HM UNIT 1 2m

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Define Hospital

An institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured

What is Hospital Management? Explain its importance

Hospital Management is the process where healthcare providers effectively and efficiently
administer everything from patient registration to appointment scheduling, document
management, consultation management, lab management, drug safety, report generation, staff
management, outpatient management, and so much more


 To Track Financial Better by planning funds flow, better investments and expense
 Eradicate Errors by process benchmarking, lean thinking, constant improvements in
 Paperless Operations in current scenario digital reports and authorizations and record
 Make Faster Better Diagnosis and Improvised Treatment Delivery.
 Run with Maximum Efficiency in terms on money, time, resources

State the code of medical ethics in Hospitals.

Read opinions about patient and physician interactions, treatments and use of technologies, and
professional relationships and self-regulation. The nine Principles of Medical Ethics are the
primary component of the Code. They describe the core ethical principles of the medical

What are the types of health care organization?

 Preferred Provider Organizations.

 Health Maintenance Organizations
 Consumer-Driven, High-Deductible Health Plans
 Point-of-Service Plans
 Fee-for-Service Plans

What is primary health care?

Primary health care (PHC) addresses the majority of a person’s health needs throughout their
lifetime. This includes physical, mental and social well-being and it is people-centred rather than
disease-centred. PHC is a whole-of-society approach that includes health promotion, disease
prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care.

Distinction between primary health care and secondary health care

Primary healthcare

 True to its name, in this particular healthcare structure, the primary focus is on the
basic healthcare services that address the health issues faced by an individual

 The care is mostly provided by a general physician and they do not require a specialist
 In recent times, the primary care is witnessing a rapid growth in both the developed and
developing cities across all countries in the world.
 This form of healthcare is also run with the goal to make healthcare accessible.
 As a matter of fact, the primary care has been built on the encouragement and
participation of general healthcare players; induce good healthcare practices at the basic
level and meeting the expectations of the healthcare receivers.

Secondary healthcare

 It is an advancement of the primary healthcare and incorporates the services of specialists

such as cardiologists, dermatologists, urologists and other specialists.
 More often than not, the individuals are given secondary healthcare facilities on the
referral of the primary healthcare professionals.
 Few countries have made it mandatory to consult the specialists only after the referral of
the medical practitioner at the primary care level.
 The secondary healthcare providers act as a channel of communication for a better
advanced medical care.
What are the major four functions of the hospital?
 To provide care for the sick and injured
 Training of physicians, nurses and other personnel
 Prevention of diseases and promotion of health
 Advancement of research in scientific medicine

State the managerial tips for hospital administration

 Training of Hospital Staff.

 Use Innovative Technology.
 Accountability is Key
 Establish a Managed Care System.
 Develop an Effective Communication Strategy
 Identify Vulnerable Areas.
 Keep Contact Details Updated
 Oversee Important Departments

List out some ethics followed in hospital.

Autonomy: Patients basically have the right to determine their own healthcare. Justice:
Distributing the benefits and burdens of care across society. Beneficence: Doing good for the
patient. Nonmalfeasance: Making sure you are not harming the patient.

What is hazardous waste?

Hazardous waste is a waste that contains organic or inorganic elements or compounds that may,
owing to the inherent physical, chemical or toxicological properties of that waste, have a
detrimental impact on health or the environment.

What is the role of e-health?

E-Health is being recognized as a method to improve the overall health status of the
population. It is important to build partnerships among health care providers, local community
organizations, and national health care associations to ensure the continued development of e-
Health initiatives.

What is Environment Protection Act.

The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 authorizes the central government to protect and improve
environmental quality, control and reduce pollution from all sources, and prohibit or restrict the
setting and /or operation of any industrial facility on environmental grounds.

List out various types of management in Hospital.

 Central government
 State government
 Local bodies
 Private
 Autonomous body
 Voluntary Organization
 Cooperate body

What is Hospital Administration?

Administrators plan departmental activities, evaluate doctors and other hospital employees,
create and maintain policies, help develop procedures for medical treatments, quality assurance,
patient services, and public relations activities such as active participation in fund-raising and
community health planning.
What are the functions of Hospital?
 Medical services.
 Administrative services.
 Patient care & education.
 Diagnosis, treatment of illness.
 Rehabilitation.
 convalescent care
What are the internal and external factors that affect Hospital

 Lack of infrastructure
 Lack of adequate Man power
 Lack of motivation in staff
 Apathy of doctors/ nurses
 Union Activities
 Financial constraints
 Logistics Management
 Over Crowding
 Patient satisfaction


 Municipality
 Pollution board
 Consumer’s forum
 Rights of info
 Legal issues
 Water supply
 Electricity
 Public relation
 Media
 Political influence

List the types of equipments.

 Patient monitor
 Ventilator
 Infusion Pump
 Syringe Pump
 ECG machines
 Cell counter
 X-ray Machine
 Ultrasound
 Surgical lights and tables
 Anesthesia machine
 Sterilizer

What are the challenges in Hospital Administration?

 Hospital organization
 Technology management
 Manpower utilization
 Sharing of power in decision-making
 Patient care-quality management
 Cost and financing of operations
 Leadership and motivation
 Information technology
 Marketing of hospital services

What are the changes in hospital organization?

 Hospitals have become large, complex organizations

 Technology has advanced exponentially
 Healthcare financing has moved from private pay to a complex, third-party
reimbursement system
 Government has taken on a larger role in healthcare delivery

Write any four current issues in hospital management.

 Rising Costs in Healthcare

 Mounting Privacy Issues and Electronic Health Records

 Increasing Cybersecurity Threat

 Spiraling Equipment Cost

Point out the three primary classifications of hospitals
Primary care

Secondary care

Tertiary care
Identify the factors to be considered for Equipment planning?
 Suitability for Job Conditions: The Equipment must meet the requirement of the work,
climate and working conditions.
 Size of Equipment:
 Past Performance:
 Operating Requirements:
 Reliability of Equipment:
 Economical Aspects:
 Service Support:
 Use in Future Projects
Classify the types of hospital based on ownership.
 Public hospital
 Voluntary hospital
 Private nursing homes
 Corporate hospitals

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