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Note making + Summary


1. Use only short phrases

2. Complete sentences are NOT allowed
3. Use abbreviations(5 to 7)- make your own
(depends on the frequency with which a word is used- higher the freq. Greater the
4. Key to Abbreviations to be given (in a box)
5. Focus on content words - avoid aux verbs, linkers, you me their….
6. Note follow a nested structure( image - Coming down a flight of stairs)


TITLE (centralised)

1. Main point

2. Main point

3. Main point
Title (centralised)

1. 50 -60 words
2. use complete sentences- no abbreviations, no shortforms
3. One small para
4. Use punctuaions - comma, semicolon
5. Do not start a new sentence for everything
6. Try to add/append information using comma or semicolon to the same sentence
(trick to save space/words)
7. All main points and subpoints need to be there in the summary, sub-subpoints will
come if your word limit allows you.

Qs) Read the given passage. Make systematic notes and abbreviations. Give it a
suitable title.(5)
Write the summary in about 50 words. (3)

In McLeodganj, along the road from the main square to the Dalai Lama temple are
souvenir shops and trinket stalls. Over the years, most of their wares have acquired a
pan-national character. The macrame wall hangings, papier-mâché boxes, chunky
jewellery and cheap T-shirts you find on the streets of McLeodganj, are as much at
home here as they are on the pavements along Colaba Causeway or the Wednesday
flea market near Anjuna beach. In the chaos of modern commerce, objects harking
back to centuries-old tradition can be hard to sell, and yet, this is precisely the task
that the Kangra Arts Promotion Society (KAPS), an NGO, has been quietly working
at for the last decade.

Set up in 2008 by an IAS officer, the society was meant to boost what was then a
floundering art form. An art lover himself, he got others, including some well-to-do
locals and NRIs, to establish the society with the idea of training artists in this art
form. The society’s first move was to run a competition to identify local artists who
could be trained in the tradition. The selected artists underwent a year-long course,
besides being paid a monthly stipend and provided access to master artists and

Most artists are encouraged to work independently even as they continue to make
paintings that are sold by KAPS. The society supplies all materials. Every month,
when artists submit their works for sale, they receive 40 per cent of the price before
sale, with the remaining amount coming through once the painting is sold.
The Kangra painting has become a symbol of the region. It has a market and KAPS is
playing a small role in ensuring that it expands.

Saving McLoedganj’s crafts

1. Souvenir shops and trinket stalls

1.1main sq. To Dalai Lama temple
1.2 sell many crafts,like-
1.2.1 Macrame wall paintings
1.2.2papier-mâché boxes
1.2.3 chunky jewellery
1.2.4 cheap T-shirts
1.3 like C.C pavement/Anjuna beach flea mkt
1.4 tradn crafts hard to sell

2. Kangra Arts Promotion Society

2.1 an NGO - set up 2008
2.2 By IAS
2.2.1 an art lover
2.3 other founders
2.3.1 rich locals
2.3.2 NRIs
2.4 to boost floundering art form
2.5 1st move -comp org
2.5.1 to identify local artists
2.5.2 train them in local art
2.5.3 year long course
2.5.4 stipend paid and materials provided
2.5.5 access to master artists
2.6 artists encouraged to work indep.
2.7 paintings sold by KAPS
2.7.1 artist get 40% presale
2.7.2 remaining amount after sale
2.8 Kangra painting
2.8.1 symbol of region
2.8.2 has a market
2.9 KAPS expanding its market

Saving McLoedganj’s crafts

Many souvenir shops and trinket stalls selling selling many local crafts are there in
Mcleodganj. KAPS was set up in 2008 by an IAS officer to save Kangra Paintings. A
competition to identify and train local artists was organised. It was a year long paid
training with access to master artists with KAPS selling their paintings and expanding
the market, giving them 40%in advance and the rest after.

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