3 Порівняльні Та Псевдо Конструкції

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3. Ознаки та особливості перекладу порівняльних та псевдопорівняльних конструкцій.

The comparative construction of the positive degree “as + adjective + as” is rendered into Ukrainian by
“такий же + прикметник + як” or ‘’настільки… наскільки’’.
In other words, an analysis done within a particular framework is only as good as the facts it accounts for.
Іншими словами проведений на конкретних теоретичних засадах аналіз настільки вдалий,
наскільки такими є і факти, що він їх описує.

In parallel constructions with the comparative degrees of adjectives preceded by the definite article “the”, the
first component of the pair is rendered by “що” while the second one is conveyed by “то”.
The greater the deviation, the more difficult the solution. Що більше відхилення, то важче знайти

The English sentences with such constructions can contain the predicate expressed by the link verb. In case
of its absence the verb-predicate is restored with the help of the context in the target sentence.
The more symbols at one’s disposal, the easier it is to construct sets of rules. Що більше символів ви
маєте у своєму розпорядженні, то легшее конструювати набори правил.

Pseudocomparative constructions are the structures formally similar to the comparative ones although they
take on a different grammatical meaning and don’t denote comparison of features of a certain object or
objects. Such word groups as high as and as low as before numbers are translated by “(аж) до” while the
word groups as early as and as recently as are rendered into Ukrainian “ще у”.
The rate dropped to as low as 1:4. Співвідношення впало аж до 1:4.

If the word groups as much as, as many as, as large as, as little as are used before “the numeral + times”
word cluster, they are rendered buy “у стільки разів більше (менше, вище)”.
The speed of light is million times as great as that of sound waves. Швидкість світла у мільйони разів
більша від швидкості звуку.

The word group as long as “поки” can take on the function of the compound conjunction but not a
comparative structure.
The flight will continue as long as the power plant functions properly.Політ триватиме, поки
працюватиме двигун.

The word group as far as (smth.) is concerned, is translated “що стосується” or “якщо йдеться про”.
As far as ionization is concerned, gamma rays behave here like photons.Що стосується іонізації, то
гамма-промені поводяться при цьому як фотони.

The word group as well as is translated as “також”.

We can mention several reasons as well as some strong arguments. Можна навести кілька підстав та
сильних аргументів.

The construction “as + adjective/adverb + as possible” is translated by the Ukrainian word group that
consists of the component “якомога” and the adverb or the adjective in the comparative degree.
This restriction must be removed as soon as possible. Це обмеження потрібно усунути якомога раніше.

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