To Drive in Turns Around A Place

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Task 1 – pre-knowledge quiz – evaluation quiz

This exam is made in order to evaluate your previous knowledge acquired in the esnglish
courses of unad

You need to read carefully the questions ande choose the best opstion. You have 60 minutes ti
answer and 2 attempts in this activity

 The verd lack expresses the idea that something or someone does not have enough of



 The phrasal verb “run around” means?

To stay in a place and don’t move for a long time

To drive in turns around a place

To run for a runabout

To go to a lot of places and do a lot of things, often in a rushed or disorganized way

 Another way to express the idea that something is missing, lacking or insufficient is by
using enough clauses



 Unscramble the following phrase

Front / a / apartment/ water/

A wáter-front apartment

Front-water a apartment

Apartment-water a front

 Choose the correct question

Can you tell me where the bank is

Can you tell me where are the bank

Can you tell me where is the bank

 a contrated form of verbs (isn’t /aren’t) and auxiliaries (dont’t/ doesn’t) is not usually
usend with enough clauses



 determine the best option based on the definition

what is the part of the house where people can sleep




dinin room

 the verb “to pour” means

to lose money for bidding in an auction

to make liquid flow steadily out of a container by holding the container at an angle

to shake liquid until it gets into foam

to steal someone

 gramar section

apologizing/expressing regret

complete the dialogue appropriately

would you like to go out whit me tonight

no, she allows to go the beach

no, she refuses to pay for the costs of repairing his car

no, i didn’t like

perfect, i approve your invitation. I would like to go to a restaurant.

 Indicate the correct función for the underline –ing form. She is never calling her again




 Indicate Ring or wrong for the following sentence



Vocabulary section

Unit 2: phrasal verbs

Choose correct option according to the definition:

 To increase the speed or intensity.

Turn off

Turn down

Turn up

Turn on

 Choose the correct question for “can you please /is/where/the hospital/tell me”

Can you pelase where tell me the hospital is

Can you please tell me where is the hospital

Can you please tell me where the hospital is

 The most suitable synonym for the Word “ditch” is

Pick up

Keep going


 A man who you disapprove because he likes to have many short sexual relationships
whith women, is called:




Woman despise

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