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The oil industry in the U.S has undoubtably been one of the U.S.’ most defining aspects.

first U.S oil rig was established in 1859 in the Oil creek area of Titusville, Pennsylvania. Since
it’s humble beginnings, the oil industry has since grown to become one of the U.S.’ biggest
industries. The industry initially reached its peak in 1970, with a production of 9.64 million
barrels a day, although in recent times it has been toppled. Petroleum products made from
oil overtook coal as the leading energy source in the 1940’s and has remained the most vital
energy source ever since.

The U.S.’ foreign policy has on many occasions been influenced by the country’s dependency
on oil. One such example can be found in 1953, where the Iranian military, with the help of
the CIA, overthrew the Iranian Prime Minister as a response to his nationalisation of the
country’s oil industry some years prior.

Another example can be found in the Iran-Iraq war which started in 1980. Although the U.S.
officially remained neutral, they renewed diplomatic relations with Iraq (which had been
broken since 1967) and supplied them with intelligence and equipment. Oil facilities from
both countries were frequently being attacked, subsequently, the U.S. increased their
military presence in the Persian Gulf to protect those facilities.

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