Listening 2 Ahmad Junaidi

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Name : Ahmad Junaidi

NIM : 2019.C.11a.0997
Study Program : S1 Keperawatan Tingkat 2A
Subject : English
Lecturer : Desy Natalia.S.pd.,M.Pd
Assigment : Unit 2 Listening

Getting verbal consent

1. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.
1) When is it necessary to get a patient's verbal 'informed consent'?
2) When should a patient sign a consent form and when is it not necessary?
3) Listening to a heart beat through a stethoscope is a medical procedure -
does this need the patient's informed consent?
2. Listen to nurses informing four different patients about medical procedures.
Identify which nurse (a-d) is
1) listing the possible risks of a procedure
2) describing alternatives to a procedure
3) explaining the possible benefits of a procedure
4) getting agreement with the patient.
3. Listen again. In which situation (a-d) is the nurse talking to
1) a patient who has a melanoma?
2) a patient who has been in an accident?
3) a patient who has psychiatric problems?
4) a patient who is going to have major surgery?
4. Discuss this situation with a partner.
A 64-year-old woman with MS is admitted. The doctor thinks she should be
placed on a feeding tube. In the morning the patient is confused. A nurse talks to
her about the feeding tube and she consents. However, later in the day when the
tube is going to be placed, the patient says she doesn't want it in.
The following morning, the patient is vague and the nurse tries once more and
again the patient consents to the procedure.
Is the patient able to decide? Should the nurse place the feeding tube or not?
1. Answer
1) when you want to take action
2) Patients sign informed consent when performing high-risk actions such as
surgery, whereas informed consent is not given during normal actions
3) Must
2. Answer
1) A
2) C
3) B
4) D
3. Answer
1) C
2) B
3) D
4) A
4. the patient is in a confused state, even so it is better if a feeding tube is
installed so that the patient's diet is maintained,

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