NATCOM Education & Research Foundation: Assessment 1

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Q.1 Max duration of Test Signal in Radio Telephone Temestrial Service is

A) 1 Min B) % Min C) % Min D) 10 Sec

Q.2 Public comespondence is not permitted on

A) Inter-ship working channel
B) Port operation ChannelC)inmarsat ystom
D) All of the above

Q.3 The Comect Radio Telephony (Volce) signal to be requesting a medical

evacuation is
used w
A) Urgency B) PANPAN c) Safety D) Securite

Q4 What are the directional characteristics of Inmarsat-C SES Antenna ?

A) Highly directional parabolic antenna réqiuiring stabilization
B) Wide beam width in a cardoid pattern off the front of the antenna
C) Very narrow beam width straight-up from the top of the antenna
D) Omnidirectional

a.s Which of the following Freg pairs are used for telex working

A) 518/4209.5 Khz
By8414516312 Khz C) 4125/6215 Khz D) 6268/8376.5 Khz

The transmission speed of VHF DSC call in bauds

A) 200 150 c) 100 D) 1200

ifyou call coast station on a
a working frequency it will normally reply on
A)Distress channel B) suitable RTT freq C) DSC channel D) on
d the samelpaired channel
fayessel is engaged in local trade and at no point in its voyage travels outside the
range of a VHF shore station with continuous DSC alerting then the Vessel is operating
in what Area 7
A) Sea Area A1 B) Coastal and International zones
C) Iniand and Coastal waters D) Sea Areas A1 & A2
DSC Distress in
alort within aa period4
acknowledge a
A c o a s t station is expected

D) 3.5-4.5 min
C) 1-2.75 min
A) 1.5 min
B) 2.5 min

sea area
Q.10 An Inmarsat EPIRB Is not useful for the

B) A1 C) A4
A) A2

Q.11 The details of frequencies, times of transmissions of traffic lists by CRS are available

A) Vol.1 B) Vol.2 D) Vol.4

Q.12 Inmarsat Fleet 77 uses a

A) Whip ante nna B) Long wire antenna C) Directional Antenna

D) Omni directional antenna

Q.13 Squelch control is used to eliminate

A) Static Interference ) Receiver noise C) unwanted carier D)
Electrical disturbance

Q.14 Fortopping Lead acidbatteries, Liquid used is

A) Mineral WatersB) Sea water C) ordinary wator D) Distilled water

a15The mode of Propagation used In EPIRB

A) Ground Wave B) Sky Wave c) Line of Sight ( Direct wave) D) lonospherlc
216 Your ship recelved a Distress relay from a coast station on DSC freq. 2187.5 kHz. What
action should the watch officer take?

A. Retransmit the DSC call on 2187.5 kHz to other vessels In the vicinity to assist in
SAR operations.
B. Monltor 2182.0 kHz to determine if there are
any genuine Distress communications.
C. Transmit a voice "Mayday
Relay" call on 2187.5 kHz to other vessels in the vicinity.
D. Transmit a voice Mayday
Relay" call on 2182.0 kHz to other vessels in the vicinity.
Q.17 On receiving an Urgency signal

A) Receiving station can notify the receipt and then normal working can be resumed.
B) Receiving station can impose silence on the frequency
C) Only restricted working wili be resumed

D) Receiving station can proceed for rescue

Q.18 A SART Radar operates on 9 GHz, its wavelength is

A) 1 cm B) 2 cms C) 3 cms D) 10 cms

Q.19 You are on the Bridge wing for look out and you have recelved a DSC alert. How would
you distinguish the Distress alert from other alerts

A) Short Bip B) Continuous Alarm Signal

C) Two Tone Alarm of
Frequency 2200 Hz and 1300 Hz D) Single alarm of 1500 Hz frequency.

a.20 Which of the following Frequency bands would most likety provide reliable
communications between two stations that are 100 miles (160km ) apart 7
A) The Low Frequency Band (LF)
B) The Medium Frequency Band (ME)
C) The High Frequency Band (HF)
D) The Very High Frequency Band (VHF)

Q.21 What is the Primary purpose of Digital Selective Calling ( DSC ) ?

A) DSC provides reception of weather and Navigational warnings plus search and
rescue infomation.
B) DSC provides Iow cost routine communication for the vossel operator.
C) DSC is to bo used for transmitting and recelving distross alerts to and from other
ships or coast radio stations via radio.
D) This aids SAR authorities in trackinga vessel's position by satellite.

Q.22 What is the advaintage of a 406 Mhz satellite EPIREB7

A) It Is compatible with the COSPAS-SARSAT satellites and Global Maritime Distress
Safety system
B) Provides a fast & accurate method for the coast guard to locating and rescuing
persons in distress.
C) Includes a
digitally encoded message containing the ship's ldentity and
D) All of the above.

Which of the following systems is most susceptible to fading or static interference?

A) Inmarsat B) HF SITOR (NBDP) c) DSC channel 70


Q.24Which of the following would indicate an F77 terminal?

D) 766832922
B) 430364290
C) 1502460
A) 150036

function is used to :
Q.25 In VHF radio telephony, the scan
ch.70 or ch.13 every 5 secs.
Ch.16 continuously and switching to either
A) Monitor
B) Scan ch.16 for distress calls
C) scan ch.70 for distress alert
D) Sequentially scan all or selected channels.

modes is allocated for Distress alerting in

Q26 Which of the following frequencies and

A) 406 MHE via EPIRB, 1626.5-1645.5 MHz via Inmarsat and Channel 7o DSC plus six
(6) MF/HF DSC frequencies.
B) 1626.5-1645.5 MHz via Inmarsat, VHF CH-16 plus six (6) MF/HF Dsc frequencies,
406 MHz via EPIRB.
C) Channel 70 DSC plus six (6) MF/HF DSC frequencies, 7voice follow-on and 6 telex
follow-on frequencles.
D) Mayday on VHF Channel 70 and the other six voice follow.on frequencies.

Q.27 Equipment for radiotelephony use in survival craft stations under GMDSS must have
what capability?

A. Operation on 457.525 MHz B. Operation on Ch-16.

C. Operation on 121.5 MHz. D. Operation on Ch-70.

028 What equipmont can be used to receive Marltimo Safoty lnformation

A) NAVTEXx, EGC recolver br HF SITOR (NBDP).

B) EGC recolver, Inmarsat B or F77 torminal
c) HF 6ITOR (NBDP), Inmarsat B or NAVTEX
D) All of thoso answors are correct.

a.29 The Frequehgy ortho RE ravo is inversoly proportional to

D) Time takon por
A) Phase
D)Ampltuds pood
You are to abandon the Ship In Distress situatlon, which of the following Equipment
R i l you take with You
NATCOM Education &Research Foundation
a.1 Which of the following references should be consulted to identify the name of a vessel
based on its Maritime Mobile Service Identity?

A) ITU list of Coast Stations.

B)ITU List of Radio-determination and Ship Stations.
C) ITU MasterPlan of Shore-Based Facilities.
D) ITU List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments.

Q.2 What is the primar purpose of an Inmarsat LES7

A) The LES is required for ship-ship Inmarsat communications, ship-shore

communications are handled by terrestrial Coast Radio Stations.
B) The LES monitors all operations of the satellite and assigns channels and
frequencles to the vessel.
C) The LES makes the satellite connection between the vessel and the requested
destination for all types of services.
D) The LES is dedicated only to processing all vessel Distress priority calls.

Q.3 At mid-day, what would be the best choice in attempting to communicate with a shore
station 15 miles distant?
A) 16 MHz band B) 156-164 MHz band C) 12 MHz band
D) 22 MHz band

Q.4 When Distress working in force on 2182 Khz ships make Routine calis to Coast stations

A) 2191 Khz B) 2187.5 Khz c) 2177 Khz D) 2189.5 Khz

Q.5 The highest frequency that is reflected back by ionosphere when transmitted vertically

upward Is
A)Critical Frequency B) Maximum Usable Frequency
C) Vertically Polaris ed D) elliptically Polarized

Q.6 Aship has been communicating offectively on 16 MHz during daylight hours with a
at a distance of 3500 miles. Toward late afternoon and evening what
effect would be noticed?

A) Communications should graduaily deteriorate and become impossible on this

frequency at night.
B) Communications should be maintained with slight improvement in the signal
recelved from the shore station.
C) The gray line effect will prevent communications after dark.
D) Communications should improve and peak at night.
be used in Sea Areas:
Q.7 The EGC recelver may C) A1 only D) A1, A2, A3
B) A2 only
A) A3 only
wheelhouse VHF with a station
Communications using the
When Conducting
Q.8 would be :
recommended power setting
1 mile distance , your

25 watts after dark B) 25 watts during a clear sunny day

c) 1 watt, day or night D) 1 watt using DSC at night

Q.9 The Instrument used to measure the Specific Gravity of a Secondary Battery Is
A) Thermometer B) Lactometer c) Barometer D)Hydrometer
a.10 What information should be included in a Distress follow on voicotransinlslon
2 äfter a
DSC Alert?

A) Ship's Name and Call Sign, MMSI number, DSC freggency used and any other
information that might facilitate rescue.
8) Ship's position, Ship's IMN, the nature of distress nd assistance requested.
G) Ship's Name and Call Sign, MMSI number & position, the natüre of distress and
assistance requested.
D) Ship's Name and Call sign, repeat IMN;provide any other information that might
facilitate rescue.
Q.11 The function of connecting the SES to the NCs Common signalling Channel is called
A) Acquisition B) Trackin C)Log-Out D) Log-In
a.12 Which of the following is a çorrectly fomatted Inmarsat-C Address Book entry for
sending Telex communication to a vessel In tho 1OR ?
A) 853446323868 B)373446976519 c) 583346323868 D) 583446976519

Q.13 The OTF is :

A) The maximum usable frequen y during day B) 85% of MUF
c) The Critical Freguency at night D) The Lowest usable
frequency for communication

Q.14 which messagesr mandatory to be received and should not typicaly be rejected or
dabled by the operator of a NAVTEX recelver 7

A)Moteorological wamings, SAR Information, Pilot service Messages

Mateorojogical warnings, meteorological forecasts, Navigational wamings
SAR information, navigational warmings, ice reports
D)Navigational warnings, meteoro logical wamings, SAR infomation

Q,15 Tho Device used to mix the Information signal either from a Mic or Telex with RF
Carrier is known as:
A) Mixer B) Coder c) Modulator D) Decoder

Q.16 The number NBDP teminals that can participate in the ARQ mode of communication is
A) Only two B) More than Two c) Depends upon telex message
D) Depends upon the distance
Q.17 what is meant by the term "Seelonce Mayday"7

A Stations remaining off the air to safeguard proprietary information.

B) Stations not directiy involved with the on-going Distress communications may not

transmit the Distress frequency channel.

on or
C) Two three-minute silent periods, at 15 and 45 minutes after the hour that provide a
transmitting "window" for distressed vessels to transmit Distress alerts using J3E.
D) Communications on a Distress frequency or channel is banned for 24 hours
following the cessation of the Distress traffic.

a.18 You receive a TELEX with the senders L.D. of 436640927. What type of terminal sent
this message to your vessel?

A) Fleet-77 B) Inmarsat-Cc C) Land TELEX torminal D) Inmarsat-M

Q.19 Which one of the following frequency is used for Ship to Shore intemational DSC
Routine call ?

A) 2187.5 Khz B) 2189.5 Khz c) 2177 Khz D) 2191 Khz

Radio Telegram is:

Tho AAIC is the preamble of

A) American Automatic Information Center

B) Automatic Alam Indicating
C) Accounting Authority ldentification
D) American AMVER Information Center

is antenna t u n e r required for MF-HF transmissions?

Q.21 Why an

to use.
proper the spoctrum band for the operator
A) The antenina tunercalculates
To ensure trahsmjssions
are restricted to legal marine frequencies.
B) to the
antenna must be electrically matched
C) The length of tho physically-fixod
of operation.
intonded frequency indicates whether the ionosphere is ready to reflect a
D) The antenna tuner

transmission properly.
for Distress alert sent by you using INMARSAT-C
fno acknowledge ment received a

terminal, then the call can be repeated after a de lay of :

A) 2 min B) 3 min C) 10 min D) 5 min

a.23 While your ship is in harbor which of the following cómmunication is not permitted ?

A) Port operations B) INMARSAT Communication

C) DF Operation D) Ship to Ship Routine communication
is used in
A) SAT-B communication B) SAT-C Communication
D) Distress Communication
C) Radio Telex sent via NBDP

a.25 Live" Test with a CRS on weekly basis to be caried out with the following Equipment

A) SART & EPIRB B) VHF DSC and Portable VHF

c) MF/HF DSC D) EPIRB & Portable VHF

Q.26 A correct example of a CRS ARQ number is t

A) 003142351 B) 3245 c) 27564 D) 419234560

a.27 The devices on board the satellites which recelvo signalsfrom oarth and transmit back
to earth after necessary processing are called t
A) Modems B) Transponders c) Converters D) Solar Panels

Q.28 What equipment is used in or near the survlval craft?


Q.29 Which of the following systems is leastsuscoptibio to fading or static Interferonce?


c) VHF ARa D) Inmarsat

Q.30 SART has

A) Only Transmitter B) Only Receiver C) Both Transmitter and Rocolvor

D) Transmitter pr Receiver depending upon the make & model of SART.

ATCONE uealion & Research Foundation

Full Macks: 60
QuestionsI to 30carries I mark each
Questions 31 to 35 carries 6 marks each
Passmark: 36
Atleast15 marks to besecured from each Section
Shipboard transmitters using F3E (FM Voice) may not exceed what carrier power ?
A) 500 atts B) 250 watts ) 100 watis D) 25 watts

what cquipment is programmed to initiate transmission of distress ale:ts and calls to

fndividual stations?
A) Navtex B)GPS C ) Dsc Controller D) Scanning watch receiver

Small passenger vessels that suil 20 to 150 nm from the nearest lund must have what
Additional equipment ?
A) Inmarsat-B Terminal B) Inmarsat-C terminal
OTransceiver with 121.5 Mz D) MF-HF SSB Transcelver

. What are the radio operator requirements of a passenger ship equipped with a GMDSs
lnstallation ?
A) The operator must hold a General Radiotelephone Operator License or higher class license
B) The operator must hold a Restricted Radiotelephone Operator permit or ligher cuss license
9The operatnr must hold a Marine Radio operator permit or higlher class license
D) Two operators on board must hold a GMDSS Radio operator iccnsc or a Restricted
GMDSS Radio operator license, depending on the ship's operating areas

Radio watches for compulsory radiotelephone stations will include the following
A) VHF Channel 22a contin uous watch at sea B) 121.5 Mhz continuous wateh at sea
C)VHF Channel 166 continuous watch D) S00 Khz

0. What channel must all compulsory,non-GMDSS vessels monitor at ali times in the open sea ?
A) Channel 8 B) Channel 70 C) Channel 6 D) Channel 16

What are the mandatory DSC Watchkeeping bands/Channels ?

A) VHF Ch-70, 2Mhz MF DSC, 6 MHZ DSC and I other HF DSC
B) 8 MHz HF DSC, 1 other HF DSC, 2 MHz MF DSC
C) 2 Mhz MF DSC, 8 Mhz Dsc, VHF ch 16 and I other HF DSC
Ch.70 and VHF
D) None of the above

. Who is responsible for the proper maintenance of station logs ?

A) The station licensee.
B) The commercially licensed radio operator in charge of the station
C)The ship's master and the station.licensee
D) The station licensee and the radio operator in charge of the station

Which of the
following is true 2
4) Batiery test must be logged daily B) EPIRB tests are normally logged monthly

ORadiotelephone tests are normally logged weekly D)Nonc of the above

Where hould the G MDSS Rart fog e kept on f v i a at ship
A) Captain's office ca bin
B) Sea b0ard the
operating position D) Anywhere
C)At the GMDSS

coast statioa using telephony

transmit a generat ca t
I1. nde otnat circumstances may?

group vessels
A) Under no circumstances ofher impor ant
Urgency, Safety
transmission of Distress,
B) announcing o r preceding the

beyond 12 miles
)When the vessels a r e located in international waters
D W h e n identical traffic is destined for multiple mobile stations within range

another station on
station which has established initial contact with
12. What is required of a ship
2182 Khz or Ch 166?
for the transmission of
A) The stations must change to an authorized working frequency
B) The stutions must chcck the radio channel for Distress, Urgency and sufety calis at least

once every ten minutes.

) Radiated power must be minimized so as not to interfere with other stations needing to use

the channel
D) To expedite safety communications, the vessels must observe radio silence for two out of
every fifteen minutes

What is the priority of communications
and radio direction
AE) Safety, Distress, Urgeney finding
B) Distress, Urgency &Safety
C ) Distress, safety, radio direction finding, search & rescue
oH) Radio direction finding, Distress & Safety

14. On what frequency should a ship station normally call a coast station when using a radio
telephony emission ?
On vacant radio channel determined by the licensed
a radio officer
B) Calls should be initiated on the appropriate ship-to-shore working frequency of the coast station
for use within ITU Region 3
) On any calling frequency internationally approved
D) On 2182 khz or Ch-16 at any time

15. What is Distress Traffic ?

A) All messages relative to the immediate assistance required by a ship, aireraft or other vehicle
threatened by grave or imminent danger, such as life and safety of persons on board, or man
B) In radiotelephony, the speaking of the word,
C) Health & Welfare messages concerning property 7 the safety of a vessell
D) Internationally recognized communications relating to important situations

16. Ordinarily, how often would a station using a telephony emission identify ?
A) At least every 10 minutes
B) At the beginning and end of each transmission and at 15 minute intervals
C)At 15 minute intervals, unless public correspondence is in progress
D) At 20 minute itervals

17. The Urgency signal has tow priority than:

A) Ship-to-ship routine calls B) Distress C) Safety D) Security
18. the safety of a ship or person shall be sent only on the authority
he Urgency signal concerning B) Person responsible for mobile station
A) Master ol ShiP
for moble station D) A WPC licensed operator
C) Fither Master of ship or person responsible
D S S Iprimarily a system based on
hip-to-ship Distress commnnications using MF or HE radiotelephony
1) HF Digital selective calling from ship to shore
band direcUp:t"E
stress, Urgeney & Safety communications carried ont by the use
of narrow
D) The
linling of search and rescue authorities ashore with shipping in the immediate vicinity of a Stnp t
distress or in need of assistance

VH Ship station transmitters must have the capability of reducing carrier power to:
A) I watt B) 10 watts C) 25 watts D) 50 watts

Why must all VHF Distress, Urgency and Safety communications (as well as VTS traffic
calls) be performed in Simplex operating mode ?
a To minimize interference from vessels engaged in routine communications.
b. To ensure that vessels not directly participating in the communications can hear both sides of the radio
To enable an RCC or coast station to only hear communications from the vessels actually in distress
d. To allow an RCC or coast station to determine which transmissions are from other vessels and waich
transmissions are from the vessel actuaily in distress

Whjch VHF Channel is used only for digital selective calling?

A) Ch. 70D B) Ch. 1 )Ch.22A D) Ch.06

23. Which modes could be selected to receive vessel traffic lists from
high seas
shore stations?

24. What emissions must be used when operating on the MF distress & Calling voice frequency ?
A) J3E Single stdeband telephony
B AlA-On-Off keying without modulation by an audio frequency
C) FSE-requency modulation telephony
D) A3E-Amplitude modulated telephony, double sideband
25. When testing is conducted on 2182 khz or Ch.16, testing should not continue for more than
in any 5 minute period
A) 2 minutes B)I minute C) 30 seconds D) 10 seconds

26. The best way to test the MF-HF NBDP System is ?

A) Makea radiotelephone call to a coast station.
8) Initiate an ARQ call to demonstrate that the transmitter & antenna are working
C) Initiate an FEC call to demonstrate that the transmitter and antenna are working
D) Initiate an ARQ call toa coast station and wait for the automatic exchange of answerbacks

27. Under normal circumstances, what do you do if the transmiter aboard

your ship is operating
off-frequency, over modulating or distorting
A Reduce to low power B) Reduce audio volume level
C)Stop transmitting D) Make a note in station operating LOG

28. Which of the following conditions would be a symptom of malfunction in a 2182 khz
radiotelephone system that must be reported to the Master, then logged appropriately
A) Much higher noise level observed during daytime operation
B) No indication of power output when speaking into the
C) When testing a radiotelephone alarm on 2182 khz into an artilicial antenna, the Distress
watch receiver becomes unmated. an improper testing procedure
D) Failure to cuntact a shore station 600 nm distant
during daytime operation.
29 the
wh is nost common type ofantenna for .MDSS VHE
A) Horirontalh polarirel circular antenna
D) None oi tlhe above
EBoth ol the above

For a small passenger vessel inspection, reserse power batteries mst be tested:
6 mths
n o exceediing every 3 months B) At intervals not exceeding every
Atintervals not exceeding 12 months, or during the inspection D) Beforc any new voyage

. a) What is the common code in NBDP for requesting medical advice ?
) Give an example of distress message acknowlcdgement in NBDP.
c) Write down the message sent by CRS indicating distress is over and norma working can be resumed in

2 Your vessel the Rising Sun/EARS MMSI 623495000 is in sea area A2 in posiion 42 33 North 027 36 West.
You have sighted a vessel capsizing 3NM SSE from your position at 0830U7c. You have neither received
any distress alert nor any distress alert relay. You also observe the vessel's cfew abandoniig vessel into two
iferafts. State the action that you as Master of your vessel would take.,

State the purpose of the following frequencies in GMDSS:

a) 2187.5 Khz b) 406 Mhz c)2182 Khz dyy125 Khz

e) 8414.5 Khz D 3023 Khz

a) State the signal to he uscd in NBDP when distress traffic is finished and Normal working may be resumed
b) State the NBDP Distress frequencies on 8/12 Mhz Bands
c) State the heáding under which a Distress Relay msg would be received in SAT-C
d) What does the safety signal "securite" indicate ?
e) When abandoning a ship state the two radio cquipment to be activated for locating purpose.
D Under what eircumstances the signal "Seelonce Distress" is used ?

a) Your Inmarsat F-77 is fully operational and set to operate in the AOR-W region with Burum as the default
State the sequence you would use to makea distress call.

b) State the contents of the distress message you would send

NATCOM Education &Research Foundation
Q.1 Shipboard Transmitters using F3E emission (FM Voice) may not exceed what carier
power 1
A) 500 watts B) 200 watts c) 25 watts D) 100 watts

Q.2 The message types indicated in the Navtex receiver by the letter "p"s

A) Nav Warming B) Loran Message c) Both "A" 8& "B" D) None

Q.3 How may Inmarsat-C terminals be used for sending Urgency or Safety priority
communications (such as synoptic weather reports)7

A) Urgency & Safety EGC messages can only be recelved by an Inmarsat-C teminal.
B) Enter PAN PAN or SECURITE ipto the heading of the message file so the message
will be routed by priority.
Routine priority messages c a n be sent
Distress from an Inmarsat-C terminal.
)Only or
the address book
appropriate special 2-digit codes selected from
D)Use the

manually enter the correct code into the SEND/REC or TRANSMIT menu

SAT-B/F-77 is to be acknowledged by MRCC within:

Q.4 A Distress alert by

C) 15 sec D) 30 Sec
A) 5 minss B) Sec
entries is false 7
Q.5 which of the following statements concerming log
on VHF must bo logged
A) All safoty communications received
must be logged
B) All required equipment test
on and off watch
C) The radio operator must log
must be enterod in the log
D) The vessels dally.position

Q.6 In area A4 the suitable
A) VHF B) Inmarsat C)

Emission designation G28 is used for :


transmit it "live" to a

To correctly address a SITOR (NBDP) message and

dial which sequence:
office the GMDSS operator would
B) DIRTLXO51440344
A DIRTLXx0051440344+

C) DIRTLX581440344+
D) DIRTLXO58115000260
what critería?7
an Inmarsat
LES according to
Messages are transmitted by
A) First In, First Out B) Priority
c) Last In, First Out D) Serial Number

a.10 How is a MSI (Maritime Safety Information) broadcast received by an Inmarsat.c

that is engaged in communications?

A) The broadcast message is missed and the Radio Operator must request a
B) The broadcast message is stored in the EGC memory and will automatically be
printed at the conclusion of the ongoing traffic.
C) There is no loss of information since broadcasts of "vital" messages will be ropeated.
D) The radio operator can request retransmiss ion of messages missing from numeric
sorial number succession.

Q.11 Homing signals are those signals sent by

A) Mobile station in Distress
B) To all other ships:
c) To selected group of ships
D) As appropriate to all ships or to a selected group or to a
specific shipP
Q.12 Who has the ultimate control of service at a
ship's radio station ?

A) The master of the ship

B) A holder of First Class
Radiotelegraph Certificate with a 6 months service

C) The Radio Officer in

chargeauthorized by the Captain of the vessel.
D) An appointed licensed radio operator who agrees to comply with all Radio
Regulations in force.

Q.13 With an Inmarsat-C LES, how are messages routed to

receiving stations?
A) All messages are forwarded via a store and forward network.
B) Direct connectionsare made to the recelving stations via gateways.
C) Intermediary stations are used to connect the sending station with the
station in a real-time mode. receiving
D), Messages aré stored until the network is polled by the recelving station.
14 In Satcom-C terminal to select an Ocean Reglon, the azimuth and elevation angle of
antenna should be maintained for areas under 70 degrees latitude

A) True B) Depends on mfg co c) only for POR Satellite

D) False

1 Normally the MUF during night is lower than the MUF of the day because
A) D
layer vanishos
c) B) Averago hoight of the lonosphere increases
lonisation density is low
during night D) Both "B" & "C".
Q.16 what is Bridge to Bridge Communication 7

A) An internal communication system linking the wheel house with the ship's primary
radio operating position and other integral ship control points.
B) An iniand waterways and coastal radio station serving ship stations operating within
United States.
C) A portable ship station necessary to eliminate frequent application to operate a ship
station on board different vessels.
D) A VHF radio station located on a ship's navigational bridge or main control station
that is used only for navigational communications.

a.17 Under what circunstances maya coast station using telephony transmit a general call
to a group of vessels ?
A) Under no circumstances
B) When announcing or preceding the transmission of Distross, Urgency, Safety or
other important messages
C) When the vessels are located in internation al waters boyond 12 miles
D) When identical traffic is desired for multiple mobila stations within range

Q.18 What is a Safety Transmission 7

A) A communication transmission which Indicates that a station is preparing to

transmit an Important navigation or weather warning.
B) A Radio telephony warnlng preceded by the words "PANPAN"
c) Health & welfare traffic conceming the protection of human life.
D) A voice call preceded by the words "Safety Alert"

Q.19 What shouidstätion.gperator do before making a transmission 7

A) Except for thetrinsmission of Distress Calls, determine that the frequency is not in
use by monitoris the frequency before transmitting.
B) Transmit a general notification that the operator wishes to utilize the channol.
i c ) Chock transmitting equipment to be certain it is properly calibrated
D ) Ask if the frequency ls In use.

when using a SSB Station on 2182 Khz or VHF FM on channel 16

A) Preliminary call must not exceed 30 secs

B) If contact is not made, you must wait atleast 2 minutes before repeating the call
C) Once contact is established, you must switch to a working frequency.
D) All of these
Q.21 An incoming Distress priority 16 MHz DSC call requesting J3E emission might
automatically switch to what frequency?

A) 16420.0 MHz B) 16696.5 kHz

D) 16804.5 kHz
C) 16420.0 kHz

Q.22 GMDss vessels equipped for Sea Areas A2, A3
watch on 2167.5 kHz.
or A4 must maintain a
A) Only in areas beyond Inmarsat coverage.
B) Only outside of areas covered by VHF-DSC.
C) At all times when underway.
D). When directed to do so by a cognizant rescue authority.
Q.23 To set-up the MFHF transceiver for Telex call to coast station, the
a a
operator must :
A) Select J3E mode for proper operations
B) Select F1B mode or J2B mode, depending on the
equipment manufacturer
C) Select F1B/J28 modes or J3E mode, depending on whother ARQ or FEC 16
D) None of the above.

Q.24 How are nomal working conditions restored on a SITOR (NBDP) froquency on which
radlo silence had been imposed?
A) The LES that imposed the radio silence must
transmit a SITOR (NBDP) message
stating "ILENCE FINI".
B) The Public Correspondence Station (PCS) that imposed the radio silence must
transmit a narrow band direct printing message on, the Distress
frequency stating
C) The RCC or Coast station that imposed the radio silence must transmit a SITOR
(NBDP) message stating SILENCE FINI".
D) The High Seas Service (HSS) that imposed the radio silence must transmit a narrow
band direct printing message on the Distress frequency stating "SILENCE FINI

Q.25 Which of the following systems is least susceptible to atmospheric disturbancos?


Q.26 Which of the Tollowing'statements best describes the correct setting for manual
adjustmet of sguolch control:
A) Adjust squeich'control to the minimum level necessary to barely suppress any
background noise
B) Always ndjust squelch control to maximum level
CAlways adjust squelch control to its minimum level
D) Adjust squelch control to approximately twice the minimum level necessary to
barely suppress any background noise.

a.27 DsC Relays of DSC Distress alerts recelved from other ships should be done?7

A) Only when the orfginal DSC call Is not acknowledged and no follow-on Distress
traffic has beon hoard.

B) Only by InmarsatC TELEX with Distress priority conveying the follow-on Distress
traffic that has been heard.
C) Only by Inmarsat-B voice or TELEX with Distress priority if no follow-on Distress
traffic has been heard.

Distress trafficby MFHF voiceor TELEX directly to the RCC conveying the foliow-on
that has been heard.

Q.28 What is the emission

designation for VHF-FM?
A) F3C B) F3E C) J2B D) H3E

Q.29 For general communication purposes, simplex frequencies are:

A) Normally used between ship stations and private coast

B) Normally used with public coast stations
c) Normally used between ship statio ns
D) Both A) & C) are correct

a.30 To sot-up the MFHF transceiver for a Telex call toa coast station, the operator must :

A) Select J3E mode for proper operations

B) Select F1B mode or J28 mode, depending on the equipment manufacturer
c) Select F1B/J2B modes or J3E modedepending on whether ARQ or FEC is preferred
D) None of the above.
NATCOM Education &Research Foundation
Q.1 Locating signals are radio transmissions intonded to facilitate SAR ofa

A) Mobile unit in Distress B) Coast Station for assistance

C) Ship Station for Assistance D) RCC

Q.2 The transmission speed of MF/HF DSC call in bauds is

)200 B) 150 C) 100 D) 1200

The operational details of stations transmitting Maritime Safety Infomation will be
available in :
A) ITU List of Coast Station
B) ITU List of Ship Station
C) ITU Manual for use of Maritime Mobile & Maritime Mobile satellite services
D) ITU List of Radio Determination & Special
Service station
Q.4 Which of the following best describes Inmarsat-c
operation 7
A) It is an analog based system
B) Requires a stabilized directional antenna
c) Provides for voice, Telex, high and low speed data and compressed video
D) It is a Digital store and forward system that also provides Enhanced Group Call,
Data Reporting, Polling and Distress alerting capabilities

Q.5 Properly formatted MF-HE DSC transmissions can request which of the following
emissions for follow on
A) J3EH3E telox emissions B) B. F1B/J2B voice omissions

c)J3E/IF3E volce emissions D) J3EH3E voice emissions

Q.6 EPIRB Signals consists of:

A)Keyed emission modulated by a tone
B) 2 tone Alarm
eC) Series of dashes
D) None of the above

What would be an indication of a malfunction on a GMDSS station with a 24V DC

battery system ?
A) A constant 30 Volt reading on the GMDSS console voltmeter.
B) After testing the station on battery power, the ammeter reading lindicates a high
rate of charge then declines
C) After testing the station on battery power, a voltmeter reading of 30 volts for brief
period followed by a stoady 26 volt reading.
D) None of the above.
Q.8 Indicate the odd frequency:
A) 12577 Khz B) 6312 Khz c) 2189.5 Khz D) 16804.5 Khz

Q.9 Length of a half wave dipole ( in metres ) for 150 Mhz is:
A) 2.0 B) 0.02 c) 1.0 D) 0.20

Q.10 For RF communications, "bandwidth" is best defined as:

A) The modulation technique required to insure proper ITU channel spacing.

B) The emission designation resulting from the desired modulation technique.
c) The portion of the radio spectrum consumed by a particular emission selection and
modulation technique.
D) The portion of the radio spectrum reserved for frequency allocations by the ITU

Q.11 The effectiveness of VHF communications is maximized by:

A) The adjustment of squelch for maximum receiver sensitivity, setting transmitter

power to 1W& selecting an appropriate channel.
B) Appropriate setting of the transmitter power, selecting an appropriate channel &

adjustment of
squelch for maximum receiver sensitivity.
C) Selecting an appropriate channel, adjustment of squelch for minimum receiver
sensitivity & sotting transmitter power to 1W.
D) Selecting appropriate
channeliadjustment of squelch for minimum receiver
sensitivity, setting transmitter power to 25W.
Q.12 With an Inmarsat-C LES, howare messágos routed to
receiving stations?
A)All messages are
forwarded,via a store and forward network.
B)Direct connections are made to the recelving stations via gateways.
C) Interme diary stations used to connect the sending station with the receiving
station in a realtime mode.

D) Messages are stored until the network ls polled

by the recelving station.
Q.13 On Scene
communication normally will be on

A) Simplex Mode? B) Duplex Mode c) By felex D) SATCOM-B

Q.14 Before abandoning a ship in distress :
A) All radio apparatus should be switched off to avoid unwanted emission
B) All radio apparatus should be set for continuous emission
C) Radio apparatus can be set for continuous alarm
D) No specific action required

Q.15 In areas where reliable

communications with one or more coast stations are
practicable, the station in receipt of Distress Alert :

A) Need not be acknowledged for a short interval so that same can be

by a Coast station acknowledged
B) Need not acknowledge the alert
C) will acknowledge the alert immediately
D) Will relay the distress alert immediately

Q.16 To set up the MF/HF Transceiver for a voice call to a coast station, the operator musE
A) Select J3E mode for proper SITOR operation
B) Select F1B mode or J2B mode, depending on the equipment manufacturer
C) Select F1B/J2B modes or J3E mode, depending on whether FEC or ARQ is preferred.
D) Select J3E mode for proper Voice operation

Q.17 The Coast station assuming watch under GMDSS procedures

A) Shall maintain watch during daylight hours

B) Shall maintain watch continuously on HF frequencies
c) Shall maintainwatch except while communicating on working channel
D) Shall maintain automatic DSC watch on frequencies as indicated in the ITU List of
Coast Stations.

Q.18 The capacity of Lead-Acid batteries are rated in terms oft

A) Voltage between the terminals

B) Current they can supply in a given amount of time
C) Power it can deliver
D) None of the above

Q.19 Homing signals are those signals sent by

A) Coast station to the ship station in distress

B) Mobile station in distress for radio determination
c) Mobile stations engaged in SAR Operation
D) Ship nearing a Coast

Q.20 At the time of Distress:

A) The provisions of Radío Regulations a r e to be followed

B) GMDSs Regulatory provisions need to be followed
c) Under exceptional circumstances no provision of Regulations prevent Any means to

D) Provisions of rogulations can or need not be followed as per agreement by Coast
station and mobile unit in Distress

Which of the following statements concerning INMARSAT-C is true ?

.21 one

A) Tolex communications are established in the ARQ mode

B) Telex communications are connected with real time connectivity
c) Telex communications are less expensive than voice communications
D) Telex communications are delivered on a "Store and Forward"

Q.22 In the terrestrial radio service, the category with the highest priority is
Request for berthing instructions
Inmarsat - c messages to the owners
c) RT call to pilot
d) Gale warning
Q.23 A MFIHF Distress priority DSC call may be formatted to include the following:

A) MIMSI, vessel position, nature of distress, follow-on communications by J3E only.

B)MMSI, vessel position, nature of distress, follow-on communications by J3E or F1B.
c)call sign, vessel position, nature of distress, follow-on communications by J3E or
D) Name of vessel, vessel position, nature of distress, follow-on communications by
J3E or F1B.

a.24 NAVTEX broadcasts are sent:

A) Immediately following traffic lists.

B) In categories of messages indicated by a single letter or identifier.
c) On request of maritime mobile stations.
D) Regularty, after the radiotelephone sitent periods.

Q.25 If a ship sinks, what device is designod to float froo of the mother ship, is turned on
automatically and transmits a distross signal?

A) An emergency position indicating radlo boacon.

B) EPIRB on 2182 kHz and 405.025 kHz
C) Bridge-to-bridge transmittor on 2182 kHa
D) Auto alarm keyer on any frequency

Q.26 Propagation using ionosphere is possible in the bands:

A) 30 3 0 0 Mhz B) 300030000 Khz C) 300 3000 Khz D) 300-3000 Mhz

Q.27 Single side band with suppressed carrier is designated as i

J3E B) A3E c) H3E D)R3E

Q.28 In a communication receiver, antenna attonuator is used to :

A) Cut off adjacent channel interferonco

B) Reduce image freq response
C) increase the sensitivity of tho system
D) control level of nearby coast stations damaging input of receiver

Safety fuses in equipment rated in the unit of

.29 are :

A) Power B) Resistance C) voltage D) Current

Q.30 in Frequency Modulation, the frequency of the carier wave is varied in accordance

A) Amplitude of the modulating signal B) Frequency of the modulating signal

c) Both amplitude & frequency of the modulating signai D) None of the above
NATCOM Education &Research Foundation
Q.1 What is the signal transmitted in J2B mode?

A) A full carrier and one sideband.

B) A full carrier and two sidebands.
C) An upper sideband of 2 alternating tones.
D) An upper sideband of a single tone switched on and off.

Q.2 Which statement is NOT true

regarding the requiremonts
VHF radiotelephone equipment?
of survival craft portable two-way
Watertight to a depth of 1 meter for 5 minutes.
Effective radiated power should be of 0.25
minimum watts.
c) Operates simplex on Ch-70 and at least one other channel.
) The antenna is fixed and
Q.3 What is the purpose of antenna tuner ?
A lt alters the electrical characteristics of the antenna to imatch the frequency in usee
B) It physically alters the length of the antenna to match the frequency in use
C) It makes the antenna look like a half wave antenna at the frequency in use
D) None of the above

Previousiy you tuned transmitter to 84145 KH. Now you have selected the
frequency 2189.5 KHz. For this frequency the length of the antenna need to be

A) Decreased B) Increased C) No Change

D) Depends on manufacturer

Q.5 The space segment of Inmarsat Satellites consist of

A) Polar orbiting satallites B) Geo-stationary satellites located above equator
C) Low earth orbit satollites D) Medium earth orbit satellites

Q.6 Which SATELLITE Used for GMDSS communication

A) Navstar B) INMARSAT c) INSAT D) Iridium

Q.7 InaDistress situatjion the shore based authorities

c) CRS
are notified via
or CES
a) CRS only b) CES only d) SES only

which ofthe following systems is least likely to be subject to fading or static

interference? C) ME-HF DSC Controller D) VHF ARQ

A) HESITOR B) Inmarsat

Q.9 What is the function of an "AGC" button?

A)To maintain a relatively constant AF output when the input signal varies.
B) To reduce AF output when the input signal becomes weak.
C) To increasethe gain of the RF amplifier when the input signal is strong.
D) To increase RF output when the input signal becomes strong.
is used for
Q.10 Frequency 4209.5 KHz
A) RIT communication B) DSC C) MSI broadcast D) Telex

Q.11 In which of the following cases Urgency message shall be transmitted on a Working

a) When a ship station is very far from a coast station
b) Long Medical advice
c) if the ship station is near a coast station
d) None of the above

Q.12A) How does a

coast station notify ship that it has message for the ship ?
a a
By making a direct transmission n 2182 khz or 156.80 mhz
B) The coast station changes to the vessel's known working frequency
c) By establis hing communications using the eight digit maritime mobile service
D) The coast station may transmit, at intervals, list of call signs in atphabetical
Order for which they have traffic.

Q.13. The EIRP of Inmarsat B SES is of the order of

A) 36 dBW B) 25 dBW c) 100d5Ww D) 10dBW

Q.14 The rating of the electrical fuses used in the circuits are based on the maximum
a) supply voltage b)Loadconnected
c) duration of operation
d) none of the above
Q.15 Which statement regarding channel spacing and bandwidth is true?
A) Both TELEX bandwidth and channel spacing values are less than voice bandwidth and
channel spacing values.
B)Voice bandwidth isgreater thau TELEXbandwidth and therefore voice channel spacing
values are less than TELEX channel spacing values.
C) TELEX bandwidthis greater than voice bandwidth and therefore TELEX channel spacing
values are less than voice channel spacing values.
D) Both TELEKbandwidth and channel spacing values are greater than voice bandwidth
and channel spacing values.
Q.16 1 aship sinks, what device is designed to fioat free of the mother ship, is turned on
utomntically and transmits a distress signai?
2AAn emergency position indicating radio beacon.
B) EPIRB on 2182 kHz and 405.025 kHz.
C) Bridge-to-bridge transmitter on 2182 kHz.
D) Aufo alarm keyer on any frequency.

Q.17 Which of the following state ments conceming DSC equipment is true ?
a)The GMDsS radio operator is responsibie for properly selecting HF DsC guard
b) All equipment must be type accepted
c) The vessel's navigation position must be updatod, either automatically or
manually, no less than every four (4) hours
d) All of the above
Q.18 On what frequency would a vessel nomally call another ship station when using a
radiotelephony emission?
A) Only on 2182 kHz in ITU Region 2.
B) On 2182 kHz or
Ch-16, unless the station knows that the called vessel maintains a
simultaneous watch on another intership
working frequency.
C) On the appropriate calling channel of the ship station at 15 minutes
past the hour.
D) On the vessel's unique working radio channel
assigned by the Federal Communications

Q.19 Which one of the foliowing is a ship's selcall number:

A) 321 B)55424 C) 5755 D) 823AB

Q.20 The fully charged voltage of a single cell in a lead acid battery is:
a) 1.2V b) 1.4V c) 2.0V d) 12V

Q.21 The highest frequency that will be reflected back by the ionospheric layer at vertical
incidence is:
a) Lowest usable frequency b) Optimum Traffic
c) Critical frequency d) Maximum usable frequency
Q.22 Under GMDSS,a compulsory VHF-DSC radiotelephone installation must be tested
At what minimum intervals at sea ?
a) Daily
c) At the Annual SOLAS inspection b) Annually, by a representative of the FCC
d) Monthly
Q.23 When a 30 KHz camier is amplitude modulated by 6 KHz signal the upper side band
frequency is:

a) 27 KHz b) 30 KHz e ) 33 KHz d) 36 KHz

Q.24 One of the following is a Primary Battery

a) Lead Acid Battery b) Nickel cadmium Battery
c) Lithium battery d) Solar battery

Q.25 What signal is detected as originating from an AIS SART and how is the signal displayed?
A) An AIS SART signal is shown on any AIS receiver a special MMSI-Iike coded symbol.
B) The 3-cm radar reflections are converted to AIS signals and displayed
c) An AIS SART transmits on AlS frequencies and the signals are converted to 3-cm radar
targets for display on 3-cm radars.
D) An AIS SART transmits on 9 GHz so that a 3-cm radar can display the signals.

0.26 Which of the following factors does not normally affect the range of VHE
A) Salt water ingress into the antenna
coaxial cable.
B) Power level setting.
C) lonospheric refraction.
D) Vessel antenna
Q.27 How are paired SSB frequencies normally
communications with coast radio
are normally used for FEC
A These are nermally used for J3E
communications with coast
radio stations5.
5 These with coast radio stations.
C) These are normally used for ARQ communications radio stations.
D) These are normally used for DSC communications with

for safety of
Q.28. By International Agreement, which vessels must carry GMDSS Equipment
Life at Sea ?
a) Vessels above 300 GRT b) vessels above 200 GRT
c)Vessels above 500 GRT d) vessels below 300 GRT

Q.29 The purpose of ITU channel spacing is:

A) To minimize the number of voice & TELEX channels available.

B) To make most efficient use of the radio spectrum, by using voice channels rather than
TELEX channels.
C) To make most efficient use of the radio spectrum, by using TELEX channels rather than
voice channels.
D) To minimize the possibility of interference from adjacent channels.

Q.30 Which statement regarding channel spacing and bandwidth is true?

A) Both TELEX bandwidth and channel spacing values are less than voice bandwidth and
channel spacing values.
B) Voice bandwidth is greater than TELEX bandwidth and therefore voice channe! spacing
values are less than TELEX channel spacing values.
c) TELEX bandwidthis greater than voice bandwidth and therefore TELEX channel spacing
values are less than voice channel spacing values.
D) Both TELEX bandwidth and channel spacing values are greater than voice bandwidth
and channel spacing values.

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