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4 Verb to be in present and past / verbo to be en presente

y pasado




The verb to be is the most important verb in the English language, It is difficult to use

because it is an irregular verb in almost all of its forms.  In the simple present tense, to be is

conjugated as follows: Am, Is and Are. The principal use of the simple present is to refer to

an action or event that takes place habitually, but it also refers to a present or general state,

whether temporary, permanent or habitual. The simple past of the verb to be is used

principally to describe events in the past. In the past present tense, to be is conjugated as

follows: Was and Were.

El verbo ser o estar es el verbo más importante en el idioma inglés, es difícil de usar porque

es un verbo irregular en casi todas sus formas. En el tiempo presente simple, el verbo ser o

estar es conjugado como: Am, Is y Are. El uso principal del presente simple es referirse a

una acción o evento que ocurre habitualmente, pero también el verbo “ser o estar” se refiere

a un estado presente o general, ya sea temporal, permanente o habitual. El pasado simple

del verbo ser o estar es usado principalmente para describir eventos en el pasado. En el

tiempo pasado simple, el verbo ser o estar es conjugado como: Was y Were.

 I was in London in 1999.

 She is American.
 He am happy.

 we are helpful.

 She is 20 years old.

 You are a student.

 Pam was in London in 1999, too.

 Jhon and I were together.

 Luisa was my girlfriend.

 They were in the park yesterday

Obj 1.5 past simple tense / tiempo pasado simple

The simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed

before now. The simple past tense also shows that you are talking about something that has

already happened and it emphasizes that the action is finished.

El pasado simple es un tiempo verbal usado para hablar sobre cosas que sucedieron o

existieron antes de ahora. El tiempo pasado simple también muestra que estás hablando

sobre algo que ya pasó and enfatiza que la acción está terminada.

 We played tennis with my friends yesterday.

 I finished lunch and I did my homework.

 You visited them every day for a year.

 I drove to work every day when I worked with that company.

 Did you do the homework?

 William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

 Christoph Columbus discovered America in 1492.

 He kissed her and left.

 She lived in Paris for 20 years.

 They talked on the phone for ten minutes.

Obj. 1.6 expressions: be going to / expression: ir a

We use the expression 'going to' to express the future plans and intentions. Usually the

decision about the future plans has already been made. We also use 'going to' to make

predictions that is to say, predict something that we think is certain to happen or which we

have evidence for now. Also, it is used when we give commands or state that something is


Utilizamos la expresión “be going to” para expresar planes e intenciones futuras.

Normalmente las decisiones sobre los planes del futuro ya han sido hechas. Utilizamos

también la expresión “be going to” para hacer predicciones, es decir, predecir algo que

pensamos que es seguro que suceda o que tenemos evidencia por ahora. También, es usado

cuando damos ordenes o declaramos que algo es obligatorio.

 It's so cloudy! I think it's going to rain.

 She’s going to be a professional dancer when she grows up.

 I’m going to look for a new place to live next month.

 You’re going to pick up all of those toys right now. 

 Look out! He’s going to break that glass.

 It’s going to snow again soon

 I’m going to take a few exams at the end of the year.

 Is Freddy going to buy a new car soon?

 Are John and Pam going to visit Milan when they are in Italy?

 He's going to be a brilliant politician.

Onj. 1.7 reflexive pronoun / pronombres reflexivos

Reflexive pronouns are used when the object is the same as the subject. For example, in

the sentence "he hurt himself", he and himself refer to the same person. they are also used

for emphasis. In this case they are called intensive pronouns. Intensive pronouns can be

removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. For example, in the sentence "I

spoke to the president himself", the speaker emphasizes that he spoke to the

president personally NOT somebody else.

Los pronombres reflexivos son utilizados cuando el objeto es el mismo que el sujeto. Por

ejemplo, en la oración “he hurt himself" (el mismo se lastimó), He y Himself se refieren a

la misma persona. También son utilizados para dar énfasis. In este caso son llamados

pronombres intensivos. Los pronombres intensivos se pueden quitar sin cambiar el

significado de la oración. Por ejemplo, en la oración "I spoke to the

president himself"(hablé con el presidente mismo), el hablante enfatiza que el le habló al

presidente personalmente no a alguien más.

Examples of reflexive pronoun / ejemplos de pronombres reflexivos

 He blames himself for what happened.

 You might cut yourself.

 We will enjoy ourselves in the party.

 He made a cup of coffee for himself.

 He was talking to himself.

 She did the job by herself.

 I met the king himself.

 The president himself announced the news.

 He sent the letter himself

 I always do my homework myself. Nobody helps me.

Obj. 1.8 making, accepting and declining an invitation / hacer,

aceptar y rechazar una invitacion

Making invitations is a fun part of using the English language. Inviting people to join you

for dinner, social events, or other occasions is usually done using 'would like'as a polite

form rather 'can you' This form can be used for both formal and informal invitations.

Remember that 'would you like ...' is always followed by the infinitive form of the verb.

Accepting invitations are the way in which you politely respond to the invitation that

someone tells you to agree to go, but if simply you are unable to attend whatever you've

been invited to, you decline the invitation in the kindliest way. The most common phrases

to making, accepting and declining invitations are:

Hacer invitaciones es la parte divertida del idioma inglés. Invitar a la gente a que se una a

usted para cenar, eventos sociales u otras ocasiones es normalmente se hace usando “would

like” (desearía) como una forma educada en vez de “can you” (puedes), esta forma puede

utilizarse para invitaciones formales e informales. Recuerde que “would you like…” (te

gustaría…) está siempre seguida por la forma infinitiva del verbo.

Aceptar invitaciones son las maneras en las que tu respondes educadamente a una

invitación si estás de acuerdo en ir, pero si simplemente eres incapaz de asistir a lo que te

han invitado, rechazas la invitación de la manera más amable. Las frases más comunes para

hacer, aceptar y rechazar invitaciones son:

Making in vitiation / hacer invitaciones

·         Would you like to…?

·         I would very happy if…?

·         We would be delighted if you…?

·         Would you care to..?

·         We would be pleased if you could…?

·         Would you care to…?

Accepting invitation/ aceptar inviaciones

·         That’s very kind of you

·         We’d like very much to….

·         What a delightful idea

·         With the greatest pleasure

·         Thank you very much for inviting me

·         It’s delightful to….

Declining invitation/ rechazar invitaciones

·         I’m very sorry, I don’t

·         Think I can.

·         I’d like to, but ….

·         I’m afraid I’ve

·         Already promised….

·         Thank you for asking me, but ….

·         Unfortunately  , I can’t….

Examples about making invitations / ejemplos sobre hacer invitaciones

 Would you care to join us for dinner?

 I was just wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tonight?

 We’d be pleased/delighted/very happy to have you over for dinner tonight.

Examples about accepting invitations / ejemplos sobre aceptar invitaciones

 Thank you! I’d love to.

 Thank you! I’d be delighted to. What time should I be there?

 Yes, thank you. That would be wonderful/great.

 Oh certainly! Thank you.

Examples about declining invitations / ejemplos sobre rechazar invitaciones

 I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.

 I’m terribly sorry. I have other plans.

 Thanks for asking. I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.

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