Prelim-Examination-1 (Delos Santos)

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Name: MARK JHON A. DELOS SANTOS Year&Course: B.S CRIM 1 – 1 Score: ______ Ratings: ______



1. It is a japanese martial art, Created by Morihei ueshiba througout the 1st half of the 20th

A. Kick Boxing C. Aikido

B. Karate Do D. Jujitso

2. A traditional martial art focused on ______? it also sometimes practiced as a separate kobudo art
without first learning karate.

A. Karate Do C. Judo

B. Jujitso D. NunChako

3. It is a group of stand-up combat sport based on kicking and punching, historically developed from
karate mixed with boxing.

A. Taekwondo C. Arnis De mano

B. Boxing D. Kick Boxing

4. It was developed by the indigenous population of the philippines who used an assorted range of
weapon for combat and self-defence

A. Boxing C. Escrima

B. Muay Thay D. Judo

5. It is sometimes reffered to as "thai boxing" is a martial arts and combat sport that uses stand up
striking along with variuos clinching techniques.

A. NunChaku C. Thai Kwon Do

B.Muay thay D. Kung Fu

6. Who is the GrandMaster of TAEKWONDO?

A. Dr. Chungwon Choue C. Gen.Choi Hong Hi

B. Master Jackie Chan D.Gen. Remy Presas

7. A person with a ______ is not easy discouraged or defeated.

A. DO JANG C. Patience

B. Perseverance D. Indomitable Spirit

8. A person has ______ when he believes in his own abilities.

A. Modesty C. Loyal

B. Self-confidence D. Faithful

9. It is the basic command in Korean terminologies that means “BOW”.

A. Charyeot C. Shijak

B. JoonBi D. Kyoong-Rye

10. It is the Korean terminologies that refers to the “GYM” or “SCHOOL”.

A. Do Jang C. Joon Bi

B. Jeja D. Sek

11. “DASSUK” means?

A. One C. Rules

B. Five D. Uniform

12. “I shall respect the instructor and seniors” belongs to what?

A. Tenets of Taekwondo C. Terminologies of Taekwondo

B. Rules of Taekwondo D. Taekwondo Oath

13. From what country does Taekwondo originated?

A. North Korea C. South Korea

B. China D. Japan

14. “DO” in Taekwondo means?

A. Place C. Fist

B. Art or way D. Student

15. This is the first name of TAEKWONDO.

A. Hwarang C. Tae Kyun

B. Taebaek D. tekwondo


DIRECTIONS: Give an example on how will you attain those principles of taekwondo. Cite any scenario
with accordance to rubrics given below.
Rubrics: 100 words 30%
Content 40%
Precision related to content 30%
TOTAL 100%
The 5 Tenets of TAEKWONDO.

1. COURTESY ( Ye Ui )
To be constantly courteous and polite in a professional environment can often prove
difficult, especially when dealing with a person who does not have the same attitude.
However, when one perseveres in courtesy, one will eventually win and gain
people’s respect in the end. Courtesy can also mean tolerance, for example
tolerance of other peoples opinions, ideals, and beliefs. This notion is compatible
with the Taekwondo ideal, found in the student oath, of building a more peaceful
2. INTEGRITY ( Yom Chi )
This is an adage that we hear of a lot in life. From a very early age we are all taught
to be honest. As we get older, however, many of us find it difficult to uphold. This
can be due to the various constraints we find ourselves in during our later life. To
seek to achieve integrity and honesty in all areas of your life is a challenge in itself
for the simple reason that it is extremely difficult to be honest with yourself.
However, the literal definition of integrity can be made to cover a wider scope of
One of the most important secrets in becoming a leader in Taekwondo is to
overcome every difficulty by perseverance.  The student of Taekwondo must apply
this tenet in their training at all times if they are to reach any goal in Taekwondo.
Whether they are putting in two to three hours training per day to prepare for an
important competition, practicing for an approaching Kup or Dan grading, trying to
perfect the fundamental movements in a pattern or trying to develop the ‘theory of
power’ in the fundamental techniques of Taekwondo – all of these tasks require
Self control is extremely important inside and outside the do-jang, whether
conducting oneself in free sparring or in one’s personal affairs. A loss of self control
in free sparring can prove disastrous to both student and opponent. An inability to
live and work within one’s capability or sphere is also a lack of self control.
5. INDOMITABLE SPIRIT ( Baekjul Boolgool )
This tenet has very deep philosophical meanings. The literal definition of
“indomitable” is “that which can not be subdued”, whereas spirit can mean many
things, from an essential or active quality of a thing to the essence or vigor of the
intellect or mind. General Choi refers to the heroic actions of the 300 Spartans at the
Battle of Thermopylae who fought against overwhelming odds and superior forces
as an example of indomitable spirit. It is shown when a courageous person and his
principles are pitted against overwhelming odds.


1. I shall observe the tenets of Taekwondo.

The traditional Five Tenets of Taekwondo are Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-

Control and Indomitable Spirit.

2. I shall respect the instructor and seniors.

Respecting instructors in Taekwondo, teachers in school, and other people in

authority is an important part of the Taekwondo oath. Seniors can refer to higher
belts in the dojang and also those elderly individuals outside of the dojang.

3. I shall never misuse Taekwondo.

Taekwondo is a self-defense martial art, and should be used in self-defense situations

only. The misuse of Taekwondo by a student or instructor for personal gain or in
vengeance is not permitted. This is especially true because the kicks and strikes in
Taekwondo can cause permanent injury to another person if executed at full speed
and power from a properly trained student.

4. I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.

The Taekwondo student should embrace the ideals of freedom which go back to the
suffering on Koreans during the Japanese occupation. The student should learn how
to champion freedom causes that work with the previous tenant, “Respect the
instructors and seniors”. This can pose challenges if you practice Taekwondo in a
country that may not be “free”. The student should also embrace justice, working
within the law to handle situations legally and fairly, as well as to determine the
facts of a situation before passing judgment.

5. I shall build a more peaceful world.

This kind of peace does not mean not defending oneself or helping someone else
who is weaker. As one of my instructors put it, “Building a peaceful world begins
with you, being at peace in your own life, showing others every day how to live a
peaceful existence.”

30-40. As one of your major subjects in this course, why is it that martial arts is very significant or
applicable in your chosen profession? Justify your answer. (10pts.) Follow the rubrics given.

For many people, martial arts is an integral part of life. People practice martial arts as a
sport, a hobby, an artistic expression or a regimen for physical, mental and emotional
well-being. Skills learned in the study of martial arts can be applied in other aspects and
relationships in life. Self-Defense - Majority of those signing up for martial arts have
personal safety as their main reason for training. Violence is a reality that is faced by
everyone and martial arts training provides necessary skills to increase chances of
survival. Students learn and practice risk avoidance and fighting skills that they can
apply should their safety be at risk. Self-confidence - Fear and lack of knowledge and
skill contribute largely to poor self confidence. Martial arts training provides tools that
enable people to learn and apply skills that help them realize not only what they are
capable of but also gives them a sense of pride from knowing what they have
accomplished. Fear is reduced from knowing there are skills to draw upon when
attacked. As students progress to new levels, challenges are met with less apprehsion
and with more drive to perservere and succeed.

40-50. As a future police officer, what are those things that you will contribute in our society? Justify
your answer. (10pts.) Follow the rubrics given.

A prospective employer might ask why you want to be a police officer to learn why you
want to get into such a demanding career. As a police officer, you have to work in
challenging situations on a daily basis. Though this work can be extremely rewarding, it
does come with some risks. It takes a motivated and passionate person to be an effective
and reliable police officer. Police departments want to ensure that their officers are
committed to their role as protectors and are entering the force for the right reasons. They
are looking for ethical people who want to make their communities safer places to live. A
quality police officer genuinely wants to help people and reduce the rate of crime, so an
interviewer may ask you this question to make sure you are dedicated to these goals. In
short, I want to contribute safetyness in this society.

Good luck and God bless!!!!!

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