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Answer keys:

6B listening and Reading

Pages SB pp. 60-61, 143
Exercise 6b:




Grammar 5,Exercise d.

p. 143
Exercise a:

Exercise c:
For instructions on how to use these pages see p.40. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE?
STUDY l~l: l 3 3 49 >))
• iTutor l b 2 a 3 c 4 b s c
3 49 >))
Test and Assessment CO-ROM Maria
• Quick Test 6 I= interviewer, M = Maria
I Do you prefer doing spor t or watching it?
• File 6 Test
M That's quite a difficu lt question, I think maybe, I like both, but
maybe I prefer watching sport because I ca n watch a wide
variety then
I What sport do you do?
GRAMMAR M Oh, I go running - SK, lOK, that's t he most I'll do.
1 a 6 c 11 a I What sports do you most like wat ching?
2 b 7 a 12 b M I most like watching Formula 1 and at hletics.
3 c 8 b 13 a I Why?
4 b 9 c 14 c M Formula 1, I don't know, I got int o it because my dad used t o
5 b 10 a 15 b watch it and so I watched it at t he same t ime and now I just. I
keep up wit h it and I'm interested in the people that do it, and
t hings like t hat, so yeah. And t he athletics because I run, so
VOCABULARY t here's a connec t ion there.
a l lips I mout h =
I = interviewer, A Adrian
2 eyes I Do you know anyone vvho has gone out w it h someone t hey met
3 nose on t he in t ernet ?
4 han ds A Yes, I do. I know of a couple of people.
5 t eeth I How did it work out?
A One person, an old friend of mine, it didn't work out t hat well
b 1 beat because t he person I think looke d be tt er on t he int ern et t han
2 court t hey did in real lif e. And t he second person, they 1Nent on and
3 get injured got married, so I t hink it can work well.
4 scored Ryder
5 go I =interviewer, R = Ryder
I Have you ever cheated in an exam?
c l c lose R Yes, many.
2 common I How did you cheat?
3 t ouch R Oh, I've used all dif ferent types of t echniques. Sometimes I've
4 got written things on my palm, ot her t imes I've just put a book on
5 f iance my l ap, somet imes I've put answers on my cell phone, but it was
only for subjects that I really didn't like and I knew t hat would
d l soundtrack never have anything t o do vvith my career, so I didn't feel bad
2 subtit les about cheat ing on a maths test.
3 special effects Were you caught?
4 star R I don't think I've ever been ca ught, no. I'm really good at it.
5 scen e Helen
I =interviewer, H = Helen
e 1 out I What 's your favourite film of all t ime?
2 off H My favourite film is Dirty Dancing.
3 up I How many times have you seen it?
4 out H Probably about 25
5 on I Why do you like it so much?
H Because it has romance, it has dancing, wh ich I like, and it has
nice, good-looking men.
I = interviewer, L =Liz
a 1 couple 3 eyes s wa r I Do you have a profile photo?
2 taste 4 ears L I do, yes.
I What is it?
b 1 referee 3 spectators 5 colleague
. L It is a picture of me wearing a silly hat at a hat party .
2 review 4 director I Why did you choose it?
L Just because it was quite funny, and I look quite strange in it,
bu t I t hink it's probably a bit more excit ing to have t hat t han
CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? j ust a standard pose.
b 1 b 2 a 3 c

File test_06_answer key
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation

1 1 are released
2 had already been deleted
3 to be / being judged
4 is being cleaned
5 will be told / ’ll be told / ’s going to be told
6 was spent
7 is / ’s based
8 has been closed
9 is still seen
10 was directed
11 to be met
12 have / ’ve been chosen

2 1 must
2 can’t
3 might
4 can’t
5 might
6 must
7 must
8 can’t


3 1 location
2 effects
3 sequel
4 dubbed
5 horror
6 soundtracks
7 subtitles
8 extras
9 plot
10 fiction

4 1 fingers
2 taste
3 ears
4 bit
5 nod
6 hair
7 staring
8 stomach
9 clapped
10 whistle


5 1 stare
2 head
3 lips
4 bite
5 nose

6 1 hi|sto|ri|cal
2 re|view
3 au|di|ence
4 di|rec|ted
5 sub|ti|tles

Reading and Writing


1 1 B
2 A
3 C
4 B
5 A
6 C
7 B
8 A
9 B

2 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F
6 F


Student’s own answers.

Task completion: The task is fully completed and the answer is easy to understand. (4 marks)
Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor errors do not obscure the
meaning. (3 marks)
Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the message
clearly. (3 marks)
Listening and Speaking

1 1 B
2 B
3 A
4 C
5 B

2 1 E
2 D
3 B
4 C
5 A


Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively with his / her
partner, asking and answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating conversation and
responding. The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the task successfully. (5 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication. (5 marks)
Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message clear and
comprehensible. (5 marks)

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