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Juliana A. Souza, MD, a Fernanda Pasinato, MD, a Eliane C.R. Corrêa, PhD, b and Ana Maria T. da Silva, PhD c


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate body posture and the distribution of plantar pressure at physiologic rest of
the mandible and during maximal intercuspal positions in subjects with and without temporomandibular disorder (TMD).
Methods: Fifty-one subjects were assessed by the Diagnostic Criteria for Research on Temporomandibular Disorders and
divided into a symptomatic group (21) and an asymptomatic group (30). Postural analysis for both groups was conducted
using photogrammetry (SAPo version 0.68; University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil). The distribution of plantar pressures
was evaluated by means of baropodometry (Footwork software), at physiologic rest and maximal intercuspal positions.
Results: Of 18 angular measurements, 3 (17%) were statistically different between the groups in photogrammetric evaluation.
The symptomatic group showed more pronounced cervical distance (P = .0002), valgus of the right calcaneus (P = .0122), and
lower pelvic tilt (P = .0124). The baropodometry results showed the TMD subjects presented significantly higher rearfoot and
lower forefoot distribution than those in the asymptomatic group. No differences were verified in maximal intercuspal position
in the between-group analysis and between the 2 mandibular positions in the within-group analysis.
Conclusions: Subjects with and without TMD presented with global body posture misalignment. Postural changes
were more pronounced in the subjects with TMD. In addition, symptomatic subjects presented with abnormal plantar
pressure distribution, suggesting that TMD may have an influence on the postural system. (J Manipulative Physiol
Ther 2014;37:407-414)
Key Indexing Terms: Temporomandibular Disorder; Posture; Photogrammetry

emporomandibular disorder (TMD) is characterized of adjacent muscles, which cause tension in the muscular

T by functional and structural changes, the most

frequent symptoms being temporomandibular joint
and/or masticatory muscles pain, functional limitations,
chain. 9 Forward head posture may lead to a sequence of
changes in the cranio-cervico-mandibular system, such as
more posterior mandibular condyle position and compres-
deviations, and sounds during mandibular movements. The sion of the retrodiscal region; reduction of C0-C1 functional
etiology of TMD is multifactorial involving a combination space; increase of the posterior dental contacts; cervical and
of psychological, structural, and postural aspects. 1 -4 masticatory muscles unbalance; and, consequently, change
Alterations in the postural alignment are commonly found of stomatognathic functions. 4,10-12
in individuals with TMD, mainly related to the head, cervical The neuron-anatomical and biomechanical interaction
column, and shoulder posture. 5 -8 Postural changes in a among jaw, head, and neck in individuals with TMD has been
muscle segment could lead to the lengthening or shortening demonstrated by some authors. 5 -8 On the other hand, in more

MD in Human Communication Disorders, Physiotherapist, Human Communication Disorders of Federal University of
Research Group Orofacial Motricity Laboratory, Department of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.
Speech Therapy, Postgraduate Program of Human Communica- Submit requests for reprints to: Juliana A. Souza, MD in
tion Disorders of Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Human Communication Disorders, Physiotherapist, João Goulart
RS, Brazil. St, Number 540, Apt 301, Camobi District, Santa Maria City, Rio
PhD in Mouth-Dental Biology, Physiotherapist, Research Grande do Sul, Brazil, CEP: 97105-220.
Group Orofacial Motricity Laboratory, Department of Speech (e-mail:
Therapy, Postgraduate Program of Human Communication Disor- Paper submitted January 17, 2012; in revised form January 27,
ders of Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. 2014; accepted April 12, 2014.
PhD in Science of the Communication Disorders, Speech 0161-4754
Therapist, Research Group Orofacial Motricity Laboratory, Copyright © 2014 by National University of Health Sciences.
Department of Speech Therapy, Postgraduate Program of

408 Souza et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Plantar Pressure and Temporomandibular Disorder July/August 2014

recent studies, this association was not evidenced. 9,13-16 Such Interviewed subjects
divergence may be attributed to methodological variability of (208)
the studies, thus limiting their comparisons. 17
Functional relation of the masticatory and lower limbs
muscles by means of the muscular chains has been Subject who met the inclusion criteria
demonstrated. 18-20 Some authors have verified increase of
the electromyographic activity in the peroneus longus and
gastrocnemius muscles during simulated malocclusion 18 and Symptomatic Group Assyntomatic Group
(with TMD by RDC/TMD) (without TMD by RDC/TMD)
decrease of the sternocleidomastoid, erector spinal, and soleus (21) (30)
muscle activity with occlusal splint. 19 Electrical activity
changes of the masticatory muscles at mandibular rest and in
the maximal intercuspal position with the induced plantar arch Fig 1. Flow diagram of subjects in this study. RDC/TMD, Research
Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorder; TMD,
modification were also demonstrated. 20
temporomandibular disorder.
It is theorized that the muscular and articular proprioception
of the cranio-cervico-mandibular complex can interfere in the
postural system. The potential role of the mandibular position diseases; squint; trauma or malformation in the cervical and
change on the weight distribution in the anterior, posterior, left, facial regions; and use of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, or
and right quadrants of the foot in normal individuals was muscular relaxants or antidepressive medicine.
demonstrated by Yoshino et al. 21 Ries and Bérzin 22 have The SG was composed of 21 individuals (20 women and 1
showed the influence of the TMD in the postural control. man, mean age of 25 ± 5 years old) with RDC/TMD combined
Considering the relation between the postural and the diagnoses of myofascial pain and arthralgia. Thirty individuals
stomatognathic systems, it is possible that the presence of (28 women and 2 men with mean age of 22 ± 5 years old)
TMD may have a relationship with the body posture as a without TMD, that is, asymptomatic according the RDC
whole and, consequently, the plantar pressure distribution. instrument, were included in the AG (Fig 1).
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate body The study was approved by the Ethics on Research
posture and plantar pressure distribution in subjects during Committee of the UFSM, Brazil, under protocol number
physiologic rest of the mandibular position and in the maximal CAAE 0048.0.243.000-08. All subjects were properly
intercuspal position, in individuals with and without TMD. informed and signed the consent term.

Photogrammetric Evaluation
METHODS The posture evaluation was conducted by the software
Asymptomatic subjects were recruited by means of SAPo version 0.68 (University of São Paulo, São Paulo,
electronic and printed media, and subjects with symptoms Brazil) 23 for the photogrammetric analysis. All subjects
of TMD were recruited from the Occlusion Clinics of were photographed in swimsuit and barefoot, keeping their
Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil. Of 208 usual body posture with opened eyes glancing to the
individuals interviewed, 51 were selected for the study. horizon line. A digital camera (Sony Cybershot 4.1
Next, they were distributed into 2 groups: symptomatic megapixels; Sony, Shenzhen, China) was positioned in a
(those with TMD) and asymptomatic (those without TMD). 1-m-height tripod (VT 131; Vanguard; Guangzhou, China)
Inclusion criteria for the symptomatic group (SG) were both and 3 m from the subject. For the image calibration in the
sexes, age from 18 to 35 years, presence of signals, and software, a plumb line was suspended in the roof beside the
symptoms of TMD for a period over 6 months. For the volunteer. The photographs were taken in anterior, left
asymptomatic group (AG), they were both sexes, age from lateral, and posterior views. It was used a demarked base
18 to 35 years, and absence of pain in the shoulder and with 10 × 40 × 20 cm of dimensions with the foot outline
cervical region, facial pain, and/or headache; bruxism habit; drawn in an eraser rug. It was turned 90°, and the volunteer
noises; and limitation in the mandibular function. returned to position over this to change the image's view.
To confirm the TMD diagnosis, the volunteers under- Anatomical points were marked in the voluntary's skin with
went the clinical examination of Research Diagnostic styrofoam balls with double-face tape, according to the SAPo
Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorder (RDC/TMD), version 0.68 protocol 23 (Fig 2), by 2 trained examiners.
by a trained examiner. 2 The quantification of the angles among the anatomical
Exclusion criteria for both groups included presence of points was conduct by 2 trained physical therapists, who
neuropsychomotor or systemic or rheumatologic diseases were blind regarding the subject's group and followed the
and to be or have been undergone to physical therapy, SAPo version 0.68 protocol and its conventions. 23
speech therapy, or orthodontics treatment (for less than 6 The head position was also evaluated by the horizontal
months); pain complaint in the lower limbs; labyrinth distance from the middle cervical region to a vertical line
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Souza et al 409
Volume 37, Number 6 Plantar Pressure and Temporomandibular Disorder

Fig 2. Anatomical markers and measures of the photogrammetric evaluation: anterior (A), lateral (B), and posterior (C) views.
%, horizontal asymmetry of scapula in relation to the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra, A1, horizontal alignment of the
head; A2, acromia alignment; A3, anterosuperior iliac spines alignment; A5, varus/valgus of right lower limb; A6, varus/valgus of left
lower limb; A7, horizontal alignment of the head; A8, vertical alignment of the head; A9, vertical shoulder alignment; A10, vertical
alignment of the body; A11, pelvic horizontal alignment; A12, knee angle; A13, ankle angle; A14, valgus/varus of right calcaneus; A15,
varus/valgus of left calcaneus; CD, cervical distance; LD, lumbar distance.

metric analysis were 0° and asymmetrical starting from

0.1°. For the angle of the knee, from 0° to 3°, was
considered normal. In the lateral view, the reference for the
A7 angle was based on a study with asymptomatic
individuals, with angular values of 50.1° ± 5.5°. 24 The
shoulder, body, and knee position was related to the vertical
line, and it was considered normal when lightly anterior to
the lateral malleolus, 25 that is, next to 0°. In the posterior
view, the calcaneus alignment was classified as normal
from 0° to 5°, 26 and the asymmetry index of the scapula, as
0°. 23 The reliability of the measures of SAPo version 0.68
software has been demonstred. 27

Baropodometric Evaluation
Baropodometry is a quantitative examination that
assesses the distribution of pressures in different points
in the plantar region; the mean pressures, the peak
pressures, and the contact area of the foot 28,29 (Fig 4).
Fig 3. Head posture (CD) and lumbar curve (lumbar distance During the examination, the individuals of the SG and AG
[LD]) evaluation. stood barefoot in their usual posture, with the parallel feet,
arms relaxed along the body while glancing an object in
the line of their eyes at 1-m distance. The recordings were
tangent to the thoracic curve apex, nominated cervical distance acquired in the following situations: (a) physiologic rest
(CD). 12 The lumbar curve was evaluated by the horizontal mandibular position—for 20 seconds; (b) maximal
distance from a vertical line tangent to the thoracic curve apex intercuspal position for 5 seconds, stimulated by the
to the point of the lumbar curve apex 15 (Fig 3). researcher with the verbal command “clench, clench,
In the anterior view, the segments were considered clench…,” with a parafilm paper (Parafilm) between
symmetrical when the angular values in the photogram- premolar teeth bilaterally. This experimental condition
410 Souza et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Plantar Pressure and Temporomandibular Disorder July/August 2014

Fig 4. Baropodometric recording of the plantar pressure distribution (Footwork software).

was adapted from studies that evaluated the effect of jaw .05) and 1% (P b .01) were adopted. Data were analyzed
position on body posture by stabilometry. 21,22,30,31 were using the SPSS Statistics 17.0 (Chicago, IL) and SAS
The examination was carried out by an expert physical 9.1 software (Cary, NC).
therapist that was blinded to the subject's group. Each
situation was repeated 3 times, with a 1-minute break
among them. Three trials were done to ensure a good level RESULTS
of reliability (N 0.8), once this increases with the number of
In the photogrammetric analysis, 3 (17%) of 18 angular
trials. 28 Before data collection, the subject was oriented
measures were significantly different between SG and AG
about the procedures. Equipment calibration was carried
(Table 1). Statistically higher values in the CD, right calcaneus
out by the weight, height, and shoe size of the participants.
valgism (A14), and lower pelvic tilt (A11) were observed in the
The baropodometry (Footwork; STI-AM3, Goult,
SG subjects. Both groups presented postural misalignments of
France) consists of an active surface of 400/400 mm, 704
the head, shoulders, and anterosuperior iliac spine horizontal
capacitive captors, frequency of 150 Hz, maximal pressure
alignment in the anterior view; head, shoulder, knee, and pelvis
by each captor of 100 N/cm 2, and an analogical converter
vertical alignment in the lateral view and in the scapula
of 16 bits. Plantar pressure distribution in the anterior and
symmetry; and calcaneus position in the posterior view.
posterior direction, that is, forefoot and heel and right
The plantar pressure distributions at mandibular rest and
and left, was evaluated. On the orthostatic position, the
in the maximal intercuspal positions are shown in Table 2.
gravity line is projected in the center of the sustentation
The SG presented significantly higher backfoot and lower
polygon, 25 with 57% to 60% of the load pressure on the
forefoot pressure distribution compared to the AG. No
backfoot and 40% to 43% on the forefoot and 50% on
statistical difference was found in maximal intercuspal
the right leg and 50% on the left one. 32
position in the between-group analysis and, between the 2
mandibular positions, in the within-group analysis.
Data Analysis
Data normality was verified by Shapiro-Wilk test. The
Student t test for independent samples compared the DISCUSSION
photogrammetry's data. Repeated-measures analysis of Previous studies support the theory that changes in
variance and Tukey post hoc tests were used for the the body posture may interfere with jaw position and that
between-group and within-group comparisons of the these changes may be more frequent in individuals with
plantar pressure distribution variations in the different TMD. 5 -8,10 However, most of these studies are limited to
mandibular positions. The significance levels of 5% (P b the superior body quadrant 6,13 or conducted using a
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Souza et al 411
Volume 37, Number 6 Plantar Pressure and Temporomandibular Disorder

Table 1. Mean Value and SD of the Photogrammetric Evaluation in the Anterior, Left Lateral, and Posterior Views of the Study and
Control Groups
SG (n = 30) AG (n = 30)
View Measures Mean SD Mean SD P
Anterior A1 1.98° ±1.48° 1.79° ±1.37° .6530
A2 1.45° ±1.27° 1.54° ±1.09° .8012
A3 1.31° ±1.05° 1.63° ±0.76° .2205
A4 2.12° ±1.06° 1.44° ±1.38° .0629
A5 3.48° ±2.36° 3.16° ±2.32° .6349
A6 3.41° ±2.59° 3.29° ±2.21° .8509
Lateral A7 51.07° ±6.15° 49.83° ±4.65° .4155
A8 15.28° ±7.15° 14.13° ±6.85° .5651
A9 3.45° ±1.53° 2.61° ±1.61° .0693
A10 1.01° ±0.79° 1.44° ±0.77° .0584
A11 7.74° ±5.07° 11.18° ±4.35° .0124 ⁎
A12 6.56° ±4.24° 4.80° ±4.07° .1413
A13 89.68° ±2.47° 88.34° ±2.70° .0775
CD 7.29 cm ±1.53 cm 6.04 cm ±1.22 cm .0002 ⁎⁎
LD 4.57 cm ±1.40 cm 4.14 cm ±1.01 cm .2090
Posterior A14 21.45° ±6.76° 16.65° ±6.31° .0122 ⁎
A15 18.78° ±7.75° 16.87° ±6.33° .3364
% 15.19 ±11.60 16.22 ±14.58 .7889
%, horizontal asymmetry of scapula in relation to the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra; A1, horizontal alignment of the head; A2, acromia
alignment; A3, anterosuperior iliac spines alignment; A4, lateral tilt of the trunk; A5, varus/valgus of right lower limb; A6, varus/valgus of left lower limb;
A7, horizontal alignment of the head; A8, vertical alignment of the head; A9, vertical shoulder alignment; A10, vertical alignment of the body; A11, pelvic
horizontal alignment; A12, knee angle; A13, ankle angle; A14, valgus/varus of right calcaneus; A15, varus/valgus of left calcaneus; CD, horizontal distance
from the thoracic curve apex to middle region of cervical curve; LD, horizontal distance from the thoracic curve apex to middle region of lumbar curve.
⁎ P b .05, Student t test.
⁎⁎ P b .01, Student t test.

subjective evaluation method. 7 -9 Based on the photogram- emotional factors 34 can explain the presence of postural
metric data obtained in the current study, TMD seems to be changes in both groups. In addition, Ferreira et al 35 related
related to the global body posture, once changes were that postural assessment by photographic and computerized
observed in the horizontal pelvic alignment and calcaneus analysis showed slight variations of postural alignment,
as well as in the cervical position. Zonnenberg et al 33 indicating that posture might have ranges of normal values.
verified postural changes in subjects with TMD compared The cervical distance, one of the photogrammetric
to the healthy ones, by means of photographic analysis. The measures related to head posture, was significantly different
study of Munhoz et al 15 was the only study found that between groups, with greater value for the SG (7.29 ± 1.53
evaluated quantitatively the global body posture in subjects cm). For Rocabado, 12 this measure characterizes the forward
with or without TMD. However, they used different head posture when it is greater than 6 cm. However, Strini
software and angular measures, and they evaluated subjects et al 36 considered 6 to 8 cm as a normal value.
with internal derangement TMD diagnosis. The authors did The horizontal alignment of the head in the lateral view
not find significant postural difference between the (A7) did not differ statistically between groups, with mean
subjects; nonetheless, this methodological difference values near those verified in asymptomatic individuals. 13,24
makes it difficult to compare with the present study. Nevertheless, it is not known if these values correspond to a
In the present study, postural misalignments were neutral position of the head in this plane. It is considered that
present in subjects with and without TMD such as head the smaller the angle, the more forward is the head position. 13
tilt; shoulder, anterosuperior iliac spine, and scapula Some studies did not find difference in the head posture
asymmetry in the anterior view; forward head and shoulder between subjects with and without TMD in the measure-
posture in relation to the vertical line; pelvic tilt; knees ment of the same angle (A7) analyzed in this study. 13 -15
hyperextension in lateral view; and calcaneus valgus in the Similarly, Matheus et al, 16 in a cephalometric study of
posterior view. Some degree of postural asymmetry due to craniocervical posture comparing 30 subjects with TMD of
dominance interference, such as lower shoulder, higher hip discal origin and 30 subjects without dysfunction, did not
and calcaneus in mild varus at the dominant side, is find difference between the subjects. Munhoz and Marques 9
recognized. 25 The great variability in the body posture in found similar results between subjects with and without
the general population 15 as well as the higher postural TMD, both presenting forward head posture (66.7% vs 75%,
dysfunction occurrence due to poor postural or professional respectively) in a photographic visual analysis. Other
habits, congenital or acquired changes, sedentary style, and studies 5,8 found more frequent forward head posture in
412 Souza et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
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Table 2. Mean Values and SD of the Plantar Pressure Distribution in the Mandibular Rest and Maximal Intercuspal Position Between
and Within Study and Control Groups
Pressure Plantar Distribution (%)
Anterior Posterior Right Left
Tests Rest MI Rest MI Rest MI Rest MI
Between groups Mean ± SD Mean ±SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
SG 36.86 ± 8.19 38.09 ± 8.91 63.14 ± 8.20 61.90 ± 8.92 48.78 ± 5.67 49.35 ± 5.96 51.25 ± 5.64 50.65 ± 5.98
AG 39.87 ± 8.76 39.80 ± 8.53 60.13 ± 8.76 60.20 ± 8.53 49.67 ± 3.96 49.76 ± 4.59 50.31 ± 4.00 50.24 ± 4.59
F value 4.49 1.37 4.49 1.37 1.26 0.21 1.26 0.21
P level .0357 ⁎ .2430 .0357 ⁎ .2430 .2640 .6457 .2640 .6457

Within groups
SG F value 1.94 1.94 2.61 2.61
P level .1672 .1672 .1094 .1094
AG F value 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.09
P level .8865 .8865 .7623 .7623
AG, asymptomatic group; MI, maximal intercuspal position; SG, symptomatic group.
⁎ P b .05, analysis of variance and Tukey post test.

TMD subjects; however, these studies used different acrylic resin plate. Similarly, Cuccia 39 analyzed the interre-
evaluation methods compared to the current study. lationship between dental occlusal and plantar arch during
In addition, in the lateral view, there were differences in gait in control and TMD subjects. The author concluded that a
the pelvic position between groups with significant lower pathologic condition of the stomatognathic system such as
tilt in the SG. As a normal value has not been established for the presence of TMD interferes in the baropodometric
this measure, it is not possible to identify the postural dynamic parameters.
deviation. A comparative study with 10 women with Conversely, Ferrario et al 40 in a study with force
temporomandibular joint disk displacement and healthy platform demonstrated that the modifications of the plantar
women observed pelvic retroversion in the first ones. 7 In pressure center were not influenced by the TMD. For the
the posterior view, both groups presented angular values authors, the mechanism of the neuromuscular complex,
correspondent to calcaneus valgus, with significant differ- which should respond to adjustments of body posture, was
ence in the right side in the SG. There are no studies in the not detected in the foot level.
literature with which these findings can be compared. In the within-group analysis for the present study, there
In the baropodometric evaluation, differences were found were no significant differences in the pressure plantar
in the plantar pressure distribution between the groups at the distribution between the rest and the maximal intercuspal
rest position. The weight distribution in the anterior and situation in both groups. Such findings are in agreement
posterior directions was significantly different between with Sakaguchi et al 31 who did not find significant
groups. The individuals with TMD had higher backfoot and difference in the anteroposterior and laterolateral distribu-
lower forefoot pressure compared to the AG. In the AG, the tion of plantar pressure (MatScan System, Boston, MA) in
plantar pressure distribution achieved normal limits. 32 It is healthy subjects, during mandibular position changes.
possible that the postural imbalance observed in the TMD However, Bracco et al 41 verified improvement in the
patients, by means of the photogrammetry (such as the pelvic symmetry of the plantar pressure distribution on the frontal
alignment), was reflected in the more posterior distribution of plane (right and left) in healthy subjects at the maximal
plantar pressures in these subjects. Therefore, the presence of intercuspal compared to the mandibular rest position.
TMD may interfere in the distribution of plantar pressures. Yoshino et al 21 also verified an influence of the loss of
To help explain the mechanisms, Cuccia and Caradonna 37 occlusal support unilaterally and bilaterally on the weight
stated that tensions in the stomatognathic system can distribution in the anterior, posterior, left, and right of the
contribute for deficiencies in the alignment and the neural foot during maximal intercuspal in healthy subjects.
control of the posture, once there are connections among the Ries and Bérzin 22 observed, by the stabilometric evalua-
trigeminal system, neural structures involved in the posture tion, improvement in the postural stability in subjects with
control, and the myofascial chains. As in the current study, TMD at maximal intercuspal position, compared to control
Chessa et al 38 described the relation between craniomandib- subjects. For these authors, this finding can be attributed to a
ular disorders and postural alterations using baropodometric preparatory activity for the occlusal work. However, this was
examination. In their study, there was an improvement of not demonstrated in others studies that used this same
plantar pressure distribution in 80% of the individuals with evaluation method 30,40 and by the baropodometric analysis
TMD who undergone 7 months of occlusal treatment using during the maximal intercuspidal position in the current study.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Souza et al 413
Volume 37, Number 6 Plantar Pressure and Temporomandibular Disorder

In a systematic review, Perinetti and Contardo 42 recommended ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

more investigations with improved levels of scientific evidence
for monitoring the body posture responses to changes in the The authors thank the Postgraduate Program of Human
stomatognathic system. Communication Disorders of UFSM, Brazil, and Claudio
The photogrammetric analysis evidenced some significant Figueiró, professor of the Occlusion Clinics of UFSM, and
differences on the global body posture between subjects with Janete Amador, professor of the Statistic Department of UFSM.
and without TMD. The first ones presented more postural
misalignment, with increase in the cervical distance, right
calcaneus valgism, and lower pelvic tilt. Temporomandibular FUNDING SOURCES AND POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
disorder subjects showed abnormal plantar pressures distri-
No funding sources or conflicts of interest were reported
bution in anterior and posterior direction at rest mandibular
for this study.
position. These results suggest the need of a global posture
treatment in individuals with myogenic TMD 42,43 and indicate
the baropodometry as a one more resource to evaluate the
interaction between the stomatognathic and postural systems. CONTRIBUTORSHIP INFORMATION
Concept development (provided idea for the research):
Limitations Design (planned the methods to generate the results):
Limitations should be recognized in this investigation, J.A.S.,F.P.
including the small sample size with different TMD diagnoses, Supervision (provided oversight and responsible for
that is, combined myofascial pain and arthralgia. Thus, the organization and implementation and writing of the
results of this study cannot be extended to other TMD manuscript): J.A.S., F.P., E.C.R.C., A.M.T.daS.
diagnoses. Further studies are necessary to investigate the Data collection/processing (responsible for experiments,
relation between TMD and the global posture, considering the patient management, organization, or reporting data):
different RDC/TMD diagnostic criteria subgroups. In addition, J.A.S., F.P.
the scarcity of studies using baropodometry and the angles Analysis/interpretation (responsible for statistical analysis,
analyzed in this study for the assessment of myogenic TMD evaluation, and presentation of the results): J.A.S., F.P.
patients limited the discussions. Literature search (performed the literature search):
J.A.S., F.P.
Writing (responsible for writing a substantive part of the
manuscript): J.A.S.
CONCLUSION Critical review (revised manuscript for intellectual
Subjects with and without TMD presented with global content, this does not relate to spelling and grammar
body posture misalignment. Some postural changes were checking): E.C.C., A.M.T.daS.
more pronounced in the subjects with TMD. Subjects with Other (list other specific novel contributions): contribu-
TMD presented abnormal plantar pressure distribution. tions: Janete Amador (new statistical analysis); Claudio
This study suggests that there may be a relationship Figueiró (critical review).
between TMD and the postural system.
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