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68306/VCII/2010/S2 Office of the Director of Public Health

and Preventive Medicine, Chennai-6.

Dated: 12. 11.2010.

Sub: Public Health and Preventive Medicine – Contingency Plan

for Chikungunya and Vector Borne Diseases- Prevention
and Control activities for the year 2010-11 – Meeting-
communication –regarding.

Ref: G.O. Ms. No.321 H&FW Dept, (P1), dt:11.11.2010.


In the Government Orders cited, Government have sanctioned funds for

the implementation of contingency plan for the prevention and control of
Chikungunya and other Vector Borne Diseases during the year 2010-11. In this
regard a meeting will be held for DEs, DMOs and SEs, ZETs on 16.11.2010.

Hence all the Deputy Director of Health Services is requested to depute

the DE/DMO to attend the preparatory meeting for the contingency plan on the
prevention and control of Chikungunya and other Vector Borne Diseases during
the year 2010-11 along with the particulars as detailed in the Annexure at 9.30
am on 16.11.2010 at the Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Egmore,
Chennai-8 positively.
Encl.:3 --Sd--DR.G.K.DURAIRAJ
for Director of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine, Chennai-6.
All the Deputy Director of Health Services
All the Senior Entomologists, Zonal Entomological Teams.(with a request to
attend the meeting along with the district wise Aedes larval density.)

Copy to:
The Principal, Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Egmore, Chennai-8.
(with a request to make necessary arrangements for the meeting.)

1. General Information (Block, PHC, HSC, Villages etc.)

2. Fever cases as per EDSIS.(Comparative data – Monthwise, PHC wise for

2009 & 2010)

3. Situation of Dengue / Chikungunya (PHC wise for 2009 & 2010)

4. Private Hospital wise diagnostic facility available for Dengue (ELISA /

Rapid Diagnostic Method – Card Method / NS1 Antigen)

5. Specific / Innovative work carried out for mosquito control.

6. Diary of DMO/DE/SE as per proforma for 2010.

7. IEC activity carriedout on Dengue / Chikungunya control.

Abstract of Diary for the month of ………………..

1. No.of working days:

2. No.of days spent on camp:

3. No.of PHCs visited:

4. No.of Lab. Visited:

5. No.of Positive cases detected in district:

6. No.of Positive cases verified:

7. No.of BS verified in the field:

8. No.of days spent to investigate the other VBD cases:

9. No.of days spent for outbreak investigation:

10. No.of meetings attended:

District Level:
PHC Level:

11. No.of Days on CL:

Tour Diary:

Odo Return Purpose
Date & Vehicle No. KMS Starting Places
meter arrival & Brief
Day mode of traveled time visited
needing time notes
Proforma – I

Expenditure Statement on Funds allotted for Chikungunya during 2009

No.of No.
Sl. Allotted Spent Surrendered man
Details mazdoors mazdoors
No. (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) days
allotted appointed


Proforma – II

Spent No.of
Sl. Allotted Spent Surrender days
Details Pyre/Ma
No. (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Petrol Diesel Fogging


Proforma – III

Sl. Allotted Spent Surrender No.of vehicles

No. (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) used


Stock position of Anti malarials, Insecticide & various types of fogging machines.

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