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Buenavista, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro

C o m m i s s i o n o n H i g h e r E d u c a ti o n
C o l e g i o d e S a n S e b a s ti a n

Course Instructor: __Pinky N. Pagayonan_____ Course: __Modern Physics___

Submitted by: ___Ma. Christine D. Cairo_______ Date: ___October 16, 2021_____
Course and Year: ___BSED Major in Science III_____

Midterm Quizzes

QUIZ #1 Explain the paradigm shift between Ptolemic and Copernican Physics (20 pts)

Ptolemy’s model was diverse with planets moving in large deferent centered in Earth, and
epicycles centered on, nothing really. To explain retrograde motion of planets, Ptolemy had planets
physically moving around both circles. The planets brightness appeared to increase during
retrograde motion and was the time when the planet moved backwards. This conformed to Ptolemy’s
model. However, there is a paradigm shift. Due to Ptolemy model underlying theories do not have

Therefore, Copernicus proposed another Sun-centered model, and provided the mathematical
model as well. Unfortunately he maintained the circular orbits that were inherited from the ancient
Greeks, so it was no more accurate than Ptolemy. In addition, Ptolemy’s had been in use for over a
thousand years, and no-one could see accuracy. Copernicus model proposed planet orbiting the sun
is more precise.

QUIZ #2 Point out the contributions made by the following in the Laws of Motion ( 30 pts)


QUIZ #3 Compare the work of Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler (20 pts)

QUIZ #4 Compare the instantaneous speed and falling object graph (20 pts)
QUIZ #5 Explain the discriminating pitch. What is the importance of knowing it? (10 pts)

QUIZ #6 Explain the Galilean relativity and the newton’s laws in moving frame. (10 pts)

QUIZ #7 Explain the Maxwell Equation. (10 pts)

QUIZ #8 Comment on Michelson Morley Experiment. ( 10 pts)

QUIZ #9 What is the Einstein Theory of Relativity? What are the consequences of the
Theory?(10 pts)

QUIZ #10 What is the advantage of time dilation?

QUIZ #11 What is special relativity theory? (10 pts)

Midterm EXAM
I. Perform at least two simulation activities describe in two sentences each, and
identify all the concepts, theories, principles and laws in Modern Physics applied in
the activities. (50 pts)




Finals Quizzes

QUIZ #12 Compare the different kinds of charging(15 pts)

QUIZ #13 Identify the nature, categories of waves and sound as longitudinal wave.

QUIZ #14 The Quantum Atom 

What is the physical significance of wave function? (10 pts)

QUIZ #15 What is radioactive decay? What is quantum tunneling? (10 pts)

QUIZ #16 What is superconductivity and Meissner’s Effect (10 pts)

QUIZ #17  Compare Nuclear Reactions, Radioactivity, Fission and Fusion(20 pts)
QUIZ #18 Explain the Map of Particle Physics. (10 pts)

QUIZ #19 Explain the Map of Particle Physics. (10 pts)

QUIZ #20 Explain the Compton Scattering (10 pts)


I. Play Energy Light and Sound, play the different videos under it, state what did you learn
in 2or 3 sentences, take the test, record your score and turn those to me. (50 pts)
Ex.  Fossil Fuel


What is the size of a steel sphere that will float on water with precisely half the sphere submerged? Assume
that only the upward cohesive forces support the weight of the sphere. The density of steel is 7.9 x 103 kg/m3

Two glass plates, each of width 1, are held parallel to one another with a spacing of 0.2 mm. If the plates
are dipped vertically into the water(20°C), to what height above the surface will the water rise between the
plates if the contact angle is 25.5°.

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