CH3150 Assignment IV

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CH3150 Renewable Energy Technologies

Assignment IV
GHG Emission:

1. (a) Estimate the amount of CO2 produced from 10 ton of coal. (b) The atmospheric
concentration of carbon dioxide (a Green House Gas) is 390 ppmv (parts per million by
volume). Calculate the total mass of CO2 in the atmosphere, and compare with the mass
at pre-industrial period where the concentration of CO2 was 290 ppmv.

Wind Energy:

2. Estimate the air speed in km/h required to give a 75 m diameter wind turbine a power
output of 150 kW.
3. Calculate the wind speed required to make the kinetic energy of a stream of air equivalent
to a flow of water of 5 m/s.

Solar Energy:

4. Calculate the monthly average of the daily global radiation on a horizontal surface at
Chennai (13o 08’ N, 80o 27’) during the month of December, if the average sunshine hour
per day is 6 h.

5. Estimate the roof area of all the houses in Shimla (assuming the current population) and
the amount of free solar energy these roofs can receive in summer (20 MJ/m 2 per day)
and in winter (5 MJ/m2 per day).

6. Validate the ‘Solar Constant’ value and provide a detailed calculation to show the amount
of solar energy received by the earth from the sun every day.

Due Date: Thursday, 30 September 2021. 8.00 pm.

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