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Asperger's Syndrome in Gifted Individuals

Article  in  Gifted Child Today · July 2001

DOI: 10.4219/gct-2001-541


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Henderson, Lynnette
Vanderbilt University


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Asperger’s Syndrome
sperger's Syndrome (AS) is a pervasive devel-
by Lynnette M. Henderson
opmental disorder on the autism spectrum

characterized by social deficits, relatively nor-

mal language and cognitive development, and

the presence of idiosyncratic interests.

Repetitive speech or actions and pedantic speech,

often concerning the person’s intense interests in a

restricted subject matter, and clumsiness may co-occur

(Myles & Simpson, 1998, Klin, Volkmar, & Sparrow,

2000). AS may occur in gifted individuals.

28 SUMMER 2001 • VOL. 24, NO. 3

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This article examines the character-
Table 1
DSM-IV Definition
istics of gifted children with Asperger’s
Syndrome and appropriate strategies
for serving them. The two conditions
tend to mask one another, making DSM-IV Diagnostic Criterion I
identification of either more difficult,
particularly when professionals are gen- A. Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of
erally trained in either giftedness or the following:
autism spectrum disorders but rarely in
both. In this article I will review the (1) marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as
history of Asperger’s Syndrome (AS), eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regu-
describe the characteristics of persons late social interaction
with AS, discuss the identification of (2) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
persons with Asperger’s Syndrome, and (3) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achieve-
then describe some common character- ments with other people (e.g., by lack of showing, bringing, or point-
ing out objects of interest to other people)
istics and suggested educational modifi-
(4) lack of social or emotional reciprocity
cations recommended for members of
this subgroup.
DSM-IV Diagnostic Criterion II
History B. Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activi-
ties, as manifested by at least one of the following:
Hans Asperger, an Austrian psy-
chologist, first published his descrip-
(1) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and
tion of a developmental syndrome in
restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or
Europe in 1944. Due to the war and
the difficulties of accessing research in
(2) apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or
other languages, English-speaking psy-
chologists did not recognize the syn-
(3) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (hand or finger flapping
drome until after Wing’s (1981) paper
or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)
on Asperger. (4) persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
Research into the disorder resulted
in wider acknowledgement of its exis- DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria III
tence as a separate disorder (Gillberg &
Gillberg 1989; Szatmari, Bartolucci, & C. The disturbance causes clinically significant impairment in social, occupational,
Bremner, 1989) and a consensus regard- or other important areas of functioning.
ing its definition (Volkmar & Klin,
1994). The current definition bears lim- D. There is no clinically significant general delay in language (e.g., single words
ited resemblance to the original one used by age 2 years, communicative phrases by age 3 years).
(Miller & Ozonoff, 1997). The syn-
drome was included as a variant of E. There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the devel-
Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not opment of age-appropriate self-help skills, adaptive behavior (other than in
Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) in social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in childhood.
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM) of the American Psychiatric F. Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or
Association (APA) DSM-III (APA, Schizophrenia.
1980) and DSM-IIIR (APA, 1987)
until its inclusion in the DSM-IV (APA, Note. From American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
1994) as a distinct diagnosis. Table 1 (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author (p. 77).

provides the DSM-IV definition.


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Asperger’s Syndrome

The estimations of prevalence nosis (Twachtman-Cullen, 1997). The scores were characterized by troughs in
cited in the literature range from relatively recent distinction of AS from the Object Assembly and Coding sub-
.02–6% in children over the entire Autism and PDD-NOS, as well as the tests (Ehlers et al.). Accurate measures
range of intellectual ability. AS occurs inclusion of Attention-Deficit/ of the intellectual ability of persons
2–7 times more often in males as in Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ with AS may be more readily obtained
females (Ehlers & Gillberg, 1993). The ADHD) and sensory integration dis- if one is flexible in responding to the
prevalence of AS in gifted individuals order under the AS diagnosis have person’s individual perceptions of and
may be roughly estimated based on the made the road to appropriate treat- apparent needs in the assessment
percentage of individual cases in pub- ment a long and winding one for process (Myles & Simpson, 1998).
lished reports of AS for which intellec- many older persons with AS. Other Behavioral patterns relating to
tual level is reported. Of the 42 cases diagnoses which can co-occur with or Asperger’s Syndrome characteristics
presented individually in the AS litera- be mistaken for AS are may be measured in groups of young
ture prior to 2000, 5 (11.9%) could be Oppositional/Defiant Disorder, children using a screening tool specific
designated as intellectually gifted. Conduct Disorder, Schizoid or to AS, the Australian Scale for
Using the most stringent criterion of Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome (Garrett &
IQ > 130 to define giftedness, one can Tourette Syndrome, and Obsessive Attwood, 1998). Individual assess-
speculate that as many as 72 out of Compulsive Disorder (Twachtman- ment of behavioral patterns over a
1000 children might be gifted individ- Cullen, 1997). wider age range can use two new
uals with AS. These prevalence num- behavioral rating scales specific to AS,
bers are constantly changing, as Assessment Tools Used the Asperger’s Syndrome Diagnostic
Asperger’s Syndrome becomes well in Identification Scale (Myles, Jones-Bock, & Simpson,
known, and the number of profession- To determine if Asperger’s 2000), or the Gilliam Asperger
als familiar enough with it to properly Syndrome is an appropriate diagnosis Disorder Scale (Gilliam, 2001). Prior
diagnose it increases. It seems as for an individual, the person’s intellec- to the availability of these AS specific
though the prevalence of AS in the tual ability, academic achievement, tools, the more established observa-
gifted population may have con- developmental history, behavioral pat- tional scales appropriate to all autism
tributed to the mythological stereotype terns, adaptive behavior and even spectrum disorders were widely used,
of the socially impaired gifted child. It motor skills should be assessed by an such as the Childhood Autism Rating
is also possible that some of the inten- experienced psychologist, preferably Scale (CARS; Schopler, Reichler, &
sity issues and introversion attributed one familiar with autism spectrum dis- Renner, 1988). The Vineland
to gifted individuals with AS may have orders (Myles & Simpson, 1998). Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS;
more to do with their giftedness than Individual assessments of cognitive Sparrow, Balla, & Cicchetti, 1984)
any neurological differences attribut- ability might be obtained using the broadly measure a person’s ability to
able to AS (Silverman, 1997). Stanford-Binet IV (Thorndike, Hagen, accomplish everyday self-care tasks, as

& Sattler, 1986) or the WISC III well as communication, socialization,
(Weschler, 1991), or non-verbal mea- and motor skills. Other measures of
sures of intelligence such as the TONI- motor skills are the Test of Motor
Identification of Asperger’s 3 (Brown, Sherbenou, & Johnsen, Impairment-Henderson Revision
Syndrome has tended to occur later in 1997). Ehlers’ research group (1997) (TOMI-H; Stott, Moyes, &
life than an autism diagnosis found children with AS to exhibit Henderson, 1984) and the Bruininks-
(Twachtman-Cullen, 1997). This can strengths in verbal IQ, with arithmetic Oseretsky Test, (Bruininks, 1978).
be attributed to the relatively normal subtest scores lower than those on other Both have been used in research stud-
early development of persons with AS, verbal subtests. This may be reflective ies to assess the motor skill abilities of
as well as to the relatively recent recog- of the attentional challenges children persons with AS. Ghaziuddin, Butler,
nition among practitioners of the with AS face as the arithmetic subtest Tsai, and Ghaziuddin (1994) could
diagnosis (Myles & Simpson, 1998). requires one to maintain a problem- not substantiate clumsiness as a neces-
Persons with AS tend to have a history solving mindset while manipulating sary marker of Asperger’s Syndrome,
of combination diagnoses/changing numbers in one’s mind (Anastasi & but Attwood (1997) stated that it was
diagnoses prior to an appropriate diag- Urbina, 1997). Lower performance IQ important to include questions con-

30 SUMMER 2001 • VOL. 24, NO. 3

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cerning motor skills on the ASAS act with skill” (Twachtman-Cullen, and what signals one’s body may send to
based on his clinical judgement 1997). Perhaps the defining character- warn one of the oncoming overload can
(Garrett & Attwood, 1998). Smith, as istic of persons with Asperger’s help children learn to be forewarned and
stated in Klin, Volkmar, and Sparrow Syndrome, the organizing principle of gather coping strategies. Initially, a suc-
(2000), agreed that an evaluation of all AS characteristics is that “behavior cessful coping strategy may include a
adaptive motor skills is recommended is rule-governed” (Twachtman-Cullen, visit to a calming place set aside for the
and occupational or physical therapy 1997). It is helpful in understanding purpose. As a child develops self-aware-
services should be provided for those persons with AS to seek that person’s ness and self-soothing strategies, the
who need them. perception of a situation and deter- calming place may be less and less iso-
In a small sample of gifted indi- mine what rules might be operating in lated from the typical activities of his or
viduals with AS, which included both their perception of the situation. In her classmates.
adults and children, Henderson working to support gifted students • An amorphous sense of time, in which
(2000) found that the Gifted and with AS, two questions can be useful: the person with AS is less able to plan
Talented Evaluation Scale, (GATES; “What is the child’s sense of what is time-use or estimate time passage reli-
Gilliam, Carpenter, & Christensen, happening?” and “How can my percep- ably. Consistent structure and schedules
1996) was an adequate measure for tion of the rules be communicated with visual cues are helpful in facilitating
identifying gifted characteristics, par- clearly and consistently?” smooth transitions. Effective time use
ticularly when deficits in leadership Extensive explanations and descrip- can be supported with assignment books
are not counted against the person tions of AS behaviors can be found in and visual timelines for long-term pro-
with AS. A greater percentage of the books on AS (Attwood, 1997; Klin, jects or goals. Young children may need
GATES scores of 20 gifted persons Volkmar, & Sparrow, 2000; Myles & a visual schedule with pictures of activi-
with AS were above 70 (predictive of Simpson, 1998), but the following list ties that are planned.
giftedness) than below 70. To apply by Twachtman-Cullen (1997) offers a • Difficulty with social/emotional cues,
the GATES as an identification tool, brief overview of characteristics com- in which the person with AS does not
one would expect to find that not all mon to persons with AS. Included with perceive or decode facial expressions,
of an individual’s scale scores fall at the each characteristic are recommended body language, intonation, or other
gifted level. For example, scores on the coping strategies and skill builders social conventions. Indexing the envi-
Leadership Scale were lower than demonstrated to be helpful to children ronment for the person with AS can
scores on other scales and could be in school settings with AS. As with all improve their competence. Some exam-
reflective of a possible bias in the characteristics, these are exhibited in ples of indexing for children might
Leadership Scale toward an extro- individuals on a continuum from typi- include (a) social indexing, “Look,
verted form of leadership (M. cal to problematic, and a person’s Don’s waving at you. Can you wave
Morelock, personal communication, learned coping skills may compensate back?” (b) emotional indexing, “Oh,
October 7, 1999). One unexpected for a previous difficulty in any of these Mary got hurt. She is crying. Can you
descriptive finding was the extent to areas. The characteristics include diffi- tell Mary, ‘I’m sorry’?” (c) anticipatory
which the respondents and their sig- culties with processing the environ- indexing, “Look, here comes the bus.
nificant observers reported creative ment, cognitive processing, and Pick up your backpack.” (d) indexing
and artistic ability on this scale. In communication. feelings and reactions “You feel angry at
using the GATES to identifying gift- Those characteristics related to pro- Stu for hitting. Can you say, ‘stop’ to
edness in a person with AS, inclusive cessing the environment include: Stu?” and (e) indexing perspective tak-
criteria would be most descriptive of • An inefficient sensory system, in ing, “You feel (emotion). She feels
the individual’s talent potential. which sensory thresholds may be poorly (emotion). See how her face shows how

Characteristics of
calibrated, a difficulty in extracting (emotion) she is?”

Persons With AS
information from the environment. Characteristics related to cognitive
“Sensory overload” may seem to over- processing, particularly executive func-

“Every human being has a need to

whelm the person with AS suddenly, tion deficits, which are descriptive of
particularly in loud, crowded, or confus- persons with AS, include:
be effective, competent, and indepen- ing places. Direct instruction on what • Cognitive inflexibility, in which the
dent, to understand the world and to places are likely to trigger these feelings, person with AS has difficulty adapting


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Asperger’s Syndrome

to changing expectations, schedules, conversation, particularly those related appropriate ways to initiate and choose
word or concept definitions, and perse- to affect and intention. It is helpful for a conversational topics and maintain
verates on prescribed areas of interest. person with AS if academic rules and comfortable social distance. Social skills
Consulting models of acceptable acade- expectations are communicated clearly training can help AS students learn how
mic products and overt modeling of the and consistently, preferably in writing. to navigate.
appropriate metacognitive strategies are Autobiographical social stories and role- In all of these characteristic chal-
two helpful support strategies for learn- playing can help young students intel- lenges, the direct and specific skill train-
ing activities. The prescribed interests lectualize the social tasks. Some social ing indicated may improve a person’s
can be used as motivation for school- indexing by peers can help clarify the function. Coping strategies can be
work, or to build organization or expectations of the social culture for the implemented to mitigate the difficulty a
research skills, if the interest is appro- student with AS. Then the student with person with AS may have in dealing
priate. If one is asking a person with AS AS can make choices about conforming with school or social situations. Stress or
to repress an interest, particularly dur- to or departing from the expectations, uncomfortably unfamiliar settings may
ing a school day, one should ensure rather than making potentially painful cause skill degeneration or loss in per-
decreasing amounts of down time to involuntary social “mistakes.” sons with AS. Therefore, learning to rec-
indulge once one is in an appropriate • Difficulty with sense making, in ognize and monitor one’s own comfort
setting. which the person with AS has very literal levels is the ultimate coping strategy.

Expected Outcomes
• Attentional problems, in which the thinking. Avoid or explain idioms. Use

for Persons With AS

person with AS has difficulty concen- written or visual cues to help clarify
trating, sharing attention between two implicit understandings. Explore humor
tasks, suppressing attention to non- to illuminate the consequences of mean-
salient information, and switching from ing and literal thinking. Many persons with Asperger’s
one task to another (Stuss, Shallice, • Difficulty with perceiving and Syndrome are academically successful
Alexander, & Picton, 1995). Coping abiding by socially expected communica- and attend college. The student’s intel-
strategies include visual cues to accom- tion behaviors, in which the person with lectual ability, the severity of the per-
pany auditory messages, controlling the AS has difficulty with conversational son’s behavioral challenges, and the
environmental distractions, and provid- skills, eye contact, or social distance. availability of a personal support system
ing structured environments as well as Persons with AS can memorize social appear to be factors in determining aca-
visual warnings of change. Other meth- rules and incorporate social informa- demic success. The focused nature of
ods proven beneficial to students with tion from self-help books for interper- academia or research can be a good
ADD/ADHD may be useful in address- sonal interactions. Shared interests are career fit for persons dedicated to com-
ing individual needs. often a great place to start. Two other piling an exhaustive database of infor-
• Problems with perspective taking, in people who are in awe of the expert mation on any particular subject.
which the person with AS has difficulty with AS’s grasp of comic book, anime Bright persons with AS may develop
acknowledging the possibility that a per- (Japanese animation), music, history, or their focused interests into science and
spective other than their own could trivia can provide a small social group computer-related vocations. Fact- and
exist. This is exhibited in failure to antic- for practicing and learning social inter- detail-based jobs are another way of
ipate other’s feelings, reactions or inter- actions. Computer-based interactions achieving a good fit between the person
ests in social situations, and can also are a vital part of most students’ social with AS and a career. As improved
make some literary analysis tasks diffi- world and provide students with AS interventions, public awareness, and
cult. Taking the perspective of another with a more comfortable format for telecommuting increase the workplace
can be improved with training social interaction. These interactions options of adults with AS, problematic
(Hurlburt, Happe, & Frith, 1994). may be with others (with AS) or with interpersonal skills and sensory discom-
Characteristics descriptive of per- neurotypicals, a slang term used by AS’s fort may no longer interfere with the
sons with AS that are related to commu- when referring to AS people without ability of an adult with AS to prosper in
nication include: social difficulty. Practicing skills in a the workplace.
• High-level pragmatic communication systematic way can improve a person’s Persons with AS often desire social
deficits, in which the person has diffi- understanding of conversational turn- interaction and actively pursue friend-
culty extracting the subtleties of normal taking procedures, topic changes, ships. They may do this most success-

32 SUMMER 2001 • VOL. 24, NO. 3

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fully with others who share similar are also modeling tolerance for student letter of the paperwork it mandates.
social styles or interests. Early interven- peers. Frequent communication regarding
tion for social skill improvement can • Use a neutral tone of voice, showing areas of progress or challenge is vital to
reduce the instances of rejection, hurt no irritation. For some individuals with supporting the education of the gifted
feelings, and the low expectations for AS, anger may be the most accessible individual with AS. The level of inter-
themselves in social settings experi- and easily understood emotion they can personal conflict in the lives of these
enced by older persons with AS. evoke in others. This restriction on students should not be increased
Persons with AS may experience available emotional sensation may lead because the adults are not modeling
depression related to their unfulfilled them to develop a habit of “pushing peo- good communication and negotiation
social needs. All proven therapy and ple’s buttons,” and a cycle of negative skills. Informed parents and educators
pharmaceutical interventions, as well as interaction patterns may result. Not are more likely to be seeking similar
interventions to increase the person’s falling into this cycle may be more con- solutions.
satisfaction with their social life can be structive in the long run. • Seek information about Asperger’s
beneficial. Persons with AS often marry • Protect the student from bullying by Syndrome and giftedness. Table 2 con-
and have families, though not usually educating peers. This may be the most tains some Internet resources that can
early in life. Many parents of children frequent complaint concerning school be beneficial to parents, educational
recently diagnosed with AS are encour- environments. I often hear parents of professionals, and students. The refer-
aged by having renewed understanding gifted individuals with AS lament the ence list contains books written to sev-
of themselves and their own social his- fact that their highly sensitive and eral audiences. Contact your local or
tory through their education about compassionate child who works so state Autism Society; they often
Asperger’s Syndrome. hard at understanding others, is the include support for Asperger’s
Even though they long for peer focus of so much intentional cruelty by Syndrome in their meetings, activities,
companionship, many children with AS “normal” children. Proactive training and informational gatherings.
are more comfortable talking with in prosocial and character education Additional research information on
adults. This may be due to the extra con- for entire school populations, as well as neurophysiological differences, etiol-
versational work load that adults may be educational information for children ogy, genetic studies of AS, interven-
willing to carry, then again, preference who come in contact with gifted indi- tions, and new therapies can be
for adults is often noted in gifted indi- viduals with AS can help provide some accessed through professional journals
viduals. This preference for adults makes supportive people in the social envi- in medicine, psychology, child devel-
it particularly imperative that the class- ronment. Deciding to share informa- opment, and education.
room teacher act in supportive ways. tion with peers is a group decision • Involve personnel who have expertise
Suggestions for adults working with stu- involving, the student, parents, and in meeting both the gifted and AS needs of
dents who are intellectually gifted and professionals. One gifted high-school the student. In planning for meeting the
have AS include: student who chose to give a report in educational needs of the gifted individ-
• Be sincere. In working with per- her psychology class on her AS found ual with Asperger’s Syndrome, a team
sons with Asperger’s Syndrome it is her classmates had become more may become too focused on deficit areas
particularly important to be sincere accepting of her as their understanding and forget to address areas of strength
and respectful, as subtlety, duplicity, increased. The current educational needs. Henderson (2000) identified
or sarcasm only adds to the person’s safety climate has increased education specific services, which were designed to
confusion and fears of incompetence. professionals’ awareness of the danger meet the intellectual needs of gifted per-
These students can be very creative, of bullying and other oppressive school sons with Asperger’s Syndrome, as the
talented in math, science, writing, and climates, and meaningful interventions most beneficial of the many possible
the arts. Recognize the gifts and on behalf of victimized children must interventions. Although some individu-
praise-worthy accomplishments in a be explored. als may have expertise in both, it is
sincere manner. • Work as team with parents. important to expand the multidiscipli-
• Respect individual differences. There Whatever one’s role in the collaborative nary nature of the collaborative team to
are a wide range of acceptable behaviors; process, whether professional or parent, include experts in several areas.
not every student should have to display it is vital to be true to the collaborative It became clear to me several years
the most frequently observed ones. You spirit of IDEA (1997), as well as to the ago that every year parents place a year


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Asperger’s Syndrome

Table 2
of our children’s lives on the line. We

Web Resources for Educators and Parents

hand that year over to a professional
educator, who can make it sublime, life
illuminating, irrelevant, uncomfort-
able, or miserable. As an educator ASPEN® Asperger Syndrome Education Network
myself, I am humbled by the worth and
power of that year. I challenge the
teachers I train to strive to be that ASPEN® is a terrific site for professional high-quality information and
teacher who returned gold on the connections to people in the field.
investment. For gifted children with
Asperger’s Syndrome, the stakes may be Welcome to Asperger’s Syndrome Web Ring Home Page.
even higher since that year’s outcome is
more dependent upon that professional
educator’s willingness to understand The web ring allows a web surfer to visit several sites connected by a
and ability to meet the needs of this shared topic. This is a good starting place to find information, people’s expe-
special population. G C T riences, and support.

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American Psychiatric Association.
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