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 Lets refer to it as “success”(s) – outcome 1 and “failure” (f) – outcome 2

 One test, two outcomes the combination can only be a (s) or a (f) in other words, one of two
outcomes once thus (one over two)1 or (1/2) 1 or (0.5) 1

 If I wanted to do two test, from two possible outcomes the combination could be ss or sf or
fs or ff, thus (one in four outcomes twice thus (one over four) 2 or (1/4) 2 or (0.5) 2

So now when know probability of individual events, but what about a combination?

Repeated trials form an “and” situation:

·    “And” leads to a multiplication.

·    A repeated multiplication is a power – refer to previous slide.

·    The number of ways of getting a particular number of successes and failures is the two-letter
word problem.

·    The two-letter word problem is solved by combinations.

Three successes and one failure can occur in four ways:

  Algebraic form: 4s3f

Two successes and two failures can occur in six ways:

  Algebraic form: 6s2f2

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