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1. Which one of the following is not a Lean waste category?

 Muda
 Muri
 Mura
 Mudi
2. We can use the acronym TIMWOODS to help us remember all the types of Muri waste
 Yes
 No
3. Which one of the following tools listed below is not a typical Lean tool Anonymous Poll
 Value stream mapping
 Lean metrics
 Just-In-Time (JIT)
 Error-proofing (Poka-yoke)
 5S+
 Kaizen events
 Pull systems
 Process capability
4.Select the formula the denotes the effect on variation on processes (and it is also the formula that
is used to understand and direct a Six Sigma process improvement initiative) Anonymous Poll
 Y = f(x)
 f = Y(x)
 Y = x/f
 x=f
 -y
5. In the formula Y = f (x), the Y is the input of the process Anonymous Poll
 True
 False

6. Which of the following in the list below is a common feature of both the strategy 'Lean' and the
strategy 'Six Sigma'?
 Focus on the reduction of variation
 Focus on the customer
 Focus on the reduction of waste
7. A Lean Six Sigma project is designed to be a year long...
 True
 False
8. When designing a Lean Six Sigma project, it should not be designed to go on for longer than...
 Three months
 Six months
 One year
 Two years
9.Which one of the following is not a typical feature of Lean?
 Focus on effectively delivering value to the customer
 Respect and engage the people
 Be pro-active in effectively eliminating variation and continually improving the process
 Strive for perfection
 Maintain flow
 Improve the value stream by eliminating all types of waste
 Pull-through system
10. Which one of the following is not a characteristic feature of Six Sigma?
 Improve the value stream by eliminating all types of waste
 Use of extensive measurement (facts) and statistical analysis to understand how
work gets done
 Be pro-active in eliminating variation and continually improve the process
 Involving people in Six Sigma teams in a cross-functional way
 Being thorough and being flexible

11. The main goal of the Define phase in Lean Six Six is to...
 Understand what "x" is in Y = f(x)
 Understand what "f" is in Y = f(x)
 Scope out the problem
 Do process capability tests
 Value stream mapping

12. Which one of the list below is not a compenent of the Define phase?
 Cost of poor quality analysis
 Stakeholder analysis
 Project charter
 The 5S's
 SIPOC diagram
 Communication plan

13.State whether true or false: The kick-off meeting takes place before the project charter is

 True
 False

14. If it is a high profile important Six Sigma project, which designation of belt would typically be the
project leader?
 White belt
 Yellow belt
 Green belt
 Black belt
 Purple belt

15.From the list below, select the one that is not part of the project charter of a Lean Six Sigma
 Overview description
 Objectives and goals
 Expected financial impact
 Measurement system analysis results
 Management's commitment of resources

16.Fill in the missing word: Project charter is an ......... contract which a document that describes the
project and includes the overview description of the project, objectives, goals, project scope,
expected operational impact and expected financial impact
 Verbal
 External
 Internal
 Fixed-term
 Bilateral
17.Complete the sentence: The project charter is presented to the team...
 via email
 in a routine departmental meeting
 in a town hall meeting
 in a kick-off meeting
 in a green-area meeting
18. The acronym 'SIPOC’ represents the words.
 Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer
 Supplier, Innovation, Process, Outcome, Customer
 Stakeholder, Innovation, Procedure, Output, Client
 Supplier, Inspection, Process, Output, Customer
 Supplier, Investment, Plan, Output, Customer

19.When completing a SIPOC diagram, which column does one start with when completing the
 Supplier
 Input
 Process
 Output
 Customer
20. Who does the stakeholder analysis when doing a SIPOC diagram?
 The team leader
 The green belt of the team
 The white belt of the team
 The CEO of the company
 The QA director of the company
21. Team communication is essential for a successful Lean Six Sigma project. The team needs to
know how communication will take place, the direction of communication and through which
channels. This must be documented in detail in a ...
 Project charter
 SIPOC document
 Communication plan
 Scope document
 Project brief
22. State whether the following it true or false: Customers are first put into categories and then they
are identified.
 True
 False
23.State whether the following is true or false: Focus groups is a common way to collect data from
external customers when determining their CTQs
 True
 False
24. From the list below, select the one that is not a VoC tool.
 Observations
 Social media
 Customer reviews
 Website activity
 Customer interviews

25. If your customers indicated that 'good service' is a CTQ in a restaurant, how would one be able to
measure good service?
 Ask the waitress or waiter who provided the service if they provided good service or
 Measure the length of time the customer spent in the restaurant
 Check the amount the money that the customer spent in the restaurant
 Ask the customer to rate the service using a questionnaire (or a customer survey)
26. What are the CTQ attributes of a Lean Six Sigma project?
 The QA procedures that govern inspection, testing and audits
 A list of the customers' needs
 The tolerances on the solution created in the Improve Phase
 I don't know
27.If a company wants to understand a customer's needs, what tool can they use to do so?
 The Scientific Theory
 The Voice of the Customer
 The Voice of the Company
 The Customer Service Model
28.Tony wants to purchase a bottle of water that contains water from a reliable location. What CTQ
measure should the bottler put in place to ensure that Tony is a happy customer?
 Make the bottle out of recycled materials
 Sourcing the water from a regular tap in Cape Town
 Creating a bottle with a reclosable cap
 Making sure the price of the water will be less than R5
29.The cost associated with not producing quality products or services is called
 the cost of poor quality
 the cost of poor products
 the cost of a mistake
 the cost of poor services
30. Costs associated with the prevention of non-conformance to requirements is called _______
 prevention costs
 appraisal costs
 internal failure costs
 external failure costs
31. Costs associated with quality checking (after-the-fact control) of a product or service for
conformance to requirements is called
 prevention costs
 appraisal costs
 internal failure costs
 external failure costs

32. Mathematically, the cost of poor quality equals to

 Prevention Costs + Appraisal Costs + Internal Failure Costs + External Failure Costs
 Prevention Costs + Appraisal Costs + Internal Failure Costs
 External Failure Costs
 Prevention Costs + Appraisal Costs + Internal Failure Costs * External Failure Costs
 Prevention Costs
 Appraisal Costs + Internal Failure Costs + External Failure Costs
33. Which of the following does not belong to Prevention Costs?
 Marketing research
 Customer/User perception surveys
 Design quality progress reviews
 Lost sales
34. Quality improvement, Quality education, and Quality performance reporting fall under the
category of
 prevention costs
 appraisal costs
 internal failure costs
 external failure costs
35.Which of the following does not belong to Internal Failure Costs?
 Uncontrolled material losses
 Rework due to design changes
 Supplier review costs
 Reinspection/retest costs
36. Which of the following does not belong to External Failure Costs?
 Complaint investigations
 Supplier quality planning
 Warranty claims
 Liability costs
37. The COPQ should be included in the project plan
 Yes
 No
38. The Measure Phase of Lean Six Sigma is concerned with measuring what part of the Y = f (x)
 Y
 f
 X

38. Considering the five steps (a) validate the plan to measure Y (b) develop a plan to measure Y (c)
measure the baseline of Y; (d) confirm the Y in Y = f(x) and (e) describe and map out the current state
process . which one of these steps is the first step?
(a) validate the plan to measure Y
(b) develop a plan to measure Y
(c) measure the baseline performance of Y
(d) confirm the Y in Y = f (x)
(e) describe and map out the current state process

39. Considering the five steps (a) validate the plan to measure Y (b) develop a plan to measure Y (c)
measure the baseline of Y; (d) confirm the Y in Y = f(x) and(e) describe and map out the current state
process. which one of these steps is the third step?
(a) validate the plan to measure Y
(b) develop a plan to measure Y
(c) measure the baseline of Y
(d) confirm the Y in Y = f(x)
(e) describe and map out the current state process
41.Which type of process map shows the major activities of a process in ten steps or less?
 Swimlane process map
 High-level process map
 Detailed process map
 Low-level process map
42. Another name for a deployment map is a
 Swimlane process map
 High-level process map
 Detailed process map
 Low-level process map

43. Which type of process map identifies the 'weak links' in the process where handoffs occur?

 Value stream maps

 Swimlane process maps
 Detailed process maps
 High-level process maps
44. Value stream mapping is typically used to identify which of the following?
 Profit
 Loss
 Waste
 Inventory

45. State whether true or false: Value stream mapping helps us identify value in the process for the
process owner
 True
 False
46. There are eight steps involved with drafting a Value Stream Map. From the list below select the
fourth step that must be followed when developing a Value Stream Map
 capture delivery to customer information
 capture supplier and supplier information
 capture material flow and information flow
 capture customer identity and customer information
 add a timeline with lead and processing times at the bottom of the diagram
 capture major process steps and process data
 capture transport delivery from supplier
 add work-in-progress and backlog between process steps

47. State if the following rule is true or false: If your processing time is longer than your lead time
then you need to improve
 True
 False

48.The desired amount of time that it takes for an order to be delivered from the time that the order
is placed until the time when the order in complete (product in customer's hands or service is
complete) is known as
 Cycle time
 Work-in-progress
 Lead time
 Processing time
 Throughput rate
 Take time
49.Considering all the process metrics, which one takes the set-up time and take-down time into
account in addition to the Lead time?
 Cycle time
 Work-in-progress
 Processing time
 Throughput rate
 Take time
50. Which metric reflects the rate of customer demand?
 Cycle time
 Work-in-progress
 Lead time
 Processing time
 Throughput rate
 Takt time
51. True or false: If the rate of customer demand exceeds the average completion rate, then the lead
time to the next customer delivery will be delayed
 True
 False

52. There are two data collection plans that must be developed in every Lean Six Sigma project.
From the options below select the most accurate answer
 Re: Y= f(X), in Measure Phase, a plan is developed for X and in Analyse phase a plan
developed for Y
 Re: Y= f(X), in Measure Phase, a plan is developed for Y and in Improve phase a plan
developed for X
 Re: Y= f(X), in Measure Phase, a plan is developed for Y and in Analyse phase a plan
developed for X
 Re: Y= f(X), in Define Phase, a plan is developed for X and in Analyse phase a plan
developed for Y — Re: Y= f(X), in Measure Phase, a plan is developed for f and in
Analyse phase a plan developed for X
53. In the context of the Measure Phase, the acronym MSA refers to
 Metric Sigma Analysis
 Most Significant Artefact
 Measurement System Analysis
 Measurement Sigma Analysis
 Metric System Analysis
54.In MSA, repeatability of an instrument is an indicator of
 how internally precise and consistent an instrument is
 how accurate the instrument is
 how externally consistent the instrument is across users
 how flexible the instrument is
55. In MSA, reproducibility of an instrument is an indicator of
 how internally precise and consistent the instrument is
 how flexible the instrument is
 how externally consistent an instrument is across users
 how valid an instrument is
56. In pilot test, we test both repeatability and reproducibility. To test if something is repeatable we

 use duplicate samples to see if we can get replicate results

 test on more than one user to make sure the results are the same across users
57. In pilot test, we test both repeatability and reproducibility. To test if something is reproducible
 use duplicate samples to see if we can get replicate results
 test the instrument on more than one user to make sure the results are the same
across users
58.Which of the following calculations below is not part of doing a MSA
Percentage agreement within the equipment or within appraiser
 Percentage agreement between different pieces of equipment or appraisers
 Percentage agreement between reproducibility and repeatability
 Percentage agreement with a 'expert' (person/standard or control)

59.The cut-off percentage for accepting an MSA calculation which confirms a measurement
instrument if reliable and reproducible is
 90% or more
 80% or more
 70% or more
 60% or more
60. A Pareto Analysis is a
 Root Cause Analysis (RCA) tool
 process capability index
 prioritization tool
 brainstorming tool
61. From the list below select the statistical tool that is not part of descriptive statistics
 Bar charts
 Pie charts
 Control charts
 Z scores (measures of dispersion and central tendency)
 Hypothesis testing
 Pareto analysis
62.From the list below, select a statistical tool that is not inferential statistics (in other words the one
that is a descriptive statistic tool)
 T hypothesis test
 Z hypothesis test
 Linear regression and correlation
 Z scores (measures of dispersion and central tendency)
63.True or false: Inferential statistics is used to make projections based on descriptive data
 True
 False
64.True or false: If the process specification limits of your process are larger than you process spread
limits are, then you process is not capable
 True
 False
65.A process that is operating at Six Sigma level then the process has a Cpk of
 1
 2
 3
 4
66. A quick way to calculate the sigma level of a process is to multiply the Cpk by
 1
 2
 3
 4
67. The Measure Phase can be referred to
 understanding the voice of the customer
 understanding the voice of industry
 understanding the voice of the process
 optimising the process
68.In relation to the algorithm Y = (f)X, the focus of the Analyse phase
 shifts from looking at the Y's of the process to now looking at the X's
 shifts from looking at the X's of the process to now looking at the Y's
 is the same as the focus in the Measure Phase
 is the same as the focus in the Improve Phase
69. From the list below, select the third step in the Analyse Phase of a Lean Six Sigma Project.
 Develop a data collection plan
 Organise the potential X's
 Prove that the key X's are a function of Y
 Analyse the value stream and process maps to identify wastes
 Shortlist and select the likely X's
 Generate a list of potential X's that have an impact on Y by brainstorming
70.A Value Stream Map of manufacturing process shows the process has three steps and the
probabilities associated with the throughput of each step is 0.88, 0.92 and 0.71. Calculate the RTY of
this process and select the answer from the list below
 0.86
 0.43
 0.57
 0.99
 0,72
71.A Value Stream Map of manufacturing process shows the process has six steps and the
probabilities associated with the throughput of each step is 0.90, 0.92, 0.80, 0.95, 0.89 and 0.71.
Calculate the RTY of this process and select the answer from list below
 0.76
 0.47
 0.66
 0.40
 0.51
72. Which one of the following is not a step in Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?
 Ishikawa/Cause and Effect diagrams
 Pareto analysis
 Multivoting
 5 Whys Analysis
73.Which one of the following in the list below is not part of Ishikawa's 6 Ms
 Material
 Method
 Mileu
 Media
 Man
 Machine
 Measurement
74.When doing the 5Whys, how many times must we ask the question 'Why?"
 Exactly five
 At least five
 No more than five
 As many times as needed to get to the root cause
74.What should you do if you determine the root cause and find that it is out of your control?
 Quit
 Use a different analysis tool
 Nothing. Once you determine the root cause, your work is done whether it is in your
control or not
 Go back up to the previous question and see if you have control over that response
75.When making a statistical inference about a population the smaller group that is selected to
represent the population is known as
 an estimator
 a population parameter
 a sample
 a confidence coefficient
76.When doing inferential statistics in the Analyse phase, the focus of the statistics is on
 The outcomes or performance (the Y)
 Aspects related to the various inputs (X's) that have an effect on the Y
77.Hypothesis testing is about testing claims. The original claim is the current belief. The current
belief (also known as the status quo) is the
 Null hypothesis
 Alternate hypothesis
78.From the list below select the hypothesis that is used to test a statement about an attribute of a
 Descriptive hypothesis
 Related hypothesis
 Difference hypothesis
 Change hypothesis
79.From the list below select the type of hypothesis that is used to determine a positive or negative,
directed or undirected relationship between two variables
 Descriptive hypothesis
 Related hypothesis
 Difference hypothesis
 Change hypothesis
80. From the list below select the type of hypothesis that is used to determine if two or more
populations differ by two or more characteristics
 Descriptive hypothesis
 Related hypothesis
 Difference hypothesis
 Change hypothesis
81. From the list below select the type of hypothesis that is used to determine if values of an
attribute (or feature of a variable) changes over time
 Difference hypothesis
 Related hypothesis
 Change hypothesis
 Descriptive hypothesis
82. When developing a data collection plan to collect data for the X variables there are five
important questions the must be answered. From the list below, select the question that does not
belong to that set of questions.
 What is the claim (hypothesis to be tested)?
 Which type of hypothesis should be used?
 Which VoC tools must be used?
 What data is needed?
 How much data is needed?
 From whom, where and when to collect data
83. The Improve Phase of Lean Six Sigma consists of three main steps. Examine the list below and
select the most correct description of the first step
 Generate improvement ideas for all the X's that you can think of
 With you team list all the X's that you can think of
 Generate improvement ideas via brainstorming for all the X's
 Brainstorm with your team to generate improvement solutions for problematic X's
 Brainstorm problematic X's to generate improvement solutions to the problem
84.When selecting the best "X" solutions which one of the methods below should not be used?
Anonymous Poll
 Pugh concept selection
 Criteria selection matrix
 Poka yoke error proofing
85. From the list below select the tool that is not a Improve Phase tool
 Design of Experiments (DoE)
 5S
 Error proofing (Poka yoke)
 Voice of Customer (House of Quality)
 Failure Modes Effects Analysis (FMEA)
 Just in Time (JIT)
 Pilot testing before full implementation
 New improved Value Stream Mapping
 Criteria selection matrix and Pugh concept selection
86. During an FMEA, after the original RPN has been calculated and if it is found to be unacceptably
high what is the next thing that needs to be done?
 Nothing should be done
 Write a report and submit to CEO
 Redo the FMEA and change figures until RPN is inacceptable range
 With FMEA team, develop improved control measures and calculate a new RPN
based on updated controls
87.The prevention level of poka-yoke is
 stop an error from occurring by designing something in a way that it is impossible for
it to fail
 facilitate the identification of error or failure mode before it occurs
 implement mechanism that notifies process operator when an error has occurred or
is about to occur

88. The detection level of poka-yoke is

 stop an error from occurring by designing something in a way that it is impossible for
it to fail
 facilitating the identification of error or failure mode before it occurs
 implement mechanism that notifies process operator when an error has occurred or
is about to occur

89.The facilitation level of poka-yoke is

 stop an error from occurring by designing something in a way that it is impossible for
it to fail
 facilitate the identification of error or failure mode before it occurs
 implement mechanism that notifies process operator when an error has occurred or
is about to occur
90. What is the name of a tool that is used to promote the even distribution of work to synchronise
take time and lead time in an attempt to move away from a Push principle to a Pull principle?
 Balanced scorecard
 Work balancing chart
 Take tool
 Lead tool
91.From the list of strategies below select the name of the strategy which represents and is used to
move from a Push principle to a Pull principle
 Lean
 Six Sigma
 Total Quality Management (TQM)
 Just in Time (JIT)

92.From the list below, select the one that is not a direct advantage of using the Pull principle
instead of Push principle
 No need for inventory
 supplies and warehousing
 Flexibility to respond quickly to customer demand
 Good supplier relationship
 Quality problems can be nipped quickly without having to do major rework or recalls
 Customers do not have to wait

93.Of the list below, select the one which is the best description of kaizen
 A slow process of continuous improvement
 A quick process of continuous improvement
 A process to reengineer all the processes in an organisation
 A process to have outside consultants implement improved methods of production
94.In regards to kaizen, can changes be implemented immediately by the person who comes up with
 Yes - and they should implement new ideas as quickly as possible
 Yes - as long as they do not impact any other team members
 No - changes must be documented and submitted to management for approval
 No - kaizen is about coming up with changes, not about implementing them
95. In a Criteria Selection Matrix
 all weights are assumed to be equally important
 the weights can be positive or negative and sum to 0 (zero)
 the weights represent the relative importance of criteria
 the lower the weight, the more important the criterion
96.The criteria in the Criterion Selection Matrix is derived from
 Management opinion
 CTQs and business requirements
 Board Management Review meeting minutes
 Social media

97.Step number two of completing a Criterion Selection Matrix is

 Calculate the relative score of each criteria for each of the solutions
 List all the solution alternatives
 Add all the relative scores of the solutions to find the best solution - the highest
number = best
 Allocate a weighting (level of importance)
 Develop criteria
 Score each solution alternative against the selection criteria
98. Of the two selection methods listed below, which selection method is more qualitative than
 Criteria Selection Matrix
 Pugh Concept Selection
99.From the list below, select the one that is not a purpose of the Control Phase of Lean Six Sigma
 With your team generate improvement solutions to the problematic key X’s
 Establish controls for the problematic X's
 Control key “X”’s
 Monitor Y to ensure improved performance is sustained
100.From the list below, select the last step in the Control Phase of a Lean Six Sigma project
 Implement SPC charts to support the Control Plan
 Work with process owners to update standard work and procedures of process to
incorporate controls
 Project sign-off by Project Champion
 Determine Process Capability and new Sigma Level
 Develop a control plan for monitoring, controlling and regulating performance
 Get finance department to validate improvements and impact
101. From the list below, select what is not essential in a Process Contol Plan
 Information on the regulation of what needs to be controlled
 Information on what needs to be controlled
 Performance information of what needs to be controlled
 Information on financial aspects of the process
103.Tony is the production manager for a food production plant and need to formulate a process
control plan (PCP) for burger patties in City Deep in Joburg. From the list below, select the one thing
that Tony should avoid
 Including information about packaging material and shelf life in PCP
 Making provision for daily measurements to avoid hazards
 Specifying information on core temperature to keep burgers frozen when storing
 Specifying Bronwyn (manager in the CT plant) as the person responsible for controls
outlined by plan

104. Using the terminology of statistical control, the variation within a stable system
 is random variation
 results from common causes
 is predictable within a range
 a and b
 all of the above
105. Using the terminology associated with statistical process control (SPC), the variation within a
stable system is
 predictable within a range of values
 controllable
 in control
 a and c
 a and b
106. A control chart displays
 that workers are motivated
 that top management takes interest in quality
 inspectors are doing their job
 process variability
 process capability
107. An example of a common cause is
 word processor software not having spellchecker
 small vibrations in the equipment
 photocopy machine failure
 shortage of material supplies
 absenteeism
108.Statistical Process Control (SPC) implies
 sometimes leaving the process alone
 all of these options mentioned
 fixing assignable causes
 use of control charts
 statistical process control
109.Accuracy can be improved by
 customer visits
 management talking to workers
 adhering to TQM principles
 the use of Xbar charts
 team meetings
110. From the list below, select the variables control chart
 NP chart
 P chart
 C chart
 MR chart
 U chart
111.From the list below, select the attribute control chart
 MR chart and Indiv X chart
 NP and P chart
 Std Dev and Ave chart using Std Dev
 Range and Ave chart using Range

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