did, when I was in the military, I used to disarm
bombs, believe it or not, I still have all my fingers. But how confident would
you be if someone asked you to disarm a bomb on the spot? Would you be very
confident, not confident at all, nope, zero, 0%. Everybody says, "Not so much,
zero." So, let me tell you why I'm saying that, because the same question
applies when I ask how confident are you right now about the future of your
business? What level of certainty do you have that...what makes doctors and
pilots so confident in their abilities that we don't have? We are not even
confident in our business, and that's what we are supposed to be doing.

Well, let me tell you what makes doctors, pilots, and bomb disposal techs
different. They leverage frameworks. This is the first aha moment, I want you
to really pay attention and ask questions about this because this is going to set
the stage for everything we cover, this is the big breakthrough, the first big
breakthrough, leveraging frameworks. What is a framework, I might ask myself
in this empty room. A framework is a defined set of instructions or a basic
structure for something to accomplish a goal or a task. It's very simple. And let
me tell you why lack of frameworks is causing you to struggle right now. You
are struggling because you don't have frameworks. Let me tell you what the
heck that means. It's not your fault, the reason you are struggling and you are
so frustrated is the same reason that you would struggle if I dropped you off in
a junkyard.

Imagine if I said, "Hey, here's a junkyard, here's what I want you to do," Jim,
Betty, Sue, Carol, or Casey, or Brandon, here's what I want you to do. "I want
you to go through this junkyard, find all the parts necessary to put together a
car, I want you to assemble a vehicle and then drive it out of here.” Well, what
are the chances of you doing that successfully? How much time would it take?
And even if you were a gifted mechanic, would this be the best way to spend
your time? That's what marketing is like for you, you are trying to do it, you are
in that sea of stuff filling up constantly up to you waist, up to your ears, and
you are trying to figure that out. They don't even fit together, right?

Everybody else in the world has frameworks, think about this. How do all
professions, hobbies, interests get from point A to point B? Doctors, dentists,
lawyers, Navy SEALs, yoga instructors, medical students. You start, you show
up to class, you take some exams, you graduate, you might do an internship or
some kind of apprenticeship, then you become, "What you want to be," a
fireman, a doctor, lawyer, circus clown, whatever you want to be. Everyone
has a framework except you. Think about it, for entrepreneurs and business
owners there's no model, there's no mold. It's just show up, try your best and
struggle and maybe 1% of the people will make it.

So the framework I'm going to give you today, the set of frameworks provides a
straight line to get from point A to point B. So that is the mindset piece, you
need to get calm, get clear, and be confident by using frameworks. Now we are
going to get into the nitty gritty, now we are going to get into the meat and
the potatoes, the model. The actual step-by-step marketing system or funnel
that you can use after you are calm and clear and you are not overwhelmed
anymore, sounds good? Okay. "Cool, sounds great, big game changer, going on
information diet right now. Absolutely, yeah, sounds great."
Okay. We are all on the same page, "Yeah, perfect." Everybody, you guys are so
interactive. That's exactly what we want, and congratulations for being on here, by
the way. We broke the interwebs, we always overbook this and it is at capacity, so
stay on, reserve your spot.


You see the image here, we've got the mindset, we've got the model, and the
momentum. The model is really important. It's a three-part model that you can use to
launch an automated lead-gen machine without tech overwhelm. Why you need a
model? Well I'll tell you why. Because without a very specific model that uses
frameworks, you have no clear strategy. Again, you are bouncing around, you are
implementing the next trick tactic, or 10$ WordPress plugin, or buying a course on
one little piece of your marketing for a WSO or $10 this. Buying one course for $1000
that only teaches you how to do something like webinars or Facebook ads and doesn't
fit with the rest of your marketing. You need to have a big picture model, and stop
buying individual stuff, and using individual distracting strategies. So, without a
strategy, people have a drought, there's no consistent automated flow of leads. So we
are going to take you from a drought to selling on autopilot.

That's my goal with this model, very simple, so you can just have an automated sales
rep so to speak, reaching your audience, building trust, sifting, sorting, screening
them, and converting them into prospects. That's what this automated model does for
you. And most importantly folks, it's extremely simple. You don't have to be a techie
geek or a nerd, you can implement it without any tech overwhelm, and it's
automated. That's the cool thing. If you are solo-preneur, you have a small business
with a small team, you have to either automate through outsourcing or automate with
technology. You can't sit there, thinking you are going to write blog posts, and do
everything live and in real time. You have to be able to focus on your business and
maybe with your family, doing things that you love, right?

To resolve this is clients on demand. So how are we going to go from a trickle, where
we don't know – most of you said you are at a trickle -- to a flood? Here's the model,
okay? This is very, very clear, very important, I want you to look at this image. The
Fletcher Method. It's a simple, step-by-step marketing system that uses frameworks to
launch an effective automated lead-gen machine for your business, again, without
frustration. Now, what I'm going to walk through each of these very briefly and give
you clarity on what you need to be doing. But I'll tell you right now, the key takeaway
is you have to do the right things in the right order. So most business owners talk
about traffic. They say I want to do Facebook ads or blogging or social media, and
they are starting at the top of this, or starting at the third level. But if you don't have
the funnel and the foundation, you have no business thinking about Facebook ads or
Google or blogging. That's why marketing doesn't work. When you have the right
foundation, you know who your customer is, you have a funnel that can automatically
convert strangers into prospects and customers, then you look at traffic. So that's
what we are going to cover, it's these three main steps, and you are going to be with


Let's dig in into the first one, the foundation. So to ensure that you understand your
customers' frustrations and goals so you can create a unique system that renders you
absolutely unique and your competitors obsolete. So I'm going to show you how to
stand out immediately even if you are in a commoditized industry like law or you are
providing services as an agency or you are a freelancer. You have to be able to stand
out, and to get there, I want you to use the rule of ones. Everything we are about to
cover, we are going to go back to the rule of ones. A lot of the reasons that we
struggle, or the reason that many of us struggle I should say, is because we are doing
too many things at once. We are saying, "I'm going to start a blog, I'm going to do this,
I'm going to do two different Facebook campaigns, I'm going to do a webinar, and I'm
going to do this," and what happens is you never get anything over the finish line, and
again, you are only more confused. So the rule of ones says, everything we are going
to cover, I'm going to give you the simple marketing strategy, but you have to promise
me and yourself you are going to spend 90 days only following this rule of one
strategy, okay?

1.   One avatar. The avatar is just a profile of your ideal client. Now, it could be a
customer but I like to use the word client because if you are providing
absolutely preeminent service, and you are doing the best for your clients and
advocating for them, they should be clients. A customer talks about a
transaction, so I want you to think about your folks as clients, cool? Okay, so
let's see here, what else do we have? Any questions, comments? "Super, let's do
it," awesome, okay.

So the avatar framework is what we use and it's very simple, we just say, "Who
is your customer? What are the demographics and psychographics?" And more
importantly, you have to know their pains and frustrations or goals and desires,
fears and implications, dreams and aspirations. So what I mean by that is, if
you just write these things down, what are your customers' biggest pains right
now and their biggest goals? What are they frustrated with and what do they
want? What's going to happen if they don't take action? Those are their fears
and implications, like if they want to lose weight but they don't change their
diet or exercise, they are going to have heart disease, be single forever. What
are the long-term downsides of not taking action? And then what's their biggest
dream? You have to think about why.
In marketing we always talk about what we provide and then we talk about
features and benefits. But features and benefits are weak without implication
or transformation. I need to provide this to somebody so they can get these
results without this, so they can do what they really want to do. So you have to
know what their frustrations are. That takes you from anonymous to intimate
where all of a sudden everything you do, every ad you run, every landing page
you launch, your customers say, "Hey, that's me. You feel what I feel." Right?
So it's really important to know your avatar.

2.   One promise. Now I'm going to give you some examples here, and this is a
game changer. It's your client transformation credo. What your promise is, your
one promise is not to say, "I'm a lawyer,” “I'm a coach,” “we build websites." A
promise has to have a couple of things in place. So once we know our avatar,
just write down your client's biggest frustration, what is their biggest goal or
desire, where do they want to go, and what is their dream? Why do they want
to do it? So, instead of saying, "I'm a lawyer,” “I'm a coach,” or “we build
websites," what if I said, "We help retire families increase their investments
with up to 40% without risk or stress of the stock market."

Or, "I help pediatric dentists," a very specific avatar, "generate 2 to 30 new
patients per month within 30 days without spending a lot on advertising." "I
help busy executives lose up to 15 pounds in 30 days without giving up carbs."
You have to have a currency. How can I measure the results of what you do for
your clients in a time line? You cannot forgo either. You have to say, "Here's
what I do, here's how you measure it, here's the timeline." But more
importantly, so that they can get the results they really want. Does that make
sense? Tell me if this makes sense or this is clear. I think this is going to be a
game changer for everybody. We see it in our clients. I'm going to show you
how to put an action.

I want you to think about your promise, I want you to think about the currency
and timeline and stop saying at a coffee shop when someone says, "Hey, what
do you do for a living?" "Oh, we do investment advice," or, "We help people
build websites." That's not a transformation. We help people get 10 times more
leads in 30 days without having to learn WordPress. "Excellent, excellent,
sounds great, crystal clear, love it, really clear, selling on value, really clear,
looks familiar." Yeah, "But I love the currency idea, makes a lot of sense,

I didn't invent marketing folks. I put it into the right step-by-step process that
you can actually use to get results. I didn't invent avatars. It is familiar, but you
need the currency and timeline. So that's what gives it teeth and makes it
effective. It takes you from invisible where you are undetectable in your
market to unmissible. You want to be unmissible, you want to be at market of
one, you should be able to say this, "I am the only X that provides Y for Z
people." If not, you need to niche down and make your avatar smaller. You
can't say, "I help small business owners," "I help lawyers," "I help bankruptcy
lawyers,” “I help florists." Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Start with one avatar and then you can build from there. If you saw an ad on
Facebook that said, "Men's shirts," hopefully if you are a man, would you buy it?
But for me if I saw an ad that says, "Shirts designed for tall goofy nerds over six
foot five that are overweight," I'd buy that shirt, because it's targeted to me.
So you have to be super ultra target, all right? Any other questions or do we
keep moving on? "Do you have a system to determine who they are an what
they want?" Absolutely Karen, it's called a survey. I will cover that in a Q&A in
the end. I want to show you some resources how to do that for your business.
Again, I want you to leave here with clarity. Okay, now this is the biggest game
changer. All the other stuff we've done is building up to this.

3.   One Signature System (also know as the client transformation framework). And
this is a game changer, most people don't do this. What a signature system is, is
how you can show your customers and clients, how did I say customers? How to
show your clients how you can get them from point A to point B, their biggest
frustration to their biggest transformation, where they are trying to get in their
life. This is more powerful than you can absolutely imagine, Luke Skywalker.
None of your competitors are doing this. So if you look at my the
way, if you see the image here, what I want you to do is just take your notes
and if you just draw a line, and you say, "Okay, what are the main three
milestones of what I offer?"

Think about it like this, if you are going to do a book, if you are going to do a
speaking gig, if you are going to do a webinar, what are the three main topics
of content? So if you are in a marketing agency, if you are marketing agency,
you might say, "We help people reach, engage, convert more clients." "We help
people lose fat, exercise and create some metabolism." There're always going
to be three main steps to decide, invest, and grow. There're always three
steps, build, measure, and scale. I want you to think about how can translate
all the information and conversations you're having with clients into a signature

This is the million-dollar idea that makes you stick out immediately. I'm going
to show you some examples from other businesses, but it's a game changer
because no one is doing this. Think about the Seven Habits of Highly Successful
People, or there's a book called, 'Really Good Stuff To Do,' right? The idea that
there's an image and there're a seven habits allows you to anchor around and
understand it. So that's what the Fletcher Method is. I know that every business
owner on the planet who wants to quickly double, triple, or 10x their leads
needs the right foundation, a simple funnel and then one traffic source opening
the floodgates only after you've done the other two. That is true for every
single type of business.
So let me give you an example. We have a guy in our coaching community
named Chad McAllister, really awesome dude. He came in and said, "Hey, I help
product, managers, and companies get better results." I was like, "Yeah, that's
not going to fly as well as saying, 'I turn product managers into product masters
and I have an idea framework. Four simple steps, ideate, develop, evolve,
accelerate.'" When a product manager looks at this and he also has a value
model, so they can decide where they are, and then here's how we can get you
to that next level, to launch twice as many products in your business.

We also have a gentleman named Raymond, Raymond Hench. And he has a

great business, he used to say, "I help busy moms and executives feel better
about themselves when they lose weight." And we said, "Nope, what you really
do is help people feel better about themselves, they go from sweat pants to
swim suit." So the value model on the left is clearly showing these girls, his
avatar, they can say, "Yep, I'm right here, I'm at level two, I'm at level one, I
feel good in sweatpants, I'm struggling. I want to get to the next level." Then
he shows a clear signature system.

The same for Steve Walter and his Profit Method. He helps people leverage
their time so that they are not wasting, or at least wasting their time at the
same hourly rate year after year. To go from being paid hourly to being paid
based on results to being an advisor, and he has a profit methodology to get
them there. Do you see how a signature system, if you just take the time and
document what you do, it takes your marketing from commonplace to unique?
So commonplace meaning you are like everybody else, you are one of many in a
commoditized world, to unique.

Tell me if that makes sense, the power of a signature system? We have

"Amazing," okay, let's see. "Can this apply to getting donors?" Absolutely! I'll
show you how that works Suzie. Yes, absolutely, totally it does, makes your
clients super comfortable, yes. So here's the deal, really interesting, yeah. "I'm
getting hyped right now.” Good Mike, love it. “Very nice, simple, awesome,"
okay, you guys are on the right track. Here's the deal. We are not doing this as
an exercise just to do it. I'm going to show you how to use it in your marketing.
It's going to blow your customers away, when you can say, "Look, I just gave
you a lead magnet, something that you find valuable, but more importantly
where are you in your journey on your value model? Here's my signature system
to help you get results from your biggest frustration to your greatest freedom
or desired outcome in 30 days,” and “90 days." No one's showed them a ladder,
so now they are going to climb your ladder. No one has presented with such
confidence and certainty the ability to take them where they want to go.

4.   One offer. Now this is important. I'm not going to spend too much time on it
because I want to show you the actual screen-by-screen marketing funnel, but
it's important to really be able to attract people with a low risk, get tons of
people into your world, generate leads, a lot of you said you want more list
building, and to take them and have them have the next baby step.

What I mean by baby step we use a product ladder framework and by baby
steps I just mean, instead of trying to sell people going up to a potential mate
and saying, "Do you want to get married?" You have to say, "Here's something
very high value, it solves one problem in five minutes." Then here's something
that maybe solves a problem in a week, a low-end product, maybe the first 30
days and then there's a higher-end product, a higher-end product. So you can
leverage your time, you are not trading time for money and making the same
money this year that you did last year. You are increasing your rates and
increasing your leverage, meaning one to many.

Things like membership sites, continuity programs, high-end masterminds,

subscription businesses. Hello, there's nobody on here – I don't want to say, "I
dare you," it sounds aggressive, but I challenge you to tell me that you don't
think a subscription business applies to your business. We are seeing this with
florists, people that offer paintings where folks get different paintings swapped
out. You know obviously the Netflix model. So get a book called 'The Automatic
Customer.' It's going to walk you through these subscription models. Every
business owner on the planet from Amazon all the way down is absolutely
implementing a recurring subscription model.

That in itself takes you from struggling in your business where you are doing
the same thing for the same results to soaring where you can always get higher
margins, higher leverage, spending more time doing the things you love, that's
the deal. So if you think about it, we discovered in the Fletcher Method – there
are some font issues here with the Keynote. So it's not the Fletcher Method it's
the, the E is implied. Fletcher Method we covered the foundation, so when you
know who your customer is, you have a signature system and then a clear series
of offers using an offer letter. Then when I was talking about the fun stuff, you
can look at the funnel. The funnel is absolutely one of the most critical
components before you again, you look at Facebook ads or traffic, you need a
very simple conversion funneling place.

5.   One lead magnet, I'm going to scroll through and see any questions here. And
someone says, "What book?" The book is called 'The Automatic Customer.'
Absolutely a lot of you guys, we had 10 people say what's the name of the
book. Let me see what else someone else said, Weston said, “Can this work in
real estate?" Absolutely! I'm going to show you some frameworks, we have a
bunch of real estate folks in our community, the move-up buyers framework,
people that deal with folks who are looking for the better school system, for
investment properties, for real estate.

Instead of saying, "Hey, do you want to buy or sell your home? Here's a home
pricing guide to homes in this area. Here's the five things you can do to
increase the value of your home and sell it more quickly." Then you can walk
them through a signature system to get the highest equity and shorter closing
cycle. So it applies to every type of business, I'll show you some examples
actually. But you need one lead magnet. That's the first part of the funnel, is
one lead magnet. We have a tool called, and I'm a nerd, so it's called The Lead
Magnet High Impact Metrics. But all it is it says, we make mistakes by offering
things like white papers, videos, free consultations, webinars, and that's why
Facebook ads and other forms of advertising are too expensive.

Because you have to offer something that's highly desirable – if you look to the
upper right – and easy to consume to get them in the door. Then you offer
them a webinar, then you offer them a conversation, then you offer them a
product or a consultation. So we need a high-impact lead magnet like a cheat
sheet or a template. I'm going to show you my exact funnel in a minute. We use
something called the opt-in model, which is just you are solving one problem,
it has to position you as an expert, has to be time friendly so they can consume
it in minutes. Incomplete, meaning it's one part of your signature system. It's
not going to say, "Here's everything you need to do, see you later." It has to
say, "I solved one problem now but that's part of the bigger system." It has to
have a clear next step.

Meaning, what are they going to do next to take action? Guess what? We have a
framework for that, a lead magnet framework that helps you kind of fair it out.
There's a series of frameworks, so you know exactly which part of your
signature system to give them for free upfront. And I'm going to show you, over
the course of a year, that I've gotten leads for just over a dollar. Ten, 20, 30
thousand leads for about a dollar while most people are spending $5 or $6, and
that's why they can't really scale their business. Okay? So, that takes you from
repulsive where you are saying, "Hey, read this white paper, go watch this
movie," where they don't want what you have to offer even if it's valuable
because they don't know you yet, to irresistible. Where they see the ad and
they have to click.

So as I said, looking at this screenshot from Facebook, you are looking at

10,000 leads for about $1.20 and sometimes 60 cents. On the lower image you
can see 1200 leads for 60 cents each on Facebook. Why? Now I want you to put
your thinking cap on here, I want you to put on your thinking cap, I can't really
do it on the webinar. I want you to look at this ad and tell me why you think it
will convert so well. Many of you got into my world through this very ad or a
similar funnel template ad.

Well, the reason why this works so well is because if you are a business owner,
it opens up a psychological loop. It's a website cheat sheet, it literally walks
you through the five or six things you can do right away to get way more results
from your existing website, how to have engagement tools, conversion tools in
your website, and then I stretch the gap. So as soon as people come from here
and then they opt in, "Hey, do you want the cheat sheet, get two or three
times more leads?” Then on the thank you page, what do I do? I walk them
through the cheat sheet but then I stretch the gap folks. You have to have this
thank you page stretch the gap, meaning you walk them through your cheat
sheet and then you say, "But this is one part of a bigger system."

I'm going to escape the presentation here and show you, I'm going to go a few
slides. You'll have to say, "We just covered the website." So if I say, "I just
walked you through how to get results on your website but this is part of a
bigger system.” You have to stretch the gap and show them the map. Oh, that
rhymes, I like that. Stretch the gap, show them the map. So when they come
and opt in for what you have, the very next thing you offer them is you walk
them through the cheat sheet, you don't let them put in their Dropbox folder,
you introduce yourself and you walk them through it. But then you say, "That's
only one part of a three-step process,” you have to stretch the gap, “if you
want to get clear, you can either jump on the webinar, or get on my calendar.”
So if you are a coach consultant you can say, "I can help you uncover the one
thing you need to be doing right now for a quick 10 or 20 minute triage call,
get on my calendar below.” So what would be your lead magnet? What one
problem would you solve? Just tell me, I'm going to keep going but tell me in
the notes. I'm going to read through a few questions really quickly. But what
problem can you solve for your audience? What's the main thing that you can
sell? All right?

Okay. I'm going to show you how you can get copies of all these and the
training that goes with it, Carol absolutely. “Wow, that's a game changer, taxes
and live insurance,” absolutely Mike it applies to any type of service business.
"My background was in legal, medical, dental, advising,” tax is all the same.
You have to show people one problem, what can you give them right away? Like
the top five hidden tax savings the auditor doesn't want you to know that you
can walk through. There's a three-step problem called tax mastery, how to save
10 or 20% of your taxes year after year. It applies for everything, right?

So, what can you solve? Social media...I'm going to be very specific, social
media is not the thing Greg it's a whole category, but if you said, "Here's the
highest converting Facebook ad for contractors” or for doctors or dentist or
lawyers, then you walk them through that and say, "That's one part of a
contractor, social media, seven-figure social media program, we have buy
here, purchase or get in the counter with me.” Right? So engineering, let's see
what else we have, money problems. So the money problem is your whole
signature system, what's the one thing you can solve right now?

"How to save your first $1000 this month, the 5 steps you can do,” or “the 3
hidden costs that you can use to save money right away." It has to be one piece
of your signature system, right? "Should the lead magnet focus on pain or
pleasure?” Either Carol, it depends on your industry. If I was selling to mothers,
I might say, "The five deadliest foods in whole foods." Or, "The five most
unhealthy foods for children," that's kind of pain. But if I said, "The five brain
energizing foods for children," that's positive, it just depends on your audience
and we can fair it out a little bit more.

Okay, "Three ways to save 60 hours a year," that's absolutely clear but then
you'd have to walk them through that, Mark, and say, "This is only one part,"
time saving is a one part of a three-step system, okay? "Hot-air Balloon
Company, five sites, sign me up, someone says, "I haven't sold anything yet,"
but stick around, just kidding. “I sell 3000 to 22000 pain relieve device
struggling to get a good lead magnet.” Absolutely! So think about what kind of
pain and what avatar, you don't sell pain for everyone John. If you say, "Pain
free golf, the 5 stretching exercises that can make you add 20 or 30 yards to
your stroke without hip or back or knee pain." Can you deal with knee pain for
one avatar? Then that's a million dollar idea. Saying I help people with pain is
not going to do it. So a very specific lead magnet for one specific avatar, okay?

6.   One funnel. Let me tell you what I mean by that. You need to have one after
you have that foundation, then you can click the funnel into place. Now, this is
going to look like a circuit board in a minute, but this, I'm telling you, this is
the title of my new book by the way, 'The One-page Funnel.' This changed
everything for me in my business when I was all frustrated about how to put
together ads and email campaigns and landing pages, all the stuff.

I just said, "Wow, what if your entire marketing strategy was on one page?" So,
remember I said simple is hard, right? The quote Steve Jobs, and it really is but
once you get there it's a game changer. Instead of your iPhone, so the camera
and a compass and all these different tools you used to need, now you just
have one device, simple is hard. It was hard to get there but it's the game
changer. So if you look at your marketing funnel, all you are trying to do in
your business is move people through a series of pages, from this to that to the
other, from an opt-in to a lead magnet to a thank you page, maybe do a
consultation, maybe you have a webinar, maybe they are going to buy a
product, it doesn't matter. You just have to know that there are all these five
swim lanes you can put into use to get them to the next step. So if you have a
page that you want to get them, from your thank you page to your webinar but
they don't do it, how will you use email to get them there, and ads?

So, one of the powerful things that we talk about in our membership is
Facebook retargeting, I can literally show an ad to everyone who's gone to my
cheat sheet page but didn't get the cheat sheet. Then I show a different ad to
people who got the cheat sheet but didn't sign up for the webinar, and I show
yet another ad the people who sign up for the webinar but didn't buy my stuff
or whatever is next.
So think about it, if you wake up and you are stuck on level two and you get a
nice email and you see an ad that's offering you the next step, maybe you
forgot. Maybe if you have a higher-end business with higher-end clients you can
have outreach, trigger a sales rep to call someone that signed up for the
webinar but didn't purchase. Maybe good old-fashioned offline marketing, don't
forget about the power of offline marketing. So, this swim lane sales funnel is a
game changer because for the first time you can see your whole marketing
strategy on one page. Is that cool or what?

Tell me if this makes sense to you. It's the simplest way I've ever seen to
articulate an entire online marketing strategy in one page. "Cool, amazing, a
little bit overwhelmed," let's see, okay. "Never seen this before, awesome,
keep it simple, beautiful, yes, great." Okay, "So details on how they connect,"
absolutely, I'm going to show you that Brandon, absolutely. Okay, so for email
marketing, that's one of the swim lanes, we have a system. So, you use the five
piece, so you are going to solve the problem, you are going to talk about a
promise of results that they want, you are going to get them proof like a case
study, you are going to ping them or ask them a question or give them a
promotion, which is an offer.

So the five piece shows you how to set up a whole email funnel using one-page
framework. Same as retargeting, a lot of people don't do it because it sounds
so technically overwhelming, but if you just put some code in your site, the
site who you want to place an ad to and then segment your list on Facebook,
which we show you on our training, it's that simple. So if you remember in my
funnel, people saw a different ad if they didn't go to the webinar, once they
registered, and then maybe a call to action to get to my calendar. So that
takes you from a leaky bucket, we don't know where your leads are coming
from, to a watertight vessel. So you know that every dollar you spend is going
to go 2 to 10 times more further in your business. That's what the one-page
funnel does. So again, I'm telling you what to do, you are not supposed to leave
the webinar saying, "I have crystal clarity and how to do every little nuance.” I
just want you to have a sigh of relief and a breath that comes with, a fresh
breath that goes, "Okay, at least I know it's not confusing. If I just have my
avatar clear and I have a strong foundation, one simple lead magnet with a
thank you page that walks them through and offers them something," then you
can do the rest later.

7.   One traffic source. Use one traffic source, not try to do everything together.
For most of you, that's Facebook ads, some of you it might be Google ads, or
blogging if you already have a lot of traffic, but we use a Facebook ads
framework that's just so simple.

Literally after you've done the foundational work and you know your avatar and
your message, everything is just a template. You literally start a Facebook ad
with a done-it-for-you template that we gave you, a framework, and say, "I'm
going to fill in this headline," it's literally Mad Libs. If you are as old as I am you
remember Mad Libs as a kid. You fill in the blanks, you are not starting with a
blank page. For some of you it might be local SEO because you are a local
business, a brick and mortar business, and you want to get more people coming
in to your actual brick and mortar business. For some of you it's content. If you
want to have an authority blog, so you can constantly be syndicating content.

Right now, as I'm doing this webinar, there're posts happening every hour on
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram that drive people through a funnel.
Like, "Here's a very helpful blog post," and you recycle that. You syndicate the
same stuff over and over and you get more and more people. Twitter is like a
flowing river. The same people will never see your post. That wasn't stated
very well. You are never going to reach an entire audience on Twitter. You can
publish 20 articles on Twitter and cycle them every 5 days and get traffic for
the rest of your career. People post a blog post once and wonder why it doesn't
work. Because the best brands syndicate their content.

So that takes you from a slot machine to an ATM. That's really the traffic piece
-- that's the core of the methodology. So, a strong foundation, a strong funnel,
then you are ready to open up the floodgates. It's actually a super simple plan
that you can put in into one page. So, everything we covered here, I'm going to
take a sip of water, I want you to type in if this makes sense, what your biggest
take away is from the method itself, the foundation of the funnel, and the
floodgates. And I want you to look at this image here because all you have to
do is put this in front of you and say, "Here's who my customer is, my core
promise, my signature system, one of the steps I'm going to take them through,
my offer, my lead magnet, my funnel, and what traffic source will I use.” For
most of you it's Facebook.

Tell me what the takeaways are, quick questions. I'm going to grab a sip of water, and
I'm going to stretch a little bit, do a couple of karate kicks, and I'll be right back.

Okay, just did the splits, couple of stretches, little bit of the high-speed yoga, and I'm
good to go. We have record attendance and you guys are sticking. Really, really cool
engagement. Hopefully you guys are finding value. Let me scroll through here,
awesome. "What is the parachutes," somebody says, "if I go look at the image on the
swim lane sales funnel?" That's people that want to do business right now. So let me
go here and just give you a quick depiction of that. The swim lane sales funnel image.
So a parachute, if you look here, these parachutes, the way we use that is that there
are people that are in love with your stuff, remember they've already read your book,
they've been your former client, they've been referred by somebody. Yeah, let them
come in and do a webinar consultation or just sign up. So you always have got to think
about how can I make it easy for people that are ready right now? So that's the
parachute piece there, hopefully that clears that up for you. And, let's go back to
where we are, which is looking at the simple plan.
Okay, so "Great, I totally see this." It's someone saying, "How do you make it so
simple?" Because I did everything wrong, that's how. "Do you launch a funnel before
you've created a paid product?" Absolutely! Mark, great question. You never go create
a product without selling it. That sounds counter intuitive. But if I was going to launch
a paid product like a course, a series, or an information product, I sell it and I deliver
it. All I have to do is sell it and then deliver phase one of the webinar, get feedback
see how it worked and then deliver step two. And I can create the product, I can get
paid to create the product with real clients going through it. "Syndicate the same blog
over and over?" Yes, Chris, you use a tool called Edgar but there’s a lot of ways to do
this. You always syndicate the same blog over, that's how blogs get 800 or 900. Go on
our blog, 800 or 900 likes and shares because it's the same content, and it helps
people every day. It's not spammy, it's helping new people every day. "Great info,
seems simple, quick karate kicks, love it," okay, we are good. "How important is
copy?" It is important but it's important to be yourself Erick, so we have a copy

"I'd love to see how this works for listings." We can get there. "Wow, simple, love it,"
okay, I'm on the right track but I want to keep moving forward and land the plane
here. So we are right on time, let's move in here. Again, we know that we have these
three simple steps, the right mindset to get clear, get calm, get confident, the right
model. The rule of ones, and I just start with the foundation, simple funnel floodgates
makes sense. Now we need to talk about the most important. Now, it's not about the
stuff, it's the most important piece, is the momentum.


The momentum multiplier because people who get stuck. You are not just going to
show up [and say "Oh, cool I'm rich! Time to go play golf," even if it's pain free golf,
with electric device, you are going to get stuck. So this is a four-part system that I
found is kind of a hack and I realized that almost every successful entrepreneur – I've
yet to see one – so I can say every successful entrepreneur uses this four-part system
to stay on track and achieve results 10 times more quickly. So the reason why it
matters, why you need to have the momentum multiplier is because even if you have
the right mindset and marketing model, you are still going to get stuck. You are
absolutely still going to get stuck.

So here's the deal, you will face struggles. There are three levels of reaching your
goals if you think about it. Every goal you want to reach in life, what do you have to
do? You have to know what to do, you have to know how to do it, and then actually do
it. So I'm showing you what to do, what you need to do. I'm going to show you how I
can help you figure out how to do it, but most importantly, get it done, because we
are going to feel obstacles, and as entrepreneurs we feel alone. I did for the longest
time. I had high stress, emotional and financial stress. You go to dinner with friends
and family that aren't maybe entrepreneurs, so they don't really relate. And you can't
really unpack your worries and concerns because you feel alone.

You get stuck, one small thing. Have you ever had one small task take all day and
freak you out, like it does me? Like, "Oh, I just need to do this quick plug in," or, "All I
need to do is setup this one landing page,” and there's some kind of thing where it
doesn't work with your other system and you are sitting there for a day and a half
going, "Ah!" That happens to all of us, you get stuck. So what you need is a success
environment. I call it a success environment, there's a model, and guess what? A
framework I'm going to show you. But this allows you to keep momentum on your
business so you can focus on your big why. Why you are here in the first place, am I
spending my time doing the things I wanted to do to get here to become an
entrepreneur in the first place?


There're four key elements as you can imagine in this model. Now, think about it.
Every plant needs what? Nutrients, water, temperature, and light. Every plant needs
those things to grow. And entrepreneurs, there're four elements we need to grow. It's
called the MAPS environment. I want you to keep that acronym in mind, MAPS. And if
you are looking at this in a mirror, it's called SPAM, which is really weird, so don't do
that. MAPS, okay, the first is mentorship.

1.   Mentorship. And virtually every one of life's pursuits you are going to get
results 10 times more quickly by hitching a ride with someone who's already
been where you want to go. If you are following gurus, mentors, and haven't
done exactly what they are teaching people how to do marketing or business
but they don't have a successful business or a personal trainer that's 311
pounds, you have to follow someone who's already been where you want to go,
with credibility. Every great business owner, athlete, musician has some kind of
2.   Accountability, you have to show up, say what you are going to do and get it
done. You have to be accountable to yourself and others and make sure that
what you are working on is the right thing, so you are crystal clear.
3.   Peer support, that's the P in MAPS. You have to surround yourself with people
that are a little bit ahead of you or where you are in your journey that have
positive attitudes, that are getting it done and making it better in life.
When I was in the Navy, I remember being terrified, I was at the bottom of the
ocean wearing weird stuff like this, and I felt like...I was at the bottom of the
ocean, I was like, "This is weird, why didn't I go be a pastry chef?" But I realized
I was surrounded with people who had their training, an attitude of mindset
they had my life in their hands and mine in theirs, and all that stress went
away. So you are the average of the five people you hang around with.
4.   Systems and frameworks. We talked a lot today about frameworks. And a
great deal of the webinar is focused on that, but you need mentorship
accountability and peer support because you are going to get stuck, it's not
always perfect. So tell me out of those four things, which is the most lacking
for you right now? Do you think you are missing mentorship? Someone who's
been there, accountability, knowing exactly what to do and getting everything
done each week that you need to. Peer support. Do you have a group of people
that are really on the same journey? Or systems?

Which of those, what is your biggest challenge right now? What are your biggest
deficits so to speak?

It's not the newest thing like Snapchat. These are the cores of marketing that were
true before the Internet when people used direct mail, cool? Okay. So you guys all
need – some are all those, these are the critical core elements of your business
breakthrough, we talked about the mindset, the model, the momentum. We know the
MAPS environment. It's a model I created to get people those systems. So the choice is
yours, so you know what to do. You can do it the hard way or you can follow the clear

What I want to do is show you now what it takes to win. And hopefully you are
choosing the right path, by the way, because you are certainly frustrated, you are
saying you don't have accountability mentorship or peer support, you are just in a
soup of marketing, of business hoping out to get spit out the drain, you need to have
a clear path and the right environment. So let's talk about what it takes to win and
how I can help you if you want to get these results in your business. So type in, we
can go to Q&A or I can show you how I can help you get results. If you are certainly
interested, just say, "Yes," give me a thumbs up you are interested and I'll show you
how I can help you get these results, okay? Someone says, "I purchased many programs
in the past but always seem to get nearly early on and drop it." Yep, because it's not
part of the bigger system.

So, "Yes, yes, yes, yes," Erick, Peggy, Brandon, Angie, Mark, Carrie, "Hell, yes," sorry,
for cursing I should have censored that. "Do it, absolutely, yes, thumbs up! How can
you help?" Okay, so most people are saying yes, so I'm going to just do this really
quickly, I think you are going to find to be a game changer. The solution I created is
called the Fletcher Method Community, and the core of it is a 12-week program, and
it's training coaching design to help you do one thing: launch an automated funnel in
those 12 weeks. So this is a place for you to finally implement online marketing
system without frustration or overwhelm but more importantly, have fun. And I mean
that, with training and support and guidance and saving a lot of time with
frameworks, none of that matters if you can't have fun.

I’ve created a private coaching community, where you can actually get access to me
and other people, with those peers, and give feedback right away with what you are
working on. Accountability we talked about, so you are accountable to yourself and
others, you say, "Here's exactly what you have to do." Before this webinar you went
through the bullet proof business plan hopefully. If not, I'll make sure you have a link,
where you can start with your three-year vision and take it all the way down to what
you should be doing now.

And you have to say, "If I have limited time and limited energy, am I doing the one
thing this week I need to?" And then peer support as we talked about, that's priceless.
That's being around people that are getting the results, that are kicking butt every
day. And then training systems and frameworks. It goes without saying that for every
aspect of this there're done-it-for-you templates. So how to create a webinar,
Facebook ads, blog posts, content marketing, social media. There's a template in our
frameworks that when you are that point and only when you are at that point, you
show up and get results. And that's a $997 value.

There's a whole slew in a growing library of done-it-for-you templates that in

themselves have sold for $997, and we are including that. Now, it's a start from
scratch system because a lot of you said in the beginning of the webinar you were
struggling or just surviving. So if you used the MAPS environment and you say, "I'm
going to come up with a general strategy, and I know I only just have that one next
step to do,| then you can get the proven results that so many other people have. We
are just on the 300 right now, just from a few months ago 297.

And this is from solo-preneur, agencies, consultants, coaches, lawyers, beginning an

advanced, you just have to have a desire to implement a system that works. Now this
brings me full circle to the beginning of the webinar. This is something that I get a
little bit emotional about. This happens frequently, and this is what I want to pull out
and show you. Heather Stevens who does web design and consulting for coaches said,
I'm not going to read all things but basically, she quit her job so she can spend more
time with her family. And she said, "I finally did it, I gave notice. They offered me
sabbaticals or whatever I needed to stay, but I said, "Nope!" Thank you Aaron for your
frameworks and coaching, the clarity you helped me find made a huge difference in
shorting this journey. I'm so very grateful for you." That's why I do what I do. That's
why I took that big leap, that's my daughter Maddy by the way, back when I took the
leap a few years ago, and I haven't looked back since. This is truly my life's work. This
community, this mentorship, accountability, peer support, and systems I've put forth
for you is my life's work. It's a moment, it's not just a marketing thing or a course, or
another $1000 product that's only going to get you more confused. It's a moment, it's
your all in one place.
So if you look at the value of what I just talked about, the core training at $997, the
coaching community at $497 a month, we used to charge around that for our
mastermind $470 a month for the coaching. To get live coaching and real time
coaching from me, done-it-for-you templates, so it's $1700 in value. On our website
we get people in under our new charter rates, again almost 300 people in, we sell for
$1997. So lifetime membership, you pay once, that's going away soon but we wanted
people to get in, be committed, it's a special deal lifetime membership for $1997, or
$997 a year. But remember me, I told you in the beginning I have a special gift for
you, so you can take action, so there will be no barrier to getting started.

I have a bonus training I've put into this called Winning Webinars. Literally it's going to
walk you through every single step of creating webinars, the done-it-for-you
templates, so you literally fill in the images and the copy and you have a webinar
absolutely done, the high converting script. By the way, you are on one of these
webinars right now. So think about it, there're three main sections, there's a clear,
clear, painted path that you are on, and there's an offer that makes sense if people
want to take action. So you are going to get a webinar training that's launching for
$997 to the general public.

Facebook training, how to show up and literally how to set up your pixels, target your
audience, create high converting campaigns, add templates so you just fill in the
blanks, and then how to track and optimize. So if you are struggling with Facebook
ads, this is great, it's also included. And the online marketing crash course, I don't
want to forget and not tell you about this because I have sold just about 2000 of
these. It's one of the highest rated courses on Udemy. It sells for $297 every day, and
it literally walks you through things like content marketing and SEO and all this stuff.
When you are ready to get there, you need to really scale your business once you
have that core Fletcher Method, that 12-week foundation in place.

But more importantly, this is what I'm so excited to tell you about. Through this
workshop series I've been mentioning a special gift, and one of those gifts is that I'm
going to give you a $10,000 upgrade, which is the following. You, if you sign up today,
are going to get all the future content I ever create. So the bonus stuff I covered,
webinars, Facebook ads, the crash course, selling, writing a book, how to write a
marketing book, every type of issue that you can use, every type of problem you want
to solve in your marketing to get more results is going to be included, and a lifetime
membership. So this is a deal where you pay once and you get all the future content,
ongoing coaching. All you have to do is pay once and you have all the content in the
future. So let's look at it, the core training we talked about, the community we talked
about, the templates, the webinar, the Facebook crash course.

I don't want to overwhelm you with this stuff, but I'm just showing you that this is
your one place to get all the sustaining energy you need for your business. It's over
$30,000 in value. And this is not that I am value. You know when you sign up for a
course they say, "This is a $28 million course." No, these are the real individualized
values at a discount that we provide every day. This is a $30,000 value because it's
lifetime with all future content and your defining moment is this. On our website
again, people pay $1997 for lifetime, $997 a year. Here's what I'm going to offer you,
and I really want you to take action on because I've removed the obstacle of price,
tech overwhelm, and provided everything you need for $997.

So one payment of $997 gets you lifetime access to everything we talked about. You
can either make three payments of $349. If you pay upfront, you get the maximum
discount, just 1 payment and you are good to go, or 3 easy payments of $349. Now,
this is offered to the first 30 people who sign up from this webinar. So there's going to
be a 72-hour replay sequence, I'm not into pressure sales, I want you to do your
diligence, think about it, really consider what it takes to sign up. But the only caveat
is I want you to take action, and we offer 30 spots on this webinar.

We did this webinar in January, this is encore presentation, we sold it out, we got a
lot of people ask for it again. This one I started marketing just three days ago, it's
sold out. And I don't have a plan to do this exact webinar again any time in the near
future. So it's that simple, for the first 30 people, you can pay once $997, three times
the $349 now. All you have to do is go to

You don't trust that the Fletcher Method is the simplest and effective way to achieve
your goals. I want you to type in the box and tell me what questions you have about
that, because I know it's the simplest way. It's not easy, it does take effort, but you'll
always know exactly what to do next and get support when you get stuck. You don't
like me or trust me, you don't believe I'm the right coach for you, fine. If it's number
two or three, you don't think it's the simplest way, or you don't trust me, that's great,
I can't really help you. But if it's number one and you are just not ready right now, you
are thinking, "After I do this, after I get that Facebook thing live." I'm telling you most
of the times we talk to our clients in the community, they are working on the wrong
thing. I'm just being blunt. "Well, after I do this, I'm just doing this promotion here,
I'm just doing this LinkedIn process,” the problem is I say, "Stop, zoom out, we need
to do the avatar. You need a signature system. We have to have a high compelling
lead magnet. If you focus your time on the foundation, the stuff just works. I know
you can do this. I'm just like you, I struggled, I was driving here and there, I was
overwhelmed, I'm not a marketing guru, I'm against that term, I'm against that whole
idea, I'm just someone that was struggling that started doing less and getting more
results and realizing, I killed the content person, fired the social media manager. Just
said, "Oh, this is a strong way to communicate what I do, a lead management that
makes sense, and now I need to stretch the gap, walk them through it, and compel
people to take the next step."
Once You Secure Your Spot

Okay, so here is what is going to happen for those of you that are in. I just want to let
you know what is going to happen so you are crystal clear. When you sign up, you are
going to get a welcome sequence right away, a quick start package. This is the same
kind of content we cover in our highest end consulting companies and clients, it's
literally going to walk you through exactly how to set up your foundational
frameworks. It's a video training and a workbook that you get so you can walk through

Also a series of welcome videos so you will know how to get around the community,
how to be accountable. You are going to introduce yourself and I'm going to show,
actually I'm going to show you some of the folks that are in there now so you can see
different industries, and pretty much every walk of life that shares positive attitude
and a desire to make a huge difference ASAP in their business. So that's webinar-only
discount, I'm going to open up for questions right now,

Again, for the first 30 people, you can get a discount if you pay just once and all you
can eat, all the growth you can handle in your marketing for $997 or 3 payments of
$349. So, any questions? Do you want me to show you some examples or do you want
to see how this is will apply to your business? I'm literally here right now to answer
any questions you have. Chris says, "Ordered." Bruce signed up now. "Sign up done,"
says Nita.

"Can this help me became a successful affiliate marketer?"

Absolutely! So, when I look at my greater funnel here Summer, so I always offer my
stuff first, but the fastest way to generate cash online is affiliate deals.

So if you solved the problem with one of your high-converting affiliate products, you
just give a lead magnet that's related to that, you walk them through it and show
them as part of a greater journey and you present somebody else's offer, there is no
difference in the funnel. We made most of our revenue a few months ago from
launching other people's products. Now, I don't do a lot of affiliate marketing and
spam people, "Hey, buy this, you need that," because I'm against that. I want to
provide a closed loop all-in-one solution, but you can absolutely use this for affiliate
marketing as long you believe in the product and the profit is there for you.

"How often are live coaching calls?"

So we do the live webinars, they are 90 minutes every other week, and there is a
little bit of training, but most of the time it's helping you get unstuck. Show me your
examples, what are you unstuck with? There is an archive of all the live coaching
webinars in the past. I'm actually going to give you a little quick mini tour here if I
can answer your quick questions. I'm going to show you exactly100% what is in there
and the kind of content that we cover, the comments from people that are going
through it and the caliber of people in there. I just said contents, comments, and
caliber. I'm all about this framework because I'm a nerd. I'm stuck on technical things.

"These are all tactics that never solved my issue but I've done your Udemy me course
and you are absolutely awesome." Dave, thank you so much. This is like the newer
version. So on Udemy, I spent way too much time and I really want to get people a
complete online marketing system. My best-selling books stand out was the
predecessor to the course. But now I realized that in the Udemy course in the book, I
was giving people things like traffic advice and clearly helping them with social media
content marketing and all that stuff, but a lot of times they didn't have the right
foundation or funnel.

So I realized with the Fletcher Method with this core 12-week training, if you nail
that, the customer, the message, and the signature system, the marketing part is
easy, and I don't want people to focus on traffic before that.

"Just for startup’s, we’re a non-profit"

Sheryl, absolutely! We have several non-profits in a lot of different industries. The

Fletcher Method works for anybody who has a donor, a customer, a client that has a
problem that you can solve in a fixed amount of time, or a benefit that you can
provide that stands out from your competitors'.

“Don’t have enough money to sign-up”

The issue here is, I have taken literally not some inflated number but I'm talking about
the $30,000 in value for 3 pairs for 300 and something. And if you are not in a position
now, I suggest you go through our online workshop. You can get a lot more results and
get the money you need by the foundation. I stand by the products, I don't discount
them further than the incentives I'm offering at the webinar because it literally took
me a lot of blood, sweat, and tears and I know the results we get. We also have a
monthly option, if you visit The Fletcher Method.

“Does this work for Artists?”

We have a lot of artists Carol, we have t-shirt artists, landscape designers, painters,
people that's design and sell photographs. And really, there is an experience that art
can provide for people and a solution it provides whether it's in a bed and breakfast,
in a commercial setting, in a personal setting, in a home, there is a transformation for
art. A lot of people think art is all soft and can't be measured and quantified. It helps
relationships, intimacy, and mindset. and reduces stress.
The reason why my community serves all different types of businesses, because I
spent a couple of years building a seven-figure business that just served lawyers. And
when I created the Fletcher Method, it was unique enough to work for any type of
business. There is message of base marketing and there is market focus marketing.
You either have to focus on solving a lot of problems for one type of business or the
whole kit and caboodle for many types of businesses. Now, that's harder but that's
what I'm doing now because it took a while to get there. It's an advanced jujitsu
technique so to speak. Hopefully that makes sense.

"How much personal engagement do you include?"

So, personal engagement meaning time with me. I provide a set amount of time every
single day in the community offering feedback. The live coaching is me working with
you directly looking at your examples, okay? I don't leave anybody struggling, we don't
always respond in five minutes or something. But you are going to see that other
people can articulate and give you feedback as good or better than I can. It's about
the community. So it's a wonderful, wonderful community in the sense that we all
work together.

“Trying to sign up and see an offer for a Strategy Session, what’s this?”

Brandon is asking a really good question. One of the offers you get, and I should have
talked about the discount. Any live events we do, strategy session so when you signed
up you received an offer to get a strategy session, which is one-on-one with me. Now,
that's just a way to accelerate your clarity, your results if you are in a position to do
that, it works well. You get on my calendar right away, and we go through your initial
frameworks. That's $997, and I offer that half off, when you sign up today, you get
half off the strategy session as well.

That's optional, it's just there, if you feel like you really want to leverage that and get
results by getting with me for an hour. I's recorded on video, we get together, we
unpack your strategy, answer your questions. But you get the same frameworks, the
same answers through the community. Everybody gets the same content, the same
life coaching. Our strategy session is just an accelerator if you want.

"How can we talk to someone live?"

Norah, you can call a number, we'll get back to you within one hour during business
hours. So if we are on the line with someone else, you can go to...let me go to the
Fletcher Method site here. You guys are really asking great questions that I should
probably have already thought of, so I appreciate that Norah. 800-391-5616, you can
go on there, ask any questions you want and we'll totally walk you through everything
you need to do. So you can totally call that number, you can email
"Do you recommend specific software and tools. Is there a list of tools you

Absolutely. I have a tool kit within the Community you can look at. It doesn't take
much, it takes some like lead pages and you can set up in five minutes. Basically what
do you need, is you need a signature system, you need to pick out one of those pieces
to use as a lead magnet. So what sort of pieces can you use as a lead magnet, and
then you are going to walk them through it with something like lead pages, and then
you need a cart so it could use PayPal.

Please remember though that it's not about getting caught up in technology, it's about
getting it live.

Okay so any other questions? I know I went over, significantly over, but I'm here to
serve you and answer your questions right now. You get the $30,000 in value, please
sign up if you think this could be the right solution for you and I'm committed to your

If you have any questions, you can call the 800 number, our email I honor you, I thank you so much, I look forward to
getting to know you and being part of the family and it means a lot to me.

This is the best thing, what I get to do everyday freaks me out. I wake up and help
people, spend more time with their families and get clear, and I just feel blessed and
honored to be able to work with you. I'd really love to have you in the community. So
sign up now, we'll see you in there. Make sure you introduce yourself. And take care,
have a great day.


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