William C. Kurlinkus: Academic Positions

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William C.

Academic Positions
Associate Professor, English The University of Oklahoma 2020–Present
Assistant Professor, English The University of Oklahoma 2014–2020
• Director: Technical Writing and Communication 2014–Present
• Director: Rhetoric and Writing Studies 2019–Present
Areas of Specialization: Technical writing and communication, human-centered design, nostalgia/memory
studies, digital media studies, multimodal composition, rhetorical theory

The Ohio State University 2010–2014
• PhD English: Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy; Digital Media Studies
Dissertation: “Nostalgia and New Media: Designing Difference into Rhetoric, Composition,
and Technology.”
Committee: Cynthia L. Selfe (chair), Nan Johnson, Beverly Moss, Susan Delagrange,
H. Lewis Ulman

The Pennsylvania State University 2008–2010

• MA English: Rhetoric and Composition
Thesis: “The Politics of Paint: Racking Cans and DIY Lasers: How Channel of Access
Politicizes Graffiti Technology.”

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2004–2008

• BA English (summa cum laude): Honors English; Honors Creative Writing

1. Nostalgic Design: Rhetoric, Memory, and Democratizing Technology. U of Pittsburgh P, Series in Composition,
Literacy, and Culture, 2018, pp. 260.
Reviewed. Purdy, James. “Circulating Ethical Digital Writing.” College English, vol. 83, no. 4, 2021, pp.

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Chapters

1. “Nostalgic Design: Making Memories in the Rhetoric Classroom.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly, vol. 51, no. 5,
2021. Forthcoming.
2. “‘Coal Keeps the Lights On’: Rhetorics of Nostalgia for and in Appalachia.” College English, vol. 81, no. 2,
2018, pp. 87–109, with Krista Kurlinkus.
3. “Memorial Interactivity: Planning for Nostalgic User Experiences.” Rhetoric and Experience Architecture,
edited by Liza Potts and Michael J. Salvo, Parlor Press, 2017, pp. 274–290.
4. “Crafting Designs: An Archaeology of ‘Craft’ as God Term.” Computers and Composition, vol. 33, 2014, pp.
5. “An Ethics of Attentions: Three Continuums of Classical and Contemporary Stylistic Manipulation for
the 21st Century Composition Classroom.” The Centrality of Style, edited by Michael Duncan and Star
Medzerian, Parlor Press, 2013, pp. 9–36.
6. With Cynthia L. Selfe. “The Watson Symposium: What Might Be Missing and Why?” Journal of Advanced
Composition, vol. 32, no. 3, 2012, accompanying blog at: <http://watsonresponse.blogspot.com/>

1. “Track Changes: A Literary History of Word Processing. By Matthew G. Kirschenbaum.” Technology and
Culture, vol. 50, no. 1, 2019, pp. 340–42, invited.

Popular Publications
1. “Nostalgia’s Ingenious Potential.” Zocalo Public Square, 22 January 2020.

Teaching Experience
Rhetoric and Social Media University of Oklahoma Fall 2021
• In this course students learn to critically analyze the rhetoric, history, politics, celebrity, and genres
produced on four popular social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. Across
these four platforms we’ll ask questions like: What turns has celebrity (and particularly social media
“micro-celebrity”) taken in the last two decades? How has social media allowed for the circulation of dark
misinformation (from anti-vaccination info to deepfake videos) but also #activism that has changed the
world? Why are mundane videos and posts (unboxing videos, elevator rides, marble races, etc.) so
popular? How have these digital platforms been designed to encourage and/or restrict certain types of
posts? And, generally, how have social media changed the way we exist in the world? Major assignments
include a digital community ethnography and social media trend analysis.

English 6013, Contemp. Rhetorical Analysis University of Oklahoma Fall 2020

• This introductory course provided an overview of and practice in contemporary theories of rhetorical
analysis, including spatial analysis, publics and counter publics, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity,
memory studies, social media circulation, and visual rhetoric. Along the way, students became familiar
with the basics of just what rhetoricians do by reading some of the most well-known critics of the 20th and
21st century (from Kenneth Burke to Adam Banks). Each week we also covered rhetorical methods from
Sonja Foss’s Rhetorical Criticism. The course culminated in extended rhetorical analyses on topics including
African American rhetoric on TikTok, Taylor Swift and epistemic vulnerability, and rhetoric of neutrality
during the Supreme Court Nominations. (9 students)

English 3143, Memory Studies University of Oklahoma Fall 2020

• From OU campus statues to Confederate Civil memorials to hip-hop’s old school to Facebook’s On This
Day, in this course students learned to study cultures of memory by asking, who wants whom to remember
what, why, and to which ends? We paid particularly close attention to how shared memories structure
communities (e.g. slow food activists, Garth Brook’s country music fandom, and online conspiracy
groups), how memory and nostalgia structure popular media (e.g, film and TV reboots and nostalgia
shows like Stranger Things and The Goldberg’s) and what role technologies of memory (e.g. scrapbooks,
social media, and museums) play in all of this. Projects include a midterm analysis of a community of
memory and a final project on some larger trend/argument about the nature of memory in contemporary
culture. (15 students)

English 6013, Material Rhetorics University of Oklahoma Fall 2019

• Students examined the material turn in rhetoric and composition scholarship—a turn of attention away
from written and oral texts and towards the arguments made by the embodied rhetorical world. That
means that, among other things, we studied space/place rhetorics (from the analysis of museums and
memorials to critical regionalism), bodily rhetorics (including disability, race, medicine, and
emotion/affect), the rhetoric of everyday making (from knitting to beer brewing), and multimodal rhetoric
(with a special focus on recent scholarship on sonic rhetorics. Final papers included: rhetorics of identity
policing on Native Twitter, new urbanism and homelessness in Midtown OKC, Oklahoman gustatory
nostalgia at Cattleman’s Steakhouse, rhetorics of shame and disability on OU’s campus, indigenous
murals as rhetoric of land reclamation in OKC, etc. (7 students)
English 4853, Writing Track Capstone University of Oklahoma Spring 2019
• In this writing track capstone, students learned to finetune some of the professional and technical writing
skills that employers look for in graduating English majors. To do so, we first learned how to find and
analyze job ads and write resumes and cover letters to match. We then composed grants, instruction sets,
and psychologically savvy copywriting portfolios. Finally, we had a running project in which students
found a communication problem in the English major, used design research methods to study it, and
prototyped a solution, including a renewed English club, outreach to potential internships, alumni profiles,
and recruitment documents. (18 students)

English 5443, Technology Studies in CRL University of Oklahoma 2018, 2021

• This graduate course introduced students to the breadth of ways technology has been studied in the field
of composition, rhetoric, and literacy, including the philosophy of technology, computers and writing, the
rhetoric of science, technical writing, and the digital humanities. Students created journal-length papers
on OOO of a hurricane affected writing program, Native American meme culture, working class
performance in YouTube beauty vlogs, choice poetics in video games, and Anabaptists on Facebook. (14

English 3183, Digital Media Design University of Oklahoma 2 Sections

• A new version of authoring in the information age focused on teaching students to become user-centered
digital designers using Photoshop, Premiere, Canva, and HTML/CSS. Assignments included a redesign
of a business’s website, video essay, and speculative design. For their final, students solved a problem for a
client. One student teacher created a classroom redesign plan for the overcrowded Oklahoma high school
classroom he teaches in. Another successfully protested his apartment complex to start a recycling
program through creating a guerilla marketing campaign including social media marketing, petition
letters, and interactive recycling stations across his building. (13–14 students)

English 3163, Analyzing YouTube Celebrity University of Oklahoma Fall 2017

• This course focused on the rhetorical analysis and production of YouTube videos. We read a combination
of theoretical articles on YouTube, media, and culture and studied YouTube topics from Miranda Sings
and microcelebrity, to Epic Mealtime and carnivalesque eating, to ASMR and affect theory. In doing so,
students learned about the meaning of digital celebrity, virality, and popularity in the YouTube age. Final
projects were ethnographies of YouTube microcultures such as veterans using dark comedy on YouTube
as a coping mechanism, the democratization of science in the steroid community on YouTube, and the
“hyperintimacy” of eating disorder body check videos. (13 students)

English 3143, Marketing the English Major University of Oklahoma Spring 2017
• What does an English major do after s/he graduates? What do professional writers do on the job? How do
I get a job as an English major? In this course students learned to market themselves as English majors
while also learning to market (through social media, video portraits, and qualitative research) the English
major as a valuable path for other students across the university. Students created a resume, cover letter,
and application to a job or internship; a social media marketing campaign; a well-edited video interview;
qualitative user research documents demonstrating an ability to run interviews, listening sessions, design
probes, etc.; an edited writing sample; and an online portfolio. (12 students)

English 5133, Teaching Technical Writing, University of Oklahoma 3 Sections

• A graduate level course in which students were introduced to 3 aspects of technical writing: 1. teaching
technical writing to undergraduate STEM majors, 2. researching technical writing as academics in a
university, and 3. training to become professional technical writers themselves. The course (like OU’s
curriculum) specifically focused on user-centered design and developing a usability research project. In
2018’s course, we co-created a free digital textbook that will soon be used by all technical writing sections.
(6–12 students)

English 6103, Research Methods in Composition, University of Oklahoma Spring 2015
Rhetoric, and Literacy
• A graduate-level methods course in which students were introduced to and practiced several of the
qualitative research methods used by scholars in the humanities; social sciences; and writing, rhetoric, and
literacy studies, including: 1. classroom data collection, 2. ethnography, 3. spatial research, 4. archival
research, and 5. digital methods. (8 students)

English 3183, Authoring in the Information Age University of Oklahoma 2 Sections

• A digital media production course in which students learned to write using digital tools (web design,
Photoshop, and film and audio editing software) while simultaneously learning how those digital tools
transform the ways they write. We challenged what technical literacy means (from using a photocopier to
make punk zines to tweeting) and constantly explored the idea that technology is a set of things, a set of
skills, and a set of values. Students left the course with a working vocabulary of, among other topics, web
design, graphic design, social media marketing, participatory design, the philosophy of technology, and
UX (user experience) architecture. (14 students)

English 3153, Technical Writing University of Oklahoma 7 Sections

In person and on-line
• From the most basic lab report to medical aftercare instructions, from museum displays to airplane safety
guides—in English 3153, students learned to analyze and produce technical documents across a variety of
settings. In particular this course takes a user-centered design research approach to writing for science,
workplace, and consumer settings. By the end of the course, students have experience with resumes and
cover letters, instruction sets, outreach grants, popular science communication, usability testing, and info-
graphics. (15–19 students)

English 1113, Introduction to College Writing University of Oklahoma Fall 2014

• A rhetoric-centric freshmen writing course, of particular note were a remix assignment in which students
learned about interactivity, visual rhetoric, and other concepts of delivery as well as a final ethnographic
research report in which students studied (through primary interviews, site observations, and secondary
research) how technology changed a community they were familiar with. (19 students)

English 3304, Business Writing The Ohio State University Spring 2013
• A business writing course with a special emphasis on new capitalist business practices,
including social media marketing, multi-member projects, web design, non-profit organizations,
and contemporary business presentation tactics.

English 2269, Digital Media Composing The Ohio State University Fall 2012
• A rhetorically focused digital media composition class that featured HTML, CSS,
Wordpress, Photoshop, iMovie, and GarageBand. A special emphasis was given to the
politics of technology (access, fair use, remix, cultural appropriation, viral marketing, tracking software,
etc.) and techno-epistemological pluralism.

English Language Instructor The Columbus Literacy Council 2012

• Led a bi-weekly introductory English language class (reading, speaking, and writing)
for a group of 4–10 adults of varying experience levels.

Material Science and Engineering 581.04 The Ohio State University Fall + Spring 2012
Tech Writing TA to Professor David Phillips
• Lectured on lab observation, note taking, and report writing—focused on ethos
and audience analysis in the field of engineering. Held regular office hours. Graded
writing quality on all lab reports.

English 277, Introduction to Rhetorical Analysis The Ohio State University Spring 2012
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Nan Johnson
• Lectured on the rhetorical analysis of social media and the Internet and helped facilitate
day-to-day group work.

English 269 Digital Media Composing The Ohio State University Fall 2011
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Cynthia Selfe
• Lectured on visual rhetoric, taught iMovie, and generally facilitated daily discussion
and digital media composing workshops.

English 202 B, Writing in the Humanities The Pennsylvania State University 2 Sections
• A second-level writing course for juniors and seniors studying in the humanities.
Assignments included a professional journal review, resume and cover letter, cultural/
literary analysis, and philosophically-oriented career analysis.

LEAP 18, Philosophy, Art, and Film The Pennsylvania State University Summer 2009
• A specially-designed session of freshman writing for incoming freshmen that I coordinated with a
member of the philosophy department (who taught a partner course). My portion had a focus on
rhetorically depicting reality, simulacra, and visual rhetoric.

English 015, Rhetoric and Composition The Pennsylvania State University 3 Sections
• Introductory writing course consisting of memoir, cause-and-effect arguments,
critical analyses, arguments through definition, and visual rhetoric. My main goals were to
teach a balance of audience awareness (analysis, acceptance, and refusal of the rhetorical
situation) and purposeful, personal stylistic choice.

Directed Readings and Honors Projects

Ashley Beardsley. Directed Reading: “Food, Rhetoric, and Literacy” Spring 2020
Dylan Alford. Directed Reading: “Ethical Literacies, Video Games, and Online Community” Spring 2019
Matthew Jacobson. Directed Reading: “Technology, Literacy, and Design” Fall 2017
Haeyoung Lee. Directed Reading: “Technology and Food Ecologies” Spring 2017
Brittany McDaniel. Directed Reading: “Technical Writing and Design Methods” Spring 2016
Adriana Valtinson. Directed Reading: “Social Media and Feminist Rhetorics” Spring 2016
Danielle Snynder. Honors Research Project: “Public Intimacy and Social Media Marketing” Fall 2015
Lauren Brentnell. Directed Reading: “Rhetoric, Digital Media, and Memory Studies” Spring 2015

Exam and Dissertation Committees

Spencer Cooke, English PhD The University of Oklahoma Coursework
Kelsey Willems, English PhD The University of Oklahoma Coursework
Matthew Jacobson, English PhD The University of Oklahoma 2021
Ashley Beardsley, English PhD The University of Oklahoma ABD
Dylan Alford, English MA The University of Oklahoma 2019
Haeyoung Lee, English MA The University of Oklahoma 2017
Brittany McDaniel, English MA The University of Oklahoma 2016

Anna Trevino, English PhD The University of Oklahoma 2021
Ryan Rahaal, English MA The University of Oklahoma 2021
Jason Opheim, English PhD The University of Oklahoma ABD
Kalyn Prince, English PhD The University of Oklahoma ABD
Cindy Ross, English PhD The University of Oklahoma 2021
Anna Barritt, English PhD The University of Oklahoma ABD
Charles Lee, English MA The University of Oklahoma 2019
Mandi McCray, English MA The University of Oklahoma 2018
Jordan Woodward, English MA The University of Oklahoma 2017
Adriana Valtinson, English MA The University of Oklahoma 2016
Lauren Brentnell, English MA The University of Oklahoma 2015

Outside Member
Gul Nahar, Education PhD The University of Oklahoma 2019
Matt Baker, Education MA, PhD The University of Oklahoma ABD

Administration and Service

Director of Technical Writing and Communication The University of Oklahoma 2014–Present
• Created and direct a required technical writing curriculum taken by ~456 STEM students (24 sections)
both in person and online annually. The course focuses on user-centered technical communication
through the production of resumes/cover letters, instruction sets, grant writing, and popular science
communiqués. It culminates in usability testing and redesigning a website or app.
• Train both graduate student instructors and lecturers to teach the course and oversee their customization,
research on, and presentation of the curriculum. Hold weekly meetings for first-time instructors (during
the semester and over summer).
• Supervise syllabi, guide online course setup, observe courses, hold conflict mediations, oversee credit
transfers, and answer student and university advisor questions and concerns.
• Assist students interested in technical writing professionally. Helped place former students Rachel Gaal
(NASA internship>American Physical Society>NOAA Climate Office>George Mason University), Trey
Crisp (Pinterest), and Jenna White (Department of Defense).

PACGEO The University of Oklahoma 2019–Present

• Provost’s Advisory Committee on General Education Oversight: reviews applications

CAS Information Technology Committee The University of Oklahoma 2019–Present

Reader, Provost’s Dissertation Prize The University of Oklahoma 2021

Small group leader, Tenure and The University of Oklahoma 2021

Promotion Workshop

Manuscript Reviewer University of Pittsburgh Press 2021
Tenure Reviewer R1, Digital Media Focus 2020
Reviewer College Composition and Communication 2020, 2021
Reviewer American Quarterly 2019
Reviewer College English 2019
Reviewer Genre 2019
Table Leader. Research Network. CCCC 2018, 2019
Judge. Cheryl Geisler Award for Outstanding Mentor, Rhetoric Society of America 2018
Composition AP Test Grader Tampa, Florida 2017
Conference Proposal Reviewer Digital Humanities 2016–Present
Conference Proposal Reviewer Computers and Writing 2013
Pedagogy Coordinator The Digital Media and Composition Institute Summer 2012
Research Assistant The Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives Summer 2012
Assistant Editor Computers and Composition an International Journal 2010–2011

Rhetoric and Writing Studies The University of Oklahoma 2014–Present
Director 2019–Present
• As Director of RWS I’ve led course scheduling, monthly meetings, the successful revision of our graduate
exam model (which was used as a model for the literary studies exam as well), and the recruitment of some
of RWS’s largest and most diverse graduate students in decades. I also created a comprehensive list of
graduate alumni, their dissertation titles, and the jobs they received upon graduation. I created RWS
recruitment ads as well as a stand alone RWS website. I advise our graduate students and co-lead the
recruitment visits as well.
• As a member of the rhetoric and writing studies area group, we’ve met monthly to redesign both our
undergraduate and graduate programs, change our title (from composition, rhetoric, and literacy to
rhetoric and writing studies), discuss new hires, and discuss graduate applicants. I designed our area group
webpage: http://www.ou.edu/cas/english/academics/graduate/rhetoric-and-writing-studies. I’ve
participated in a total of three faculty hires and have designed 7 new courses: digital culture, science
writing, technical writing for English majors, digital composing (name change), topics in professional
writing, graduate level literacy studies, and graduate level topics in literacy studies.

Graduate Committee The University of Oklahoma 2020

• Aid in recruitment and evaluation of new graduate students, redesigned exam model, evaluate graduate
student awards, etc.

English Club Advisor The University of Oklahoma 2019–Present

• Directed the reformation of the English Club in my capstone English course in spring 2019. Help create
recruitment materials (bookmarks, buttons, flyers) and organize events and volunteer opportunities (trivia
night, flash-fiction readings, etc.). Club went from 0 members in 5.1.19 to 30 as of 8.26.19.

Undergraduate Committee+ The University of Oklahoma 2014–2019

• Active member of the committee, focused especially on recruitment and professionalization. Hold resume
writing and job application workshops (2019), researched and designed our recruitment pamphlet (2018),
won best table design at the majors and minors fair (2017), attend recruitment events, run the
department’s twitter account. Am also part of undergraduate award selection, meeting with job
candidates, reviewing course proposals, and participating in graduation. Previously helped propose a
reformat undergraduate curriculum: including rethinking prerequisites and renumbering courses with an
eye towards recruiting new majors.

Social Media Internship Coordinator The University of Oklahoma 2017–2018

• Selected, coordinated projects for, and weekly met with the English Department Digital Communication
and Marketing Intern on projects including revitalizing all social media accounts, creating alumni profiles,

CRL Hiring Committee The University of Oklahoma 2015–2016

• Helped write the job ad, vet applications, and perform interviews and campus visits for a successful
advanced assistant/associate professor search in RCL, specializing in Race, Ethnicity, and/or Identity.

Composition Committee The University of Oklahoma 2014–2016

• Duties included classroom observations of graduate instructors, coordinating visiting composition
program directors, and presentations on teaching to graduate students. In 2015–16 I was part of a total
curriculum redesign for our comp sequence, which included attending ~8 meetings a year and a daylong
retreat led by visiting scholar Linda Adler-Kassner, presenting to the dean and provost, and giving
presentations on multimodal grading to graduate student instructors.

English Building Redesign The University of Oklahoma 2014–2016

• Was asked to help plan for the future technological interests (computer labs, technology classrooms, etc.)
of the Department of English as we moved to a new English building.

Website Committee The University of Oklahoma 2014–2015

• Aided in the redesign of the English Department website.

RCL Administrative Associate The Ohio State University 2013–2014

• Met regularly with the Vice Chair of the Rhetoric, Composition and Literacy program.
Attended writing program directors meetings. Completed administrative, research, assessment,
and curricular assignments for the Vice Chair of RCL and the directors of the First-Year
Writing, Second-Year Writing, and Professional and Technical Writing Programs.

Digital Media Project Assistant The Ohio State University Summer 2013
• Supported teaching and research in Digital Media Studies through interactive classroom
workshops on iMovie, Photoshop, Garageband, and other multimedia platforms.
Aided instructors in reimagining their courses (from composition to literature) as digital media
production courses including digital cameras, audio recorders, video recorders, green screens, lighting,
microphones, and ipads.

Fellowship Coordinator The Ohio State University Spring 2013

• Organized a committee of faculty and graduate student judges that wrote a call for and
refereed applications to the new Genevieve Critel Leadership Fellowship, a one-year
fully-paid fellowship, funded by the Digital Media and Composition Institute, that recognizes
post-candidacy graduate students in the department of English for their service and mentorship.

Composition Assistant The Pennsylvania State University 2009–2010

• Composed Penn Statements, a reader used by all first-year composition students at Penn
State, which consisted of 40 guided student essays, introductions to essay assignments,
and solutions to problems commonly encountered by first-year composition students.
Helped run grad student orientation; gave composition brown bag talks; reviewed all syllabi
submissions for composition classes; managed the composition library; assisted in cases of
plagiarism; and gave general pedagogical advice to comp instructors.

Awards and Fellowships

The University of Oklahoma
• College of Arts and Sciences Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship: $7,000 2019
• University of Oklahoma Alternative Textbook Grant: $2,250 2017
• College of Arts and Sciences Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship: $7,000 2015

The Ohio State University

• Susan L. Huntington Dean’s Distinguished University Fellow 2010–2014
• Department of English Digital Media Prize for Outstanding Graduate Work 2013
• Department of English Digital Media Prize for Outstanding Graduate Work 2012
• Kitty O. Locker Travel Award for Research in Professional Communication 2012
• Department of English Award for Outstanding Graduate Scholarship in Digital Media 2011

The Pennsylvania State University

• Wilma R. Ebbitt Graduate Fellowship in Rhetoric in the College of the Liberal Arts 2010

Student Awards and Achievements

The University of Oklahoma
• Goldia D. Cooksey Memorial Fund Award (project in memory studies): Alexandra McManus 2021
• Provost’s Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (for technical writing): Matthew Jacobson 2020
• Dr. Edward Clark Memorial Scholarship (for exemplary PhD Exam): Matthew Jacobson 2019
• James C. Benson Writing Prize (project in 5443): Anna Barritt 2019
• Roy and Florena Hadsell Scholarhip (project in 5443): Ashley Beardsley 2019
• Provost’s Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (for technical writing): Katy Krieger 2019
• Dr. Betty Evans Scholarship for Superior Critical Essay: Danielle Snyder 2016
• NASA Technical Writing Internship: Rachel Gaal 2015

The Ohio State University

• Digital Media Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Work: Jacob Hollar 2013

Conference Presentations, Workshops, Invited Lectures, and Institutes

“Nostalgia Keeps an (Un)Tidy Home.” Invited Chair and Respondent. Rhetoric Society of America. (Portland,
OR)—May 2020. (Conference Cancelled, COVID-19)

“From Flesh-Eating Robots to Better Paid Teachers: Challenging Cultural Commonplaces through
Speculative Design.” College Conference on Composition and Communication. (Milwaukee, WI)—March 2020.
(Conference Cancelled, COVID-19)

“Preparing Students in Composition’s Design Turn.” Composing the Future of English Studies Round Table,
Sponsored by the Forum on History and Theory of Composition. Modern Language Association. (Seattle, WA)—
January 2020.

“Tradition is Not a Rhetorical Fallacy: Being Accountable to the Longings of Coal Miners and Anti-Vaccine
Advocates.” Association of Teachers of Technical Writing. (Pittsburgh, PA)—March 2019.

“Writing with Users in Mind.” Computers and Writing. (George Mason University)—June 2018.

“Rhetorics of Progress.” Presenter and Table Leader. Research Network Forum. College Conference on
Composition and Communication. (Kansas City, MO)—April 2018.

Invited Speaker. “Nostalgic Design in Appalachia.” Universal Design Today: Live and Learn. (Charleston, WV)—
May 2017.

“Making as Research: Adopting Design Methods in First-Year Composition.” College Conference on Composition
and Communication. (Portland, OR)—March 2017.

“OVAL: A Virtual Ecosystem for Immersive Scholarship and Teaching.” Digital Humanities 2016 (Krakow,
Poland)—July 2016. Accepted—did not attend.

“Nostalgia and New Media: Invention, Delivery, and a Digital Dissertation.” Rhetoric Society of America.
(Atlanta, Georgia)—June 2016.
“Building Bases for Action: Re/Mapping a Mandated Writing Program Redesign.” College Conference on
Composition and Communication. (San Antonio, TX)—April 2016.

Attendee and Presenter. Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute. Workshop. Presentation: “Crafting
Multimodal Research.” (University of Wisconsin, Madison) Led by Jason Palmeri and Ben McCorkle— June

“Memorial Interactivity: Scaffolding Nostalgic User Experiences.” Computers and Writing. (University of
Wisconsin, Stout)—June 2015.

“Usability is Dead: Plying Mobile Tech to Micro-Contextualize Medicine, Campaigning, and Marketing.”
College Conference on Composition and Communication. (Tampa, FL)—March 2015.

“Epideictic Technologies and Democratic Designs.” Rhetoric Society of America. (San Antonio, TX)—May 2014.

“Handcrafting Difference into Composition.” College Conference on Composition and Communication. (Indianapolis,
IN)—March 2014.

Invited Speaker. “Navigating the Commons: Remix, Creative Commons, and Fair Multimodal Data
Presentation.” The Digital Media and Composition Institute. (Columbus, OH)—May 2013.

“Institutionalizing Guilt: Plagiarism and Corporate Time Use Policies.” College Conference on Composition and
Communication. (Las Vegas, NV)—March 2013.

Invited Speaker. “Nostalgia and Digital Publication.” Writing Matters in a Changing World. (Columbus, OH)—
February 2013.

“Questioning Collection: The Ethics of Composition as Collection in the First Year Writing Classroom.”
Thomas R. Watson Conference. (University of Louisville)—October 2012.

“Re-thinking Technological Determinism: ‘Place’-Making Rhetoric at Sites of Technological Transition.”

Computers and Writing. (North Carolina State University)— May 2012.

“Critical Emotion/Pathos/Affect and Digital Technology.” ThatCampOSU: The Humanities and Technology Camp.
(Columbus, OH)— April 2012.

“Digital Loss, Techno Magic, and Nostalgic Re-embodiment: The Emotionally Grounding Role of Craft
Aesthetics.” Think Art: Memory: An Interdisciplinary Conference on the Arts, Humanities, and Science (Boston
University)—October 2011.

“Everybody has a (literacy) story!: Recording and Preserving Digital Literacy Narratives of Our
Communities.” TransOhio Transgender and Ally Symposium. Workshop. With Deb Kuzawa and Katie DeLuca
(Columbus, OH)—August 2011.

“Everybody has a Literacy Story: Literacy Narrative Collection Digital Media, and the Digital Archive of
Literacy Narratives.” Half-Day Workshop. With Deborah Kuzawa, Katherine DeLuca, Melanie Yergeau,
Krista Bryson, Chase Bollig, Lauren Obermark, and Jennifer Michaels. Computers and Writing (University of
Michigan)—May 2011.

“Nostalgia and New Media: The Rhetorical Affect of the Typewriter in the Twenty-First Century.” Conference
on College Composition and Communication. (Atlanta, GA)—April 2011.
“Racking Cans and DIY Lasers: How Channel of Access Politicizes Graffiti Technology,” Conference on College
Composition and Communication. (Louisville, KY)—March 2010.

Attendee. Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute. Workshop. “Toward a Rhetoric of Multilingual Writing.”
(Pennsylvania State University) Led by A. Suresh Canagarajah—June 2009.

University Presentations
Invited Class Lecture. “Teaching Writing.” (University of Missouri, Dr. Lauren Obermark)—February 2020.

Invited Class Lecture. “Nostalgic Negotiations: Adapting, Adopting, and Refusing Client Expertise.”
(University of Massachusetts, Dr. Katherine DeLuca)—October 2020.

Invited Class Lecture. “Nostalgic Negotiations: Adapting, Adopting, and Refusing Client Expertise.”
(University of Massachusetts, Dr. Katherine DeLuca)—February 2019.

Invited Class Lecture. “Nostalgic Design on Mobile Media.” (Ohio State University, Gavin Johnson)—
November 2018.

“Introduction to Nostalgic Design.” Invited to lead 2-day workshop on nostalgia for Genre Talks, a seminar
sponsored by the journal Genre. (University of Oklahoma)—April 2018.

Invited Speaker. “Between Innovation and Tradition: Using Nostalgia as a Tool for Inclusive Design.” Digital
Humanities Symposium. (University of Oklahoma)—September 2017.

“Grading Multimodal Compositions.” Mini-Workshop. University of Oklahoma. Ran 3 different sections for
graduate students and lecturers teaching in the first-year composition program at the University of
Oklahoma—November 2015.

“Writing as Design: Introduction to 1213.” Introduction to new curriculum for returning teachers—August

“Writing as Design: Introduction to 1213.” Introduction to new curriculum for new teachers—August 2015.

Teaching Technical Writing. Semester Long Workshop Series: 7 meetings. University of Oklahoma—Spring 2015.

“Blueprint for Remodeling First-Year Composition.” With Drs. Sandra Tarabochia and Susan Kates.
Presentation to Dean and Provost—January 2015.

“Teaching Technical Writing.” Pre-Semester Workshop. University of Oklahoma—January 2015.

“Graduate Student Writing.” Invited Presentation. Pre-Semester Composition Workshop—August 2014.

Invited Speaker. “Roundtable on creating and maintaining an online presence.” English Graduate Organization.
(Columbus, OH)—November 2013.

Invited Speaker. “Interrogating the Ethics of Composition as Remix in the First-Year Writing Classroom”
Literacy Studies Graduate Seminar. (Columbus, OH)—March 2012.

“Teaching Visual Rhetoric.” Composition Office Brownbag Series. The Pennsylvania State University. (State
College, PA)— February 2010.

Professional Memberships and Affiliations
International Media and Nostalgia Network
Modern Language Association
Rhetoric Society of America
Association for Teachers of Technical Writing
National Council of Teachers of English/CCCC

Technical Skills and Research Methods

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Oxygen, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition,
Audacity, GarageBand, iMovie, MovieCaptioner, ComicLife, Canva, Wordpress, Blogger, easel.ly, Microsoft
Office, MacOS.

Research Methods: Usability testing, ethnography, interviewing, future workshops, cultural probes,
workflow analysis, journey mapping, worksite observation, empathic modeling, speculative


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