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Ancient History

 An unknown Garou forges the first klaive. Legends about their creation
change from place to place and depict it both as honor and offense, but the
deadly weapons become popular among all werewolves. With klaives in
their hands, violence between Garou and the Changing Breeds reaches a
new apex.
 Book Reference: Shattered Dreams.
 As their population increases, villages grown into cities. The sheer
number of inhabitants, combined with the infrastructure, traditions, and
laws allowing them to coexist, strengthens the Weaver’s influence over the
world while giving creatures such as Banes and vampires the opportunity
to feast and multiply behind the cities’ walls. Red Talons see this as proof
ending the Impergium was a mistake and urge the Garou to act, but the
other tribes settle along humans and merge with them.
 Book Reference: WtA 20th Anniversary Edition, Book of the Weaver.
 Several Changing Breeds adapt to encroaching civilization and rule
openly over human society as a combination of masters and gods. In
ancient Egypt, people worship the Bubasti and Mokolé, as do inhabitants
of the Indian subcontinent with the Bagheera, the Khan, and the Nagah. In
Southern America, Ananasi, Balam, Camazotz, and Mokolé help shape the
fate of all the human nations, free from Garou interference.
 Reference Books: W20 Changing Breeds, Shattered Dreams
 Garou in Northern Europe fend off the invasion of armies of twisted
giants, chthonic agents of chaos and followers of the Wyrm. The Fianna
name them Fomorians, while the Get of Fenris call them Jotunn.
 Reference: Tribebook: Fianna, Tribebook: Get of Fenris.
 A wicked entity curses the Silent Striders. The werewolves lose any
ability to contact their ancestors and feel a growing unease whenever they
spend time in their Egyptian homeland. As the curse’s power grows, it
forces the Striders to leave Egypt and scatters them around the world.
 Reference: Rage Across Egypt, Tribebook: Silent Striders.
 After Oreste manages to avoid retribution for the murder of his mother
Clytemnestra, the Black Furies install themselves as arbiters and deliverers
of sacred justice in Athens. For over a century, those who commit crimes
against women, the Wyld, and Mother Gaia in the shadow of the Acropolis
tremble in fear at the mere mention of the Kindly Ones.
 Reference: Tribebook: Black Furies.
 Silver Fangs, Warders of Man, and Bone Gnawers expand around
Northern Africa and the Mediterranean. As Rome grows in powers, the
Garou and their Kinfolk blend with the ancient military society. The heavy
presence of vampires within the Republic does little to discourage Roman
Garou, despite constant gruesome conflicts.
 Reference: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers, Tribebook: Glasswalkers,
Tribebook: Silver Fangs.
 The powerful necromancer Odin raises an undead army to attack the
Get of Fenris. The battle ends when Great Fenris appears and destroys the
profane horde. Odin flees, though Great Fenris and his tribe swear on Gaia
to kill the sorcerer.
 Reference: Tribebook: Get of Fenris.
 Rome’s moral corruption, combined with the sprawling size of the city,
allows Stannum, a powerful Bane of pollution and gluttony, to cross into
the material world. Werewolves manage to send it back to Malfeas, but do
little to change the circumstances which allowed the spirit to manifest.
 Reference: Tribebook: Glasswalkers.
 Rome expands further and becomes an empire. While its armies kill
and conquer their way across Europe, Garou of different tribes and their
Kinfolk fight on all sides of the wars. Though the Garou’s actions remain
untainted, if not honorable nor respectful of Gaia’s mandate, the hunger for
victory and revenge offers the Wyrm an easy leeway into the heart of
human warriors.
 Reference: Tribebook: Glasswalkers, Tribebook: White Howlers.
 Corruption spreads in the lands of the White Howlers, carried both by
the Roman legions and the tribe’s tainted Kinfolk. The furious werewolves
hunt the Wyrm creatures whenever they can find them, until the discovery
of a subterranean tunnel leading to Malfeas itself. The White Howlers sees
this as a change to strike at the heart of the Wyrm and descend in the blind
depths, never to return. What reemerges is a tribe of foul, malignant
werewolves: the Black Spiral Dancers, the Wyrm’s bastards.
 Reference: W20 Book of the Wyrm, Tribebook: White Howlers.

Middle Ages
 Odin returns. His magic increased massively over the centuries and
Odin himself is now something far worse than a powerful necromancer.
The Get prepare to war as soon as they discover the sorcerer’s presence,
with Great Fenris leading the offensive. Odin foresees the attack and, with
the help of traitorous Get, manages to magically bind Great Fenris. The
Incarna slays Odin by throwing a mountain at the necromancer, but
becomes imprisoned on the other side of the Gauntlet. Garou claim Great
Fenris’ chains will break during the Apocalypse, allowing the totem to join
the Final Battle.
 Reference: Tribebook: Get of Fenris.
 The Get of Fenris invade Britain along their Kinfolk and take over
caerns along their path, entering in conflict with local Silver Fangs and
Fianna. The three tribes eventually establish an uneasy balance, but not
before spilling blood. Any chance to destroy the nascent Black Spiral
Dancers fades as the Garou argue, allowing the fallen tribe to scatter
around Europe
 Reference: W20 Book of the Wyrm, Tribebook: Fianna, Tribebook:
Get of Fenris.
 The Inquisition leads its holy crusade against creatures of darkness.
Though vampires and mages are the main victims of the purge, Garou need
to defend themselves from the Church’s attacks as well.
 Reference: Dark Ages Werewolf.
 The Ratkin, who never abandoned their mission to cull the human race,
craft their most terrible weapon yet. The Black Plague erupts in Asia and
sweeps across Europe, Africa, and Middle East, killing millions.
 Reference: W20 Changing Breeds, Ratkin.
 Songs of Shadows, a Red Talon Theurge, travels across Europe from
sept to sept. After having spent decades in Umbral hermitage, the werewolf
unveiled ten prophecies, one for each of tribe of the medieval Garou
nation. Songs of Shadows insists the prophecies play a key role in the
survival of the tribes, though he offers no help to decipher their meaning.
After delivering the prophecies, the Theurge disappears.
 Reference: WtA 20th Anniversary Edition, Dark Ages Werewolf.
 A guild of sorcerers and worshippers of the Wyrm called Circle of the
Red unleashes a deadly disease against the Garou. This Flaying Plague
reaps thousands of victims, until the Silent Striders defeat the mages,
causing the mystical infection to fade.
 Reference: Dark Ages Werewolf, Tribebook: Silent Striders.
 Summoned by an unknown force, seven mighty draconic Wyrmspawn
invade the material world. The creatures, who Garou call Zmei, ravage the
land for several years. Through massive efforts and sacrifices, Yuri and
Sophia Tvarivich slay one of the Zmei, while Russian Garou manage to
bind the others into slumber.
 Reference: Rage Across Russia, Tribebook: Silver Fangs.
 For the first time in their history, Stargazers fight a civil war when their
Kinfolk’s different cultures clash. The different souls of the tribe struggle
to reconcile and, though this War of Imbalance calms down, the separation
never truly ends.
 Reference: Tribebook: Stargazers.
 The Fianna’s Fae allies abandon the material world. Their magic fades,
strangled by blind faith and banality.
 Reference: Tribebook: Fianna.
 The Three Brothers sense the stain of corruption growing within the
Cahokian civilization. By following its trail, Garou discover a massive
Bane’s underground lair, a secret hideout from where the creature befouls
the entire city. Legends disagree on which tribe took the initiative, but
Native Garou destroy both the serpentine Bane and the tainted community.
 Reference: Croatan Song, Tribebook: Uktena, Tribebook: Wendigo.
 The Shadow Lord’s eternal war against vampires enters a new phase
when Vlad Tepes is embraced. The ravenous bloodsuckers always held
great influence over the tribe’s homeland, but Dracula’s reign of terror
encourages vampires to feast on the population like never before. Hordes
of warped creatures and werewolves face each other in the Transylvanian
nights, observed by an ancient power slumbering beneath the earth.
 Reference: Tribebook: Shadow Lords.

Modern Age
 The Warders of Man embrace Humanism. Their enthusiasm for
mankind’s achievement merges Garou duties with Renaissance
philosophies, a cultural evolution spearheaded by the Tetrasomian faction.
 Reference: Tribebook: Glass Walkers.
 The Second War of Rage. Garou reaching South America find it
populated by unfamiliar Fera. Tensions soon erupt into open conflict where
the Changing Breeds unite against the Garou. While Banes fuel the
conquistadores’ greed, Shadow Lords mistake local Camazotz for
Wyrmspawn associated to their vampiric enemies and exterminate them,
causing Bat’s downfall to the Wyrm.
 Reference: Shattered Dreams.
 European Garou land in northern America. Relationship with the Three
Brother tribes immediately prove to be difficult. European Garou feel
entitled to expand, taking over both caern and resources from Native
werewolves, who notice the corruption carried across the Atlantic by
colonizing Wyrmcomers. As settlers drive natives away from their land,
skirmishes between European and Native Garou become frequent.
Different ideas on how to deal with the invasion of their territory widens
the contrasts among the Three Brothers.
 Reference: Tribebook: Uktena, Tribebook: Wendigo, Croatan Song.
 The War of Tears. The Garou arrive in Australia and encounter the
Bunyip. The weremarsupials appear bizarre to European Garou, who
consider the tribe to be an aloof Changing Breed not worthy of the role of
defenders of land. On their part, the Bunyip discover the Garou’s presence
triggers a painful flesh-warping reaction which, combined with their
devotion to their duties, means Bunyip prefers to keep their distance. Black
Spiral Dancer deceive European werewolves, setting up the Bunyip as
murderers and pretending to work along them. The Garou, blinded by their
own hubris and prejudices, fall for the ruse and slaughter the Bunyip.
Werewolves realize the immensity of their crime only when their genocidal
campaign ends.
 Reference: Scattered Dreams, Rage Across Australia.
 The Eater-of-Souls, one of the heads of the Triatic Wyrm, manifests
under the town of Roanoke. The Croatan manage to seal the monster and
save the world, but the victory claims the whole tribe’s lives. With the
Croatan gone, European Garou take over their land uncontested, while
tensions between Uktena and Wendigo grow stronger.
 Reference: Croatan Song, Tribebook: Uktena, Tribebook: Wendigo.
 The Enlightened Society of the Weeping Moon, a Wyrm cult born in
France, expands in northern America and prospers under the guidance of
its leader Lloyd Fairweather.
 Reference: W20 Wyld West Expansion Pack, Frontier Secrets.
 The Industrial Revolution marks a crucial moment in the Weaver’s
ascent to power in the modern world. While the Spinner chokes the world
with her webs, empowered by technological progress, the Wyrm feeds on
the greed, misery, and pollution caused by the new industries.
 Reference: W20 Book of the Wyrm, Book of the Weaver.
 Tetrasomians in North America associate themselves with spirits born
out of steam and locomotives. They become the Iron Riders, a branch of
their tribe which soon gains more influence as railways spread progress
and modernity throughout the world.
 Reference: W20 Wyld West Expansion Pack, Tribebook: Glass
 Its prison weakened by the Croatan’s death and the conflicts between
European and Native Garou, the Storm Eater breaks free. The entity’s a
horror of unprecedented power, a Bane able to absorb both Wyld and
Weaver’s energies. As it grows in power, its presence shatters the Umbra
and spreads chaos all over North America.
 Reference: W20 Wyld West Expansion Pack, The Wild West
 The great Bane Stannum awakens in London, leading an army of foul
industrial spirits. The last branches of the Tetrasomians unite to slay the
demon, but few survive and their methods dies with them.
 Reference: Tribebook: Glass Walkers.
 Thirteen Garou elders sacrifice themselves to enact the Rite of Still
Skies. The rite works, stripping the Storm Eater of its power and binding
the mighty Bane into the depths of the earth. Lloyd Fairweather dies in a
weird industrial accident. The Society of the Weeping Moon’s power
 Reference: W20 Wyld West Expansion Pack.
 Jeremiah Lasseter, head of Premium Oil, find himself trapped in a
tunnel inhabited by a powerful Bane. The man surrenders his soul to the
Wyrm to save his life, swearing to dedicate all his resources to further his
master’s agenda.
 Reference: Book of the Wyrm Second Edition, Subsidiaries: A Guide
to Pentex.
 New doctrines focused on the nascent modern metropolis and
scientifical advancements gain traction within the Iron Riders. Their
paradigm shift culminates with the discovery of the spirits known as City
Fathers and leads the tribe to rename itself as Glass Walkers.
 Reference: Tribebook: Glass Walkers.

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