(Secretary, Contractor, Boss) First: Dipindai Dengan Camscanner

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Read the sentences below carefullyl

B. Choose the correct word in brackets to fill the blank space!

(physician, surgeon, dentist) is a person whose work is fitting new teeth.

2, If you want to meet or make an appointment with the manager you should talk to the
(secretary, contractor, boss) first
3. I am very tired and sleepy, therefore I should take a (food, nap, trip)
4. My father, a bus driver, is always accompanied by a (teacher, friend,
conductor) during his trips
5. Instead of using the stairs you can go upstairs by taking the (train, lift, machine)
6. Mary wit( take (mathematics, scientist, botanic) for this coming semester
7. I am going to go to the bookstore to buy some (shirts, furniture, stationery)
8. Do you want to drink beer? Here is a (mug, kettle, pot)
9. We used to have fork and (spoons, dishes, spaghetti) for our meal
10. (Psychology, Philosophy, Antology) is the search of knowledge especially the
nature and meaning of existence

Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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