Panduan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran PDP KSSR Semakan 2017 Matematik Tahun 6 Versi Bahasa Inggeris

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Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah



Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum

Cetakan Pertama Oktober 2020
© Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

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artikel, ilustrasi dan isi kandungan buku ini dalam apa juga bentuk dan dengan cara
apa jua sama ada secara elektronik, fotokopi, mekanik, rakaman atau cara lain
sebelum mendapat kebenaran bertulis daripada Pengarah, Bahagian Pembangunan
Kurikulum, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Aras 4-8, Blok E9, Parcel E, Kompleks
Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62604 Putrajaya.

The Mathematics Standard-Based Curriculum for Primary School Kurikulum Standard

Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) upholds the distinguished and noble aspiration in line with the spirit
of the National Philosophy of Education and the National Education Policy which aims to
produce balanced students to develop holistically from the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and
physical aspects and to prepare them to face globalisation and economical era based on
knowledge in the 21st century.

Mathematics at the primary school level is a basic subject which emphasizes the mastery of
mathematical language, understanding of concepts and the mastery of skills in calculation,
reasoning and problem solving and the instillation of moral values. Creativity elements,
entrepreneurship and information and communication technology must be instilled through the
appropriate contexts for each learning standard.

In the effort to guide and trigger ideas, this teaching and learning module is prepared to help
teachers realise the demands and aspirations of KSSR (Revised 2017) through mathematics
education. The effectiveness of the implementation of KSSR requires teachers to appreciate
the needs and spirit of mathematical education as is made explicit in the KSSR (Revised 2017)
mathematic document and translated in this module. It is hoped that the module can help
teachers carry out the mathematic curriculum as aspired and help students to be more
competitive, mould balanced human capital dan can contribute to the harmony and peace of
the country.

This module contains information related to the list in the learning standard which must be
taught and suggested activities and exercises. This module can be used to trigger ideas. As
such, teachers can also adopt and adapt and develop more activities and exercises which are

In the preparation of the Year 6 Teaching and Learning Module, many parties are also
involved. To the expert contributors, the Ministry of Education expresses the highest
appreciation and thanks for the time and effort injected.

This module is a guide which can be used by teachers in the school level. It is an example
which can be used in the classroom. It can be adapted based on the learning environment of
the students. This module is developed based on the four creative phases which are the basis
for the teaching and learning in the classroom.

Is a sample of teaching, teachers can adapt based on the situation and additional activities if
deemed necessary to achieve the learning standard.

Apart from some suggested activities for each learning standard keys as showed below, it is
a reference for teachers to implement the teaching and learning activities in the classroom as

Suggested exercises or written tasks that can be done.

Numbers and Operations Whole Numbers and Basic Operations: Year 6

Topic Whole Numbers and Basic Operations

60 minutes
Standard content 1.2 Basic operation and mixed operation

Learning Standards 1.2.1 Solve mathematical sentences involving whole numbers,

fractions of millions and decimals of millions for basic
operations and mixed operations without and with bracket
including the use of unknown.

Activity 1:
a. The teacher displays the arrangement of shelves of reading materials available in a

Reference book 1 000 000

Fiction Non-fiction


Storybook Storybook
0.2 0.2
million million

The teacher questions and answers based on the diagram.

Activity 2:
a. Give a problem situation..

As many as 1/4 million of the reference books are science reference books. The
number of mathematics reference books is 25 000 less than science reference books.
Calculate the total number of science and mathematics reference books.
State the answer in decimal of millions.

b. Build mathematical sentences.

1 1
𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛 + ( 4 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛 − 25 000 ) =

c. Guide students to resolve the situation.

d. Guide students to convert fractions of millions and decimal of millions.

Numbers and Operations Whole Numbers and Basic Operations: Year 6

Activity 3.
a. Prepare several envelopes containing different questions.

Schools in a district have organized a Recycling campaign. The number of

isotonic drink cans collected by the students is 0.107 million. The number of
bottles of mineral water is 65 thousand bottles.
Calculate the difference between isotonic drink cans and mineral water bottles.

A factory produces 0.35 million orange flavoured sweets. The number of

lychee-flavoured candies is 2 times the number of orange-flavoured candies.
The number of chocolate-flavoured sweets is 200 000. Calculate the amount of
candy produced. State the answer in fractions of a million.

A number of beads were distributed to 10 supermarkets. Each supermarket

receives 0.2 million beads. Calculate the original number of the beads.

A total of 625 000 visitors have visited a water theme park. of the visitors are
adults. What is the number of child visitors?

A total of RM375 000 was donated to a Child Care Centre. After the repair work
is done, the remaining money is million.
How much money has been spent on the overhaul?
State the answer in decimal of millions.

b. Each group chooses only one envelope and solves the given situation.

c. Presentation of group work in a ‘gallery walk’.

Activity 4:
a. Pupils do written exercises on Worksheet 1.

b. Discuss student work.

Based on the student's ability to answer the questions in the worksheet given. Pupils need to
make corrections for wrong questions.

Values and Attitudes

Apply the cooperation in each group.

Numbers and Operations Whole Numbers and Basic Operations: Year 6

Worksheet 1

Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Solve it.

a) In a state there are 14 million Malay population, 0.04 million China population and
200,000 Indian population.
Calculate the total population if 15 000 of them have moved.

b) A factory produced 18 million pencils in January and 125 000 pencils in February.
All the pencils are evenly distributed to 5 supermarkets.
Calculate the number of pencils received by each supermarket.

c) A total of 1.392 million pineapple cans are exported to Thailand, Brunei,

Singapore, Vietnam and the Philippines. The number of pineapple cans exported
to Thailand, Brunei and Singapore is million each. The number of pineapple
cans received by Vietnam is more than the Philippines.
State the number of pineapple cans that Vietnam and the Philippines may

Numbers and Operations Whole Numbers and Basic Operations: Year 6

Topic Whole Numbers and Basic Operations

60 minutes
1.3 Prime Number and Composition Number
Standard content

1.3.1 Classify numbers within 100 to prime numbers

Learning Standards
and composition numbers.

Activity 1:
a. Question and answer sessions on students' existing knowledge of prime numbers.

b. Several students were asked to appear before the class.

(Example: 5 pupils).

c. Students are asked to line up in pairs. They will find the number of pairs in the third row
is insufficient.
d. The teacher asks for a response from the student on how to complete the third line.
e. Teacher introduces composition number (example: number 6)
f. The teacher guides the students to identify and classify the composition number.

Activity 2:
a. Pupils are divided into small groups.

b. Each group moves according to a different station.

c. Each group has to perform a task at each station.

Material: 6 cubes Material: 12 cubes
Assignment: Assignment:
1. Arrange the cubes in several rows. 1. Arrange the cubes in several rows.
2. Record the number of cubes for each row. 2. Record the number of cubes for each row.

Is number 6 composition numbers? Is number 12 composition numbers?

Yes / No Yes / No
State the reason State the reason
________________________ ________________________

Numbers and Operations Whole Numbers and Basic Operations: Year 6

Material: 13 cubes Material: 7 cubes
Assignment: Assignment:
1. Arrange the cubes in several rows. 1. Arrange the cubes in several rows.
2. Record the number of cubes for each row. 2. Record the number of cubes for each row.

Is number 13 composition numbers? Is number 7 composition numbers?

Yes / No Yes / No
State the reason State the reason
________________________ ________________________

d. Discuss the work of the group.

e. Pupils make a comparison between prime numbers and composition numbers.

Activity 3:
a. Paired activities.
b. Pupils are required to build 100 squares.
c. Pupils are asked to color
i) prime number with green.
ii) composition number in red.
iii) numbers that are not prime numbers and composition numbers in blue.
d. Decorate the work and make it as a decoration in the classroom.

Based on the pupil's ability to answer the questions in the worksheet given. Pupils need to
make corrections for wrong questions.

Values and Attitudes:

Collaborate and tolerate

Numbers and Operations Whole Numbers and Basic Operations: Year 6

Worksheet 2

Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Tick (√) the composition number.

1. 7 2. 21 3. 33

9 27 13

15 11 36

4. 17 5. 53 6. 99

49 59 100

55 65 18

7. 71 8. 73 9. 6

81 97 19

77 28 45

10. 72 11. 41 12. 8

85 11 24

15 58 37

Numbers and Operations Whole Numbers and Basic Operations: Year 6

Worksheet 3

Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Complete the mathematics sentence below with the composition


a. 10 = + b. 16 = +

c. 54 = + d. 38 = +

e. 55 = - f. 75 = -

g. 46 = + h. 44 = +

i. 62 = - j. 87 = -

Numbers and Operations Whole Numbers and Basic Operations: Year 6

Number and Operation Money: Year 6

Topic Money

Content Standard 3.2 Insurance and Takaful 60 minutes

Learning Standard 3.2.1 To know Insurance and takaful

3.2.2 To explain the purpose and importance of
insurance and takaful coverage

Activity 1:
a. Pupils act out the situation between mother and child based on the dialogue given by
the teacher. The dialog is as follows:

Child : Mother, I want to go to a friend's house for a while.

Mother : Oh, are you leaving? Be careful while riding a motorcycle. Do not ride
fast and do not forget to wear a helmet.
Child : No worries, mom. It’s just around the corner. No need to wear a
Mother : Don't be like that Adam. We have to take care of our own safety. Our
head need to be protected. Love your head. Remember before it is too
late because ‘unexpected always happen’.
The child continued to leave without listening to his mother's advice.
Half an hour later, an accident occurred and Adam injured his head.
Police Officer : Is this Adam bin Harith's house?
Mother : Yes sir. What's up sir?
Police Officer : I hope you can be patient. Your son, Adam bin Harith has just been
involved in a road accident and it is expected his head was injured.
Mother : Oh my god. I had reminded you to wear a helmet earlier. (crying).
Police Officer : You can go straight to the hospital now. After that, you need to make
a police report to get insurance services and so on.

b. The teacher gives a conclusion about the above situation.

Everyone needs to take life insurance, family takaful or whatever insurance for the good
of themselves and their families.

c. Teacher explains the importance of insurance coverage and takaful.

i. Everyone is at risk
ii. Unexpected always happen
iii. Protect property or objects
iv. Protect the investment
v. Inheriting non-debt property

Number and Operation Money: Year 6

Insurance is the transfer of risk from an individual, or an organization like your company to an
insurance company. You or your company will be known as the policyholder. The insurance
company will receive payment from you in the form of premium and if you suffer any loss or
damage, the insurance company will pay you compensation.
Insurance is divided into two:
i. Life insurance
ii. General Insurance

Takaful is a protection plan based on syariah principles. By contributing a certain amount of
money into a takaful fund in the form of a participation contribution (tabarru’), you are bound
by a contract (akad) to enable you to become a participant by agreeing to help each other, if
one of the participants suffers a set loss.
The protection plan is based on syariah principles. It only consists of General Takaful and
Family Takaful.

Activity 2: Comparison between Takaful and Insurance

a. The teacher explains the comparison of the two in details.
b. Pupils are guided by the teacher to make conclusions:
i. Insurance and Takaful have the same basic principles
Example - The policyholder (you) must have a legitimate interest in the insured goods.
c. Teacher explains the types of insurance

Comparison Between Takaful and Insurance

Takaful Insurance
• Subject to the Takaful Act 1984 • Subject to the Insurance Act 1963
• Participants pay contributions based • Policyholders are charged a premium
on the concept of tabarru' on coverage
• The company is a Risk Operator • The company is the Risk Insurer
• Takaful Participation is a contract • The purchase of insurance is a
between the Participant and the contract between the Insurer and the
Takaful Operator policyholder
• The Syariah Supervisory Council is • No Syariah Supervisory Council
responsible for ensuring that all
transactions of the company are
guided by Islamic Syariah
• There are no elements of riba, • There are elements of maisir, riba
maisir and gharar and gharar

Number and Operation Money: Year 6

Activity 3:
a. The teacher gives an explanation based on the mind map below.


Medical and
General Insurance Fire
Policy Products Policy


Medical and
health Lifetime
policy Policy

Investment- Life Insurance Endowments

related Products Policy

Term Annuity
Policy Policy

Number and Operation Money: Year 6

Family Investment-
Plan related

Main Family Child

Annuity Takaful Products

Medical and

Fire / Motor
Household Plan

Takaful General


Number and Operation Money: Year 6

Activity 4:
a. Pupils are distributed worksheets to be completed.

Insurance and Takaful

Year 6
Name: Class:
State the insurance policy based on the picture given.


Number and Operation Money: Year 6

State the takaful plan based on the picture given.



Number and Operation Money: Year 6

Activity 5:
a. As the final lesson session, students are divided into group of 4.
b. Teacher distributes the flash card to each group.
c. Each group needs to complete a mind map according to the types of insurance and
takaful provided.
d. Discussion of group work.

Pupils are able to complete the worksheet.

Values and attitudes:

Maintain safety and take responsibility for yourself and your family.

References source:
Glossary of Bank Negara Malaysia

Number and Operation Money: Year 6

Measurements and Geometry Measurements: Year 6

Topic Measurement

5.1 Problem Solving 60 minutes

Content Standard
5.1.1 Solve daily problems involving the relationship
Learning Standard between length, mass, and volume of liquid.
(i) Length and mass.
(ii) Length and volume of liquid
(iii) Mass and volume of liquid

Activity 1:
a. Pupils are displayed on the sheet " Mathematics Fun Learning”: Cross Puzzle" in front of
the class.

Refer to the attachment 1

b. Pupils respond to the questions displayed.

Activity 2:
a. Give a problem situation.
A car needs 35 litres of fuel to travel 140 km. What is the travel distance for each
5 litres of oil?

b. Discuss.

c. Give other problems to the pupils.

Rina cooks 25 g of jelly powder by adding 1.5 litres of water. She wants to cook
another 30 g of jelly powder. How much volume in litre of water is needed again?

d. In pairs, pupils solve the problem given.

e. Discuss

Activity 3:
a. Prepare several envelopes containing different questions.
b. Divide pupils into groups.
c. Each group will be given three envelopes.

Measurements and Geometry Measurements: Year 6


The first envelope.

1 litre of water can fill an 80 cm container with a height of 6 cm. If there is a 40
cm container with the same height, how much water can fill the container?

Second envelope

A cake measuring 6 cm long, 4 cm wide and 2 cm high, has a mass of 0.5 kg.
The cake is divided into 4 equally large portions. Calculate the mass, in gram (g),
of a piece of cake.

Third envelope

A cube has a surface with an area of 16 m2 that can hold 64 litres of water.
Calculate the length and height of the cube?

a. Pupils complete the questions in the envelope given and show the steps used on the
blank paper provided.

b. Representative of each group gives an explanation and the other members move to
another group to check the answers.

c. The group that has successfully answered all the questions correctly will be rewarded.

Activity 4:
a. Pupils do written exercises on Worksheet 1.
b. Discuss

Based on the pupil's ability to answer the questions in the worksheet given. Pupils need to
make corrections for the mistake one.

Values and Attitudes

Apply the nature of cooperation in each group.

Measurements and Geometry Measurements: Year 6

Wordsheet 1

Mathematics Fun Learning


e d f

c h

a) 1.5l + 19 1 l = ____ ml
b) 7800ml + 3 l =
c) 0.92kg + 3 kg = ____ g
4 d) 50km + 0.206m =
e) 1.25kg - ____kg = 1kg f) 8.8kg - ____ 0.3kg =
1 h) 1l - _____ = 6400ml
g) ____ - km = 1850m

Measurements and Geometry Measurements: Year 6

Wordsheet 2

Name : ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Solve it
a) A motorcycle uses 15 litres of petrol for a distance of
120 km. What is the distance if the motorcycle uses 10
litres of petrol at the same speed?

b) A van travels 250 km with a passenger capacity of 115

kg. If the passenger capacity increases to 175 kg, the
travel distance will be reduced as much as the original
distance. Calculate the distance travelled by the car.

c) A bottle of mineral water with a volume of 500 mℓ has a

height of 25 cm.
i) Calculate the height of 8 bottles of mineral

ii) Calculate the volume of 6 bottles of the same

mineral water.

d) 2 cans of condensed milk weighing 1 litre have a

height of 21 cm arranged vertically.
i) Calculate the height of 5 cans of milk that have
the same height.

ii) Calculate the mass of 1 can of milk.

e) Siti has 60 kg of rice. She sells 30% of the rice to Anis

and 20% of the rest of the rice to Mila.
Mila wants to prepare nasi lemak using the rice she
has bought; she has used litre of coconut milk to
cook 1 kg of rice. How much coconut milk is needed to
cook the nasi lemak?

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Topic Space

Content Standard 6.1 Angles 60 minutes

Learning Standard 6.1.1 Draw a polygon shape up to eight sides on
a rectangular grid, an equilateral triangular
grid or computer software and measure the
interior angles formed.
Activity 1:
a. Pupils are given a picture display of Pentagon buildings in the United States. Strengthen
pupils' understanding by asking about other shapes around them.

a. Show the diagram of the polygon shapes below.

b. Paste some polygon name of word cards in front of the class. Pupils say the names of
the polygons.

Pentagon Hexasagon Triangle

Heptagon Octagon Rectangle

Activity 2:
a. Divide pupils into several groups and carry out the ‘Mix-N-Match’ activity. Pupils match
the shapes of the drawn polygons with the word cards of the polygon names which are
pasted in front of the class.

Triangle Pentagon Hexagon

Rectangle Heptagon Octagon

b. Discuss the answers given by the students based on the matching polygonal shapes.

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Activity 3:
a. Ask pupils to draw the shape of a three-sided to eight-sided polygon freely on the board
and discuss.

b. Pupils are given a grid of squares and equilateral triangles as in the example below and
asked to draw the shapes.

squares paper

equilateral triangles paper.

Refer to the attachment of squares paper and equilateral triangles paper.
c. Pupils are guided using the computer software
Geometric Geogebra to form polygon up to eight sided.

d. Discuss the drawn shapes and ask pupils to state the angles in the shapes that pupils
have drawn before.

e. Ask pupils to measure the interior angle formed in each polygon drawn.

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Show how to use protractor.

To measure an angle, the protractor center must overlap with the corner in the shape.

Activity 4:
a. Pupils do a written exercise in Worksheet 1 measuring the interior angle formed for
each given polygon using a protractor.
b. Discuss pupils’ findings.

Based on pupils’ abilities to answer the questions in the worksheet given.

Attitudes and Values

Cooperation, helpful, listen to teacher’s instruction.

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Attachment 1

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Attachment 2

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Worksheet 1

Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Use a protractor to measure the given angle.


Angle A = ______



Angle B = ______



Angle C = ______

Angle D = ______


Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6


Angle E = ______



Angle F = ______

Angle G = ______



Angle H = ______


Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Topic Space

Content Standard 6..1 Angle 60 minutes

LearningStandard 6.1.2 Form an angle based on a given value..

Activity 1: Forming 90º angle

a. Pupils make a straight line and mark A and B at the particular line.

b. Adjust the protractor to the center which is at point A and the baseline overlaps with line


c. Mark the 90 ° scale on the outer scale with a dot, label it as C .



d. Join the point between point C and point A . Draw a line.




Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Activity 2: Group Activity

a. Pupils are divided into several groups. Each group will take 2 questions that have
angular values in the 2 containers provided.

Tapered Sudut
angle Cakah

b. The group representative will take an A4 paper and form an angle according to the given
angle value.


45° 135°

70° 150°

c. Pupils solve the questions in the selected container and form an angle based on the
value of the angle shown .

d. The winner group that answers all the questions correctly will be rewarded.

e. Reinforcement activities are conducted such as ‘1 Stay 3 Stray’, each group member will
go to other groups to get information. The rest of group members will present to the other
group members.

Activity 3:
a. Pupils will complete the activities in Worksheet 21.

b. Discuss pupils’ work

Based on the pupil's ability to answer the questions in the worksheet given, pupils need to
make corrections for mistakes one.

Value and Attitude

Cooperation is applied in each group.

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Worksheet 2
Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Form an angle based on a given value.

1) 45° 6) 30°

2) 60° 7) 140°

3) 8)
120° 15°

4) 90° 9)

5) 170° 10) 75°

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Topic Space

Content Standard 6.2 Circle 60 minutes

Learning Standard 6.2.1 To know the center of a circle, diameter

and radius.

Activity 1:
a. Display the circle objects to the pupils that they have seen before.

b. Pupils respond to the similarities between the objects displayed and relate them to the
current topic.

Activity 2:
a. Pupils are shown a clock face, a weighing scale and a picture of archery board.

b. Get response from thepupils.

i) Where is the clockwise centered?

ii) Where is the needle of the scales centered?

iii) Where is the most accurate target of the arrow to get the highest score?

c. Discuss it and introduce the center of the circle.

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Activity 3:


a. Pupils are divided into several groups.

i) Each group is given two skipping ropes.

ii) Two representatives from each group wil come out to the front.
iii) Pupil A will be in the middle and Pupil B will move around Pupil A while holding the
iv) Teacher asks pupils what the name of the line is between Pupil A and Pupil B.
Pupils answer randomly and teacher explains about the line which is called as
v) Next, Pupil C will also surround Pupil A together with Pupil B at the opposite
position. After that, pupils stop and teacher asks them about the line is between
Pupil A and Pupil B at the opposite position.Pupils answer randomly and teacher
explains that the line is called as ‘diameter.
vi) Discuss with pupils :

- The relationship between diameter dan radius.

- Objects that have diameter and radius.

Activity 4:
a. Pupils do a written exercise in the worksheet.
b. Discuss pupils’ work.

Based on the student's ability to answer the questions in the worksheet given, pupils need to
make corrections for mistakes one.

Value and Attitude

Cooperation is applied in each group.

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Worksheet 3

Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

1. Mark and label ‘O’ at the center of the circle.

1. 2.

2. Label the diameter and radius in the diagram below.

1. 2.


3. 4. A


Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Topic Space

6.2 Circle
Content Standard 60 minutes
6.2.2 Draw a circle based on the given radius and
Learning Standard label the center of the circle, radius and

Activity 1:
a. Display the circle-shaped objects as shown below.

b. Pupils respond to teacher questions related to center of circle, radius and diameter.

Activity 2:
a. Pupils will be asked to draw a circle based on different objects.
b. Pupils are provided with A4 paper and draw the circle in various ways.
c. Discuss the answers and methods used with the pupils.
d. The teacher emphasizes on the circle drawn that is not marked with the center of the
circle, it is difficult for pupils to determine the radius and diameter.There are several
ways for pupils to practise on how to draw a cicle such as:

i. tracing objects method that have a circular surface.

ii. sketching the cicle.

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Activity 3:
a. Each group will be provided with chalks and a rope of different lengths between 1
meter and 2 meters. Two pupils from each group will take turns carrying out activities.
Pupil A will be in the center while pupil B will be 1 meter based on the length of the
rope. Both pupils will hold and stretch the rope. Only pupil B moves around pupil A and
uses chalk to mark the line on the floor.
b. This activity is repeated with using a 2 meter rope.

c. Based on the activity, 2 different type of circles created. Teacher will pose questions
randomly on pupils on how 2 different type of circles created. The expected answers are
the longer the rope the bigger will be the circle.

Activity 4:
a. Each group is provided with a straight line AOB with 10cm and 16cm long, 20cm is the
center of circle at O.


c. In a group, pupils draw a circle which is asked.

d. All the pupil will presents their work.

e. Teacher guides pupils to draw using:

i. Thread/yarn, pencil and needles pin.

ii. Mark the center with the distance of 5cm, 8cm, and 10 using a pencil. Pupil then
trun around the paper.
iii. GeoGebra Geometry software to draw the circle.
iv. Mark some dots with equal distance from the midpoint and joints the dots to be a
v. Drawing Compass

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Activity 5:
a. Pupils will complete all activities in Worksheet 1 and Worksheet 2.
b. Discuss pupils answers.

Based on the pupilt's ability to answer the questions in the worksheet given, pupils need to
make corrections for all the mistakes done.

Attitudes and Values

Cooperation is applied in each group.

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Worksheet 4

Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Draw a circle based on the given AOB straight line. The point O is the center
point of the circle.




Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Worksheet 5

Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Draw some circles based on the given points. The point O is the center point of the

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

Topic Space

Content Standard 6.3 Problem Solving 60 minutes

Learning Standard 6.3.1 Solve daily routine problems involving space

5 cm

Diagram 1

a. Diagram 1, shows a circle with centre O-and of radius OP 5cm. By using a protractor,
mark angle of 60˚ from radius OP.

b. Diagram 2 is a circle with centre 0 and diameter is 10cm.


Diagram 2

What is the total distance of OT, OU and OV

c. Diagram 3 shows a right-angled triangle.

Diagram 3
What is the possibility value of x°

Measurements and Geometry Space: Year 6

d. State number of angles for the following shapes.

a) Square =___________________

b) Equilateral triangle =___________________

c) Rectangle = __________________

e. Diagram 4 shows a hexagon.

Diagram 4


a) Name the type of angle ᵡ˚ = _______________

b) Measure and state the value of angle ᵡ˚ = _______________

c. Diagram 5 shows several angles which form an obtuse angle and acute angle. PQR is
a straight line.


Diagram 5
State the number of
a) Obtuse angle = ___________________

b) Acute angle = ___________________

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

Topic Coordinates, Ratio and proportion

60 minutes
Content Standard 7.1 Coordinate in the first quarter

Learning Standard 7.1.1 Determine the horizontal and vertical distances between
two locations based on a given scale.

Activity 1:
a. Display three ribbons of various colors.
Pupils are shown with squares on the blackboard.
Some pupils are asked to place pictures / letters / dots in the box.
Other pupils are asked to state the position of the picture / letter.

b. Some points are marked on the coordinates displayed.

The dots are capitalized.


A B C 1 unit represents 5 km


c. Discuss the coordinates marked A, B, C, and D.

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

d. Can you specify the distance between the following points:

i. A and B
ii. B and D
iii. C and A

e. Pupils are asked to determine the horizontal distance and vertical distance between two

f. Pupils state the horizontal distance or vertical coordinates of the two points marked on
the board displayed.

Examples of pupils’ answers:

i) The distance between A (B, 2) and B (D, 2) is 2 horizontal units.

ii) The distances B (D, 2) and D (D, 4) are 2 vertical units

Activity 2: Simulation Method

a. Pupils use marked tiles (horizontal and vertical) in the library / in the classroom.
Three pupils stand at a certain point there.
b. Ask questions like the example below:
i. What is the coordinate position distance between Raju and Ahmad?
ii. What is the coordinate position distance between Ahmad and Boon?

Activity 3: Situation: In the library

a. Find the position of the coordinate (based on the horizontal and vertical distances)
between the books.
b. Ask questions like the example below:
i. What is the distance between the coordinates of an English fiction book and a
Science fiction?
ii. What is the distance between the coordinates of a Science fiction book and
iii. What is the distance between the coordinates of Mathematics fiction books and
Bahasa Melayu?
iv. State the distance between the English fiction shelf and the Mathematics bookcase
on Ayu's position from the point of origin.

Activity 4:
a. Pupils do written exercises in Worksheet 1.
b. Discuss pupils’ work.

Based on pupils ability to answer questions on worksheets and orally.

Values and Attitudes

Work together, helpful, be independent and work hard.

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

Wordsheet 1

Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Solve the following questions.


Aiman Haikal

Ah Ling

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Based on the position of four pupils on the Cartesian coordinate plane ;

i. State the coordinates for Aiman and Alia. ( 2 marks )

ii. Calculate the distance of Alia from Aiman through Haikal. (2 marks)

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

Wordsheet 2

Name: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Solve it.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Based on the above Cartesian coordinate plane;

i. Mark with P and Q for Rahimah's position at coordinates (2,8) and Kuriza at
coordinates (9, 0) (2 marks)

ii. Calculate the distance between Kuriza and Rahimah through coordinates
(2,0). (2 marks)

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

Worsheet 3

Name: ....................................................................... Class : ......................

Solve it.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Based on the position of 4 pupils on the Cartesian coordinate plane;

i. State the coordinates of Hakem and Nabil (2 marks)

ii. Calculate the distance of Raja from Hannah through Isqi. (2 marks)

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

Wordsheet 4

Name : ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Solve the following.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Based on the plane of the Cartesian coordinate;
i. Mark the position of Rahim at coordinates (8, 3) and the position of Suria at
coordinates (10, 0) (2 marks)

ii. Rahimi is in the origin. He wants to move seven squares to the right and 5
squares upwards, then he heads to 3 squares to the left. On the plane of the
Cartesian above, plot the final position of Rahimi. (2 marks)

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

Wordsheet 5

Nama: ....................................................................... Class: ......................

Solve the following.

I want to go to the recreation park which is at coordinates (7, 5)

from the point of origin.

I would like to go to the Post Office at the coordinate position (8, 0).

After that I will head to the hotel which is in position 2, 5 from the
original for me to rest.

Oh, my residence is only 4 units to the right of your hotel.

We'll see you there later.

Based on the above conversation plot all the positions that have been given by
the tourist on the given Cartesian coordinate plane.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

Topic Coordinates, Ratio and proportion

60 minutes
Content Standard 7.2 Ratio

Learning Standard 7.2.1 Represent the ratio of two quantities in the simplest form

Activity 1:

a. Display pictures of fruits in 2 baskets


Write the ratio 4:6

b. The teacher puts the apples in the prepared plate and converts 4: 6 into 2: 3

c. The teacher asks the question of the ratio of blue squares to green squares.

d. Pupils answer 4: 2

e. The teacher asks the pupils to arrange the squares according to the same columns
and rows and write the findings 3: 1

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

Aktiviti 2:
a. The teacher shows an example on a number card to two students.

25 : 45
b. Shows the calculation path to simplify the ratio.

Step 1
i. Using multiplication table

× 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81

ii. Circle the numbers 25 and 50 to find the numbers in the columns and rows 5 and 9,
therefore 25:45 is simplified to 5: 9
Step 2
25:45 using the division method

25÷5: 45÷5
5: 9
Activity 3:
a. Pupils do written exercises in Worksheet 1.

b. Discuss pupils’ work.

Based on pupils' ability to answer questions on worksheets and orally.

Values and Attitudes

Work together, helpful, be independent and work hard.

Relation and Algebra Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion: Year 6

Wordsheet 1

Name : ....................................................................... Class: ......................

a) 4: 6 b) 6:10

c) 12: 22 d) 20:10

e) 6: 8 f) 25:50

g) 15: 25 h) 26:50

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Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
Aras 4-8, Blok E9, Kompleks Kerajaan Parcel E
62604 Putrajaya
Tel: 03-8884 2000 Fax: 03-8888 9917

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