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Non-disclosure Agreement

concluded between


St. Dr. Shpetim Robaj, nn,  Gërmia Campus  10.000 Prishtina  Kosovo



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1. Purpose
The parties intend to exchange information about 1, 2 & 3 Level Services and
cMaintenance for document personalization systems in the Republic of Kosovo.

2. Exchange of information
With regard to the purpose described above the parties may disclose confidential
information to each other referring to the joint project.

3. Designation
Information, documents, (including machine-readable information and documents),
software, objects and other materials to be kept secret (hereinafter: "confidential
information") shall be designated as such in writing by the disclosing party. Written
designation shall be in the form of an unmistakable annotation such as secret,
confidential, for restricted internal access only, etc. Orally given information need
only be kept secret if designated as confidential information at the time of its
disclosure and supplied in addition within 14 (fourteen) days to the receiving party
in summarized written form marked as confidential.

4. Confidentiality Obligation
All confidential information made available by one party to the other shall be kept
secret from third parties. No confidential information received may be supplied to a
third party without the prior written permission of the other party hereto.

Beyond this, each party also undertakes as follows:

– not to use the confidential information of the disclosing party for any purposes
other than as set out above,

– not to reconstruct, cause others to reconstruct or use for any purposes other
than as set out above any object made available to it by the other party,

– not to analyze, decode and/or duplicate any software, including the related
documentation, that may have been made available to it, not to cause others so
to do and not to use such software and/or documentation for any purposes other
than as set out above.

5. Exceptions
The obligation to observe secrecy under this Agreement shall not apply to

a) information, documents (including information and documents in machine-

readable form), software, objects and other materials that are generally
available to the public, or become generally available to the public other than
as a breach of this Non-disclosure Agreement,

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b) information that is already lawfully in the possession of one of the parties
hereto prior to the effective date of this Non-disclosure Agreement, without
having been obtained from the other party or one of its affiliated companies,

c) information that is received by one of the parties hereto from a third party after
the effective date of this Non-disclosure Agreement, provided this third party
has not violated any Non-disclosure Agreement,

d) information the publication of which is required by statute and/or common law,

e) information that the receiving party, as evidenced by written records, has in-
dependently acquired or developed.

Nevertheless, each party shall keep the use of the information by the other party
secret from third parties.

6. Disclosure to Employees and Affiliated Companies

a) Each party shall make available confidential information to its employees only
in so far as the employees need it to fulfil the purpose as set out in 1. above.
It will ensure that these employees are equally obliged to observe secrecy,
whereby the obligation shall survive the termination of their respective
employment contracts.

b) Disclosure of confidential information to affiliated companies is permitted un-

der the conditions laid out in 6. a) above.

7. No License
By this Agreement, neither of the parties hereto grants the other party or any of its
affiliated companies licenses under any of the property rights that it owns or may
obtain in future, nor may such a license be inferred from the supply of any infor-
mation, documents, including machine-readable information and documents,
software, objects or other materials to the other party.

Each party hereto reserves the right to apply for intellectual property rights to the
information, documents, including machine-readable information and documents,
software, objects or other materials it makes available and to use the rights
emanating from any such property rights.

8. Penalty
In each case of a violation of one of the provisions of this Agreement, the infringing party
shall incur for any separate event a compensation for such violation which shall be
demanded through the relevant courts and hence such compensation should be
proportional to the relevant damages caused.

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9. Duration
This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of 5 years. The obligations
regarding confidentiality shall survive any termination of this Agreement for a period
of 5 (five) years.

10. Export
The export of information and goods, including technical descriptions, data, source
code, etc., which the parties receive from each other may be subject to legal
regulations. The parties undertake to observe the applicable national and
international export control laws and regulations for the export of physical and
nonphysical items. Third parties who lawfully receive information must be instructed
as to the export control obligation.

11. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the law of
the Federal Republic of Germany.

12. Place of Jurisdiction

Place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this
Agreement shall be Berlin.

15. Written Form

No oral side agreements have been made. Any changes or additions to this
Agreement must be made in writing to be effective. The written form requirement
shall not be fulfilled by the use of emails.

16. Severability
If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes legally ineffective, this shall not
affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The parties shall convene and agree
a legally effective provision that comes as close as possible to the intentions of the
parties hereto. The same applies mutatis mutandis with respect to any gap in the

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For Pnetworks For KOSBIT LLC

Signed in ___________ Signed in Prishtina on 07.10.2021

_______________________ _________________________
Name: Name: Besim Berisha
Title: Title: CEO

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