"Lab Oriented in Physics On Mathematics Pendulum": Critcal Book Review

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“Lab Oriented in Physics on Mathematics Pendulum”


Group III

Margaretha Panjaitan (4171121017)

Meliana Eclesia Manurung (4172121028)

Class : Physics Education Study Program’17

Course : Laboratorium Orientied for High School Physics

Supporting Lecturer

Muhammad Kadri, S.SI., M.Sc.






Praise and gratitude of the writer pray to God Almighty, because the writer
can still make this Critical Book Report (CBR) task just in time. This paper discusses
the "Lab Oriented in Physics". The task is made to fulfill the task of CBR Lab
Oriented in Physics course.

The author is aware that this task has many shortcomings and therefore the
authors apologize if there is a mistake in writing and the authors also expect criticism
and suggestions in this task so that at other times can make the task better.

Finally, the authors say thank you hopefully this paper can be useful for
writers and also others.

Medan, November 2019



FOREWARD ............................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ ii

CHAPTER I : PRELIMINARY ............................................................................ 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Objective .................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Benefit ........................................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER II : SUMMARY OF BOOK ............................................................... 3

2.1 Identity of Book ......................................................................................... 3

2.2 Summary of Book ..................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER III : DISCUSSION.............................................................................. 8

3.1 Advantages ................................................................................................. 8

3.2 Disadvantages ............................................................................................ 8

3.3 Recommendation ....................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER IV : CLOSING .................................................................................... 9

4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 9

4.2 Suggestion .................................................................................................. 9

REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 10


1.1 Background
In this Critical Book Review students are required to criticize a book,
and summarize it into a whole unit so that it can be understood by students
who carry out this critical book report, including understanding the
weaknesses and advantages of the book to be criticized. In this case I criticize
the main book "Pengembangan Laboratorium FIsika" by Ridwan Abdullah
As for completing Critical Book Review assignments students are
required to summarize, analyze and compare and provide criticism in the form
of strengths and weaknesses in a book based on the facts in the book, so
students will become accustomed to thinking logically and critically and
responsive to things. the new things contained in a book. Critical Book
Review assignments are also a form of habituation so that students are skilled
in creating creative ideas and thinking analytically so that when making the
same tasks students become accustomed to and become more proficient in
improvement. the task.

1.2 Objectives
a. Adding readers' insights about the meaning of the importance of the Lab
Oriented in Physics especially on Mathematical pendulum.
b. Increasing reader motivation in getting to know more what is the
importance of learning the Lab Oriented in Physics especially on
Mathematical pendulum.
c. Strengthening readers' understanding of how important it is to learn about
the Lab Oriented in Physics especially on Mathematical pendulum
d. Complete the course assignments for Lab Oriented in Physics.

1.3 Benefits
a. To fulfill the assignments of the course Lab Oriented in Physics.
b. Train the Author's capabilities in criticizing a book.
c. Growing creative thinking in comparing books that are one with others.
d. To increase knowledge and insight regarding Lab Oriented in Physics


2.1. Identity of Book


b. Author : Ridwan Abdullah Sani
c. Publisher : UNIMED Press
d. City of Publish : Medan
e. Year of Publish : 20012
f. ISBN : 978-602-8848-96-1

2.2 Summary



1. Experiment Objective

a. Investigate the period (T) of the pendulum with length (L) and total mass

b. Investigate the relationship period (T) of the pendulum with the oscillation
angle amplitude for large angles

c. Determine the value of gravitational acceleration (g) experimentally

2. Materials and Tools

a. Stative and clamp clamps,

b. Yarn,

c. Calibrated mass,

d. Stop watch

e. Protractor

f. Ruler

3. Basis Theory

Swing movements on the pendulum are repetitive periodic motion

with a fixed interval of time. The time taken during one swing is called a
period (T). While the number of swings in a unit of time is called frequency
(f) The period and mathematical relationship period is T = 1 / f. The unit of
period is seconds and the unit of frequency is hertz (Hz). Swinging objects
will eventually stop swinging.

Swing mathematical pendulum following a simple harmonic motion

which is a periodic motion. Mathematical pendulum is an ideal object
consisting of a point of mass suspended from a lightweight rope that is
considered to be massless. If the pendulum is distorted at an angle from its
equilibrium position and then released, the pendulum will swing in the
vertical plane due to the influence and force of gravity. The motion of the
pendulum swing can be analyzed by discussing the motion of the fruit of mass
(M) which moves in simple harmonic effect influenced by the force which is
directly proportional to the magnitude of the displacement and is directed at
the equilibrium position (equilibrium). The mathematical equation for this
case can be written as

F = -kx

The period of harmonic motion is influenced by the mass M and the
constant k. The equation describing the relationship between the periods T
and M and k is

T =2 π
√ k

Figure 4.9 Components of Strength Working on Simple Pendulum

A pendulum does not meet the conditions of simple harmonic

movements precisely, but approaches simple harmonic movements under
certain conditions. An ideal pendulum is an M mass at one end of a massless
rope with the other end fixed as shown in Figure 4.9. Movement occurs in a
vertical plane when mass M is released from the initial angle .
To analyze the motion of a simple pendulum, the component of the
force in the direction of motion of the pendulum must be analyzed. The
weight of the pendulum can be broken down into two components as is shown
in figure 4.9. The components of Mg cos θ are as large as the force of stress
(N) in the yarn. While the Mg sin θ component is tangent to the arc along the
mass movement (M), it is the force component that causes the pendulum to

move toward the equilibrium point. The equation of force F along the
direction of motion is
F= x
For small initial angular values of θ, a mathematical approximation of

sin θ ≈ tan θ ≈
can be used so that equation (4.26) can be stated as follows (4.27). Even though
Equation (4.27) is an equation approach (4.27) is a form of equation (4.24)
with k = Mg/L. If the value of k is substituted in equation (4.25) we will get
the equation
T =2 π
√ Mg / L
=2 π
g √
T = Swing period (seconds)
L = Length (m)
G = Gravity acceleration constant earth (m/s2)

Equation (4.28) predicts that the period (T) of a simple pendulum does
not depend on the mass (M) and the angular amplitude of t) and only depends
on the length (L) of the pendulum. Accurate solution for calculating simple
pendulum periods without making a small angle approach leading to the
series. Equation (4.29) gives the first three terms in a series. The first three
likes are enough to determine the very small period (T) of the pendulum's
angular amplitude

T =2 π [1+sin 2 ( θ2 )+ 649 sin ( θ2 )+… ]


For an ideal pendulum without friction, the movement will repeat
indefinitely and swing amplitude will not decrease. Pendulum which actually
will experience friction so that the amplitude will decrease slowly over time.
For experiments with small initial amplitudes, this negligible amplitude
change is used as a basis for more than 300 years. For more than 100 years,
watchmakers have built very accurate clocks and successfully used devices to
compensate for small changes in the length of the pendulum caused by
temperature variations.

4. Experiment Procedures
a. The relation of T to the pendulum length will be determined by a fixed
mass and a fixed angle amplitude. Hang a 0.20 kg mass on the rope and
tie the other end to a stative or clamp clamp. The length (L) of the
pendulum is measured and the angle of reference point to the center of
mass and body. Adjust the position of the end of the rope that is clamped
to the pendulum clamp with the distance from the reference point to the
center of mass, set along 1 m.
b. Hold the pendulum mass and turn around about 5 ° from the vertical
plane, then release. Measure the time for 10 periods of motion (Δt) and
record the measurement results in Data Table 1. The best way to measure
the swing time is to start counting the time when the pendulum reaches
maximum displacement. Repeat this process three times with the same
pendulum length
c. Repeat the procedure to measure the pendulum swing time as above, using
the same mass, but for varied pendulum lengths ranging from 0.80 m, 0.60
m, 0.50 m, 0.30 m, 0.20 m, and 0.10 m. Conduct three attempts for each
pendulum length.


3.1 Advantages
This book uses a language that is very easy to understand for its readers. This
book discusses the material from the roots to the end completely. The experiment
in this chapter is complete enough because there are objectives, tools and
materials, basic theory, procedures, data table and questions.

3.2 Disadvantages
The procedure experiment in this book should be added by figure or picture.
Besides that this book should be give more experiment, not only one. Because so
many experiment of pendulum are.

3.3 Recommendation
This book can be guide for experiment mathematical pendulum.


4.1 Conclusion
Basically gravity is the force caused by the earth and can be calculated in
various ways including with a simple pendulum swing. On a simple pendulum
swing the pendulum mass is not calculated, only the square of the period (T2) and
the length of the rope (R) are considered.
From the experiments we have done using rope and weights. We can conclude
the effect of changing the vibration period is very influential because if the length
of the rope used is shorter then the time needed to calculate the pendulum swing
time is less and vice versa.
In carrying out these experiments must be done repeatedly, because if you
only do one experiment, the level of accuracy will be reduced. And this is when
assessing the weight and length of our eyes must be more observant and alert
when determining the time on the stopwatch.

4.2 Suggestion
This book is worth reading because it contains educational knowledge and
explains experiment of pendulum mathematics.


Sani, A Ridwan. (20012). Pengembangan Laboratorium Fisika. Medan:



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