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Lopez, Ashley Kezia Manalo 08/25/2021


Ms. Estela C. Agustin

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

1.What is development?

Development is defined as the pattern of biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional changes that begin
at conception and it continues throughout the lifespan. Therefore, we individuals begin to develop from
the moment that the egg cell is fertilized by the sperm cell and we continue to develop up to our death
because development happens in all stages of a person's life. We continue to develop because we
continue to learn new things cognitively, we continue to develop as we continue to develop socially
that's why we can socialize with other people better, and we continue to develop as we develop
emotionally so we are now able to control our emotions and know how to react on a certain situation.

2.How will you compare development to maturity, learning and training?

Development as mentioned refers to the pattern of biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional changes
while maturity or maturation is referring to the ability of an individual to act or respond to a certain
situation according to his/her age. It is also the unfolding of an individual according to a plan contained
in the genes that passed through heredity. While learning is the process through which the experience
brings about permanently changes in one's thought, feelings and behavior. Learning may result to a
change but changes have two different types, it can be better or worst. On the other hand, training
means developing any skills that the individual wants to learn according to his/her purpose. For
example, a person wants to become a badminton player, therefore he/she needs to undergo to a
training in order for him/her to be a better player.

3. What are the factors needed in development?

The factors needed in development are the following ;

• Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors

• Motivational Factors

• Developmental and Social Factors

• Individual Differences Factors

4. What are the different developmental stages?

The different developmental stages are the following ;

1. Prenatal - this stage is from conception to birth of an individual. At this stage, one may have
physical development.

2. Infancy - this stage starts at birth at full term to about 18 months old. The locomotion of an
individual is established as well as the rudimentary language and social attachment.

3. Early childhood - about 18 months to about 6 years old, wherein language is well-established, sex
typing and it ends with readiness for schooling.

4. Late childhood - at this stage a person is about 6 to about 13 years old, many cognitive processes
become adult but there is an exception to speed of operation and team play.

5. Adolescence - this stage occur when an individual reaches 13 to about 20 years old. It begins with
puberty and ends at maturity. During this stage, one has attained the highest level of cognition, his/her
ability to think is developed and he/she is also independent from parents. An individual at this stage also
attaining sexual relationships.

6. Young adulthood - this stage refers to the individual that is about 20 to about 45 years old wherein,
he/she already attained career and family development.

7. Midlife - at this stage of development a person is about 45 to about 65 years old. He/she reaches the
highest level of career as well as the "Empty nest" which refers to a syndrome that a parents feel when
their children leave or move out from their house. Retirement also takes place.

8. Late life - person that belongs at this stage is about 65 years up to his/her death. One may feel
enjoyed towards family achievements,he/she can also experienced widowhood if his/her partner died,
dependency and poor health that commonly lead to death.

5. What is developmental task?

Developmental task is a task that arises in a certain period of one's life. This means that in every stage of
people's lives there is a developmental task. According to Robert Havighurst's Developmental Task
Theory, if a certain individual accomplished the developmental task successfully at a particular stage of
life, it may bring satisfaction and happiness. Conversely, when individual fail to accomplish his/her task,
it will bring unhappiness and failure, one may also earn disapproval of the society.

6. What are the factors affecting development?

There are different factors affecting development including the following;

a. Heredity - this means the passing of genetic traits from parents to offspring.The traits or
characteristics of an individual may sometimes depend to his/her parents and that affects development.
b. Environment - it includes external and internal surroundings where one can adapt different things or
experience certain situations that can either help him develop or not.

c. Sex - boys and girls have different level of development. For example, boys are taller than girls but
then, girls mature faster than boys. This shows that sex have something to do with development.

d. Exercise and health - exercising will help body grow healthy and develop.

e. Hormones - it plays an important role to the growth and development of our body, this is where our
development depend on.

f. Nutrition - it has something to do with development, for example if one is malnourished he/she might
develop slowly because it can cause diseases that may affect the development.

g. Familial influence - since family is the basic unit of the society, this is where every individual firstly
mold or develop, so this contributed a lot in one's development.

h. Geographical influences - this is where individual lives, the kind of place and community he/she
belongs, the weather and it could also be the school he/she attended.

i. Socio-economic status - one's development also depends on the kind of life his/her family have.
Commonly, those who have high socio-economic status are having the best quality of life which help
them to develop easily unlike those who are considered as poor.

j. Learning and Reinforcement - development can also depend on the learning, whereas the things we
learn can make us develop as an individual and by means of reinforcing, the child on an individual may
continue to do the same thing he/she did knowing that he/she did well. Some parents are giving their
child a reward and this might help him/her to have strong desire to keep going.

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