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1 Sources of

3.1 Sources of finance
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
▪ Explain the role of finance for businesses in terms of capital
expenditure and revenue expenditure
▪ Comment on the internal sources of finance
▪ Comment on the external sources of finance
▪ Define short, medium and long term finance
▪ Discuss the appropriateness, advantages, and disadvantages
of sources of finance for a given situation
External source of finance
▪Share capital
▪Loan capital
▪Trade credit
▪Debt factoring
▪Venture capital
▪Business angels
Share capital
▪ Limited companies may raise funds through the sale of
▪ Should be used for long-term needs, such as purchasing
machines or computer systems, or acquiring businesses.
▪ When a business expands it can ask existing shareholders to
put more money into the business and therefore new shares
are issued in proportion to the size of the increase in share
▪ Note that when people buy and sell existing shares, usually
via a stock exchange, this does not help the business with
raising new capital as it is simply swapping ownership
between people.
Share capital
▪ There are no interest payments and so no drain on company
▪ If existing shareholders increase their investment by buying
new shares in proportion to their current levels there is no
change in control.
▪ Shareholders still require rewards in the form of dividends,
and this is paid for from profits.
▪ If the business doesn’t make a profit and doesn’t have a
reserve of past profit it cannot be compelled to pay a
Exam tip
▪ Do not make the mistake of suggesting that selling shares is a
form of internal finance for companies. Although the
shareholders own the business, the company is a separate
legal unit and, therefore, the shareholders are ‘outside’ of it.
▪ When answering case study examination questions, you
should analyse what type of legal structure the business has
and what sources of finance are available to it.
Unincorporated businesses – sole traders and partnerships –
cannot issue shares, for example.
Loan capital
▪ Loan capital or debt is provided for more than one year.
▪ Funding provided by banks and other lenders.
▪ Usually provided for a fixed period of time, with repayments
evenly spread out over the length of the loan.
▪ Interest is paid on the loan at regular intervals.
▪ Interest rate holidays is where the lender agrees not to take
interest for a short period of time.
Loan capital
▪ It is often easier to access and use for specific purpose and
so payment is spread out over the useful revenue-earning
life of the asset.
▪ If interest rates rise in the economy, the loan interest does
not change as it is fixed at the outset.
▪ The lenders have to be paid even if the business does not
make a profit.
▪ If the loan is secured against an asset, then the asset can be
seized if repayments are missed.
▪ If interest rates fall, the business will pay the agreed rate,
although renegotiating loan interest is quite common.
Bank overdraft
▪ Is a short-term bank loan.
▪ A bank will allow a business to
withdraw from its account more
than it has deposited.
▪ It is a flexible way for businesses to
borrow small sums of money as
and when required.
▪ Interest is paid only when the
account is overdrawn.
▪ Overdrafts are often used to cover
cash shortages, so a business may
be overdrawn only for a matter of
Bank overdraft
▪ Changes in overdraft limits can be increased quite easily and
it is a flexible source of finance.
▪ The cost will vary as interest rates change in the economy,
making budgeting costs a little difficult.
▪ It is often secured on a personal guarantee from the owners
and/or on the assets of the business.
Trade credit
▪ Most business-to-business transactions are completed on a
credit basis.
▪ Goods purchased are not paid for immediately.
▪ Using trade credit, a business can get stock even if it does
not have the cash to pay for it at the time.
▪ It is intended that, by the time payment is due, the stock will
have been sold and the necessary cash generated to pay the
Trade credit
▪ By delaying payments to suppliers, businesses are left in a
better cash-flow position than if they paid cash immediately.
▪ It is an interest-free means of raising funds for the length of
the credit period.
▪ Debtors (trade credit receivers) lose out the possibility of
getting discounts rather than if they pay in cash.
▪ Delaying payment to creditors after the agreed period may
lead to the development of poor relations and suppliers may
even refuse to engage in future transactions with the
▪ Governments, successful entrepreneurs and large
corporations keen on promoting their social responsibilities
are all increasingly seeking to help the smaller business
sector with grants and soft loans.
▪ In most cases grant makers are very selective on who
receives the grant.
▪ While sums may be small they can make a difference to a
project’s viability.
▪ Often the problem is identifying
what grants are actually
▪ It does not have to be paid back by the recipient.
▪ It mostly comes with “strings attached” depending on the
objective of the grant maker.
▪ Financial assistance granted by a government, a
non-governmental organization (NGO) or an individual to
support business enterprises that are in the public interest.
▪ Farm subsidies are common subsidies given to domestic
farming industries.
▪ In most cases the cash subsidies are given to help these
industries survive in a very competitive environment by
being able to sell their product at low market prices, while
still being able to reap financial gain.
▪ In situations where the market price goes below the cost of
production, this is known as subvention.
▪ It helps businesses to increase their demand for goods by
charging lower prices for their products.
▪ Do not need to be repaid.
▪ Government subsidies are often
marred by political interference
in the subsidization process.
Debt factoring
▪ When working capital is tight or when a business is
struggling to get paid by customers, it may consider using a
third party agency to help.
▪ A factor agent or debt-factoring company is a company that
buys the current unpaid invoices of a business with a
percentage discount. It pays that cash immediately to the
business and hopes that it can recover more than the value
paid of the debts in order to make a profit.
Debt factoring
▪ The business receives cash upfront and can use this money
to fund expansion and working capital needs more generally.
▪ The administration cost to the business of chasing up its
customers’ unpaid bills is immediately removed.
▪ The business is really giving up some of its profit margin.
▪ A factor agent ringing up your biggest customer and
demanding immediate payment otherwise the customer
may be taken to court could mean that you lose vital sales in
the future.
▪ By leasing an asset instead of purchasing it, a business can
reduce the amount of finance it needs to raise.
▪ A business pays a set fee to lease the asset for a set time.
▪ After this, the asset is returned to the leasing company.
▪ The business might then renew the leasing contract and
receive a new asset.
▪ Leasing is useful for equipment such as computers, which
quickly become outdated.
▪ The business does not need to
find a large initial lump sum to
buy the equipment, and thus
pay for the asset from its own
▪ The ownership of the asset
does not pass to the business.
▪ The business will probably be
paying a reasonable high level
of interest.
Venture capital
▪ Financial capital provided by investors who are most
prepared to share the risks of business enterprise.
▪ They invest in the share capital as well as providing loan
capital for businesses with expansion potential.
▪ Venture capitalists usually fund start-ups that find it difficult
to access money from other financial institutions or capital
▪ They own a stake in the businesses they invest in with the
expectation of benefiting from future profits.
▪ Due to the high risks involved, they expect the firms needing
the funds to produce a thoroughly researched business plan
to help mitigate the risk of investment.
Venture capital
▪ They often provide business help and contacts for export
drives or for identifying new technologies or partners.
▪ They sit as non-executive directors.
▪ Profit or sales targets are imposed.
▪ If the business fails to expand, they increase their equity
Business angels
▪ Also known as angel investors.
▪ Very affluent individuals who
provide financial capital to small
start-ups or entrepreneurs in
return for ownership equity in
their businesses.
▪ Invest in high-risk businesses that
show good potential for high
returns or future growth.
▪ May provide a one-time initial
capital injection or continually
support the businesses through
their lifetime.
Business angels
▪ They give more favourable financial terms than other
institutions or lenders of small or start-up businesses.
▪ They are known to invest in the person rather than how
viable a business venture is.
▪ They focus on helping a business succeed by using their
extensive business experience coupled with good financial
▪ They may assume a good degree of control or ownership in
the businesses they invest in, therefore diluting the
ownership of the entrepreneur.
External sources of finance
Time frame Possible usage
Short-term Under 1 year Working capital
Medium-term 1 – 5 years Capital expenditure (vehicles, refurbishment, etc.)
Long-term Over 5 years Major capital expenditure (buildings, land, etc.)
External sources of finance
Short-term Medium-term Long-term
Bank overdraft Leasing Share capital
Trade credit Bank loans Loan capital
Debt factoring Grants Venture capital
Factors influencing the choice of a
source of finance
▪Purpose or use of funds
▪Status and size
▪Amount required
▪State of the external environment
Key concept link
▪ Selecting appropriate sources of finance is an important
strategic choice for businesses.
▪ Selecting inappropriate sources can impact on ownership
and control and the ability of managers to meet the needs
and wants of stakeholders.
▪ Stimpson, P., Smith, A. (2015) Business Management for the
IB Diploma. Cambridge
▪ Lominé, L., Muchena, M., and Pierce, R. (2014) Business
Management. Oxford
▪ Clark, P. and Golden, P. (2009) Business and management
Course Companion
▪ Gutteridge, L. (2009) Business and Management for the IB
▪ Thompson, R. and Machin, D. (2003) AS Business Studies

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