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In-Class Essay

In-Class Essay Catcher in the Rye

Catcher in the Rye
In order to get to know you better as a writer and a thinker, I’d
In order to get to know you better as a writer and a thinker, I’d like to begin our discussion of Holden from your own personal
like to begin our discussion of Holden from your own personal viewpoint. On Friday, we will write an in-class essay on the
viewpoint. On Friday, we will write an in-class essay on the following topic: At what point, if any, did you lose sympathy
following topic: At what point, if any, did you lose sympathy for Holden? As part of your answer, please reference at least
for Holden? As part of your answer, please reference at least three personal experiences in your life that have shaped your
three personal experiences in your life that have shaped your response to the question. To prepare, you may want to think
response to the question. To prepare, you may want to think about the question with a friend, discuss the issue with a
about the question with a friend, discuss the issue with a parent/guardian, and/or consider an outline/practice essay at
parent/guardian, and/or consider an outline/practice essay at home. Please bring nothing to class with you. You will have
home. Please bring nothing to class with you. You will have all 40 minutes.
all 40 minutes.
May the force be with you!
May the force be with you!
Worth: 50 “quiz” points
Worth: 50 “quiz” points

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