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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

COURSE NAME: Information Systems IIIB


I declare that I am familiar with,

and will abide to the
Individual Project Examiner (s):
Examination rules of Tshwane
University of Technology Due Date: 29 October 2021 Mr. V.N Ranko

Total Marks: 50 Mr. P.P Makelana

Total Pages: 4

_____________________ Student Number


Surname: Initials:

/50 %

ISY34BT/ISY34BB Individual Project – S2, 2021

Due: Friday 29 October 2021, 12:00 PM
Write a report (15 -25 pages) on one of the following projects:

Cargo Storage Management System

The cargo management system is an application that will help in maintaining the cargo storage in
different warehouses for different suppliers.

This project provides students with an opportunity to apply the concepts of project management
to a real-world scenario and demonstrate their knowledge, skills attitudes by developing a coherent
report based on the questions posed.

Your answers should contain a minimum of 2 paragraphs

“A paragraph is a single unit of thought made up of a group of related sentences” (Lingard, 2019).
“Writers should be wary of paragraphs that only have two or three sentences. It's a pretty good bet
that the paragraph is not fully developed if it is that short”.

1. Provide a brief description of the Cargo Storage Management System project and its
objectives. Include the business need or other justification for authorizing the project. The
business need or justification must be supported by evidence. (5)

2. Who are stakeholders (internal and external) of the Cargo Storage Management System
project and what are their roles? (5)

3. Under which project portfolio category (Venture, Growth and Core) does the Cargo
Storage Management System project fall? Motivate your answer. (5)

4. Identify and discuss the factors of the Three-Sphere Model for systems management that
may have an impact on the Cargo Storage Management System project. (5)

5. Develop an organizational structure and discuss the impact it may have on the success
and/or failure of the Cargo Storage Management System project. (5)

6. What are the Cargo Storage Management System project success criteria? What caused the
project to succeed/fail? Motivate your answer. (5)

7. As a project manager for the Cargo Storage Management System project, you are tasked
with helping to develop an agile method. The company has always used predictive software
development methods for other software related projects, but company managers have
heard that agile can have significant benefits if implemented properly. Prepare a proposal
that suggests: (5)

(i) Training

(ii) Documentation

(iii) Executive support

(iv) Team management approaches

(v) Professional certifications

8. Select and describe an adaptive software development life cycle model or framework you
would use for the Cargo Storage Management System project and motivate why you use
the selected adaptive software development life cycle model. (5)

9. Write a short summary on team role theory and explain how you would use this theory on
the Cargo Storage Management System project to differentiate between working in a
virtual or face-to-face team. Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed references. (5)


Report Structure: (Checklist) (5)

 Cover Sheet with Title

 Table of Content

 Body of report (provide correct headings for sub-sections)

 References (use Harvard Referencing Method, a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed articles, you

may NOT use Wikipedia as a reference)

 Appendix

Technical Layout: (Checklist)

 Proper headings

 Line spacing: 1.5 points

 Font: Arial 12 points

 Pages should be numbered correctly

 References (use Harvard Referencing Method, a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed articles, you
may NOT use Wikipedia as a reference)

The assignment should be submitted as soft copy in pdf format using the method that the
lecturer will specify.

Note that assignments are liable for plagiarism check and if the percentage exceeds the allowed
limit, then assignment will be awarded 0%. In some cases, students will be expected to present
their projects.


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