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Thomas and New Testament Parallels

Thomas in John’s Gospel

1) John 11 – Thomas does not understand

how Jesus can raise Lazarus from the
2) John 14 – Thomas does not know “the
3) John 20 – Thomas doubts the

Thomas 5 Luke 8:17 (NRSV) Mark 4:22

Jesus said, "Know what is in 17 For nothing is hidden that 22 For there is nothing
front of your face, and what will not be disclosed, nor is hidden, except to be
is hidden from you will be anything secret that will not disclosed; nor is anything
disclosed to you. For there is become known and come to secret, except to come to
nothing hidden that will not light. light.
be revealed. [And there is
nothing buried that will not
be raised."]

Thomas 10 + Thomas 16 Luke 12:49; 51-52 (NRSV) Matthew 10:34-36 (NRSV)

Jesus said, "I have cast fire 49 “I came to bring fire to the 34 “Do not think that I have
upon the world, and look, I'm earth, and how I wish it were come to bring peace to the
guarding it until it blazes." already kindled! 51 Do you earth; I have not come to
think that I have come to bring peace, but a sword. 35
Jesus said, "Perhaps people
bring peace to the earth? No, For I have come to set a man
think that I have come to cast
I tell you, but rather division! against his father, and a
peace upon the world. They
52 From now on five in one daughter against her mother,
do not know that I have come
household will be divided, and a daughter-in-law against
to cast conflicts upon the
three against two and two her mother-in-law; 36 and
earth: fire, sword, war. For
against three; 53 they will be one’s foes will be members
there will be five in a house:
divided: father against son of one’s own household.
there'll be three against two
and son against father,
and two against three, father
mother against daughter and
against son and son against
daughter against mother,
father, and they will stand
mother-in-law against her
daughter-in-law and
daughter-in-law against
Thomas and New Testament Parallels

Thomas 8 Matthew 13:47-52 (NRSV)

And he said, The person is like a wise fisherman 47 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net
who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from that was thrown into the sea and caught fish of
the sea full of little fish. Among them the wise every kind; 48 when it was full, they drew it
fisherman discovered a fine large fish. He threw ashore, sat down, and put the good into baskets
all the little fish back into the sea, and easily but threw out the bad. 49 So it will be at the end
chose the large fish. Anyone here with two good of the age. The angels will come out and
ears had better listen! separate the evil from the righteous 50 and
throw them into the furnace of fire, where there
will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Thomas 107 Luke 15:3-7 (NRSV)

Jesus said, The kingdom is like a shepherd who 3 So he told them this parable: 4 “Which one of
had a hundred sheep. One of them, the largest, you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of
went astray. He left the ninety- nine and looked them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the
for the one until he found it. After he had toiled, wilderness and go after the one that is lost until
he said to the sheep, 'I love you more than the he finds it? 5 When he has found it, he lays it on
ninety- nine.' his shoulders and rejoices. 6 And when he
comes home, he calls together his friends and
neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for
I have found my sheep that was lost.’ 7 Just so, I
tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over
one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine
righteous persons who need no repentance.
Thomas and New Testament Parallels

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