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Family Affair

1. Jamal Origins
Jamal is a second year high school student with an affinity for breaking the rules and getting
things done his own way. Even so, Jamal is loved and respected in his school and community
for always giving his all, excelling and looking out for those around him.
One day, a shooting happens in his neighborhood and his school is put on lock down. The
students are instructed to stay in their classrooms until further notice but Jamal opposes and
decides to leave. Jamal convinces his reluctant friend Shawn to leave too, and the pair manage
to sneak through the school and get to their bikes outside. The two boys ride through their
neighborhood and talk to the local shop owners and others from the community. We can see
that the kids are well beloved in the community, and the adults warn the boys to go inside and
avoid the trouble on the streets.
The boys continue riding toward their homes, when suddenly a group of men running from
police hit the corner. The boys try to speed away, but the thugs catch them and take their bikes.
The men ride off and the boys go to start walking again but before they get far, the police
chasing the thugs pull up on them and tell them to freeze. The boys attempt to tell the cops
about their bikes, but he aggressively orders them to get on the ground and shut up. The boys
reluctantly comply, and they are searched by the officer.
The officer finishes the search and the boys get up. The officer tries to comfort the boys
afterward but they just turn and walk away disheartened. The boys walk in silence until Shawn
suddenly gets excited and runs toward a window. Jamal walks over to him to see what the
excitement is all about, and Shawn points to one of the TVs in the video. The TV is playing a
news report about a random person seen popping up downtown, stopping crimes. Shawn is in
awe of the story and the hero, but Jamal brushes it off and is unimpressed. Shawn is confused,
but Jamal tells him it’s because he performs his heroics in the parts of the city with the least
need and most popularity. Jamal argues that if he was truly the hero everyone made him out to
be, he would fight for the people who really needed it. Shawn understands Jamal’s point, but he
still believes there's sometype of hope to be found in the hero. Jamal secretly hopes so too.

2. Andre’s Lesson
Jamal and Shawn finally arrive at Jamal’s house and they both sit on the porch exhausted. The
two are recapping the events of their travels, when Jamal’s Father Andre overhears and joins
the conversation. Andre interrogates the boys and while Jamal is quick witted and clever,
Shawn eventually gives up and tells Andre about the thugs and their bikes. Andre initially scolds
Jamal for lying and leaving school in a dangerous situation. He tells the boys that sometimes
people are cruel and the best way to get through life is to avoid those people and situations at
every cost. This discourages the boys even further and seeing this Andre instructs the boys to
get in the car so he can get their bikes back.
3. Tension with the Neighborhood Kids
Andre rides around the neighborhood with the boys until they notice the kids' bikes on a porch
with a group of guys. Andre pulls up to the house and Jamal urges him that they don’t need the
bikes back, but Andre is determined. Andre approaches the house and everyone on the porch is
on alert. Andre raises his hands and the gang leader stands up and commands everyone to
stand down. The gang leader approaches Andre and Andre informs him that he’s not there for
anything other than the boy's bikes. The gang leader seems sympathetic, but he tells Andre that
he doesn’t know anything about the bikes. Andre insists on inspecting the bikes and this causes
the gang to become on high alert. The gang leader gets closer to Andre and whispers that he
respects him as a father, but if he doesn’t leave he might be embarrassed in front of his son.
Andre considers and eventually turns around and walks away. The gang laughs and celebrates
and the gang leader doesn’t notice Andre’s clenched fist.
Andre returns to the car and the two boys are silent. The trio ride without talking for a while
until Jamal notices his father in a trance and breaks the silence. Jamal asks his father about the
bikes and Andre snaps out of his trance and tells the boys that they plan to bring the bikes back
tomorrow. Jamal notices Andre’s grip on the wheel and decides to cease with questions, but still
remains worried.

4. Reminiscing
The trio return to Jamal's house and head inside. Andre tells the boys to go play in the living
room while he goes upstairs. Jamal stops in an attempt to comfort Andre, but Andre insists that
he is fine and smiles at Jamal. Jamal finally gives in and joins Shawn in the other room. When
he does, Andre turns away too and his smile immediately shifts to a frown.
Andre walks in his room and closes the door. He checks out the windows and then closes all of
the blinds. Andre then goes to the closet and digs deep into the back. From the back of the
closet, he pulls out a locked box and removes a key from around his neck. He unlocks the box
and inside are pictures of he, Sasha, and Elijah at their base when they were younger. He looks
through old news articles and other memorabilia until he gets down to his combat suit. Elijah
picks it up and stares at it and then decides to try it on.
Andre stares at himself in the mirror, noticing his increased size, and then suddenly Sasha
walks in and panics. She closes the door quickly and inquires why Andre opened the box. Andre
retells the story of the neighborhood kids and how powerless he felt not being able to get the
boys bikes back. He also talks to Sasha about the run in that the boys had with the cops and
how there’s no true justice in their part of town. After going back and forth with Sasha, Andre
concedes that he just wants to get the boys bike back. Sasha sympathizes with him, and tells
him she’s onboard with him going to retrieve the boys bikes but she’s going with him.

5. Taking Action/Spotted
The neighborhood kids return to the porch with the bikes. They get comfortable, unbenounced
to them Sasha is monitoring them from afar. She reads out the targets and their locations and
tells Andre to be careful. The neighborhood kids continue to conversate among themselves and
then suddenly the lights go out. The group starts to panic so they decide to use their phones for
light. When they turn them on though, they see Eli. The group goes after Eli, but he makes quick
work of them using a combination of Sense Distortion, Michelle’s guide and his combat skills.
Andre grabs the bikes and the couple heads home proud of their work. As they make their leave
though, it’s revealed that they are being surveilled by a mysterious figure.

Warning from the past

The next morning, Andre and Sasha wake up extremely sore. They get up and barely manage
to get breakfast together just before Jamal and Eliza wake up. While eating, Jamal notices he
and Shawn's bikes are clean in the corner. Jamal is shocked and inquires how the bikes got
back, and Andre tells him the kids must have had a change of heart. While Jamal and Andre
talk about the miraculous bike situation, Sasha checks through the mail and amongst the junk,
she finds a letter addressed to her and Andre's maiden names. The letter contains photos from
Andre and Sasha’s past missions and to their surprise, some photos from their most recent run
in with the neighborhood kids. Sasha plays off her shock and sends the kids off to school more
affectionately than usual. She even requests that Andre give them a kiss goodbye. After the
kids are gone, she shows Andre the note, specifically a threatening picture of Jamal and Eliza.
The note informs the couple if they try to go to authorities, the children would be killed.

Andre and Sasha’s last stand

Andre and Sasha consider the threat together. Andre is apologetic but Sasha is supportive of
his decision to act and tells him she’s proud of him for protecting the people he loves. The two
begin to contemplate what to do next, and eventually the pair decides to call Eli. Andre
desperately makes the call but he gets a voicemail. Andre wants to tell him about the situation
but he just speaks his heart and hangs up the phone. Andre then calls his mother and asks her
to pick up and keep the kids for the night. Andre’s mother tries to inquire about Andre’s situation
but he just tells her he loves her and hangs up the phone.
Andre and Sasha hug and kiss each other before tearing apart the house to retrieve weapons
and armor. The two ready themselves and go sit on the couch in the living room. After a short
time, a woman in an all black combat suit walks in and takes a seat in the living room. The three
talk for a second until the mystery woman attacks Sasha. Andre and Sasha fight her and are
able to keep up with her together. Eventually though, she overwhelms their senses

Aftermath/Officer Hernandez Origin

The next morning, the fire department has finished putting out the fire and forensics are
inspecting the debris for evidence. A detective scans over the area and immediately rules it as a
house fire, but a young officer insists that the evidence points to foul play. The detective
brushes off the young officer's observation, questioning who around the neighborhood would
have the knowledge or the desire to pull off a double homicide masked by arson. The detective
laughs and he and the forensic team leave, but the young officer continues to investigate the
ruins until he finds a piece of evidence. After looking through the debris, Detective Hernandez
finds the note sent by the mysterious woman, damaged from the fire.

Jamal meets Eli

At Andre and Sasha’s funerals, Jamal attempts to stay strong for Eliza. The two stay together
to themselves for the entire ceremony, but when they’re overwhelmed with condolences, Eliza
runs outside and Jamal runs after her.
Eli, who is watching from a higher level, grieves for the children until a mysterious figure
appears behind him. Eli is not surprised and already knows the figure is his Ex- Captain. The
Captain chickles and reveals himself. Eli asks him what he wants and the Captain offers his
condolences. He speaks highly of Andre and Sasha and tells Eli how he wishes the agency was
able to protect them. Eli initially gets angry at the comment, but he remembers his own failings
and calms back down.
The Captain tells Eli that he’s worried about the family’s safety, and shows him the damaged
photos of Jamal and Eliza. The Captain asks Eli to look over the children because they would
be safest with someone with training, but Eli is reluctant. The Captain doesn’t press the issue.
He sincerely apologizes to Eli for the position that his squad has ended up in and promises him
that he will do everything he can to help. The Captain hugs Eli, to his surprise, and urges Eli to
open his heart.
Eli thinks over The Captains words while looking at the damaged photos. He is hesitant to go
speak to the kids and then he plays a voicemail from Andre that he received the day before
Andre’s death. In the voicemail, Andre goes to ask Eli for his help but then he starts to talk
about how much he loves and misses him. Andre speaks about the kids, how Jamal is strong,
confident, and independent and how Eliza is named after Eli but she’s the exact opposite in how
sweet she is. Eli begins to tear up, as in the final moments of Andre’s voicemail, he tells Eli that
he can’t wait to see him again and introduces him to Jamal and Eliza. Eli ends the voicemail
while watching over Jamal and Eliza outside of the church.
Jamal and Eliza sit by a tree outside of the church. Eliza was crying heavily but eventually
Jamal is able to calm her down a bit. Eliza is devastated, and Jamal tries to hold it together but
even he can’t keep his emotions in check. The two cry next to the tree, and Jamal promises
Eliza that he will protect them from then on. Jamal holds Eliza next to the tree, and then Eli
walks over to the kids.
Eli introduces himself to the kids and it’s extremely awkward. Eli chooses to level with the kids
and invites them to live with him in the city. The two kids are surprised by the offer. They
contemplate it, but Jamal tells Eli that they barely know him so they’re just gonna stay with their
grandmother. Eli accepts Jamals point and goes to walk away, but he sees The Captain
watching him so he goes back. Eli tries to talk to the kids again, this time just offering them
dinner and a bed for the night. Jamal is reluctant but after he hears Eliza’s stomach growl, he
accepts the offer. The trio leaves the funeral, all looking back one more time at Andre and
Sasha’s graves.
Eli’s Stakeout/Jamal’s Discovery
Eli returns home with Jamal and Eliza. The two are amazed by how big and magnificent the
house is, but Eli shrugs it off. The trio enters the home and it’s dark and empty. Eli turns on the
light, revealing the home to be empty besides a couch and dining room table. Eli jokes to the
kids that they can help him decorate but the kids are still visibly uncomfortable. Eli shows them
to their rooms for the night and gives the kids a chance to get settled. Jamal and Eliza take a
minute to themselves and get prepared for dinner.
Jamal and Eliza regroup and return to the dinner room. Eli joins them with food from a take out
spot. Jamal and Eliza are visibly hungry and begin devouring the food in silence. Eli takes a
moment in the silence to reintroduce the idea of the kids moving in with him, but Jamal quickly
rejects the idea again. Eli is insistent and this causes Jamal to get defensive and begins to lash
out at Eli. Eli lashes back and implies that if their family weren’t in that neighborhood, their
parents would still be alive and this drives Jamal over the edge. Jamal gets up, kisses Eliza on
the forehead and storms out of the house. Eliza is shaken up, so Eli goes to calm her down and
then goes to find Jamal.
Out in the city, Jamal walks through the streets. As he walks, he notes the differences
between his neighborhood and the city. The city always looks more polished on the news, but
when Jamal is downtown, he notices a lot of homeless and downtrodden people. As he
continues on his walk, he starts to feel for the people of the city.
Jamal continues walking, and then he notices a man begins to follow him. Jamal takes a few
turns to lose the follower, but the follower stays on him. Jamal observes his surroundings, takes
a deep breath, and then starts sprinting away from the follower. Jamal is fast and agile but the
intruder remains persistent. Eventually, Jamal runs into a dead end and the follower corners
him. Jamal puts his hands up and gives up but then all of a sudden a man in a long trench coat
walks into the ally. The follower berates him and attempts to make him flee, but the man is
completely silent. The follower finally gets irritated and approaches the man. The follower puts a
hand on the man, and in an instant, the Man uses the trench coat to subdue the follower.
Jamal is amazed by the Man's techniques and bravery. As Jamal stands in a stupor, the
mysterious man goes to leave. He attempts to leave Jamal with words of wisdom, but they
come out extremely awkward, so he flees quickly with Jamal watching on.
The mysterious Man runs out of the alley way and hops onto a motorcycle. He bids Jamal one
more goodbye and then he rides off into the night. The man rides around a few blocks a few
times and then stops at the grocery store. The man grabs a carton of vanilla ice cream and
silently pays for it. He hops back on his bike and drives then eventually turns the lights on his
cycle off and parks it in a storage unit. The mysterious man then walks into the shadow and Eli
emerges in his civilian clothes. Eli returns to his apartment with the ice cream and a sense of
accomplishment. When he enters however, Jamal is waiting for him in the living room.

Falling Out
Eli is startled when he sees Jamal and almost drops the ice cream, but Eli uses his extremely
fast reflexes to catch it. Jamal is impressed but he reveals he saw Eli stop for Ice Cream and he
got the one that Eliza prefers. Jamal is amazed to find out that his uncle is a superhero. That
amazement quickly turns into anger when he realizes that the hero is from his neighborhood but
never did anything to clean it up like he was doing with the suburb. Jamal claims that if Eli was
there, his parents might not have been killed that night. This throws Eli into a rage so he grabs a
bottle of alcohol and storms off

Emergency in the neighborhood

Jamal is amazed to find out that his uncle is a superhero. That amazement quickly turns into
anger when he realizes that the hero is from his neighborhood but never did anything to clean it
up like he was doing with the suburb. Jamal claims that if Eli was there, his parents might not
have been killed that night. This throws Eli into a rage so he grabs a bottle of alcohol and storms
off. Late that night, Jamal gets a call. It’s Shawn and he’s in a panic. He tells Jamal a shoot out
broke out in the neighborhood and now he and Jasmine are pinned down. Jamal wakes up and
tells Shawn to stay hidden and drop his location. Jamal hangs up and attempts multiple times to
call Eli, but he doesn’t get an answer. He begins to panic and then he notices his Uncle’s suit
still on the floor. Jamal contemplates for a second and then he grabs the suit.

Eli’s out! Jamal to the rescue

Back in his neighborhood, the shoot out is beginning to intensify. Jasmine and Shawn are
hidden behind a car and they’re beginning to lose faith. As they hear more thugs pull up they
close their eyes and embrace each other and then suddenly they hear the sound of a
motorcycle engine. The thugs see a motorcycle light and begin to shoot at it. They stop and
then suddenly the lights go dark. The thugs become worried and then all of a sudden each
begin losing their weapons. When the light comes back on, some of the thugs are disarmed and
unconscious. The thugs begin to worry but they eventually blame the rival gang and begin
shooting again. As they continue to riddle the block with bullets, each of them begin dropping
their guns and holding their hands in pain. One of the gang leaders looks on the ground and
sees all BB gun bullet. As they try to pick up the weapons, the men continue to get shot. After
frustrating the men enough, Jamal pops out in full costume. He takes on the remaining thugs,
using his BB spots as weak points. He defeats a majority of them but the gang’s leader is finally
able to get a solid hit off. He corners Jamal and as Jamal begins to lose consciousness the
police finally arrive. He uses the distraction to cut the lights again and when they return, he and
the gang leader are gone. Jamal hides out for a while and then finds his bike and heads home.
He sneaks into his uncle's room and Eli is passed out drunk. This allows Jamal to sneak by.
When Jamal is finally clear, he contemplates changing but then passes out on the couch.

The Morning After - Eli and Jamal team up

When he awakens, the house is clean and Eli has breakfast ready. He realizes he has Eli’s
suit and tries to cover up but Eli tells him he already knows what happened. Eli saw him on the
news earlier that morning. Eli reprimands him for being so reckless but also apologizes for not
being there and not picking up the phone. Eli tells Jamal how proud he is for standing up for the
people he cares about and offers to train him and allow him to help clean up the entire city.
Jamal agrees and the two eat breakfast together

Training Begins - Back to the Basics

Eli begins training with Jamal but Eli’s “Build from the basics” way of training begins to bore
Jamal. Jamal believes he’s too advanced for this training and he doesn’t need it. The two clash
and not much training gets done.They have a big argument when Eli mentions Andre in a
negative light and Jamal storms off to his room. Eli and Jimmy watch Jamal train alone on the
security cameras. Eli tells him how much Jamal reminds him of his brother. He tells Jimmy and
his brother didn’t have the best fall out but before that the two were inseparable. As he recounts
the story of he and his brother, he gets an idea.

Roughing Out the Edges - Eli and Jamal begin to bond

Eli joins Jamal in the training room. Jamal goes to apologize but Eli stops him. Eli asks Jamal
to join him in training and he starts off slowly but more aggressively than their original training.
Jamal sees this and is confused but Eli returns to his stance. The two continue fighting, getting
progressively more physical. It’s clear that Jamal has some fighting experience, but it’s nothing
compared to Eli’s. But Jamal doesn’t quit trying. As they continue, we see Jamal become more
focused and begin to think of creative ways to hit Eli. Jamal fakes under him and almost lands a
hit but Eli dodges extremely fast and slams Jamal to the floor.
Eli comes back to his senses “Shit, you okay Jamal?” Jamal is slow to respond but eventually
he sits up. “Yeah, I’m good. But damn you’re fast.” he says rubbing his back. Eli laughs. “Yeah,
when it comes to hand to hand combat I’m pretty experienced. Me and your Dad were sparring
partners for… well most of our lives.” he says. "Really? He used to spar with me too. " Jamal
says. Eli smiles at him and says "That makes sense. You already have a pretty good grasp on
the basics. And that duck was inspired. You might be right about not needing training in a typical
sense." “Well I still want to be able to move as fast as you eventually so whatever training leads
me there, I’m here for it” Jamal says. Eli reaches out to Jamal and says “Alright then, let’s go
Eli creates a group of games meant to improve Jamal’s stealth, maneuvering, and hand to
hand combat. At first Jamal doesn’t take them seriously but eventually his competitive nature
kicks in and he begins to give it his all. After about 6 months, Jamal’s body is reconditioned and
he finally manages to land a hit on Eli. Eli gives him his props and Jamal is excited but he tries
to hide it. Jamal asks Eli if he wants to go again but Eli tells him it’s time for his night patrol.
Jamal eggs him on to train a little longer but Eli decides to do something different instead.

First Stakeout - Atm Victim

Eli is walking the streets of the city. It’s almost midnight and there are shady characters hiding
in the shadows. Eli surveys his surroundings and tries to eavesdrop on a conversation but he
hears “Yo, you got something?” loudly over his COM. He quickly moves away from his target
and goes to an empty corner of the room. “Yo, what are you doing?” Eli asks. “You told me I
was supposed to stay hidden and check in” Jamal says. “Yes, every 30 minutes, not 30
seconds. This isn’t gotham, you’re not gonna have a night of crime fighting.” Eli says. “You’ve
gotta be able to stay focused and vigilant until the right moment..” At that moment, Eli sees a
group of guys follow a woman from an ATM. “That moment might be sooner than later,” Eli
Eli begins to move in the direction of the thugs. As he approaches the corner, he hears the
thugs confronting the man. “Alright Jamal, I’ve made contact. What should I do first?” Eli
whispers. “Why are you asking me? I’ve never done this before?” Jamal says. “I know, but soon
you’re gonna be in a situation just like this and you’re gonna have to make a choice. This is a
safe way to test your critical thinking ability. So, what should I do first?” Eli asks again. Jamal
surveys the situation. “Ummm I’d start with the guy in the grey shirt” Jamal says. The thugs
begin to surround the woman. “Why?” asks Eli. “What do you mean why? Hurry up and save
her” Jamal urges. “I will, I just need you to tell me why that’s the best move.” says Eli. They are
right on top of the woman. “Okay, I don’t know. Now help her” Jamal pleas. “I will, but I need you
to understand this feeling. If I make one irrational move over there, I can make this situation
even worse for the both of us. I have to know without a shadow of a doubt that this move is the
right move. So if you can’t explain why I should do it, why should I do it?” The COM goes blank.
“Alright, head in the game. I need to know weapons in 25 seconds'' Eli says. “What?” says
Eli doesn’t answer and begins stumbling over to the thugs pretending to be drunk. This causes
the men to hide their weapons and become distracted. While Eli distracts them, Jamal reads off
their weapons and position. During the recon, one of the thugs cheap shots Eli and knocks his
communicator out before Jamal could finish his report. “Hello? Hello?” Jamal says realizing Eli
can’t hear him. Jamal begins to survey the situation and notices an extra thug is the shadows
brandishing a gun. Jamal frantically tries the COM but to no avail. He looks over the situation
and tries to decide what to do.
Once they close in on Eli, he snatches two of their knives and knocks out a couple of the
thugs. The remaining two pull their knives but Eli fights them off with the two knives he
snatched. He checks on the woman and begins getting the thugs ready for police pick up when
the gunman comes out of the shadow and aims at his back. He goes to pull the trigger but
Jamal surprises him and snaps his arm. Eli and the victim both look startled. “Hey... You guys
missed one.” Jamal says
Jamal and Eli return home and discuss what they learned. “I figured it was easier to show you
than to just tell you. Knowledge is gonna be your best friend out there. No matter how big,
strong, or fast your opponent is, if you can outthink them, you can beat them. So you have to
make sure you take your time, understand the situation, and use your critical thinking.” Jamal
takes the lesson and heads to bed. Eli stops him “Jamal, thanks for tonight” he says. “Of course,
partner” Eli says back

ATM Victim Reveals Alliance - Michelle revealed

On another side of town, the woman that Eli and Jamal saved walks into a shady looking
home. In the home, she gives a password that leads to a large living annex. The annex has
many women training, loading and cleaning weapons, and weighing out drugs. The woman is
led into an office where another woman sits behind a desk. “He show?” the woman behind the
desk asks. “Yep, and he was a sight to see. I don’t know who your friend is but he’s got some
moves” the woman replies. The woman behind the desk is silent. “Anyway, here’s the footage.
The end is pretty useless though because his sidekick showed up and blocked the camera.”
“Sidekick?” says the woman behind the desk. “Yeah, I think he’s new. The girls only ever
mentioned the one. He seemed a little on the young side though.” “Interesting. Thank you Kim. I
appreciate you” the desk woman says and throws a stack of cash on the table. “No, thank you
Madam” Kim says as she picks up the cash and leaves. The figure turns on the video and
begins watching. “Eli…” she whispers

Steak-out 2 prep - hitting the mall

Jamal becomes more used to living around the house. He trains, cooks food, plays video
games, and sleeps. He does this routine over and over again everyday. Eventually, he comes
bored and voices this to Eli. He catches Eli after a shower and shave and asks Eli if he has a
date or something. Eli gets defensive and tells Jamal that he’s just going on a stake out. Jamal
begs Eli to participate and Eli reluctantly agrees. He tells him that they’ll need to go supply
shopping and Jamal looks excited.
Jamal and Eli show up to the mall together and Jamal is curious what store they plan to hit.
Jamal suggests the gun store or the army surplus store but Eli takes him to the Gucci store.
Jamal is excited but skeptical. Eli informs him that it’s not a trick and tells him the point of the
stake out. Eli says “Most incidents that we’ll encounter aren’t gonna be obvious or typical. Most
times, they’re gonna happen in a moment's notice in the most unknown places. Our best bet is
to blend into the crowd and just listen to the streets.” “And where are we gonna do that?” Jamal

Steak-out 2 - Downtown
The scene cuts to an area downtown. The streets are alive with people. Eli and Jamal show up
and begin moving through the crowd. They navigate through the street and Jamal begins to get
caught up in the hype and music. Eli smacks him in the back of the head and brings him back to
reality. “Ow! Yo, what’s up?” Jamal proclaimed. “You said you wanted a steak out. We’re not
here to turn up. You need to focus.” Eli says. “Focus on what? There’s like 1000 people out
here. Are we supposed to focus on everyone?” Jamal asks. Eli looks around and spots a
suspicious looking character. “Naw, just the ones that stick out.” Eli makes his way to the other
side of the party and Jamal stays and watches. As Eli gets close, the suspicious looking
character slides a pill into a drink at the bar. As the character goes to exchange the drink with a
girl at the bar Eli pretends to try to slide through, creating confusion and swapping the drinks.
As he gets back to Jamal the suspicious character begins to pass out and the girl flees. “See
what I mean. Once you’re locked in. Once your main focus is protecting people. You won’t miss”
Eli says and then returns to the crowd.
Practicing Focus - Jamal locks in
Jamal takes a deep breath and then dive into the crowd. At first he is disoriented by the crowd
but then he begins to lock in, stops thinking about himself, and begins to separate everyone
individually. With this new sight, he first notices a low level pervert grabbing the butts of the
women in the circle. He comes out of his trance by grabbing the man's hand and telling him to
be better. The man acknowledges and Jamal lets him go. Jamal looks around with the new sight
and sees Eli, fresh from solving another issue, give him the thumbs up. This motivates Jamal
and he heads out. The two blend in perfectly, solving issues from club to club bar to bar. Jamal
is on a roll when his individual senses notices a gorgeous woman vying for his attention.

Jamal gets distracted - Eli on the move

Jamal is distracted by the attractive woman and begins to spend most of his attention on her.
She approaches him and he becomes flustered. “Hey Handsome, I noticed you looking at me
over there. You gonna buy me a drink?’ Jamal stutters but begins talking to the woman. Eli
attempts to check in but Jamal is unfocused and doesn’t notice. Eli eventually sees Jamal
across the bar but then he notices a strange looking man following a drunk woman out of a bar.
Eli begins making his way across the room but the crowd is so packed that it takes him a while
to get through. He finally gets to the other side and retrieves Jamal.

Tables turned - Attacker becomes victim. Eli in pursuit

Jamal is apologetic but Eli tells him they’ll talk about it later and begins to chase the strange
man. The two get outside and round the corner to see the man getting closer to the drunk
woman. The two begin to move after them but then a figure appears from the shadows and
stabs the man. Jamal and Eli are completely shocked. Eli screams out to the two women then
they look at him and run. Eli runs after them but Jamal is still in shock. Eli notices and tells
Jamal to stay back and call an ambulance. Jamal approaches the body and starts panicking. He
applies pressure to the wound and calls for an ambulance but despite his efforts, the man dies.
Jamal sits there with the blood on his hands and despairs but then he looks in the direction Eli

Eli vs Michelle #1
Eli chases the two women through the crowded downtown area and they end up running to the
city’s abandoned brothel. The Shadow woman instructs the drunk woman to get lost so she
takes advantage of the commotion and sneaks away. Eli sees this but decides to keep his focus
on the Shadow woman. As Eli gains access to the building, he’s unable to find the shadow
woman. As he looks around, the suspense begins to grow and then the Shadow woman
reappears. Eli and The Shadow woman begin fighting and Eli realizes her hand to hand combat
skills are far beyond average. Eli has to give his all for the first time in a long time but he’s able
to gain the edge. Once it looks like the shadow woman is defeated, the lights go off. The
emergency lights kick in and the shadow figure is gone. Eli looks around disoriented, and then
suddenly he’s hit. He attempts to swing back at the attacker but he misses. He goes to settle
himself but before he can get settled, he’s hit again. Eli stumbles in the dark for a while before
taking a second to calm himself. He fine tunes into all of his senses and when the next attack
comes, he’s able to catch it. Eli manages to stop the attack but before he’s able to counter
attack, he’s hit again.
Eli is exhausted and is running out of options. A woman’s voice pieces the dark “Aww poor
little Eli. Where’s the rest of the team? You’ve never been that great on your own you know.” “I
don’t know an Eli. And I am my team. I’m more than enough for you.” Eli yells into the wind.”
“Haha that’s a cute way to say that you don’t have one anymore. Me though, I believe in
strength in unity.” As the Shadow figure speaks, many shadows begin to appear in the dark.
“We're still jumping people?” Eli jokes. “Family protects each other. No matter what, and no
matter from who.” The Shadow Says. “A lesson you’re about to learn the hard way.” As the
shadow says this, the rest of the figures ready themselves for the next attack.

Surrounded - Eli’s outnumbered in the dark

As Eli tries to think of what to do next, all of the lights suddenly come on and all of the figures
scatter. As the figures run, the Shadow Woman yells at them to attack. Most continue to the
shadows but a few attack as commanded. As the attackers get close, they begin getting hit with
different fireworks. As the Shadow Woman looks on confused, a smoke bomb rolls into the
room and covers the entire area. When the Shadow Woman descends on the middle of the
smoke bomb, she realizes Eli and Jamal are gone. She gets angry initially but then turns and
thanks her team for a job well done and tells them they’ll get them next time.
Eli and Jamal finally return home and Eli is completely silent. Jamal attempts to apologize and
talk to Eli about the night but Eli dismisses him and goes to his room. Jamal heads to his room
but he’s unable to sleep due to the events of the evening.

Eli takes to the city alone

Eli goes to his room, changes, and immediately takes to the street. He sneaks through the
shadows until he happens upon a couple of police officers. When the officers see him, they are
immediately alarmed. “Oh shit, it’s him.” One of the officers says. Eli runs. “Call it in, I’m gonna
stop him” The first officer says to the second before taking off after Eli. The second officer runs
to the car, but the first begins to chase Eli through the Alley’s. Eventually, the officer corners Eli
in an abandoned part of the city. The scene grows tense. “Still keeping up pretty well I see, huh
David.” “That’s officer Rodriguez to you” the officer lowers the gun, Eli turns around, and they
both laugh.

Run in with Officer Hernandez - We need to talk

“So you’re a marathon runner now huh? You know I’ve got an office that is much more comfier
than this” David jokes.” Yeah, and you also have a few officers that would love to see me walk
into it. This is a little more private.” Eli replies. “Yeah, I get it. So, what’s up? Do you need the
usual update?” David asks. “No. No, I had some info to run by you actually.” Eli replies. David is
surprised. “Oh wow, that’s a first. You starting to trust me a little?” David jokes. “No.” Eli replies.
“But if this is as dangerous as I imagine, I might need some back up.” Eli says. “I’m listening.”
David replies. Eli tells him about the group that committed the murder and attacked him that
night. “Wow. That’s brutal.” David says. “But it does sound like a group some of the older
detectives are working on.” “Tell me what you know.” David says. David proceeds to tell Eli
about a new gang that seems to have popped up recently. Before they were considered low
level, just a few assault complaints and drug suspicions. But recently, the group had been tied
to a variety of homicides. In each case, the victim was a male with some history of violence
toward women. “Sounds familiar.” Eli says. “Yeah, since the rise in homicides more officers
have become “interested” in the group. They’re putting a task force together. If you wanted
some back up, I could make sure I get on it. You know, help from the inside.” David suggests.
Eli gets set to leave. “I think I’ll manage alone. Hopefully I can stop them before it has to come
to you guys.” Eli says. David chuckles. “Alright, well if you need me, you know where to find
me.” Before he leaves, Eli stops. “Thank you David” he says before leaving. David smiles. “It’s
Officer Hernadez” David says before hitting the streets again.

Michelle’s Hideout - Meeting with the police chief

On the other side of town,The Shadow figure returns to base. The figure removes its mask to
reveal Michelle. She turns to her troop. “Good Job my sisters. You all did fantastic” Michelle
says. “Pssh” a member of the troop exclaims. “A good job would have been taking him out.” The
member says. All of the members rile up in agreement. Michelle raises her fist and the women
are immediately silent. “That is not our mission. We don’t want one man. Hell I could care less if
we got all of them. Our mission is to make this city safer and more prosperous for our sisters.
And in that, tonight we were very successful. And the next time he gets in our way, we will do
what we have to. As we always have. As Michelle concludes her speech, another woman
approaches her. “Ma’am, we assembled the meeting you requested” the woman says.
“Fantastic.” Michelle says.
Michelle changes out of her gear and walks into the office where the chief of police is sitting.
Michelle sits at the head of the table and begins the meeting. “So, I orchestrated this little
meeting because I have a request of you. Me and my sisters plan to take down Stramond Bank.
And I’d like you and your police to help.” The chief laughs. “Lady, I don’t know who you are and
you obviously don’t know who I am but I’m gonna advise you to let me loose before something
bad happens to you and you girls. And that’s as a man, not a police officer.” The Chief says.
Michelle and the group are quiet and then they begin to laugh. Michelle gestures to the girls to
untie the chief. Two girls untie the chief and he stands up and faces down Michelle. “Thank you
kindly, I’ll be going now.” The chief begins to walk away but Michelle walks in his way. “Now little
lady, I’m only gonna say this once…” The Chief walks closer “...Get the fuck out of my way.”
When he says this Michelle grinds her heel into his foot and headbutts him directly in the nose.
The Chief falls to the floor in agony. “Now that I have your undivided attention, at 3 pm on March
14th a major gang fight will break out on the south side. It will be so big that you will have to
mobilize all officers, especially the ones at Stramond Bank to neutralize the situation. And you
will keep them there as long as it takes to ensure the safety of the community. Now if you do
that and me and my sisters don’t see a red and blue light all day, I’ll make sure these stay
between you and us.” Michelle throws The chief a few pictures and the chief is shocked. “And I
know given some of your positions, those staying between us would be in your best interest.”
The chief looks over to one of the black sisters and she waves and winks at him. “So, That’s a
deal. I’ll see you then. Actually, for your sake, let's hope I don’t.” Michelle turns around and
walks away. One of the sisters catches up with her “So what next Madam? “ the sister asks.
“Now… we start a gang fight.”

Tension Back at The House - Jamal heads back to his old neighborhood

Eli is focused on figuring out more about the group so he ignores Jamal. Jamal demands to be
included but Eli refuses. Jamal becomes visibly distraught but Eli ignores it cause Jamal to leave
the house

Revelations with Shawn - Jamal’s trip back to the neighborhood gives him new
Jamal decides to go back to his old neighborhood to clear his mind. He meets up with Shawn
and they begin to walk and catch up. Shawn is still geeked on the hero, especially after his
encounter with him but Jamal deflects away from the subject. Shawn voices how he wishes he
would return due to the spike in gun violence in the neighborhood. Jamal inquires and Shawn
comments on how recently a lot of the lower level gangsters in the neighborhood have become
armed and started to become more emboldened. As the two talk, they come across an incident
between two rival gangs. One group approaches the home of another and demands that a
woman comes with them. The group gets into a stand off and winds up pulling large amounts of
weaponry on each other. The scene escalates until the woman finally stops them and agrees to
leave. Jamal notices that she is the same woman who distracted him in the club. Jamal and
Shawn turn back and head home and Jamal tells Shawn to stay safe.

Back at Eli’s - Jamal and Eli talk about Jamal’s recent discovery
Jamal returns home to Eli. The two talk for a brief moment and Eli apologies for including
Jamal in his dangerous life. Jamal tries to tell Eli his new information but Eli is too busy trying to
be responsible to hear him. Jamal continues trying to talk to Eli, but they’re interrupted when Eli
gets a phone call. Eli answers the phone and it’s Officer Rodriguez. Eli tries to get away for the
call but Jamal follows and listens in. Officer Hernandez warns Eli that the Chief of police is
mobilizing a force for something. Hernandez adds that he’s keeping lowkey but it definitely
seems big. Eli hangs up and Jamal tells him all of the information he figured out back in his
neighborhood. Jamal believes that the group of women are attempting to use the gang fight as a
distraction to pull police from something bigger. Eli ponders the information and realizes that
Jamal is right and the group of mystery women plan to rob the gala downtown.
Together - The pair decides to trust each other in order to save an art gala
After the realization, Eli gets prepared to go. Jamal follows him and asks him where he is
going. Eli tells him since the police can handle the gang fight, he’s going to secure the jewels.
Jamal protests, telling Eli that with the new weapons popping up, a gang war could result in an
all out blood bath. Jamal tells Eli that he’s more needed back in the neighborhood and that he
can handle the gala himself. Eli protests but Jamal reminds him of the deal they made to have
each other back and help anyone who needs it. Eli thinks it over and then he nods to Jamal.

And it begins - Michelle puts her plan in motion and it begins according to plan
Back at her hideout, Michelle and the girl are getting prepared for the heist. Michelle picks up
her phone and sends a text and then tells the team to get ready.
Back in Jamal’s neighborhood, a woman lying in bed gets a text from Michelle. She reads the
text, calls a number, and puts the phone on speaker. The woman turns over and cuddles up to
Gang Leader #1 and then Gang Leader #2 answers phone. When Gang Leader #2 answers the
phone, he overhears a conversation between the woman and Gang Leader #1 that leaves him
infuriated. Gang Leader #2 along with a few friends decide to find the couple.

Eli and Jamal depart to their destinations

Back at Eli’s, Jamal and Eli go over their plan. Since the group of women obviously know who
Eli is, he won’t be able to blend in at the gala. But, since they only know Jamal by mask and
costume, he’d be the best option to blend into the party and keep things calm. Eli gets dressed
in his stealth clothes and armor and Jamal throws on a suit decked with gadgets. The two
discuss one more time and then they see each other off.

Michelle’s plan unfolds - Eli gets the call over the scanner time to act
Back downtown, Gang Leader #2 pulls up with his group of friends. They’re hesitant but
eventually they decide to go in. The group throws on masks and bursts into the house. They
move room to room until the finally find Gang Leader #1 and they surround him. As they stare
him down, he begs for his life and they begin to consider but the woman hears from the
bathroom and walks out naked exasperating the situation.
The scene cuts to the gala and everyone is arriving. Michelle walks the red carpet in a
beautiful red dress. When she walks in she appears to be inspecting the art but she’s actually
marking her targets.
Jamal arrives at the gala - begins scanning the room
Jamal arrives at the gala and checks in with Eli. Eli is riding his bike down to Jamal’s
neighborhood when he gets Jamal’s call. Eli reminds Jamal to stay vigilant and be safe and
Jamal tells him to do the same.

Trouble in the hood - Eli gets the call

Gang Leader #1 and his friends arrive at the hospital in a frenzy. They rush to Gang Leader
#1’s brother's room and he is in bad condition. Gang Leader #1 is infuriated. He picks up his
phone and makes a call and then he and his gang leave the hospital. A doctor at the hospital
gets worried and makes a call to the police.
At the police station, a group of police officers sit around with the Chief and Hernandez. The
group of officers become impatient and question why the Chief summoned them, but the Chief
tells him to trust him. Over the dispatch, the officers finally get a call of potential gang violence in
Jamal’s neighborhood. The Chief mobilizes the officers and Hernandez texts Eli the details.
When Eli gets the texts, he moves to their location.

Stay Focused Jamal

Jamal is still working the room trying to find clues. As he searches around, Michelle catches his
eye and he moves towards her. Jamal stands next to Michelle and comments on the art.
Michelle goes on a rant about the piece and Jamal begins to get suspicious. Michelle tells him
he looks familiar and then begins to flirt with him, but Jamal retreats when he gets too excited.
He goes to the bar, orders a drink, and then looks back at Michelle and she looks right at him
and winks. Jamal calls Eli and informs him of his lead.

Trouble in the hood - Things escalate

Back in Jamal’s neighborhood, Gang Leader #1 meets up with the rest of his gang. He informs
them of the situation and they immediately make their way towards Gang Leader #2’s house.
The group pulls up and the gang leaders immediately begin arguing. Both groups pull weapons
on each other and tensions rise. As things reach their tensiest, police pull up and exasperate
the situation. An officer shoots at one of the gang members and every group starts shooting.
The fire fight gets intense and then suddenly, the lights go out. Each group looks disoriented,
then they hear a bunch of explosions. The gangs decide to retreat but the lights come back and
the Chief orders the group to freeze. When they continue running, the Chief orders the officers
to open fire. When Eli hears this, he decides to get involved and disarms the crooked cops.

Art gala in trouble - Michelle and her girls make their move. Jamal intervenes
At the same time back at the gala, the host finally takes the stand. The host greets the
audience, speaks on the gala's purpose, and introduces the grand finale piece. Jamal sees this,
looks around and sees Michelle and a group of women talking. Jamal goes to alert Eli, but Eli is
busy fighting off cops. Jamal contemplates for a second, takes a deep breath, and focuses.
Michelle whispers to one of the women and the woman walks towards one of the back doors.
Jamal sees this and begins tracking the woman without drawing suspense.

Eli gets the upper hand - hearing of Jamal’s situation, Eli acts aggressively to get past
the police.
Back in the neighborhood, the police are using their cars to illuminate the streets. They’re
looking around and waiting for Eli who is hidden, contemplating what to do next. He looks
around at his surroundings and notices a leaking fire hydrant and begins to contemplate a plan.

At the gala, the woman who snuck off arrives at the breaker for the building. She checks her
watch and begins to count down. Michelle and the second woman check their watches then
Michelle looks around concerned. The second woman asks her what’s up but she says nothing
and gives the first woman the signal. At the breaker, the woman flips the electric and all of the
power goes out in the building. Michelle and the second woman duck behind the bar during the
commotion and lose their dresses revealing stealth clothes underneath. They put on their night
vision goggles and see security attempting to position themselves to protect the items. Michelle
and the first woman are able to slip past the security and get a few items. Back downstairs,
Jamal realizes what’s happening and tries to call Eli. They get in contact and Eli tells Jamal not
to act but after he insteads decides to trust him and tells him to act. Jamal jumps into action and
turns all the lights back on. Michelle reacts quickly and snatches her goggles off, but the other
woman is blinded by the light. Security orders Michelle to freeze. Downstairs, the woman sees
Jamal at the switch and goes to turn it back off.

Eli Acts Fast

After his call with Jamal, Eli realizes he needs to act fast. He activates his motorcycle and the
cops begin shooting at it. The motorcycle runs right into the hydrant,knocking it over and
releasing water all over the police. The police aim their weapons on the motorcycle to confirm
that Eli was down. The chief notices a trail of water leading to a bush and at the last second
sees Eli hit the water with a stun baton, electrocuting all of the officers. While they’re
incompacitated, Eli hops onto the beat up bike and makes his way back towards the city. He
attempts to call Jamal but gets no answer.

Jamal Rising
Back at the gala, Jamal is fighting the woman sent to shut down the breaker. He tries not to be
too violent but the woman takes advantage of that and manages to shut the power off again.
With this opening, Michelle escapes security and is able to disarm and subdue the security
guards. She helps the other woman to her feet and decides to grab the grand finale item and
get out while they can. Jamal continues to fight the woman, but realizes that he can’t hold back
anymore. Jamal uses pieces of his suit to distract and confuse the woman and eventually takes
her down, revealing his own stealth suit.
After his fight, Jamal hits the lights again revealing Michelle and the woman making their
getaway. Jamal pops back upstairs and security instructs him which way the women went and
Jamal runs after them. Michelle and her team run through a construction site that’s been
arranged for their escape but Jamal is right behind them. Jamal checks in with Eli and Eli
informs him that everything is okay in his neighborhood and that he is on his way back. Jamal is
relieved and continues after the group. Michelle sees Jamal following persistently and tells one
of her squadmates to blow the cave. The woman is hesitant, but works up the nerve to blow the
cave, causing it to collapse behind them. Jamal notices and panics but focuses on Michelle and
manages to maneuver through the debris and stay on them.

Michelle and her squad hop on bikes and get ready to pull off but when they turn their
headlights on, Officer Hernandez is already waiting there. Michelle looks back and Jamal
emerges from the cave.
Michelle’s team begins to panic and Michelle tells them to keep calm and go to plan B.
Suddenly, the lights go out in the room and shadows begin to appear. Jamal and Hernandez
ready themselves and attempt to fight off the women but they're overwhelmed and forced
together in the center. As the fight reaches a climax, Eli bursts through a window joining Jamal
and Hernandez and allowing light into the room. The three begin to fight together and begin
pushing the women back. Michelle begins to panic until her first in command convinces her that
it's best for the group if she escapes and continues fighting. After contemplating for a second,
Michelle reluctantly agrees. Her first in command launches a distraction, and Michelle uses it to
get loose. Eli goes to take care of the first in command but Jamal and Hernandez tell him they
can handle it and Eli runs after Michelle.

Final Fight
As the fight reaches a climax, Eli bursts through a window joining Jamal and Hernandez and
allowing light into the room. The three begin to fight together and begin pushing the women
back. Michelle begins to panic until her first in command convinces her that it's best for the
group if she escapes and continues fighting. After contemplating for a second, Michelle
reluctantly agrees. Her first in command launches a distraction, and Michelle uses it to get
loose. Eli goes to take care of the first in command but Jamal and Hernandez tell him they can
handle it and Eli runs after Michelle.

Eli vs Michelle 2/ Revelations

Eli pursues Michelle for a while until she realizes he's catching up. She takes a corner and
when Eli follows, she jumps him. The two scuffle for a while until Eli gets the advantage. In the
scuffle, Michelle's mask is removed and Eli is completely stunned. "Michelle?" Eli says to the
unmasked woman. Eli is about to confront her but he hears Jamal following behind. Michelle
turns to leave and Eli allows her too

The next day, Eli and Jamal both sleep in and wake up exhausted. When the pair awaken,
they watch the news and see the stories of the Art museum and they both grin at a job well
done. Eli tells Jamal how proud he is and how proud his parents would be of him . The pair hug
and part ways. Jamal leaves for school and Eli watches him leave. When he’s gone, Eli looks
under his bed and reveals Andre and Sasha’s memory chest. He pulls out the picture of
Himself, Andre, and Sasha and then unfolds the last corner to reveal Michelle.

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