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A safer way of testing

Since the start of human lives, animals have been considered one of the primary sources. While

some animals are used for food or company others use them for medical research. Animal testing

has improved drastically human health and medical research. For example, if animal testing

weren’t available the cure for polio wouldn’t exist. The diabetics would suffer or even die

because for their disease. Its better to test deadly medicines on animal rather than humans

because we can see how they act and modify it for our own good. What do you value more? A

person’s life or an animal’s life.

There’s a lot of people that say animals shouldn’t be used for research purposes but how would

vaccines be made? Animal testing has saved million of lives. Also, this isn’t the only way of

animal research. When college students are doing their medicine practices, they use dissected

animals to learn more of the human body. An argument used against this is: animals suffer but its

for a good cause and after the research is done, they’re killed to end the suffering. However,

what would be crueler? Test this on an adult / kid or let people die because of the lack of

knowledge with the drug or treatment. Some states and places have guidelines or certain

requirements to minimize cruelty.

Animal research is needed in the world we live in. It gives us a much better knowledge with our

anatomy. I strongly support animal testing because of the rapid advancements that we have

gained over these years. Even though it’s a cruel thing to do its necessary for our lives and

medical research. We should put aside and think about the great or good. As I mentioned on the
A safer way of testing

introduction What’s more important a human’s life or an animal’s one? This is a harsh thing to

say but it’s the truth we need this to thrive.

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