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Industry’s Action
on Climate Change
Biology : Group 1
Anissa Febrianti : 5005201043
Nilam Kinanti : 5005201034
Aulia Sunan : 5005201043
Firsty Putri : 5005201083
OUR TOPICSThe champaign
About climate change
What is climate Entertainment
change industry champaign

Causes of climate Why The Entertainment

change Industry?

Impact of climate

Climate change describe a change

in the average condition in a region
over a long period of time. For
example, 20.000 years ago, much
of the United States was covered in
glaciers. In United State today, we
have a warmer climate and fewers

What is

The cause
The main driver of climate
of climate
change is the greenhouse
effect. Some of the gases in
the Earth's atmosphere act like
glass in a greenhouse,
trapping the sun's heat and
stopping it from leaking back
into space and causing global

Only us can save it


● Volcanic Eruption
● Variation in Sunlight
● Greenhouse Effect
Human Activity that produce high
amount of greenhouse gasses
The impact
It’s undeniable that
climate change has a very of Climate
big impact on the earth.
climate change can affect
the environment, habitats,
and living species. To our environment
The impact of climate change on environment
● Ice is melting
worldwide contribute to
sea-level rise.
● Global sea levels are
rising 0.13 inches a
year, and the rise is
occuring at a faster rate
in recent years.
● Rising temperatures are
affecting wildlife and
their habitats.

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● Human and animals face

new challenges for survival
because of climate change.
● Climate change can affect
to more frequent and
intense drought, stroms,
heat waves.
● All of the impacts can
directly harm us and
animals, destroy places, and
wreak havoc on people’s
livelihoods and
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Impacted species and places


Impact of Climate
change on
population mental

global climate change and human
health by Luber & Lemery, 2015

Activities Our small actions can help
protect the environment from
being damaged. We should
take care of our planet as it’s
our home

Help to protect
Campaign by Entertainment Industry

Why Entertainment Industry

Our movement to #SaveEarth

What is
Is a part of tertiary sector of
the economy and includes
many of sub-industries
devoted to entertainment.
It’s applies to every aspect
of entertainment including
cinema, television, radio,
theatre, and music.
Entertainment industry
Divided into :

Celebrity / the Artist The Art

How The entertainment Industry
do Climate Change Campaign?
The Artist campaign it through :
Program (TV, reality show etc)
Social Media
Drama Conference
Movie Donation
Podcast Organization
Photo Fan’s Gift
Performance Celebrity Gift
Let’s Watch! Earth by lil dicky
A SONG Earth by Lil Dicky
It’s a song that involved 30
world class celebrities (including
Ariana Grande and even
Leonardo DiCaprio) to sing the
song. The song was written to
celebrate the 39th Earth Day in

This song itself also mention

some of crucial environmental
issue around the world.
Like pollution, exploitation,
animal living etc.
Weathering with you
Weathering With You reminds us that there is more to climate change than the
apocalyptic. Outside of hurricanes and raging wildfires, climate change will also drive
gradual shifts in weather that carry an underappreciated potential to deeply alter our
daily experiences. The director, Makoto Shinkai, crafted a story inspired by his
interest in climate change.“We’ve always known climate change is happening, but it
was always a faraway concept. But now, we can really feel it. Every summer, there’s
heavy rainfall [in Japan] and a lot of water-related disasters, but climate change
happened, and there’s nothing we can do about it,” Certainly, the film might still be
criticized from a climate perspective. Weathering With You offers neither a coherent
moral message nor solutions for today’s crisis. What Shinkai understands — and what
many writers and directors have failed to capture — is that global warming is not just
about monsoons, firestorms, and surging seas or pollution-loving supervillains. The
more subtle shifts in our everyday weather will alter the fabric of daily life itself,
driven partly by our own well-meaning desires. Weathering With You thus reminds
us that climate change will be accompanied by emotional change — a collective
reflection upon our role in ushering in a new era in the human experience.
Let’s Watch!K-Star4Climate

K-pop stars’ campaign sponsored by

The British Embassy in Korea and Media Hub

31 Members from 7 popular

K-Pop Star group joined hands in a
campaign to highlight the danger
and call for bolder action defining
challenge of the climate change
To mark 41st Earth day in 2021
The Campaign video videos are to be
released through the end of June. This campaign is expected
to inspire million of people
to act on climate change,
such as reducing carbon
footprint, using renewable
energy-based electricity, and
recycling waste, on the back
of immense popularity of
K-pop, which estimated
having about 100 million
CREDITS: This presentation template was
member of fans from 1.835
created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon K-pop fansclubs.
and infographics & images by Freepik.
Here is another one
Public figure can do :
Blackpink named goodwill
ambassador for UN Climate
Change Conference #COP26
in november 2021 after the
success of “Climate Action
In Your Area” video

CREDITS: This presentation template was

created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon
and infographics & images by Freepik.
Want to give
your idol a
Give them Everlasting &
Eco-friendly Fan’s gift
Mangrove Forest
Tree Planet’s
Project “Lindungi Both of them also
“Star Forest” Hutan”
can promote #SAVE
EARTH movement to
help reduce climate
Tree Planet’s project “Star Forest”
“As more and more fans from across the world are applying for participation, we expect
that the number of forests in local areas to solve pollution issues will increase.”

Fans give K-pop stars a forest, now expand to 40 forest worldwide

Fandom culture has evolved into a
charitable activity to create forests
in cities or developing countries

To participate in Tree Planet's Star

Forest project, by making an
application in the website
( and can
create forests named after
celebrities anywhere in the world.
Mangrove Forest Project “Lindungi Hutan”
Indonesian Fans donate 8.735
Mangrove for BTS Jimin’s Birthday

Collaborated with online

crowdfunding platform Lindungi
Hutan, which specializes in forest
and environment conservation, to
plant a mangrove forest in Bendono
Village, Central Java.

So, Why using

Entertainment Industry has a big impact to influence others
Both of the Art and Celebrity play a big role in advertising, so
campaign using entertainment industry is very reasonable

Let’s learn more!

Using Celebrity
Celebrity has 5 key-role in advertising

1. Celebrity effect
Can affect the audience
The support of celebrities to social causes may
affect the audiences’ perceptions and attitudes
towards the causes, make them more popular and
benefit the social-profitable/non-profitable
organizations’ goals. This is a pervasive practice to
create awareness, to motivate people to donate
induce fundraising and communicating with
audience in a persuasive manner.
1. Celebrity effect
Can affect the audience
There is a conceptual framework that links between
the five main elements of celebrity endorsement
(celebrity attractiveness, celebrity expertise, celebrity
trustworthiness, celebrity familiarity, and celebrity
cause-fit) to audience’s attitudes and their behavioral
intentions to donate to the firms. It’s provides crucial
directions to the marketing, which helps build positive
audience attitudes, that will lead to positive
behavioral intentions to donate or take actions.
Another factor is
Celebrities’ huge fans

Celebrity has a huge fans all around the

world. Every entertainment industry,
from k-pop until hollywood and anime,
has its own celebrity and market so it’s
very understandable when a
champaign uses celebrity to get more
audience’s attention.
The Art
Art is eternal and wide-spread
Art build strong culture
Representation from art can be powerful
Art can attract attention and controversy
Art can be a mindful way of communication in
particular context and audience
Art is an important visual communication

So, what can we

do to save our

Reusing and giving a new purpose to old materials
is one of the best ways to help the environment

Let’s learn more!


Activities Our small actions can help
protect the environment from
being damaged. Reduce the
usage of plastic and private
oil-based transportation can
help our beloved earth

Help to protect


Recycling is the process of

converting recyclable materials
into new ones and objects. It
helps to reduce the pollution
caused by waste


Protect Our

Don’t throw rubbish to the sea, let's take

care of the marine ecosystem

Protect Our
forest and
create it!!
new forest means hope of new life, let’s
save our forest for the better future!
Every small action counts.
Let’s protect the environment

CREDITS: This presentation template was

created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon
and infographics & images by Freepik.

Please keep this slide for attribution.

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