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ART. 247.

 Death or physical injuries inflicted under exceptional Under Art 13, having acted upon an impulse so powerful as
circumstances. — Any legally married person who, having surprised naturally to have produced passion or obfuscation is a mitigating
his spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse with another circumstance.
person, shall kill any of them or both of them in the act or  Passion and obfuscation is mitigating: when there are
immediately thereafter, or shall inflict upon them any serious causes naturally producing in a person powerful excitement,
physical injury, shall suffer the penalty of destierro. he loses his reason and self-control. Thereby dismissing the
If he shall inflict upon them physical injuries of any other kind, he exercise of his will power. Only when the same arise from
shall be exempt from punishment. lawful sentiments (not Mitigating Circumstance when done
These rules shall be applicable, under the same circumstances, to in the spirit of revenge or lawlessness)
parents with respect to their daughters under eighteen years of age,
and their seducers, while the daughters are living with their parents. Requisites for Passion & Obfuscation
Any person who shall promote or facilitate prostitution of his wife or
daughter, or shall otherwise have consented to the infidelity of the 1. The offender acted on impulse powerful enough to produce
other spouse shall not be entitled to the benefits of this article. passion or obfuscation
Art. 247 does not define and penalize a felony. 2. That the act was committed not in the spirit of lawlessness or
If the killing of, or the inflicting of the serious physical injuries on, the 3. The act must come from lawful sentiments
spouse and/or the paramour is done under the circumstances 4. That there be an act, both unlawful and unjust
mentioned in this article, the accused shall be sentenced to 5. b. The act be sufficient to produce a condition of mind
destierro, instead of the severe penalty for parricide, homicide, or 6. c. That the act was proximate to the criminal act
serious physical injuries provided for in Arts. 246, 249, or 263. 7. The victim must be the one who caused the passion or
(People vs. Araquel) obfuscation

The requisites of Art. 247 must be established by the evidence of the E.g. Juan saw Tomas hitting his (Juan) son. Juan stabbed Tomas.
defense, bc the prosecution will have to charge the defendant with Juan is entitled to Mitigating Circumstance of P&O as his actuation
parricide and/or homicide, in case death results; or serious physical arose from a natural instinct that impels a father to rush to the rescue
injuries in the other case. of his son.
The exercise of a right or a fulfillment of a duty is not the proper
In People vs. Gabriel, the accused, peeping through a hole near the source of P&O. A policeman arrested Juan as he was making a
kitchen door, saw his wife and her paramour kissing each other; that public disturbance on the streets. Juan’s anger and indignation
after a few moments, he saw the paramour trying to lift the skirt of resulting from the arrest can’t be considered passionate obfuscation
his wife; that she at first objected but later consented and herself because the policeman was doing a lawful act.
lowered her drawers; that the paramour unbuttoned his drawers; and While indeed, passion and obfuscation can legally be considered as
that they commenced the act of sexual intercourse. It was only then a mitigating circumstance which could lower the penalty by one
when he attacked them. The accused was not held liable for the degree under other circumstances, Article 247 unreasonably
injuries suffered by the paramour. provides a different appreciation of passion in the context of family
honor, such that it is given much regard even at the expense of
The killing or inflicting of serious physical injuries must be (1) "in the human lives. This is evidenced by the fact that the convicted person
act of sexual intercourse," or (2) " immediately thereafter." is given absolution from the crime.
When a person surprised his spouse or young daughter while having First paragraph of the law applies to both the husband and the wife
sexual intercourse with another person, it is necessary, under Art. as the term used was “any legally married person”. Note, however,
247, that he killed or inflicted serious physical injuries on any or both that the said provision seems to have been originally crafted in
of them, either (1) while they were in the act of sexual intercourse or, contemplation of a situation where a man catches his wife in bed
if not, because they were able to run away, (2) immediately after with another. This is seen from the consistent use of the terms
surprising them in the act of sexual intercourse. “he” or “his” when referring to the offender. At any rate, said
provision must not be countenanced (permitted/tolerated) because it
Justification for Art. 247. The law, when the circumstances provided is a clear violation of human rights . A person’s anger or extreme
by this article are present, considers the spouse or parent as acting passion cannot be a license to inflict physical harm or death
in a justified burst of passion. (People vs. Gonzales) upon a spouse, even when caught having sexual intercourse
with another. There is a law which criminalizes the act of sexual
Banishment not intended as penalty. infidelity after all and it is even a ground for legal separation. By
maintaining Article 247 in the RPC, we are effectively giving more
The penalty of destierro is not really intended as a penalty but to importance to a person’s reputation, image and esteem than to
remove the killer spouse from the vicinity and to protect him or her actual lives of people.
from acts of reprisal principally by relatives of the deceased spouse.
(People vs. Lauron)
The third paragraph of Article 247 pertains to daughters under
The law encourages commission of crime eighteen (18) years of age. This is more problematic than the first
two paragraphs for two reasons:
Utilitarian Theory or Protective Theory
The primary purpose of the punishment under criminal law is the
protection of society from actual and potential wrongdoers.  1. The law, which applies only to daughters and not sons, blatantly
The courts should direct the punishment to potential or discriminates against women and reinforces the notion that
actual wrongdoers, since criminal law is directed against acts and female children are treated as inferior to male children who are
omissions which the society does not approve.  given more freedom and importance in the family. The law is clearly
Consistent with this theory, the mala prohibita principle based on unfair gender-based assumptions, such as:
which punishes an offense regardless of malice or criminal intent,
should not be utilized to apply the full harshness of the special law.  - Women should keep a particular sexual conduct or should maintain
certain moral standards;
-  Women are wards or property of the men or the parents; and
-  Women’s deviation from the sexual or “moral” norm (the “good-bad POLICY RECOMMENDATION
woman” dichotomy), excuses the parents, particularly the fathers’ It is recommended that Article 247 of the RPC be repealed,
killing or injuring them.” consistent with the Constitutional provision that “no person shall be
deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” The
2. By allowing parents to inflict harm or to kill a minor daughter under circumstances referred to in Article 247 may be treated as a possible
the above-stated “exceptional” circumstance, the law contradicts mitigating circumstance that would allow imposition of lesser penalty,
the well-established principle of promoting the best interest of but definitely not absolute exemption. 
children at all times, embodied not only in our domestic laws
but also in international covenants to which we are a signatory. CONCLUSION
The infliction of physical injuries and/or death upon a person due to
mere passion or emotions should not find any place in our laws
WHAT ARE THE EXISTING LAWS OR POLICIES RELATED TO today. This is a clear violation of human rights and must therefore
THE ISSUE? not be tolerated.

Article II Section 11 of the 1987 Consti provides that “the State Moreover, to essentially allow parents to commit this crime
values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full against their minor daughter is to discriminate against women
respect for human rights.” who do not conform to society’s conservative expectations of
what her sexual behavior should be.To maintain Article 247 in the
Article III, Section I provides that, "No person shall be deprived of RPC is to blatantly disregard the various other laws and international
life, liberty, or property without due process of law." commitments that we have which uphold human rights and the rights
of women and children.
Section 12 of Republic Act 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women
(MCW) provides for the amendment or repeal of laws that are
discriminatory to women which, among others, would include Article
247 of the RPC. Article 332 of the RPC provides:
No criminal liability, but only civil liability shall result from the
With regards to the provision pertaining to daughters, Republic Act commission of the crime of theft, swindling, or malicious
No. 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, mischief committed or caused mutually by the following persons:
Exploitation and Discrimination Act mandates that, “The best
interests of children shall be the paramount consideration in all 1.Spouses, ascendants and descendants, or relatives by affinity in
actions concerning them, whether undertaken by public or private the same line;
social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities,
and legislative bodies… Every effort shall be exerted to promote the 2.The widowed spouse with respect to the property which
welfare of children and enhance their opportunities for a useful and belonged to the deceased spouse before the same shall have
happy life.” passed into the possession of another; and

3.Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, if

The exemption established by this article shall not be applicable
Promoting women’s rights and gender equality to strangers participating in the commission of the crime.
Repealing Article 247 of the RPC will help eliminate discrimination
against women, promote women’s rights and enhance the status of A family will not be criminally liable for the aforementioned crimes,
women in the Philippine society. It will also uphold the right to life of but the person will still be subject to civil liability. A complex crime will
girl children. also be treated as one and will be subject to a single criminal
Responding to International Commitments
Repealing Article 247 responds to the Philippine Government’s State The exception only applies to a complex crime and not a crime of
Obligation under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of simple estafa. As mentioned under Article 332 the law only applies to
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), particularly the State the felonies of theft, malicious mischief and swindling. However, if
obligation to repeal all discriminatory laws and practices, and the crimes that are included in Article 332 are perpetrated with
provide effective mechanisms and remedies where women can another crime such as estafa, extension will not be applied.  A
seek redress for rights violations of their rights. person still has a criminal liability regardless of his relationship to the
It is also in response to the Convention of the Rights of the Child, offended party. 
particularly the
The provision’s coverage is only for estafa, simple theft and
malicious mischief. This means complex crimes are not covered. In
1. State obligation to put the best interests of the child as a primary one case involving an accused who did not only commit simple
consideration in all actions concerning children, and; estafa but estafa through falsification of public document, the
2. to take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is offense’s real nature was identified by the facts presented. As a
protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on result, the accused was not given the ability to avail himself of
the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs the absolutory cause that is only provided under the exempting
of the child's parents, legal guardians, or family members, and; law. The law still brings confusion when it comes to exception and if
3. protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, promoting solidarity and harmony is the only reason to deter the
injury or abuse while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or offended party from pursuing criminal charges, then it is no longer
any other person surprising this law has been considered strange and absurd.
Article II Section 12 of the Consti provides that the State shall
protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous
social institution. As a policy of the State, it is the duty of the
State to fortify the union of the family. The fulfilment of this
mandate of the Consti is exemplified in Art 332 of the RPC which
seeks to preserve family harmony and ward off scandal. This prohibition against women is, or WAS, contained in Artile 351 of
the RPC (Act No. 3815), which reads:
No criminal, but only civil liability shall result from the commission of
any said crimes, committed or caused mutually by those persons. “Art. 351. Premature marriages. Any widow who shall marry within
(Par. 1, Art. 332) three hundred and one days from the date of the death of her
husband, or before having delivered if she shall have been pregnant
Reason for exemption from criminal liability: The law recognizes at the time of his death, shall be punished by arresto mayor1 and a
the presumed co-ownership of the property between the fine not exceeding 500 pesos.
offender and the offended party.
The same penalties shall be imposed upon any woman whose
Stepfather, adopted father, natural children, concubine, paramour, marriage shall have been annulled or dissolved, if she shall marry
included. Stepfather and stepmother are included as ascendants by before her delivery or before the expiration of the period of three
affinity. (People vs. Alvarez) hundred and one day after the legal separation.”

A stepfather, who was angry with his stepson, took the suitcase of The death of either spouse dissolves the marital bond (same
the latter with its contents and burned it in an orchard. As this crime effect with annulment or declaration of nullity). This simply means
should be treated as malicious mischief only, the stepfather is not that, subject to compliance with certain requirements, the husband
criminally liable. (People vs. Alvarez) or the wife is free to marry again. There is no legal obstacle for
remarriage (and we’ve heard of a plot or two involving a spouse who
An adopted or natural child should also be considered as relatives wants to kill the other spouse so he/she can marry another person).
included in the term "descendants" and a concubine or paramour Men may remarry right away. Women, on the other
within the term "spouses." (Guevara) hand, must wait for 301 days or, if pregnant at the time of the
husband’s death, must wait until childbirth, before they can
Art. 332 applies to common-law spouses. Even our Civil Code remarry. The main thrust of ART 351 is the prevention of doubtful
concedes to a man and a woman who live together as husband and paternity and filiation following the constitutional mandate that the  
wife without benefit of ceremony, the right of co-ownership to the “state recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the
"property acquired by either or both of them through their work or nation.” Art. 351 has been identified as discriminatory as no similar
industry or their wages and salaries." (Article 144) provisions of law exist for men.

The widowed spouse who commits theft, estafa or malicious On 13 March 2015, Pres. Benigno Aquino III signed into
mischief with respect to property of deceased. law Republic Act No. 10655, which repealed Article 351 of the
RPC. In other words, the act of “premature marriage” has been
To be exempt from criminal liability, it is required that — decriminalized. R.A. 10655 reads: “Without prejudice to the
(1) the property belongs to the deceased spouse; and provisions of the Family Code on paternity and filiation, Article 351 of
(2) it has not passed into the possession of a third person. Act No. 3815, otherwise known as the RPC, punishing the crime of
premature marriage committed by a woman, is hereby repealed.”
Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law must be (Sec. 1)
living together at the time of the commission of any of the crimes of
theft, estafa or malicious mischief. The author of RA 10655 explained that the law on premature
marriages under Article 351 of the RPC “is discriminatory for it
Thus, when the accused, the brother-in-law of the offended party, curtails the right of a woman to marry under the stated
was living in the house of the offended party at the time he received circumstances when no such penalty is imposed on the man
PI,000 from the latter to buy plumbing fixtures for her, and who does the same. Similarly, the effect of the provision is
misappropriated it to her prejudice, there was only civil liability. an enforced mourning period on the part of the woman although
(People vs. Navas) none is imposed on the man.” 

Article 332 provides for an absolutory cause in the crimes of theft, Many have challenged the antiquated provision by claiming that it
estafa (or swindling) and malicious mischief. It limits the runs contrary to RA 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women which
responsibility of the offender to civil liability and frees him from states that the State “pursues by all appropriate means and
criminal liability by virtue of his relationship to the offended party. without delay the policy of eliminating discrimination against
women” and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Included in the exemptions are parents-in-law, stepparents and Discrimination Against Women which the country is duty bound to
adopted children. By virtue thereof, no criminal liability is incurred by uphold.
the stepfather who commits malicious mischief against his stepson;
by the stepmother who commits theft against her stepson; by the With the repeal of this law, any woman is now free to remarry at any
stepfather who steals something from his stepson; by the grandson time she wants, without an enforced “mourning period”
who steals from his grandfather by the accused who swindles his following the death of her husband or her dissolution of
sister-in-law living with him; and by the son who steals a ring from marriage.
his mother. (Intestate Estate of Gonzales vda. de Carungcong vs.
People.) The Anti-Rape Law of 1997, specifically the archaic provision
Article 266-C which provides for the pardon of the rapist if he
The relationship by affinity created between the surviving spouse subsequently marries the victim, or if the rapist-husband is pardoned
and the blood relatives of the deceased spouse survives the death of by the wife, is in itself problematic, and SHALL BE REPEALED.
either party to the marriage which created the affinity. (Intestate
Estate of Gonzales vda. de Carungcong vs. People)
Article 266-C. Effect of Pardon. - The subsequent valid marriage On the Forgiveness Clause
between the offended party shall extinguish the criminal action or the The current Anti-Rape Law contains a forgiveness clause that easily
penalty imposed. exonerates the offender and poses further danger to the victim. A
  provision in the law which states that the “subsequent valid
"In case it is the legal husband who is the offender, the marriage between the offender and the offended party shall
subsequent forgiveness by the wife as the offended party shall extinguish the criminal action or the penalty imposed” gives an
extinguish the criminal action or the penalty: Provided, That the easy way-out for the offender which incentivizes him to carry out the
crime shall not be extinguished or the penalty shall not be abated if crime.
the marriage is void ab initio. Once the female victim marries the offender, she no longer has legal
remedy to file an action for the rape that happened before the
In the case of PEOPLE vs. DE GUZMAN in 2010, the Court granted marriage. It also recognizes that “if the offender is the legal
the motion of the accused for extinguishment of the criminal action husband…the subsequent forgiveness by the wife who is the
based on his marriage to the private complainant subsequent to the offended party… shall extinguish the criminal action or the
rape. The accused had been convicted for two counts of rape and penalty.” 
was already sentenced to reclusion perpetua for each count.  The same (clause) only perpetuates gender-based violence under
the shroud of marriage which can involve a whole range of abuses -
However, the very same court absolved the accused on account of physical, sexual, and/or psychological - that can happen over a
said after-the-rape marriage to the private complainant, a marriage prolonged period of time.
which was celebrated at the Bureau of Corrections in 2009.  As held
“On several occasions, we applied these provisions to marriages
contracted between the offender and the offended party in the crime Article II Section 11 of the 1987 Constitution provides that “the State
of rape, as well as in the crime of abuse of chastity, to totally values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full
extinguish the criminal liability of and the corresponding respect for human rights.” Further, Section 14 of the same Article
penalty that may have been imposed upon those found guilty of provides that “the State recognizes the role of women in nation-
the felony.  Parenthetically, we would like to mention here that prior building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the
to the case at bar, the last case bearing similar circumstances was law of women and men”.
decided by this Court in 1974, or around 36 years ago.
Section 12 of Republic Act 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women
Based on the documents, including copies of pictures taken after the (MCW) provides for the amendment or repeal of laws or provisions
ceremony and attached to the motion, we find the marriage of laws that are discriminatory to women which, among others, would
between appellant and private complainant to have been include Republic Act 8353.
contracted validly, legally, and in good faith, as an expression
of their mutual love for each other and their desire to establish HAS THE SUPREME COURT ISSUED A RULING RELATED TO
a family of their own.  Given public policy considerations of respect THE ISSUE? OR WHAT ARE THE RECENT RULINGS OF THE
for the sanctity of marriage and the highest regard for the solidarity SUPREME COURT RELATED TO THE ISSUE?
of the family, we must accord appellant the full benefits of Article 89,
in relation to Article 344 and Article 266-C of the RPC.” SC has ruled, among others, that in rape cases, the moral
character of the victim is immaterial. Rape may be committed not
The benefit of such a marriage can even extend to co-principals, only against single women and children but also against those who
accomplices and accessories provided there is only one single crime are married, middle-aged, separated, or pregnant.
of rape. It does not apply to two or more crimes of rape which are
treated independently. It has ruled that sexual intercourse, albeit within the realm of
marriage, if not consensual is rape. (People vs Jumawan, 21 April
It is rather difficult to see how a marital union can even be created 2014); that a prostituted person may also be a victim of rape.
from such a crime of violence.  Even if the law provides for such a (People v. Espino, June 2008); and that even the existence of an
situation, possibly with a view that this can serve to restore the illicit affair between the accused and the victim does not, on its
victim’s reputation or even from belief that love can indeed triumph own, rule out rape as it does not necessarily mean that consent
over all, it is undeniable that the same provisions are inconsistent was present. (People vs Saysot-Cias, June 2011).
with the laws protecting women and their children. 
The recently decided cases also pronounce that the law does not
The woman, may, in place of the man serving the sentence, be the impose a burden on the rape victim to prove resistance because it is
one sentenced to endure the presence of such rapist. not an element of rape. (People vs Suarez, January 2015).

When this happens, who really then serves the sentence, the man Rape is subjective and not everyone responds in the same way to an
who uses marriage as a way out or the woman who must endure his attack by a sexual fiend. There is no stereotypical form of reaction
presence? We can only hope that neither has to as only a marriage for a woman when facing a traumatic experience, such as a sexual
contracted in good faith qualifies to extinguish criminal liability. assault (People vs Achas, 20 March 2014).

RA 9262 or an Act Defining Violence Against Women and Their WHAT ARE THE EXPERIENCES OF OTHER COUNTRIES IN
Children provides that The State recognizes the need to protect the ADDRESSING THE ISSUE?
family and its members particularly women and children, from
violence and threats to their personal safety and security. The provision in the rape law which ends criminal prosecution in the
event of marriage between the offender and the victim was
This Act shall be liberally construed to promote the protection and ABOLISHED in Mexico in 1991, Colombia in 1997, Peru in 1999,
safety of victims of violence against women and their children. and Ethiopia in 2005.

PWC: Under the Indian Penal Code, rape is a non-compoundable

offense, an offense against society and is not a matter to be left
for the parties to compromise and settle. In a landmark judgment, 1. PCW proposes the following salient features of the new
the SC ruled that a rapist’s offer to marry the rape survivor could Anti-Rape Law:
never be a ground for letting off the guilty lightly for two major a. Specify that rape is “a sexual assault that
reasons: one, it would encourage the convicts to pressurize rape violates a person’s right to personal security and
survivors to reach a compromise and two, rape is a crime against bodily integrity with the essential element of lack of
society. consent”;
b. The crime is committed by:
i. a man who has carnal knowledge of a
woman without her consent, whether or not the
Non-compoundable offences are those offences where, the woman suffers injuries;
complainant (one who has filed the case, i.e. the victim), CANNOT ii. a man who touches or inserts his
enter into a compromise and agree to have the charges dropped penis into the female’s inner or outer
against the accused, bc the nature of offence is so grave and vaginal labia, without her consent, whether
criminal, that the accused cannot be allowed to go scot-free. or not the woman suffers injuries;
iii. a man who touches or inserts his
penis into another person’s mouth or anal
WHAT ARE THE CONSIDERATIONS IN ADDRESSING THIS orifice, without the person’s consent,
ISSUE IN THE COUNTRY? whether or not the person suffers injuries;
iv. a person who inserts any instrument
Promoting women’s rights and gender equality or object, including a finger, into the genital
Rape is a crime involving power relations between the offender and or anal orifice of another person, without
the victim, and rooted in male dominance and female subordination. the latter’s consent.
It is no doubt, the result of disparities in the status and situations of c. The crime is committed under any of the
women and men - between the more powerful and the oppressed. following circumstances:
The Anti-Rape Law should be viewed from a perspective that i. Through lack of victim’s consent,
promotes the right of the more vulnerable groups and ensures force, threat or intimidation;
their freedom from violence. ii. Through fraudulent machination or
abuse of authority;
Responding to International Commitments iii. In coercive or other similar
Article 2 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of circumstances rendering the complainant
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) calls on the States Parties incapable of giving consent, including
to condemn discrimination against women in all its forms, and agree forcing another individual to sexually
to pursue by all appropriate means and without delay a policy of assault the victim;
eliminating discrimination against women. iv. When the offended person is deprived
of reason or otherwise unconscious, or is
While the Philippines has made considerable progress and demented even though none of the
milestones in keeping up with this commitment, the 2016 CEDAW circumstances mentioned above be
Committee Concluding Observations on the Philippines’ Combined present, provided that he/she is not in
7th and 8th Periodic Reports raised concerns over the fact that his/her lucid interval during the sexual act.
statutory rape under the Anti-Rape Law of 1997 (Republic Act No. v. Age of Statutory Rape: When the
8353) remains limited to cases wherein the victim is under the age of offended party is under sixteen (16) years
12. Thus, the CEDAW Committee recommends expediting the of age even though none of the
amendment of the Anti-Rape Law of 1997 putting lack of circumstances mentioned above be
consent as primary element of the definition of rape and raising present;
the minimum age of sexual consent which is presently set too d. Define “consent” as the voluntary agreement to
low at 12 years to at least 16 years. engage in the sexual activity in question, provided:
i. the person consenting fully
Moreover, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, understands what is being proposed;
particularly Goal No. 5 pertaining to Gender Equality, targets, among ii. the person consenting is aware of the
others, the elimination of all forms of violence against all women and societal standards of what is proposed;
girls in the public and private spheres including trafficking and sexual iii. agreements or disagreements will be
and other types of exploitation. respected equally;
iv. both parties enter into the relationship
Alignment with National Priorities or proposal voluntarily; and
Amending the Anti-Rape Law is consistent with the new v. both parties are mentally competent.
administration’s agenda on women’s rights. More importantly, it e. Specify that the use of weapon, or other external
responds to the mandate of Congress under the Magna Carta of force causing physical injuries maiming,
Women to amend or repeal laws that are discriminatory to women. disfigurement, or endangerment of the life of the
victim be considered as one of the aggravating
circumstances of the crime.
The Anti-Rape Law of 1997, once amended, will become a more 2. An amendment to Article 266-D is also proposed to avoid
effective instrument in protecting our people, especially the misinterpretation, to read as:
women and the children, from the most heinous form of sexual "Article 266-D. Presumptions. - Any physical overt act
violence. It will transform the law into a more gender-responsive one manifesting resistance against the act of rape in any degree
as it addresses gaps and lapses which its original crafters failed to from the offended party, or where the offended party is so
consider. situated as to render her/him incapable of giving valid
consent, may be accepted as evidence in the prosecution of
POLICY RECOMMENDATION the acts punished under Article 266-A. However, the
absence of physical resistance must not be taken as
consent on the part of the complainant. "
3. PCW also calls on the SC to consider issuing a “Rule on
Trial of Rape Cases” which may include the following:
a. Application of the “rape shield rule” as provided
for in Section 6 of Republic Act 8505.
b. Guiding principles on the appreciation of
evidence in rape cases.
c. Child and gender-sensitive decorum for lawyers,
prosecutors, judges and other court personnel
during trial of rape cases.

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