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X-Ray Tactics

A collection of 20 instructive exercises that

illustrate X-Ray Tactics.

Exercise 1

X-Ray Tactics occur when two of your pieces

defend one another “through” an enemy piece.
The examples in this collection will help you
become familiar with the “x-ray effect”.

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position.What is the best move for white?
(The solution is on the next page.)
Exercise 1 - Solution

The solution illustrates the “x-ray effect”. White

captures the black bishop on d7. Note how the
white queen and bishop support one another
“through” the black queen.

● 1.Bxd7 Qxa4 2.Bxa4

● 1.Bxd7 Qxd7? 2.Qxd7
Exercise 2

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for black?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 2 - Solution

Black’s queen and rook can work together to

checkmate the white king on the back-rank.

● 1… Qe1+ 2.Rxe1 Rxe1# is a forced

Exercise 3

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for black.

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 3 - Solution

The black rook on b8 supports the b5-square

through the white rook on b7 (the x-ray effect).

● 1… Qxb5 2.Rxb5 Rxb5

Exercise 4

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for white?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 4 - Solution

The white rook on d8 supports the f8-square

through X-Ray.

● 1.Qf8+ Rxf8 2.Rxf8#

Exercise 5

White to move. The black knight on e4 appears

to be undefended. Can white simply capture the
knight, 1.Qxe4, winning material, or is there a
hidden danger?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 5 - Solution

White can play 1.Qxe4 and then prove that

black’s checkmate idea, 1… Qd1+, doesn’t work.

● 1.Qxe4 Qd1+ 2.Qe1! and now white’s rook

defends the white queen (the x-ray effect).
● 1.Qxe4 Qd1+ 2.Rxd1? Rxd1+ 3.Qe1 Rxe1#
is what black hoped for.
Exercise 6

White is threatening to play Rxe8#. But if black

now plays Rxd8? then Qxd8# is checkmate.
What should black do?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 6 - Solution

Black can use the X-Ray motif to win the white

rook on d8.

● 1… Qd1+ 2.Kc3 Rxd8! and now the black

queen and rook defend one another, thanks
to the x-ray effect.
● 1… Qd1+ 2.Kc3 Qxd6? 3.Rxe8+ Qf8
4.Rxf8+ is good for white.
Exercise 7

Black just played 1… Qxg2, threatening Qxh1.

What is the best defense for white?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 7 - Solution

White can use the x-ray effect to defend the rook

on h1.

● 1.Be4 is better than 1.Qf3 because it

defends the rook on h1 and, at the same
time, traps the black queen!
Exercise 8

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for black?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 8 - Solution

Black’s bishop on b7 supports the h1-square,

through x-ray.

● 1… Qh1+ 2.Bxh1 Rxh1#

Exercise 9

Black to move. White is threatening Rxa1. Is

there a way for black to save the piece?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 9 - Solution

As you become familiar with the x-ray effect, you

will note that black’s queen can support the
knight on the b3-square.

● 1… Nb3 saves the knight.

Exercise 10

The white knight on a8 appears to be trapped.

How can white rescue the knight?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 10 - Solution

White first clears the e-file by trading queens.

The point is that 2.Re8 will then defend the
knight on a8, through x-ray.

● 1.Qxc5 Bxc5 2.Re8+ Ka7 3.Nc7

Exercise 11

White sacrificed material to expose the black

king. What is the best way for white to continue
the attack?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 11 - Solution

White relies on the x-ray effect of the bishop on

c4 to force a checkmate.

● 1. Qe6+! Bxe6 2. Bxe6#

Exercise 12

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for black?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 12 - Solution

The black bishop on g7 supports the b2-square.

● 1… Qb2+! 2. Bxb2 Bxb2#

Exercise 13

White just played 1.Ba3, attacking the black rook

on f8. Why is this a mistake?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 13 - Solution

The x-ray ability of the black rook on e8 allows a

checkmate combination:

● 1… Qd1+ 2.Re1 Qxe1+ 3.Rxe1 Rxe1#

Exercise 14

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for white?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 14 - Solution

The solution illustrates a beautiful checkmate

that is achieved with the help of the x-ray effect.

● 1.Rd8+ Kc7 2.Qb6#

Exercise 15

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for white?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 15 - Solution

The white queen and rook rely on the x-ray effect

to demonstrate their powerful coordination.

● 1.Qa8+ Rd8 2.Re8+! Rxe8 3.Qxe8#

● 1.Qa8+ Rd8 2.Re8+! Kf7 3.Rxd8
● 1.Qa8+ Qd8 2.Re8+! Kf7 3.Rxd8
● 1.Qa8+ Kf7 2.Qe8#
Exercise 16

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for white?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 16 - Solution

White prepares a fork based on the observation

that the rook on e1 supports the e7-square,
through x-ray.

● 1.Qxd5 Rxd5 2.Ne7+ Rxe7 3.Rxe7

● 1.Qxd5 Rxd5 2.Ne7+ Kf8 3.Nxd5
● 1.Qxd5 Rxe1+ 2.Kxe1 Rxd5 3.Ne7+ Kf8
Exercise 17

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for black?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 17 - Solution

Black’s bishop on e5 supports the h2-square

through x-ray.

● 1… Nh2 2.Bxh2? Qxh2#

● 1… Nh2 2.Qg3 Qxg3 3.Bxg3 Bxg3 4.fxg3
Nxf1 wins material.
Exercise 18

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for white?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 18 - Solution

White’s bishop on e2 can support the rook on a6,

thanks to the x-ray effect. This exceptional
coordination also plays an important role in
trapping the black queen!

● 1.d4! Qxa6 2.Bxa6

Exercise 19

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for black?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 19 - Solution

A good understanding of the x-ray effect helps

black to find this pretty checkmate:

● 1… Rh2+ 2.Kg3 Qc7#

Exercise 20

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the

position. What is the best move for white?

The solution is on the next page.

Exercise 20 - Solution

White combines the x-ray effect with some other

tactical ideas to create a masterpiece.

● 1.Ne6+ fxe6 2.Re7+ (white’s queen

supports the e7-square) Qxe7 3.Qxe7+
● 1.Re7? Qc1+ 2.Kh2 Qf4+ gives black a
strong counter-attack.
You may find that some chess training materials
occasionally use the term "x-ray” when referring
to a pin or skewer. Such reference to x-ray isn’t
necessarily wrong. (The pinning piece does in
fact “see through” a pinned or skewered piece.)

However, the exercises in this collection illustrate

a unique aspect of the “x-ray effect”--specifically
the situation where two of your pieces support
one another “through” an enemy piece.
End of
X-Ray Tactics

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