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College of

Nursing Banilad

Name: Donna Marie D. Tariman Course/Subject: 70248 PHILO (Ethics)

Year & Section: BSN 2-A Date: September 21, 2021

Total Score: 24 = Struggles with ethics


After taking the 10-item quiz, I interpreted my answers based on the answer key given
and calculated the score resulting to a total of 24 points, which indicates that I struggle with ethics.
Honestly I was quite flustered with how it turned out because personally if I were in the same
situations presented, I would really think that the right thing to do would be the choices which I
picked. Do I agree with the result that I got? I think I would not. Because as an individual, I have
my own principles, values, and practices that I follow. There is a framework of ethics underlying
our lives on a daily basis, helping us make decisions that create positive impacts and steering us away
from unjust outcomes and my own framework which is rooted from my propositions led me to my
ethical choices. As what we have learned, ethics guides us to make the world a better place through
the choices we make. Nevertheless, I am well aware that the study of ethics is toward the
development of one’s ethical standards. Upon answering the questions in the quiz it is inevitable that
personal feelings and sentiments are involved and sentiments, laws, and accepted practices can stray
based on what is moral. So it is important to continually look at one's norms to guarantee that they
are sensible and very much established. In addition to this, I am not sure of the bases of the answer
key on choosing the most ethical thing to do in each situation. However, the choices that are marked
the most ethical responses are also viable and I am also open to learning more of why and how it
turned out to be such. After all, life is a cycle of learning and improving.

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