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Name : Ahmad Junaidi

NIM : 2019.C.11a.0997
Study Program : S1 Keperawatan Tingkat 2A
Subject : English
Lecturer : Desy Natalia.S.pd.,M.Pd
Assigment : Unit 3 speaking

Discussion for and against
1. Work in two groups. Read the sentences below. Group A think of arguments
in favour of the statements. Group B, think of arguments against the
statements. Then joir with the other group to discuss the statements.
 Couples should have the right to know the sex of their baby.
 There should be an age limit for fertility treatmen for women.
 The best age to have children is 20-25.
 Schools should teach baby care.
2. Now read these sentences. Group B, think of arguments in favour. Group A,
think of arguments against.
 Mothers should be allowed to choose whether c not to have a Caesarean.
 All foetuses should be tested for conditions such Down's syndrome and spina
 Women should be left to decide for themselves whether to breastfeed or
 Abortions should be allowed up to twenty wee!
1. Answer
 parents must know the sex of the child in order to better prepare for birth
 no need limitation
 it is a sufficient age because the reproductive organs are ready
 schools do not need to teach how to care for babies because there are special
places for learning such as health universities or special health schools
2. answer
 the patient may choose whether by cesarean or normal
 all fetuses must be tested so that action can be taken if an abnormality
 It is advisable to do exclusive breastfeeding so that the baby's growth is
not disturbed
 I don't know about that

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