Alberta Health Care Report Card by ThinkHQ Public Affairs

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October 2021


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Copyright © 2021 ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc. All rights reserved. Select Media Distribution
Research Methodology

• Approach: Online survey of Adult Albertans Sample sizes: Unweighted Weighted MOE*
• Region: Alberta Alberta total n=1,116 n=1,116 +/- 2.9
• Field dates: Sep 29 - Oct 1, 2021 Calgary n=435 n=394 +/- 4.7
• Sample size: n=1,116 Edmonton n=365 n=349 +/- 5.1
• Panel source: Angus Reid Forum Northern Alberta n=87 n=135 +/- 10.5
• Sampling: A random stratified sample of
Central Alberta n=104 n=124 +/- 9.6
panelists was invited to complete the survey
from the Angus Reid Forum panel Southern Alberta n=125 n=114 +/- 8.8
• Weighting: Weighted to reflect gender, age and *Margin of error: Percentage points 19 times out of 20.
region of the Alberta population according to The margin of error is associated with a probability sample of this
Stats Canada size.

• Margin of error: The margin of error for a Accuracy of sub-samples of the data decline based on sample
comparable probability-based random sample of
this size is +/- 2.9 percentage points, 19 times
out of 20

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Copyright © 2021 ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc. All rights reserved. Select Media Distribution
The UCP’s Health Care Report Card
Where is Alberta’s HC System Heading?

Our October report card asked Albertans if they have noticed any changes in the quality of
Alberta’s health care system over the past two years: Is it better, worse or about the same?
Given COVID and its impacts on the system, one might expect to see some softening, i.e.,
more negativity in these responses, but the scope of the perceived deterioration is quite
Fully 70% of those interviewed say Alberta’s health care system has gotten worse over the
past two years (42% saying “A lot worse”), compared to only 5% noting any improvement.
Just under one-quarter (23%) feel the quality of the system is largely unchanged over the
past several years.
Additional probing was conducted among the 70% who believe Alberta’s HC system has
declined in the past several years to assess COVID’s role in shaping their views. While
COVID-19 is clearly a contributing factor, a sizable proportion place the blame primarily on
UCP government policy (42%), compared to only 13% saying the declines in HC are mainly
because of dealing with COVID-19, and 43% saying it is a combination of both.

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The UCP’s Health Care Report Card
A Majority Offer UCP Failing Grade on Health Care

When asked to grade (A to F) the UCP government’s performance in managing the health
care system, the results are dismal; the kind of grades that would get a student held back a
A bare majority (50%) rate GOA a “Failing Grade”, with another one-fifth (20%) offering a
letter grade of “D”, and 20% a “C”. Fewer than one-in-ten (9%) offer the Kenney government
any sort of above average rating when it comes to health care stewardship.
• Three-quarters of women offer poor grades compared to two-thirds of men
• Below average assessments increase modestly with education levels
• Even 51% of UCP voters give the Kenney government (they voted for) a “D” or “F” for
management of health care since the election
• Almost eight-in-ten (79%) of voters who have had their care disrupted in the past two
years give poor grades to GOA

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Perceived Change in HC Quality in Alberta in Past 2 Years

In the past 2 years, do you think that the quality of health care Why do you think that Alberta's health care system has gotten
services in Alberta has improved, stayed the same or gotten worse? Do you think the decline in Alberta’s health care
worse? system is mainly due to…?

Improved a lot 2% Improved 5% Policies and actions by the

Gotten worse 70% UCP government
Improved a little 3% NET improved* -65
The effects of dealing with
Stayed the same 23% COVID-19 in Alberta

Gotten a little worse 28%

Both equally 43%

Gotten a lot worse 42%

Something else 1%
Unsure 2%
0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Base: All respondents (n=1,116) | *NET: Improved minus gotten worse Base: Say healthcare system has gotten worse (n=780)
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Albertan’s Grade UCP Stewardship of Health Care System

If you were to give the Provincial Government a letter grade for its performance over the last two years in managing
Alberta’s health care system, what would it be?

Outstanding - A 2%

Very good - B 7%
More positive (A/B) 9%

Average - C 20% More negative (D/F) 70%

NET positive* -61
Below average - D 20%

Failure - F 50%

Unsure 1%
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Base: All respondents (n=1,116) | *NET: Positive minus negative

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Albertan’s Grade UCP Stewardship of Health Care System
By Key Demographics
If you were to give the Provincial Government a letter grade for its performance over the last two years in managing Alberta’s health care system, what
would it be?
A/B C D/F Unsure A/B C D/F Unsure

AB (n=1,116) 9% 20% 70%

AB (n=1,116) 9% 20% 70%
South (n=114) 10% 30% 60%
Male (n=550) 9% 25% 66%

Calgary (n=394) 8% 21% 70%

Female (n=555) 7% 17% 75%

Edmonton (n=349) 8% 21% 70% EDUCATION

Central (n=124) 25% 71% HS or less (n=77)* 11% 25% 64%

North (n=135) 10% 12% 75% Post sec (n=225) 6% 25% 67%

LAST PROV VOTE Uni+ (n=797) 8% 20% 71%

UCP (n=513) 15% 33% 51% CARE DISRUPTED

ABP (n=87)* 18% 81% Yes (n=668) 6% 15% 79%

NDP (n=325) 97% No (n=806) 13% 29% 57%

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Base: All respondents | *Caution: Small base size

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Marc Henry, President

ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc.

Copyright © 2021 ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc. All rights reserved. Select Media Distribution
The contents of this document are the exclusive property of ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc., and may not be used in any manner whatsoever, without the prior written
consent of ThinkHQ Public Affairs Inc. No license under any copyright is hereby granted or implied.

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