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Unit 12

I=Interviewer, SH=Sean Hill
I Could I ask you about Boots Advantage Card scheme first? Why was the
Advantage Card introduced?
SH It was introduced for two main reasons. First, to help us keep our customers, and
second, to give us information about what products they buy. We can then use this
information to sell them more products.
I Could you give an example of how you use the information?
SH Yes. One way is to offer customers products which they don’t buy but which we
think will interest them, at special introductory prices. Another way is when we
see what a customer buys, for example, baby products, but not Boots baby
products. We offer them the Boots product at a special price, and hope that the
customer will like it, and then continue to buy, the Boots products.
I How do you tell your customers about the special offers?
SH Usually through the Advantage Points in the store. Customers can see special
offers on the Advantage Point screens. We offer different products to different
customers, depending on what they usually buy.
I Your Advantage Card scheme gives customers four times more points than the
schemes of the big supermarkets. Why is that?
SH We wanted to have a scheme that was different from supermarket schemes. They
are usually ‘money-off’ schemes. They give customers money off products they
usually buy. We want to give customers something different, something extra, for
example, a bottle of perfume, or a day at a health and beauty club, not just a
product they always buy, for free.
I Do you want to increase the number of Advantage Cardholders?
SH When we started the scheme in 1997 we did a lot of marketing to make it a
success. Now we think we’ve got the right number of people, and the right kind of
people, and we don’t have to get more. Now we have to be sure we keep our
customers, especially our best customers.
I Do you know who your best customers are?
SH Yes. Our best customers are female, aged between 18 and 40, with young
I Do they like the Advantage Card scheme?
SH They tell us they do.
I Do you think customer card schemes help you win and keep customers?
SH Yes, I do, if they really give customers an advantage. We think our scheme has
helped us win and keep customers because 40% of our sales are to customers with
Advantage Cards, and they spend more than customers without cards. What’s
important now is to make sure this success continues ...
a friendly
b extrovert
c hard-working
1 helpful
2 dangerous
3 expensive
4 selfish
5 generous
6 exciting
7 lazy
8 talkative
9 unfriendly

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