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I’m extremely interested in summer internship program offered by your organization. As a student
majoring in Laws, I am interested in finally being able to gain experience in the Human Rights and
laws field. All of the classes that I have pursued during my undergraduate law degree, including
Constitution and Family law have all provided me a firm foundation in this academic area.

I have always being fascinated with the subject of law, its development as well as the way it adapts to
the fast changing society, our something that has really intrigued me. I feel that I would be very
productive in the field of law as I perform really well when challenged I feel enthralled with the
opportunity of being able to think laterally and at this same time enjoy analyzing the complexities of
human relations.

I believe that pursuing an internship program can offer me with the necessary opportunity in order to
apply this particular knowledge in a practical law environment. I am also interested in developing
further my organizational, human rights knowledge and skills that I have achieved, thanks to my work
experience. My exposure to various human rights aspects and work practice will prove to be a very
useful experience, because I am planning to work as a lawyer in the future.

I also believe that the extremely competitive world of Law can allow me to offer flexibility,
commitment and enthusiasm towards learning, as shown through my pursuit of extra-curricular
classes in laws and human rights during my extra – time. With this I have the confidence to work as
an independent individual, while also enjoying getting myself involved in various group projects.

I can say that I have improved my overall understanding of the law when I spent two weeks of
internship at District Consumer Forum, Chandigarh and two weeks of internship at Punjab State
Consumer Commission. I have greatly benefitted from the experience as I gain through the internship.

My work experience at vital horizons has specifically strengthened my personal understanding in the
field of team dynamics, including the development of my time management skills and analytical
skills. I have also come to appreciate the need to value input from other people, considering that some
may actually contributes more towards the success of entire projects.

The work calls for the need to multi-task, which soon allowed me to master the capability of
prioritizing the tasks through structured and flexible planning, in order to meet different guidelines.
I’m a very inquisitive, ambitious, as well as enthusiastic person through my personal involvement in
your internship program, I’m looking forward to exploring further several aspects of human rights

Skills such as time management and confidence will be boosted up with my experience of internship
at your organization. From all of these experience, I will that it would be perfect for me to go through
university life with the degree in Law. The entire experience, I believe, would unquestionably help me
in achieving in my goals.

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