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Read the vocabulary and write the words that are new to you.

-Sense of humor.
-Keep up with.

*watch the full video (non-stop)

Then watch the video a second time (pause as many times as necessary).
Write down the question the boy asked the girls and answer the questions
with your personal information.

What’s your name?

-my name is Samuel.
So how’s your weekend been?
-Everthing has been fine.
How have you been?
-I’m ok
Would you spend three hours on the moom or three months in Europe?
-three months in Europe I really like Europe.
Where are you from?
-I’m from Dominican republic.
What are you interested in or trying to go towards?
-I need finish my university carrer.

You had a blog when you were 12?

-In reality I don’t have blog.

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