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Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost PROCLAIMING

POSTLUDE God of Grace and God of Glory Douglas E. Wagner
PSALTER (responsively) Psalm 57: 1-3, 9-11 Mr. Beddingfield
September 26, 2021 Memorial Baptist Church Please remain seated until you are dismissed by an usher
Ten O’clock in the Morning Buies Creek, North Carolina Be merciful to me, O Lord, be merciful to me! For in you I take refuge; and exit quickly through the foyer doors to the courtyard.
In the shadow of your wings I take refuge, Offering plates are on the tables in the foyer as you leave.
till the storms of destruction pass me by. Thank you for your cooperation!
Who fathoms the Eternal Thought? Assured alone that life and death
Who talks of scheme and plan? God’s mercy underlies. I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.
The Lord is God! who needeth not God will send from heaven and save me;
The poor device of man. And if my heart and flesh are weak God will send forth his love and faithfulness!
To bear an untried pain, I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples;
Yet, in the maddening maze of things, The bruisèd reed God will not break, I will sing praises to you among the nations.
And tossed by storm and flood, But strengthen and sustain. For your steadfast love is as high as the heavens,
To one fixed trust my spirit clings: and your faithfulness extends to the clouds.
I know that God is good! And so beside the Silent Sea Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! The altar flowers are given to the glory of God
I wait the muffled oar; Let your glory be over all the earth.
and in memory of Katie Morgan
Not mine to look where cherubim No harm from God can come to me whose birthday was September 22nd
And seraphs may not see, On ocean or on shore. (she would have been 95 this year)
But nothing can be good in God † GOSPEL Luke 13: 1-5 Avery Browning, President by Mary Morgan, Margaret Morgan Holmes and Rupert Tart.
Which evil is in me. I know not where God’s islands lift Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship
Their fronded palms in air; Jesus answered them, “Do you think that those Galileans were
The wrong that pains my soul below I only know I cannot drift worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they
I dare not throne above; Beyond God’s love and care. suffered so? I tell you, No; but unless you repent,
I know not of God’s hate – I know you will all likewise perish.”
God’s goodness and God’s love. And Thou, O Lord! by whom are seen PRAYER FOR OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS:
Thy creatures as they be,
I know not what the future hath Forgive me if too close I lean SERMON The Will of God: When Things Go Wrong Mr. Beddingfield Members: Carolyn Walker, Ofelia Hoyle, David Price, Bob and Jeanne Barker,
Of marvel or surprise, My human heart on Thee! (Fifth in a series.) Linda Smith, Mary Lou Ellen, Pauline Calloway

~ from “The Eternal Goodness,” by John Greenleaf Whittier (ad.) Family and Friends: Robert Bradsher’s family (cousin of Gail Cogdill; died from
COVID), Daniel Barker (grandson of Bob and Jeanne Barker), Kay Hedgepeth, Casey
RESPONDING Adams (daughter of Donna Penny), Christopher Hoyle (son of Ofelia Hoyle), Carroll
GATHERING Marsalis (father of Melody Price), Roberta Blackwell (sister of Anne McClain)
TESTIMONY IN SONG I Quietly Turned to You R. Courtney/B. Red
Thank you for wearing a mask (the CDC and State health authorities from Celebrate Life!
recommend masks to be worn inside regardless of vaccination status). Arbor Landing at Ocean Isle (Shallotte): Pat Stiller
Masks and hand sanitizer are available from an usher if you need them.
Susan Morrow, vocalist
Pews are marked for social distancing guidelines, Oak Hill Assisted Living Center (Angier): Ester Howard and Frances McQuade
or if you prefer an usher can assist you with seating. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE and THE LORD’S PRAYER Mr. Beddingfield
In order to keep our prayer list current, we will place names on the list for one month. After one
month we will remove names from the list. If there is a need for a name to be on the list for a longer
DEDICATION OF THE PARAMENTS period, please notify us and we will be happy to comply.

GREETING Edward Beddingfield, Pastor INVITATION and REFLECTION Prayers of Comfort are extended to the family of Ofelia Hoyle in the death of her
Those wishing to respond to the invitation may meet the pastor cousin in the Philippines, Rogelio Medel, on Thursday, September 23rd.
INVOCATION Ad. fr. The Book of Common Prayer, Mr. Beddingfield at the front of the sanctuary during the Music for Reflection.
Proper 20 (the Sunday closest to Sept. 21)
As we gather together in worship, O Lord,
grant us not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love the heavenly; SENDING
and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, Deacons for September: Cherry DeVane and Derek Hogan
may we hold fast to those that endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY and OFFERTORY INVITATION
Deacons for October: Harriet Enzor and Earl Savage
PRELUDE Fantasy on WHEN MORNING GILDS THE SKIES Dan R. Edwards BENEDICTION Ad. fr. John Claypool Mr. Beddingfield
Anne McClain, organ Go now into God’s world as those who are called to be God’s people, Ushers Today: Nancy Brady, Bob Cisneros, Miles West, Barrett
remembering as you go that by God’s goodness you were born into this life, Kesling
PRAYER OF CONFESSION Meredith Lanier, Associate Pastor by God’s grace you have been kept to this very hour,
and by God’s love, fully revealed in Jesus Christ, you are being redeemed, Ushers for Oct. 3: Al Hardison, Randall Johnson, Susan Johnson,
now and forevermore. Amen. Linda Lunney
† HYMN OF GRATITUDE 54 Great is Thy Faithfulness FAITHFULNESS
_____________________________________ Kid’s Church Teacher Today: Charlotte Riewestahl & Gracie Jonas
stanzas 1 and 3 only
† The congregation is invited to stand.
TODAY, September 26th Financial Picture as of August 20, 2021
Friends Class - Sunday School: 8:45 a.m. (Zoom) » Total support $ 205,706
Sarah’s Open Door Class - Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. (Classroom/Zoom) » Total expenditures $ (221,304)
Indoor Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) » Expenditures exceed support $ (15,598)
MBC Kid’s Church: 10:00 a.m. (Fellowship Hall/Playground) » Undesignated giving below prior year, same date $ (18,592)
Youth Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. (Fellowship Hall) » Percentage decrease compared to prior year -8%
» Principal due on line of credit for church renovation $ 120,661
WEDNESDAY, September 29th
Children’s Choir: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Zoom)
Adult Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Zoom)
“The Whole Armor of God” series—Sandals of Peace: Ephesians 6:15
Chancel Choir Rehearsal: 7:30 p.m. (Sanctuary)

THURSDAY, September 30th

Flu Vaccinations at MBC (Sponsored by Harnett Co. Health Dept.): 10:00 a.m.

Ordinary Time Paraments by Kathy and Jac Whatley

OCTOBER: The new parament hanging on the front of the pulpit was designed in honor
2 Clothes Closet: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (Family Life Center) of Ed Beddingfield and resulted from his series of sermons on the Holy
Spirit. Drawn from an ancient Celtic design of three lobes representing the
3 Friends Class - Sunday School: 8:45 a.m. (Zoom) Creator, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, it is on a background of green for
Sarah’s Open Door Class - Sunday School: 9 a.m. (Classroom/Zoom) “Ordinary Time” in the church calendar. The design is completed by a
Indoor Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) golden circle, or crown, demonstrating eternity through Christ.
MBC Kid’s Church: 10:00 a.m. (Fellowship Hall/Playground) A new altar cloth is done in matching fabric with Celtic crosses on the ends,
Youth - Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. (Fellowship Hall) picking up on those in our church’s stained glass. The new paraments are
designed, sewn and given by Jac and Kathy Whatley in gratitude for Ed’s
6 Children’s Choir: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Zoom) ministry and that of Memorial Baptist Church.
Adult Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Zoom)
“The Whole Armor of God” series—Shield of Faith: Ephesians 6:16 ~ Jac and Kathy Whatley
Chancel Choir Rehearsal: 7:30 p.m. (Sanctuary)
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
CHURCH MINISTRIES September 26, 2021
We welcome members of the Campbell University chapter of the Cooperative  Clothes Closet: Saturday, October 2, 2021
Baptist Student Fellowship to our service today. Avery Browning, president of
the group, will read our Gospel selection, and several members have been  Buddy Backpack: collecting individuals cereal boxes
worshipping with us since we were meeting outside. CBSF members and any You may also make a donation to Memorial Baptist Church Memorial Baptist Church is an inviting, inclusive, Christ-centered community
other students are invited to stay after church for a lunch in the fellowship hall. and put ‘Buddy Backpack’ on the memo line. of faith open to all persons who want to walk with us in following the way
of Jesus. If you mourn and need comfort; if you’re weary and need rest;
Lunch will be fried chicken, baked rice, green beans, broccoli slaw, deviled eggs,  Harnett Food Pantry: collecting egg cartons and non-perishable foods if you feel friendless and need friendship; if you need a Savior; if you need
fresh fruit tray, bread, brownies, homemade ice cream, & pumpkin spice cake. You may also make a donation to Memorial Baptist Church love; if you need help; whoever you are and whatever your circumstances,
and put ‘Food Pantry’ on the memo line. we open the door and in the name of Jesus bid you come.

Fall Family Fun Night with Memorial Baptist Church

271 Leslie Campbell Avenue/P.O. Box 485
Drive-Thru Trunk or Treat Buies Creek, NC 27506 The Rev. Edward Beddingfield, Pastor
Meredith Lanier, Associate Pastor
Telephone: 910-893-4162 Fax: 910-893-2167
Sunday, October 31st Website:
Dr. Phillip and Susan Morrow, Ministers of Music
Anne McClain, Organist
5:00 p.m. email:
Mariamarta Conrad, Worship Assistant
Please contact Meredith Lanier More details to come… Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm Ashley Nelson, Administrative Assistant
if you would like to help! Other Staff: By Appointment Wayne Smith, Custodian

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