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Câu 1: Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets. Use the other words in brackets as well. (3 marks)
1. I _______ (not / usually / go) to town on Saturday mornings because it’s too
2. A woman in a black car _______ (follow) us. Do you know her?
3. What time _______ (your exam / finish)?
4. _______ (you / watch) the big match this afternoon? It should be good.
5. _______ (you / go out) for a meal after the cinema?
6. I never _______ (eat) seafood because it made me ill once when I was younger.
7. What _______ (you / wear) to Tom’s party on Saturday?
8. The supermarket _______ (not open) until 8.30 a.m.

1. don't usually go
2. is following
3. will your exam finish
4. Did you watch
5. Will you go out
6. eat
7. will you wear
8. will not open
Câu 2: Read the text. Choose the best answers. (3 marks)
The filming and photography in news programmes is very important in bringing
the stories to life and making us realise how events affect people. But the
traditional techniques of filming are slowly changing and not everyone is happy
with this.
Viewers have recently complained that camerawork on news programmes, while
very artistic and clever, is more suited to feature films and documentaries.
Apparently many of us are distracted by clever camerawork and our attention is
taken away from the real focus, which is the story.
Several techniques have been criticised. One of these is the ‘circling camera’. This
is when the cameraman goes round the person who is talking so that at one point
we see the back of his head. Another technique is when the camera is not held
steadily and shakes. It gives the impression of slight panic and is often used in
films today.
The BBC insists that camerawork like this is a sign of artistic and technological
progress and is interesting and attractive, particularly to a younger audience. But
how appropriate is it to have a circling camera when reporting on something as
ordinary as interest rates?
Choose the best answers.
1. Pictures are important in the news because
A. they show us important places.
B. it’s traditional to have them.
C. they help us understand the story.
2. Some people today complain that
A. the filming is boring.
B. the filming is distracting.
C. the filming isn’t very good.
3 . One modern filming technique is
A. when people stand in a circle.
B. there is a circle of cameras.
C. the camera moves in a circle.
4. The television company
A. has apologised.
B. promises to change the way news is filmed.
C. thinks it’s okay to film this way.
5. What is the writer’s attitude?
A. He thinks the filming should suit the subject.
B. He likes artistic camerawork.
C. He thinks there should be more filming with news stories.
1. C. they help us understand the story.
2. B. the filming is distracting
3. C. the camera moves in a circle
4. C. thinks it’s okay to film this way.
5. C. He thinks there should be more filming with news stories.
Câu 3: Writing (4 marks)
Imagine you are going to spend a month in England on an English-language
course. Write a letter to the family you are going to stay with introducing yourself.
Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: introduction, general personal details
Paragraph 2: write something about your village/town/city and your country
Paragraph 3: say something about your hobbies and interests
Paragraph 4: ask for information about the family

My name is Cina. I'm 33 years old. I'm from Vietnam and I'm going to spend
some time with Your family on English-language course. I'm really happy. 
I come from Bentre, Vietnam. It's a small village. I really like the place I live in.
There's something going on here. I have friends here and there is my school and
my home. I'm proud of my town and also of the country I come from. Vietnam
is such an amazing country with rich history and wonderful culture. There are
many interesting places, especially Ha Long bay and Sơn Đoòng cave. Hạ Long
Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and popular travel destination in Quảng
Ninh Province and Sơn Đoòng cave is one of the world's largest natural caves,
in Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, Bố Trạch District, Quảng Bình Province,
Vietnam. It's a great place to visit.
But let's go back to me. I would like to introduce myself a little bit more. As
you know, I'm going to take a part in a English-language course. I like English -
it's a very beautiful language to me. I don't have any problems with learning it.
Also, I like chemistry, history - historia, PE (physical education) . I'm
interesting in football. I also like playing computer games. I like reading books
too, but I prefer watching films a little bit more. 
I introduced myself so I'm looking forward to get to know Your family a little
bit more. Please, tell me someting about your family in a letter back.
Lots of love,
Câu 1: Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous
form of the verbs in brackets. Use the other words in brackets as well. (3 marks)

1. I _______ (not / usually / go) to town on Saturday mornings because it’s too
2. A woman in a black car _______ (follow) us. Do you know her?
3. What time _______ (your exam / finish)?
4. _______ (you / watch) the big match this afternoon? It should be good.
5. _______ (you / go out) for a meal after the cinema?
6. I never _______ (eat) seafood because it made me ill once when I was
7. What _______ (you / wear) to Tom’s party on Saturday?
8. The supermarket _______ (not open) until 8.30 a.m.
Phần trả lời:
1. I don't usally go to town on Saturday mornings because it's too crowded.
2. A woman in a black car is following us. Do you know her?
3. What time is your exam finishing?
4. Are you watching thi big match this afternoon? It should be good.
5. Are you going out for a meal after the cinema?
6. I never ate seafood because it made me ill once when I was younger.
7. What are you wearing to Tom's party on Saturday?
8. The surpermarket don't open until 8.30 a.m.
Câu 2: Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? (3 MARKS)
The workplace is changing. Gone is the traditional office and gone too are the
traditional office hours. We are no longer tied to a desk from 9.00 a.m. until
5.00pm with a couple of coffee breaks and an hour for lunch. Technology has
revolutionised our working lives in many different ways.
One of the greatest changes that we can see happening today is related to where
we do our work. The daily commute to and from the office will soon be a thing
of the past for many of us. Technology allows us to work wherever we wish
because of the increased ability to communicate via the Internet and send our
work round the world in seconds. More and more people are taking advantage
of this freedom and working from home.
One significant effect of this trend is that people are having to develop their
self-discipline and time management skills. And perhaps the greatest danger is
that the workforce will become increasingly isolated, and some people will see
no one from one day to the next. From a practical point of view, however, the
way we organise our days is becoming more flexible and companies can cut
office expenditure. Only time will tell whether the benefits of working from
home make it worthwhile or not.
Are the sentences true or false?
1. No one will work in offices in the future. _______
2. Changes are happening because of technology. _______
3. People talk to each other more these days. _______
4. We have to control our working time carefully. _______
5. Working from home can be lonely. _______
Phần trả lời:
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
Câu 3: Writing (4 marks)
Write a narrative called ‘My earliest memory’. Include the following
•set the scene
•describe the main events
•what happened afterwards
•how you feel about it now
Phần trả lời:
My earliest memory
Going down memory lane is a very pleasurable experience for me and I indulge
in it often. Each season brings with it a moment from the past and usually leaves
a smile on my lips.
My earliest memory is in bits and pieces-of my being coaxed to go to school
and my whole hearted resistance. There is one particular episode that I
remember vividly. I was in the first grade and my brother in Grade four. We
went to different schools. Once, for some reason, he had a holiday while I did
not. Unfortunately, I was totally unaware of it till I was made ready and found
my brother grinning away in his pajamas. I tried all my tricks on Mom to appeal
to her softer side but in vain! I was in the bus before long and I remember
feigning a stomach ache. I can see the bus being empty and myself lying down
on the seat. I remember hearing voices of the driver and the conductor when
they stopped enroute, for a cup of tea. I finally reached near home on the other
side of the railway line and the conductor rushed me across it and dropped me
Thankfully, my memory ends here and I do not remember my mother’s
Unit: Bài KT 2 Kỹ năng tổng hợp 3 B2
Name: Lê Thúy Nhung
Account: AV26.2BS223
Start: 15/01/2020 10:23:28 AM
End: 15/01/2020 11:08:23 AM
Câu 2:


How many tablets do you take? We all take tablets for headaches and other
illnesses. But are they really necessary The big drug companies make the drugs
and tablets that we buy to fight our health problems. But could it be possible that
many of these drugs and tablets are only good for the bank balances of the drug
companies and that there are better ways for us to get over our health problems?
According to some experts we should use the power of our minds.
Since the 1950s there have been experiments using placebos. Placebos are tablets
which do not have an effect on the body, so they shouldn’t be able to make us
better. In the experiments some patients in the group receive real drugs for a health
problem, while others receive the placebo. No one knows who has the real drug or
who has the placebo. In a significant number of these experiments the patients who
haven’t received the real drug get better! People think this is perhaps because they
are thinking positively and believe they will get better – so they do!
So, can we ‘think’ ourselves better? Perhaps the big drugs companies should start
Choose the best answers.
1. The text suggests that drug companies
A. sell drugs that are bad for us.
B. sell drugs that are too expensive.
C. make a lot of money.
2. It’s possible that
A. we could manage without drugs.
B. we could live longer without drugs.
C. we need different sorts of drugs.
3. Placebos
A. are tablets for headaches.
B. are experiments done since the 1950s.
C. should not be able to cure health problems.
4. In the experiments,
A. patients know if they don’t receive the real drug.
B. patients know it’s a possibility they haven’t received the real drug.
C. patients know they have been lied to.
5. According to the article
A. some people can get better if they believe they will.
B. some people get better if their doctor believes they will.
C. some people get better because they stop taking drugs.

Trả lời:
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
Câu 3:

Write an essay on the statement ‘Nuclear power is the only way to ensure that we
have enough energy for the future.’ Include the following information:
•an introduction to the main issues
•arguments and evidence supporting the statement
•arguments and evidence supporting the opposite opinion
•a summary of your own opinion
Trả lời:
"Nuclear power is the only way to ensure that we have enough energy for the
NUCLEAR POWER is generated by splitting atoms to release the energy held at
the core, or nucleus, of those atoms. This process, nuclear fission, generates heat
that is directed to a cooling agent—usually water. The resulting steam spins a
turbine connected to a generator, producing electricity. About 450 nuclear reactors
provide about 11 percent of the world's electricity. The countries generating the
most nuclear power are, in order, the United States, France, China, Russia, and
South Korea.
The most common fuel for nuclear power is uranium, an abundant metal found
throughout the world. Mined uranium is processed into U-235, an enriched version
used as fuel in nuclear reactors because its atoms can be split apart easily. In a
nuclear reactor, neutrons—subatomic particles that have no electric charge—collide
with atoms, causing them to split. That collision—called nuclear fission—releases
more neutrons that react with more atoms, creating a chain reaction. A byproduct of
nuclear reactions, plutonium, can also be used as nuclear fuel.
In the US most nuclear reactors are either boiling water reactors, in which the water
is heated to the boiling point to release steam, or pressurised water reactors, in
which the pressurised water does not boil but funnels heat to a secondary water
supply for steam generation. Other types of nuclear power reactors include gas-
cooled reactors, which use carbon dioxide as the cooling agent and are used in the
UK, and fast neutron reactors, which are cooled by liquid sodium.
The idea of nuclear power began in the 1930s, when physicist Enrico Fermi first
showed that neutrons could split atoms. Fermi led a team that in 1942 achieved the
first nuclear chain reaction, under a stadium at the University of Chicago. This was
followed by a series of milestones in the 1950s: the first electricity produced from
atomic energy at Idaho's Experimental Breeder Reactor I in 1951; the first nuclear
power plant in the city of Obninsk in the former Soviet Union in 1954; and the first
commercial nuclear power plant in Shippingport, Pennsylvania, in 1957.
Nuclear power isn't considered renewable energy, given its dependence on a
mined, finite resource, but because operating reactors do not emit any of the
greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, proponents say it should be
considered a climate change solution. National Geographic emerging explorer
Leslie Dewan, for example, wants to resurrect the molten salt reactor, which uses
liquid uranium as fuel, arguing it could be safer and less costly than reactors in use
Others are working on small modular reactors that could be portable and easier to
build. Innovations like those are aimed at saving an industry in crisis as current
nuclear plants continue to age and new ones fail to compete on price with natural
gas and renewable sources such as wind and solar.
The holy grail for the future of nuclear power involves nuclear fusion, which
generates energy when two light nuclei smash together to form a single, heavier
nucleus. Fusion could deliver more energy more safely and with far less harmful
radioactive waste than fission, but just a small number of people—including a 14-
year-old from Arkansas—have managed to build working nuclear fusion reactors.
Organisations such as ITER in France and Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics
are working on commercially viable versions, which so far remain elusive.
When arguing against nuclear power, opponents point to the problems of long-lived
nuclear waste and the specter of rare but devastating nuclear accidents such as
those at Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima Daiichi in 2011. The deadly Chernobyl
disaster in Ukraine happened when flawed reactor design and human error caused
a power surge and explosion at one of the reactors. Large amounts of radioactivity
were released into the air, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced from
their homes. Today, the area surrounding the plant—known as the Exclusion Zone
—is open to tourists but inhabited only by the various wildlife species, such as grey
wolves, that have since taken over.
In the case of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi, the aftermath of the Tohoku earthquake
and tsunami caused the plant's catastrophic failures. Several years on, the
surrounding towns struggle to recover, evacuees remain afraid to return, and public
mistrust has dogged the recovery effort, despite government assurances that most
areas are safe.
Other accidents, such as the partial meltdown at Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island
in 1979, linger as terrifying examples of nuclear power's radioactive risks. The
Fukushima disaster in particular raised questions about safety of power plants in
seismic zones, such as Armenia's Metsamor power station.
Other issues related to nuclear power include where and how to store the spent
fuel, or nuclear waste, which remains dangerously radioactive for thousands of
years. Nuclear power plants, many of which are located on or near coasts because
of the proximity to water for cooling, also face rising sea levels and the risk of more
extreme storms due to climate change.
Câu 1:

1. Come back this evening. I _______ (finish) everything by then.

2 . Where _______ (you / work) this time next year?
3 . I need a bath. I _______ (dig) in the garden!
4. I _______ (meet) her and her husband a couple of times – mostly at work
5 . You’re late! We _______ (start) the lesson ten minutes ago.
6 . I _______ (cross) the road when I saw £10 on the pavement!
7 . _______ (you / used to) travel a lot when you were younger?
8. We decided _______ (stay) in and watch TV.
9. When I was a student I _______ (live) in Paris for six months.
10 . If we _______ (not wake her up), she’ll sleep until lunchtime!
11. It was great to see Jackie last night. I _______ (not see) her for ages.
12 . You look worried. What _______ (you / think) about?
Trả lời:
1. Come back this evening. I am going to finish everything by then.
2. Where will you work this time next year?
3. I need a bath. I am digging in the garden.
4. I have met her and her husband a couple of times - mostly at work parties.
5. You're late. We started the lesson ten minutes ago.
6. I had crossed the road when I saw £10 on the pavement!
7. Did you use to travel a lot when you were younger?
8. We decided to stay in and watch TV.
9. When I was a student I have lived in Paris for six months.
10. If we don't wake her up, she'll sleep until lunchtime?
11. It was great to see Jackie last night. I didn't see her for ages.
12. You look worried. What do you think about?
Unit: Bài KT 1 Kỹ năng tổng hợp 3 B2
Name: Đào Thanh Khê
Account: AV26.2BS222
Start: 15/01/2020 6:13:58 PM
End: 15/01/2020 6:30:00 PM
Câu 1:

1 . The restaurant on Oxford Road serves excellent food. (I used to work there.)
2. Mr and Mrs Brown live next door to us. (Their daughter is a pop star.)
3. The new block of flats will be finished next week. (It has 25 floors.)
4. J.K. Rowling is a millionaire. (She wrote the Harry Potter books.)
5. My dad’s new car is very fast. (It cost a lot of money.)
6. Our English teacher speaks French as well. (Her name is Miss Oakes.)
7. Majorca is a beautiful island. (We have a villa there.)
Trả lời:
1. The restaurant on Oxford Road where I used to work serves excellent food.
2. Mr and Mrs Brown who live next door to us is a pop star.
3. The new block of flats where has 25 floors will be finished next week.
4. K. Rowling who is a millionaire wrote the Harry Potter books.
5. My dad’s new car which is very fast cost a lot of money.
6. Our English teacher who speaks French as well is Miss Oakes.
7. Majorca is a beautiful island so that we have a villa there.
Câu 2:


The filming and photography in news programmes is very important in bringing the
stories to life and making us realise how events affect people. But the traditional
techniques of filming are slowly changing and not everyone is happy with this.
Viewers have recently complained that camerawork on news programmes, while
very artistic and clever, is more suited to feature films and documentaries.
Apparently many of us are distracted by clever camerawork and our attention is
taken away from the real focus, which is the story.
Several techniques have been criticised. One of these is the ‘circling camera’. This
is when the cameraman goes round the person who is talking so that at one point
we see the back of his head. Another technique is when the camera is not held
steadily and shakes. It gives the impression of slight panic and is often used in films
The BBC insists that camerawork like this is a sign of artistic and technological
progress and is interesting and attractive, particularly to a younger audience. But
how appropriate is it to have a circling camera when reporting on something as
ordinary as interest rates?
Choose the best answers.
1. Pictures are important in the news because
A. they show us important places.
B. it’s traditional to have them.
C. they help us understand the story.
2. Some people today complain that
A. the filming is boring.
B. the filming is distracting.
C. the filming isn’t very good.
3 . One modern filming technique is
A. when people stand in a circle.
B. there is a circle of cameras.
C. the camera moves in a circle.
4. The television company
A. has apologised.
B. promises to change the way news is filmed.
C. thinks it’s okay to film this way.
5. What is the writer’s attitude?
A. He thinks the filming should suit the subject.
B. He likes artistic camerawork.
C. He thinks there should be more filming with news stories.

Trả lời:
1. C
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
Câu 3:
Imagine you are going to spend a month in England on an English-language
course. Write a letter to the family you are going to stay with introducing yourself.
Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: introduction, general personal details
Paragraph 2: write something about your village/town/city and your country
Paragraph 3: say something about your hobbies and interests
Paragraph 4: ask for information about the family
Trả lời:
My name is Thanh Khe. I'm 43 years old. I'm from Vietnam and I'm going to spend
some time with Your family on English-language course. I'm really happy.
I come from Bentre, Vietnam. It's a small village. I really like the place I live in.
There's something going on here. I have friends here and there is my school and
my home. I'm proud of my town and also of the country I come from. Vietnam is
such an amazing country with rich history and wonderful culture. There are many
interesting places, especially Ha Long bay and Sơn Đoòng cave. Hạ Long Bay is a
UNESCO World Heritage Site and popular travel destination in Quảng Ninh
Province and Sơn Đoòng cave is one of the world's largest natural caves, in Phong
Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, Bố Trạch District, Quảng Bình Province, Vietnam. It's
a great place to visit.
But let's go back to me. I would like to introduce myself a little bit more. As you
know, I'm going to take a part in a English-language course. I like English - it's a
very beautiful language to me. I don't have any problems with learning it. Also, I like
chemistry, history - historia, PE (physical education) . I'm interesting in football. I
also like playing computer games. I like reading books too, but I prefer watching
films a little bit more.
I introduced myself so I'm looking forward to get to know Your family a little bit
more. Please, tell me someting about your family in a letter back.
Lots of love,


Unit: Bài KT 2 Kỹ năng tổng hợp 3 B2
Name: Đào Thanh Khê
Account: AV26.2BS222
Start: 15/01/2020 6:31:36 PM
End: 15/01/2020 7:09:17 PM
Câu 1:

1. I’m sure / Bill Jones / win / the next election

2 . Perhaps / I / study / biology at university
3. Perhaps / Tina / pass / the exam
4. I’m sure / they / not arrive / before 1.00 p.m.
5.Perhaps / we / not see / you until Tuesday
Trả lời:
1. I'm sure, Bill Jones will win the next election.
2. Perhaps, I may study biology at university.
3. Perhaps, Tina will pass the exam.
4. I'm sure, they won't arrive before 1.00 p.m.
5. Perhaps, we might not see you until Tuesday.
Câu 2:

In the last year the viewing public have learned a great deal about a certain type of
criminal in the extremely successful TV series Hustle. The first Hustle DVD is
released this week and it’s set to be a best-seller!
Hustle is all about the adventures of a group of con artists. Con artists are people
who persuade rich people to give them lots of money to finance projects or plans
that do not exist! The ideas are often very complicated. Sometimes the group
create a real background for the trick by hiring actors, offices or houses to
persuade the people they are conning that they are genuine. For them lying is an
In reality con artists are criminals, but in this series the group take money from the
rich for a reason. The rich person might have committed a crime themselves or
might just be a really nasty person! However, unlike the famous Robin Hood, who
stole from the rich and gave to the poor, the Hustle group keep the money for
This is an excellent series and this DVD is a must for those who like their stories
complicated but very, very clever!
1. This text is
A. giving a review.
B. a news article about con artists.
C. educational.
2. The con artists in Hustle
A. are actors.
B. are very creative.
C. are genuine business people.
3. Con artists in the real world
A. give money to the poor.
B. steal money that isn’t theirs.
C. work in offices.
4. In Hustle the con artists
A. make a lot of money.
B. can be quite nasty.
C. help poor people.
5. The stories in Hustle
A. are easy to understand.
B. are true.
C. are not straightforward.
Trả lời:
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C
Câu 3:

Imagine your friend has moved to another country. Write a letter to him/her in
which you:
•say you are sorry for not writing sooner
•give him/her news about yourself
•give him/her news about your friends and/or family
•ask questions about your friend
Trả lời:
Sunday, January 15th 2020
Dear Stephen,
I'm sorry that I didn't wrote to you earlier but I hasn't got too much time. One month
ago started school year and we have a lot of work. Finally I have new room. Its
alwsome I have blue walls and big bed, on the walls I have painted music sheets. I
have new family member. For me he is my cousin and his name Is Jack he is now
two months. And what about you? How are you doing in school and   how are you
and   your family. How looks city that you are life in now ?
I know your country is very far from mine - Vietnam. But if you have a chance, I
want to come and visit it - a very beautiful country. I will show you my village first,
its name is Sky Garden. Listening to the name can make you know what there is in
my village. Each house in Sky Garden has an own garden, it's probably a banana
garden, an apple garden, a flower garden and so on. My village also has a paddy
field, it seems be a very huge yellow rug. And if you feel hot, you can go with me
to the Red River and enjoy the cool winds.
I really want you to visit my village and my country. I hope you will have time for
Write to me as soon as you receive this letter.
Unit: Bài KT 1 Kỹ năng tổng hợp 4 B2
Name: Đào Thanh Khê
Account: AV26.2BS222
Start: 15/01/2020 9:00:40 PM
End: 15/01/2020 9:18:27 PM
Câu 2:

Yesterday the government announced that road pricing may be introduced in many
major cities next year and on all major UK routes within the next ten years.
Motorists would then have to pay to use the roads that take them to work, on
holiday, or even to their children’s schools, in an attempt to reduce the number of
cars on our roads.
A survey we carried out earlier today shows that this has angered motorists. While
being aware that something needs to be done to ease the congestion on our roads,
the majority of car owners do not believe that road pricing is the answer. ‘Unless an
alternative is given, this road pricing will not be successful,’ said one person. ‘At the
moment the road is the only option for many commuters and if they want to get to
work they will pay the charge. The government will get more money but the roads
will still be congested.’
Our survey has shown that motorists believe that a more efficient, convenient and
cheaper network of public transport is the only way to persuade them to stop using
their cars. It seems that the government still has a lot of thinking to do on the
subject. Road pricing does not seem to be the answer.
1. Next year we may have to pay if we
A. travel through some cities.
B. travel on any main roads.
C. drive a lot.
2. The charge is being introduced
A. to earn money for the government.
B. to protect the environment.
C. to cut traffic jams and delays.
3. Motorists think
A. we need better public transport.
B. it’s a good idea.
C. the charge is too high.
4. People will pay the charge if
A. the roads are improved.
B. they have no choice.
C. it’s quite low.
5. The government needs to
A. think of another solution.
B. introduce the charge quickly.
C. do nothing.

Trả lời:
1. B. travel on any main roads.
2. C. to cut traffic jams and delays.
3. A. we need better public transport.
4. A. the roads are improved.
5. A. think of another solution.
Câu 3:

Imagine you are having a disastrous holiday. Write a postcard to a friend back
home. Tell him/her about:
•the journey
•the weather
•the accommodation
Trả lời:
Dear Janine.
I am wrighting to you from Sicily. Remember, I've told you I went on a holiday?
Well, that is it.
A "holiday", which I'd rather call a nightmare...
First of all, the agent told me, Sicily has fine hotels. When I arrived the manager told
me, the hotel had been overbooked. He hardly knew any other words except "sorry,
sir. Overbooking". There were no rooms in the hotel, no rooms in the hotel next
door. I finally got a room at almost double rate and much farther from the sea than I
expected, but this cost me a day.
The weather has been quite cold to this day. now there is some sunshine through
the clouds, but my plane is tomorrow. It's been dull, cold and embarassing, because
no one speaks English and every place is the same.
Looking forward to seing you
Câu 1:

A meeting (1) _______ (hold) at 4.30 p.m. on Friday 14 March and (2)_______
(attend) by five members of the committee. The remaining members (3) _______
(contact) since the meeting and (4)_______ (inform) of the decisions that
(5)_______ (take) at the meeting. After the year’s accounts (6)_______ (discuss),
committee members voted on a new chairperson for the club. Mr Davies, the
current chair, (7)_______ (replace) by Mr Dryden on 15 April. Notes from the
meeting (8)_______ (type) up by the club secretary at the moment and (9)_______
(circulate) to club members as soon as possible.
Trả lời:
(1) is held
(2) is attended
(3) are contacted
(4) are informed
(5) are taken
(6) are discussed
(7) is replaced
(8) are typed
(9) are circulated
Unit: Bài KT 2 Kỹ năng tổng hợp 4 B2
Name: Đào Thanh Khê
Account: AV26.2BS222
Start: 15/01/2020 9:20:36 PM
End: 15/01/2020 9:44:01 PM
Câu 1:

1. My mum _______ the carpets _______ (clean) last week.

2. For her wedding next summer, my sister ________ the flowers _______
(arrange) by a local shop.
3. My great-grandfather _______ this house _______ (design) by a famous
architect 80 years ago.
4. One day I _______ my teeth _______ (whiten)!
5 . My mum _______ her hair _______ (cut) every six weeks.
6. I _______ the windows _______ (clean) every two weeks.
7. After we moved into the new house we _______ the roof _______(replace).
8. My dad _______ his blood pressure _______ (check) tomorrow.
9. My parents _______ their new sofa _______ (deliver) last week.
10. I usually _______ my homework _______ (check) by a friend before I give it to
the teacher!
Trả lời:
1. My mum had the carpets cleaned last week.
2. For her wedding next summer, my sister is going to have the flowers arranged by
a local shop.
3. My great-grandfather had this house designed by a famous architect 80 years
4. One day I'm going to have my teeth whitened!
5. My mum has her hair cut every six weeks.
6. I have the windows cleaned every two weeks.
7. After we moved into the new house we had the roof replaced.
8. My dad is having his blood pressure checked tomorrow.
9. My parents had their new sofa delivered last week.
10. I usually have my homework checked by a friend before I give it to the teacher!
Câu 2:
Where would you expect to find graffiti? On walls and bridges? Perhaps in special
exhibitions? But probably not all over the front of a historic Scottish castle!
But soon that’s exactly where you will be able to see it! And this is not vandalism on
a grand scale. Four graffiti artists, who are well-respected in their home country of
Brazil, have been commissioned by the owner to completely cover one side of the
castle with bright, colourful graffiti.
The reason is that the outer covering of the walls of the castle is in very bad
condition and in a couple of years it will need to be replaced. The family thought it
would be interesting to have the graffiti painted on until then. The artists will be
staying at the castle and working on it for a month. After that it will no doubt become
a tourist attraction for visitors to the area.
Most local people support the idea but there have been some negative reactions
from people across the country who think it is completely inappropriate. But the
family are convinced that when it is completed people will love it. They hope they
are helping graffiti to be accepted as a valuable and respected art form.
1. The graffiti will not be permanent. _______
2. Artists from different countries will be doing the graffiti. _______
3. People living near the castle don’t like the idea. _______
4. The graffiti will include scenes from history. _______
5. It will probably be popular with visitors. _______
Trả lời:
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
Câu 3:

Imagine you are planning to buy a new bike. You see one advertised in a
magazine. Write a letter to the shop asking for more information. Include the
following information and use indirect questions:
•say where you saw the advert, and why you are writing
•explain what you need the bike for
•ask your most important question
•ask your other questions
Trả lời:
Dear Sirs,
I have seen magazine ad about 15% discount on bikes. I have a few questions:  1)
Do you have mountain bikes in stock? 2) What is the country of origin? 3) What are
the brands and colours of the bikes? 4) What payment options do you offer? 5) Do
you offer delivery to the customer? Thank you in advance.
Unit: Bài KT 1 Kỹ năng tổng hợp 4 B2
Name: Lê Thúy Nhung
Account: AV26.2BS223
Start: 15/01/2020 9:45:48 PM
End: 15/01/2020 9:47:31 PM
Câu 1:

A meeting (1) _______ (hold) at 4.30 p.m. on Friday 14 March and (2)_______
(attend) by five members of the committee. The remaining members (3) _______
(contact) since the meeting and (4)_______ (inform) of the decisions that
(5)_______ (take) at the meeting. After the year’s accounts (6)_______ (discuss),
committee members voted on a new chairperson for the club. Mr Davies, the
current chair, (7)_______ (replace) by Mr Dryden on 15 April. Notes from the
meeting (8)_______ (type) up by the club secretary at the moment and (9)_______
(circulate) to club members as soon as possible.
Trả lời:
(1) is held
(2) is attended
(3) are contacted
(4) are informed
(5) are taken
(6) are discussed
(7) is replaced
(8) are typed
(9) are circulated
Câu 2:

Yesterday the government announced that road pricing may be introduced in many
major cities next year and on all major UK routes within the next ten years.
Motorists would then have to pay to use the roads that take them to work, on
holiday, or even to their children’s schools, in an attempt to reduce the number of
cars on our roads.
A survey we carried out earlier today shows that this has angered motorists. While
being aware that something needs to be done to ease the congestion on our roads,
the majority of car owners do not believe that road pricing is the answer. ‘Unless an
alternative is given, this road pricing will not be successful,’ said one person. ‘At the
moment the road is the only option for many commuters and if they want to get to
work they will pay the charge. The government will get more money but the roads
will still be congested.’
Our survey has shown that motorists believe that a more efficient, convenient and
cheaper network of public transport is the only way to persuade them to stop using
their cars. It seems that the government still has a lot of thinking to do on the
subject. Road pricing does not seem to be the answer.
1. Next year we may have to pay if we
A. travel through some cities.
B. travel on any main roads.
C. drive a lot.
2. The charge is being introduced
A. to earn money for the government.
B. to protect the environment.
C. to cut traffic jams and delays.
3. Motorists think
A. we need better public transport.
B. it’s a good idea.
C. the charge is too high.
4. People will pay the charge if
A. the roads are improved.
B. they have no choice.
C. it’s quite low.
5. The government needs to
A. think of another solution.
B. introduce the charge quickly.
C. do nothing.

Trả lời:
1. B. travel on any main roads.
2. C. to cut traffic jams and delays.
3. A. we need better public transport.
4. A. the roads are improved.
5. A. think of another solution.
Câu 3:

Imagine you are having a disastrous holiday. Write a postcard to a friend back
home. Tell him/her about:
•the journey
•the weather
•the accommodation
Trả lời:
Dear Janine.
I am wrighting to you from Sicily. Remember, I've told you I went on a holiday?
Well, that is it.
A "holiday", which I'd rather call a nightmare...
First of all, the agent told me, Sicily has fine hotels. When I arrived the manager told
me, the hotel had been overbooked. He hardly knew any other words except "sorry,
sir. Overbooking". There were no rooms in the hotel, no rooms in the hotel next
door. I finally got a room at almost double rate and much farther from the sea than I
expected, but this cost me a day.
The weather has been quite cold to this day. now there is some sunshine through
the clouds, but my plane is tomorrow. It's been dull, cold and embarassing, because
no one speaks English and every place is the same.
Looking forward to seing you
Unit: Bài KT 2 Kỹ năng tổng hợp 4 B2
Name: Lê Thúy Nhung
Account: AV26.2BS223
Start: 15/01/2020 9:48:06 PM
End: 15/01/2020 10:01:05 PM
Câu 1:
1. I want lots of sun on my holiday.
2. I’m looking forward to meeting my sister’s boyfriend.
3. I need some time to finish this work.
4. I’d like to go shopping tomorrow.
5. Sam enjoys playing in football matches.
6. She wants a dog.
Trả lời:
1. What I want is lots of sun on my holiday.
2. What I'm looking is forward to meeting my sister’s boyfriend.
3. What I need is some time to finish this word.
4. What I 'd like is go to shopping tomorrow.
5. What Sam enjoys is playing in football matches.
6. What she wants is a dog.
Câu 2:

Do you have something worth a lot of money hiding in your cupboard? Antiques are
big business today, and there are now lots of popular TV programmes encouraging
us to search our attics and garages or to visit auctions and second-hand shops to
find that one item that will make us a millionaire!
In these programmes experts visit people’s homes to search them for interesting
items to sell at auction, or they take people to markets and shops to help them find
a bargain. And it’s not just old antiques that are of interest – people are making
money from items they bought just ten or fifteen years ago.
But why do we have this fascination? Why do these programmes send us hurrying
to look through the things we’ve had for ages? ‘It’s only human nature to want
something for nothing!’ says expert Nadia Thomas. ‘We take great pleasure in
getting money for something we thought was worthless! It’s like the desire we have
as children to find hidden treasure. This is the adult equivalent!’
So, what about that painting that your great-aunt left you when she died? You’ve
always hated it but who knows – it could be worth a fortune! And you could be on
1. Antiques are popular these days. _______
2. The TV programmes are mainly popular with experts. _______
3. Modern items are not worth much money. _______
4. People sometimes pay a lot of money for something that has no value. _
5. Children are good at finding items worth a lot of money. _______
Trả lời:
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
Câu 3:

Write an essay on the topic ‘What is the purpose of art?’ Include the following
•an introduction to the topic
•2-3 arguments with supporting examples
•an appropriate conclusion
Trả lời:
Art has been a source of fascination since the beginning of recorded history.
Paintings have been in existence since man first started walking earth’s surface.
The early man drew crude lines in caves smeared with unknown kind of ink, usually
dark or bloody in colors.
As early civilization progressed, art became a tool for those who cannot express
their opinion, view, and on how they think of the world around them. As humanity
slowly approached the modern times, art as expressed through paintings and
architectural designs became the visual language of many artists especially during
the Renaissance period when man’s perception of things change dramatically.
One asks, what is the purpose of art? The answers are as diverse as the number of
colors that coats a beautiful painting. To some, art is a source of pleasure which
gives one a sense of fulfillment and happiness whenever he replicates through
painting the beauty of nature. Others just want to smear a canvass with streaks of
paint of different colors just for the sake of it, losing him/herself in the moment.
Others use it as a form of communication, a medium to express one’s love to a
certain person, nature, or to God himself.
A long time ago, art is considered a ritual in worshiping the early man’s gods. Yet,
the most appealing feature of art, particularly in a painting, is the way it expresses
itself as if it is alive or it is the manifestation of life itself. Art can also present history
as it happens, or it presents our mental images of things and events in a canvas
where the painting is so vivid and almost real that we usually think of the picture as
alive. Look at the painting of Mona Lisa; one usually will be inclined to smile back at
her because of her smile which is both mystifying and beautiful.
The concrete answer to the question as to how the world and man were created
has eluded us, but in the religious view of things the Earth was created by God.
This was vividly represented by a painting of Michaelangelo, the Creation of Adam
at the Sistine Chapel. Because of its vastness (it covers a big part of the church’s
ceiling), one feels that he/she was present when God commanded the partition of
night and day, and when He planted life on Earth, at the same time breathing his
own breath into Adam’s lungs.
Looking at the painting, one feels power emanating from it as though there’s an
excess of God’s power spewing forth across the vastness of the church’s hollow
walls. The point where God and Adam’s finger almost meet exudes a mystery as to
what would happen at the point of contact, the moments where God’s power meets
with man’s frailty. One can also observe in the painting that man is alone yet God is
surrounded by baby angels; this justifies the saying that man is nothing without the
grace of God.
A picture could paint a thousand words; this is how the painting evokes the image
of creation in our kinds. With one look at the Creation of Man, a part of the question
of our existence is answered. No words have been spoken, yet it’s as if we have
read all of the Genesis chapters in the Bible by viewing the painting.
With these observations, we can surmise that Dorothy Allison’s words ring true,
Michaelangelo’s surprises as with its beauty and vividness, and at the same time
astonishes us as to its invocation of life’s elements and putting it unto the ceiling as
one big canvas.
Art, as expressed through paintings and architecture, serves as the interpreter of
the subject matter. It is a medium to capture the attention of the public, saying
“hello, look at me, look at my tears, my smile, my beauty, look at my world.”
It is surprising to know that art is also used in the field of science in what is called
as art therapy. Clinical studies have shown that a beautiful painting or image tend to
relax a person’s mood, soothes the eyes, mind and the soul. Thus, art therapists,
psychotherapists, and clinical psychologist have used art as a healing tool in curing
sick and troubled individuals.
Now, we ask again, what is the purpose of art? We can say, in addition, that art is a
manifestation of all life. It serves as a mirror where man and nature’s beauty is
reflected and preserved through time that even if a living thing ceases to exist, its
image continues to convey the history of the past, its stories of anguish, sadness,
war, joy, happiness, and peace.
Art will continue to evolve in harmony with the pace of humanity’s progression. As
recorded history sometimes vanish after going through the rigors of walking with
time, art serves as an alternative that records humanity’s history, in lieu of
documents, pamphlets, and history books.

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