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Little Sprouts Education & Development Pvt. Ltd. CHALK AND DUSTER, Plot No.2.,Maitri Kunj, Risali,Bhilai, Chattisgarh - 490006
Registered with Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India Corporate Identity Number U80901CT2013PTC000881
web: email: L: +91 0788 4900999 , 6265370259,8305825025
Web :

Financials – Gross Operating Cost

Category Amount First 3 Months Next 3 Months Next 6 Months

Building Rental 10000 30000 30000 60000

Senior Teacher / Counselor/ Principal/ Admin -1 6000 0 0 36000
Teaching Staff Salary – 2 /2 /4 4000 24000 24000 96000
Maid Salary - 1 3500 10500 10500 21000
Cleaning Staff Salary - 1 part time 1000 3000 3000 6000
Running Cost -Electricity/Telephone/Internet 3000 9000 9000 18000
Activity 0
Field Trips 0
Celebration 0
Printing 0
For last four Category @ 500 500 1500 1500 3000
Marketing @ 1000 1000 3000 3000 6000
Misc 1000 3000 3000 12000
Interest @ 12% Annual calculated per month 1500 4500 4500 9000
Total expenses 444000 88500 88500 267000

Financials – Expected Gross Revenue

Collection Strength Registration TTL Admission TTL Monthly Fees TTL
First 3 Months 15 500 7500 4000 60000 850 153000 220500
Next 3 Months 10 500 5000 4000 40000 850 102000 147000
Next 6 Months 15 500 7500 4000 60000 850 153000 220500
20000 160000 408000 588000

Collection Strength Registration TTL Admission TTL Monthly Fees TTL
First 3 Months 15 500 7500 4000 60000 1000 180000 247500
Next 3 Months 10 500 5000 4000 40000 1000 120000 165000
Next 6 Months 15 500 7500 4000 60000 1000 180000 247500
20000 160000 480000 660000

Little Sprouts Education & Development Pvt. Ltd. CHALK AND DUSTER, Plot No.2.,Maitri Kunj, Risali,Bhilai, Chattisgarh - 490006
Registered with Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India Corporate Identity Number U80901CT2013PTC000881
web: email: L: +91 0788 4900999 , 6265370259,8305825025
Financials – Expected Revenue Assumptions

First 3 Next 3 Next 6

Revenue Assumptions Months Months Months
From Students Admission - 15/10/15 fees @850 588000 220500 147000 220500
From Students Admission - 15/10/15 fees @1000 660000 247500 165000 247500

Financials – Expected Financial Summary First Year

Financial Summary First Year

Initial Investment 150000

Gross Operating Cost 444000
Gross Revenue Collection @ Monthly Fees 850 588000
Gross Revenue Collection @ Monthly Fees 1000 660000
Expected Net Revenue @ Monthly Fees 850 144000
Expected Net Revenue @ Monthly Fees 1000 216000
Expected ROI first year @ Monthly Fees 850 96
Expected ROI first year @ Monthly Fees 1000 144

Please Note

 These are the basic calculation for your understanding of the financials as Franchisee.
 Income from Annual Charges not considered
 Income from Student and Curriculum Kit not considered.

Fees Range & Bracket

 Registration Fees : Depending upon the location, city but in the range of Rs. 500 -750 One time
 Annual Charges : Depending upon the location, city but in the range of Rs. 500 -1500 Annually
 Admission Fees : Depending upon the location, city but in the range of Rs. 3000 - 8000 One time
 Monthly Fees : Depending upon the location, city but in the range of Rs. 500 – 1500 Monthly
 Transport Fees : As applicable
 Student Kit in case of Bag & Uniform : As applicable
 Curriculum Kit : As applicable
 Please Note: Registration Fees/Annual Charges/Admission Fees/Monthly Fees may also differ from the
above range according to location & city but with prior approval only.

Little Sprouts Education & Development Pvt. Ltd. CHALK AND DUSTER, Plot No.2.,Maitri Kunj, Risali,Bhilai, Chattisgarh - 490006
Registered with Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India Corporate Identity Number U80901CT2013PTC000881
web: email: L: +91 0788 4900999 , 6265370259,8305825025

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