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Standards Based Lesson Plan – Individual Lesson

Intern: Alyssa Ginzburg

Grade Level: 6th
TimeDate &

March 16th, 2020 at 11:43 am.

 Using claim, evidence, and reasoning is something we all do on a daily basis. In life, there is 
going to come a time where you get into an argument or debate with a person. It is an
important life skill to know just how to back up your claims with evidence and reasoning. This

way you are able to effectively get your point across to the people you are talking to.
 It is also important to introduce students to the topic of debate in a controlled and safe
environment. This environment will encourage students to have their voices and thoughts be
heard and will also encourage them to participate in a safe and fun way.
 Through this lesson, students are going to use claim, evidence, and reasoning to back up their
argument as to which superhero is the best. They will pick between 4 superheroes that have an
attached file with given statistics. They will use this “secret file” to strengthen their claim and
give reasoning as to why their superhero is the best. At the end of class, students will create a
Flipgrid stating their claim, evidenceevidence, and reasoning for the class to see. This will be
an introduction to a bigger debate we will be having at the end of the week.
 Students will know how to properly participate in a debate. 
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 Students will be able to use evidence and reasoning to back up a claim.

 Students will make a claim as to which superhero is the best and why.
 Students can formulate an argument.
 Students will be able to identify the claim, evidence, and reasoning in each students’ Flipgrid.

 Students will be reading when they read their superhero’s “secret file” with statistics and facts. 
They will also be reading throughout the interactive PowerPoint.
 Students will be speaking when they formulate their argument and create their Flipgrid.
 Students will be actively listening to other students’ Flipgrid posts.
 Students will be writing (typing) on the interactive PowerPoint what their claim, evidence, and
reasoning are.

 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.3 - Delineate a speaker's argument and specific claims, 

distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.4 - Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and
using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use
appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Level 1
At this level, students can point to stated pictures or words (their superheroes), name those
superheroes, and label pictures within the interactive PowerPoint.

Level 2
At this level, students can restate the facts given to them via their superheroes “secret file” and
produce short sentences related to their superhero. The “secret file” will be modified by the teacher so
it is accessible for this level of learners. They will also be able to fill in blanks within the interactive

PowerPoint when given sentence starters and prompts.

Level 3
At this level, students will be able to follow step-by-step oral instruction as to how to form their
arguments/claims and identify their claim and reasoning verbally. They will be given sentence starts
and prompts to help form their arguments/claims.

Level 4
At this level, students will give an oral report via Flipgrid about their superhero, discuss the
statistics/evidence surrounding their superhero, and be able to give detailed responses. They will also
be able to evaluate their fellow peers’ arguments about why their superhero is the best.

Level 5
At this level, students be able to write and speak their claim, evidence, and reasoning behind their
arguments in a detailed manner. They will be able to use specific details from their “secret file” to
give detailed responses on Flipgrid and via the interactive PowerPoint.
 Formative: I will be able to assess the students formatively by checking in on them while they are 
figuring out the details behind their superhero. I will ask them questions such as “Why did you
pick this superhero?”, “What evidence have you found in the secret file that backs up your claim”,
etc. I will be walking around the classroom and seeing how the students are doing and if they need

any extra guidance. I will also be able to assess them formatively by watching their Flipgrid posts.
This way I can see if they need any extra guidance with how to back up their claim or how to
make their arguments even stronger. It will help me determine where each student is with the topic
and what I can do to help them to go the extra mile.
 Summative: At the end of the week, we are going to have a whole class debate. I will assess their
skills this way to see what skills they have picked up on over the week and how much progress
each of them havehas made. I will be looking for each student to use our CER model throughout
the debate so they are able to effectively communicate their stance in a way that is easy for
everyone to understand.
 Interactive PowerPoint that shows the CER model and has them pick their superhero. 
EngagementOpening - Resources

 “Secret File” Google Doc that shows statistics about the superhero they chose.
 The students will need their computers throughout the lesson.
 Flipgrid

 I will open up the class by having the students write in their notebooks their daily bellringer. The 
question will be along the lines of CER (“What does CER stand for?”) to activate their prior
knowledge on the topic because they had a lesson about it the previous day.
 I will also have students share their “pits and peaks” which is basically the good and bad things
that have happened since the last time we were together.
 
(Procedures)Instructional Strategies
After the opening engagement activities, I will begin working through the interactive PowerPoint I
have created. The PowerPoint goes over how to appropriately participate in a whole class debate,
what behaviors you shouldn’t have in a debate, and a review of the CER model. I will have
students participate with me throughout the PowerPoint, as I have left blank sections for them to
help me fill out and discuss. I also have a slide on the interactive PowerPoint where they will have
to pick the better of 2 arguments I have written and explain why they chose the one that they did.
 In the next slide on the PowerPoint, I will have the students pick between 4 different superheroes
(Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, and Super Man). When they click the picture of the superhero
they chose, it will lead them to their “secret file” which is filled with statistics and various facts
about their superhero. The students have the choice to work on their own or in groups to develop
their claim, evidence, and reasoning based on the statistics given to them as to why their superhero
is the best. They will write down their claim, evidence, and reasoning in the interactive
PowerPoint. ELLs will have sentence starters/prompts on their slides.

 At the end of the class, students will be instructed to share their claim, evidence, and reasoning
behind why their superhero is the best via a Flipgrid post. They will also be assigned to watch 3 of

their fellow classmates’ posts and respond to them for homework. I will also instruct them to ask
any questions they might have in their Flipgrid posts for me to answer privately.
 I will also have the students talk to me about what they learned and what they liked about the
activity before they leave.

Whole Group
 Anyone is allowed to come to me about concerns or questions they might have about the
lesson. I will address them in any way necessary.
 Students are allowed to write their answers on a piece of paper instead of the PowerPoint if
they prefer.
 Students are able to work with a partner if they choose to help come up with their claim,

evidence, and reasoning.

 Each student will have the “secret file” as a resource to look back on.

Small Group
 I will be giving ESL students a modified version of the interactive PowerPoint that includes
sentence starters and less “fill in the blank” slides. Good.
 If any group would like to work in a quieter setting, I reserved a conference room for them to
work in. This will help my less productive students as well.
 If any student needs a brain break, they will be given one.
 If students need help finding a partner, I will be able to guide them in the right direction.

 Any student with a disability will be able to have extra accommodations, such as frequent
brain breaks, sitting near the teacher or in a quieter area, and an accessible PowerPoint for all
types of learners.
 Are there others you can think of who might need individual help who is not a special needs

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