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PCED 02-401A
5 Laws that Protect Men’s Rights
1. SIFF is a men's rights organization in India that focuses on abuse of anti-dowry laws against men.
SIFF has campaigned to abolish Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code, which penalizes cruelty by
husbands (and the husband's family) in pursuit of dowry or for driving a wife to suicide.
2. Mens Rea and the Law The concept of mens rea, which is Latin for “guilty mind,” allows the criminal
justice system to distinguish someone who set out with the intention of committing a crime from
someone who did not mean to commit a crime. Mens rea refers to what the accused individual was
thinking, and what his intent was at the time the crime was committed. Intent may be anything from
a general intention to do something illegal, to a premeditated objective to commit a particular crime.
To explore this concept, consider the following mens rea definition.
3. Equality Act (Philippines) The Act on Equality between Women and Men (609/1986) is also called
the Equality Act. The objective of the Equality Act is to prevent gender-based discrimination and
promote equality between women and men, thereby improving the status of women, particularly in
working life. Another goal of the act is to prevent discrimination based on gender identity or the
expression of gender. Other instances of national and international regulation also affect the position
of the genders. In terms of national legislation, the Constitution of Finland (731/1999) and legislation
governing work, income levels, services and crimes are some of the key acts. The Equality Act
includes provisions on discrimination and the promotion of gender equality as well as ones on
monitoring of the act and consequences.
4. 1987 Philippine Constitution guarantees the right of every person to equal protection of the laws,
without distinction or discrimination, the laws protecting human rights.
5. Republic Act 7610: Special Protection of Children against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination
Act – A law in the Philippines that provides stronger deterrence and special protection against child
abuse, exploitation and discrimination.

At some point in our lives, everybody has been the target of prejudice or abuse, but the majority of
questions regarding this fundamental human error remain unanswered. The notion that this may
have huge negative consequences is a widely held belief. These findings have an effect on a
person's willingness or inability to deal with life's challenges. When I'm doing this activity, I'm having
a hard time finding laws that protect men from harassment or prejudice. Perhaps because women
were treated as slaves in many countries around the world, and so it was acceptable for husbands
to rape them. Their spouses Men believed that they owned women and could thus do whatever they
wanted with them. They could do whatever they wanted. Both men and women, in my opinion, should
be treated equally. As a result, human rights must be respected at all times, regardless of gender.

Men's rights movement. (2003, November 9). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 19, 2021,

Sylvine. (2016, July 15). Discrimination against men. iPleaders.


Equality Act - Gender equality - THL. (2020, September 30). Retrieved from

Mens Rea. (2019, February 15). Retrieved from

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