Jaszel Part Hihi

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Republic Act No.

9163 also known as National Service Training Program Acknowledging the crucial role of
the youth in nation-building Providing training to enhance students field of experience Thus, it was
divided into three components ( 0.16 – 0.31 ) (Approx. 15 seconds)

LTS for Literacy Training Service ( 0.31 – 0.33 ) (Approx. 2 seconds)

Training students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills

CTWS for Civic Welfare Training Service ( 0:39 – 0:41 ) (Approx. 2 seconds)

For general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community

ROTC for Reserve-Officers’ Training Corps ( 0:47 – 0:50 ) (Approx. 2 seconds)

Providing military training to tertiary students for national defense preparedness

NSTP main goal is to promote civic consciousness among youth Developing their physical, moral,
spiritual, intellectual and social well-being Also, shaping them to stand as role model in our society For
the youth whom is future’s hope to be productive member of community

Amidst of pandemic we’re normal classes came to a halt, Online classes and distance learning became
new normal. Achieving quality experiences, RTUtista face a lot of rising obstacles despite of laborious
work, restless night’s and countless meetings. Faculties raised their head up high, refusing to surrender

RTU professor impose their effort and flexibility to carry on NSTP By generating trainings and practices
using their technology literacy Showing a high caliber experience and quality time to the students
Faculty members addressing NSTP in the midst of epidemic truly is heroic

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