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Learning objectives:
1. Students set their reading purpose
2. Students ask questions to help them comprehend their readings
3. Students guess the meaning of the words they are reading
4. Students use context to get the word meaning


1. The book is entitled Nursing: Communication skills and practice. By reading the title
a) can you guess what the book is about?
b) are you interested in reading the book content just by reading its cover? why?
c) for what purpose will you read the book?
a) yes, the book containts about hoe=w to communicate in nursing both with
patients and with other health workers.
b) No, because I often find covers that are designed to be attractive, but the
contents are not interesting. that's why I searched the internet first about the
contents of the book.
c) to find out how the communication process in the nursing profession is so as
to know what the patient's needs are.
2. Reading the above book cover, what possible question comes up to your mind? Write
them below. The first has been done for you.
a. What is this book about?
b. Who is the outhor?
c. Why why the book was writen?
d. How about a brief description of the book?

3. Guess the meaning of the following yellow highlighted phrases:

a. Patients use call light systems to initiate communication with their health care
b. Provide vision aids for visually impaired clients.
c. Remove harmful objects from the environment.
Write them below:
Call light system = noun phrase
Health care team = adverb phrase
Vision aids = noun phrase
Visually impaired clients = noun phrase
Harmful objects = adjective phrase

Check your dictionary after that. Did you make a correct guess?


1. Read the following picture.

a. What is the picture about?
About nurse communication to help patients
b. Translate the nurse utterances into Bahasa Indonesia.
• Perawat ke Pasien, Beri tahu kami cara terbaik untuk membantu
• Jika Anda dapat mengendarai sepeda stasioner, kami akan
menemukan video untuk ditonton.
• Gerakan Anda, masuk dan keluar dari tempat tidur, membantu
mencegah komplikasi multiple myeloma dan pengobatannya,
membangun otot, dan meningkatkan massa tulang, fungsi paru-
paru dan jantung, dan kesehatan mental
• Sama seperti antibiotik dan produk darah Anda menjaga sistem
Anda tetap berfungsi saat Anda menjalani terapi, gerakan fisik
tulang di lengan, kaki, dan tulang belakang membantu Anda
melakukan aktivitas yang Anda butuhkan.
• Jika Anda hanya bisa berolahraga selama lima menit sehari, kami
akan menjadikannya khusus lima menit.
• Jika Anda memiliki rasa sakit, kami akan membantu Anda.
c. Imagine the response of the patient to each of the nurse utterance, for
• Nurse: If you can ride a stationary bike, we will find a video to watch.
Patient: Really? What video?
• N: Your movement, in and out of bed, helps prevent complications of
multiple myeloma and its treatment, builds muscle, and im proves bone
mass, lung and heart function, and mental health.
P:I try to move a lot
• N: Just as your antibiotics and blood products keep your systems
functional as you go through therapy, the physical movement of the bones
in your arms, legs, and spine assist you with performing activities that you
P: yes I understand now
• N: If you can only exercise for five minutes a day, we will make it a
special five minutes.
P: can you help me to improve my sports activites
• N: If you have pain, we will help you.
P:thank you give me pain relief.
2. Read the following cartoon
a. For what purpose you will read the cartoon?
To know the dialogue
b. Look at the people in the cartoon. Who do you think they are? What are they
they are patients and their families who complain about nursing services
c. What is the possible response of a nurse toward the patient complains?
Nurses must be patient and understand the patient's actions. then apologize
and I mprove the quality of service

III. Reading blog

Open the link, read the article, and describe the main points you get from it in a
• Why are critical thinking skills in nursing important? Because
Nurses are faced with decision-making situations in patient care,
and each decision they make impacts patient outcomes. they must
use critical thinking to analyze the consequences of delaying
treatment in each case.
• How are critical thinking skills acquired in nursing school?One
way for students to begin implementing critical thinking is by
applying the nursing process to their line of thought. to go beyond
just memorizing terms. You need to apply an analytical mindset to
understanding course material.
• How can you develop your critical thinking skills as a
nurse?pick the brains of the experienced nurses around you to help
you get the mindset, The chain of command can also help nurses
develop critical thinking skills in the workplace.
• How are critical thinking skills applied in nursing?You must be
able to quickly and confidently assess situations and make the best
care decision in each unique scenario. It is in situations like these
that your critical thinking skills will direct your decision-making.
• Do critical thinking skills matter more for nursing leadership
and management positions? leadership and management
positions require a new level of this ability. A lead nurse with
strong critical thinking skills knows how to fully understand the
problem and all its implications.

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