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be/B5GUeTMJfr0   - Identify the dominant text structures - Group 1

2. On your notebook, write down the topics being discussed. 

3. Once you are done writing it on your notebook. Discuss the assigned topic with your

Lesson 1: READING ACADEMIC TEXTS: Differentiate Language Used in Academic

Text from Various Disciplines



What is academic writing?

Academic writing aims to persuade, argue a specific point, and inform. It is a process
which involves posing a question or task, presenting an argument and developing a
set of closely related main points and citing evidence from credible reference
resources and expert’s views.

Academic writing is clear, concise, focused, structured and backed up by evidence. 

Academic writing serves as a tool of communication that conveys acquired

knowledge in a specific field of study. Writing academically will help students
analyse, convey understanding, think critically and focus on technique and style.
Academic writing is used in different disciplines such as business, humanities, natural
and applied sciences, social sciences, geography, psychology, law, and political

Academic text are specialized texts written by experts or professionals in a particular

field using formal language and reliable information resources. There are several
types of academic texts such as position papers, reaction papers, concept papers,
academic essays, educational reports, research papers, case studies, text book,
feasibility studies, thesis, conference papers, book reviews, and academic journals.

What are the parts of an academic text?

An academic text has three distinct sections:

 Introduction - a writer must grab the reader’s attention and identify the thesis
of the academic text. An academic text may start with a
question, a quote from an expert or a famous person, an
interesting fact, or a definition of an important term related to
the topic being discussed.

 Body - (This is the second section and the main part of an academic
text). In this section, the paragraphs must be clearly written and
rearranged in order of importance.

 Conclusion - The writer must re-emphasize the thesis and summarize all
the main points of the academic text. The conclusion has one
paragraph which shows the text’s final conclusion.
The parts of the academic writing structure in scientific writing also known as the
IMRAD structure include the introduction, methodology, results, and discussion.

The characterisitcs of academic texts

1. Academic texts use formal language and reliable information resources.

2. Academic texts are intended for educated audience.
3. The contents of an academic text must have the clarity of the text’s purpose and
thesis statement.
4. The structure of section, sentences and paragraphs of an academic article should
be clear.
5. The language and style of academic texts must be formal.
6. The tone of academic texts is expressed by the use of appropriate syntax, point of
view, diction, and the level of formality in writing.
7. Academic writing often uses third person point of view, which provides objectivity.
8. Academic writing must follow proper mechanics in writing which focuses on the
rules of the written language including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

The Academic Writing Process

The parts of the academic writing process are the following:

 Research - It is the task of understanding and finding information about

your topic.
 Planning - It is the method of sorting all the information you found in the
research activity into an outline for writing. You may use
brainstorming, clustering, making lists, and asking questions to
do the planning.

 Writing - It is the process of producing the written output.

Tips on producing the written output are the following:

A. ) The information must be in logical order.

B. ) There must be enough supporting points for each main point.
C. ) Make sure you are not just repeating something you have
already said.
D. ) Your ideas must be related to the topic or the title of the article
or essay.
E. ) Always remember that the main points must support the

 Finalizing - In this stage, you need to check your writing for mistakes in
grammar, spelling and style or more commonly described as
proofreading your work. Revise your work by checking that you
have answered the questions thoroughly, structure your article
clearly and logically, formulate a balance and well- researched
arguments, developed clearly connected sentences,
paragraphs, and coherent arguments, provided examples and
codes that support and are relevant to your topic, use
correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
 Conclusion - The concluding paragraph of an essay should convey a sense
of completeness.


What is plagiarism?

It is the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that

Ways to avoid plagiarism

1. Cite your references

- when writing an idea that is not your own, add a citation. Then, identify the
fulll name of the source, the date it was published, and any other citation
element that is required by the style guide you are adhering to.

Why do we need to cite our references?

1. to distinguish between your ideas and words and those that belong to other people
2. to support what you are writing by referring to evidence
3. to enable readers to investigate ideas they find interesting/useful
4. to show your tutor exactly which sources you have read; and to avoid plagiarism.

Examples of Citation Styles:

 Modern Language Association (MLA) Citation Style
 American Psychological Association (APA) Citation Style:
 Chicago Citation Style

2. Use quotations
- one of the most simple ways to avoid plagiarism is by using quotation marks
around the text to denote that the words are not your own. A direct quote
should also cite the source so that the readers know the original source.

A quotation involves using someone else’s exact words. Quotations should be used
sparingly.They may be appropriate when emphasising an important point, providing a
definition, or stating a controversial point that will be explored further in the

Direct quotations must be exact copies. Follow the wording, spelling, and interior
punctuation of the original source.

3. Paraphrase
- It is the process of writing a source ideas or information without changing the
original meaning.

-Paraphrasing is rewriting a passage in your own words.

It is not considered paraphrasing if you are only changing the sentence order or
replacing some of the original author’s words with synonyms.

4. Present your own idea

- Instead of copying the original reference ideas or words, write your unique
perspective or POV about the topic.

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